antifeminism cock blockade evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA MRA paradox precious bodily fluids sex

Baby denial is not just a baby river in Egypt

Screw you lady, no babies for you!

Hey, fellas! Do you hate feminists but also hate doing things? Our good friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog has an idea for you: strike at the heart of the feminazi matriarchy by “denying marriage and denying children to women.” This, PMAFT (for short) argues, will effectively transfer “the costs of misandry … back on to women.” And all you have to do is: nothing!

Apparently, feminist ladies have an insatiable need to marry and make babies with men who hate them. All you need to do to thwart this evil plan is to not have sex with them. But wait a minute, you say, don’t ladies make the babies themselves, in their bellies? Well, yes they do. But unfortunately for them they also need a little something from you as well. No, not  your money – that comes later. You know that white stuff that comes out of your penis when you masturbate? Ladies actually need that in order to make babies. And you control the supply! Cut them off! Embargo that shit.

Also, if you ever find yourself in a chapel with one of these ladies, and some religious looking dude starts asking you all sorts of questions, do not – I repeat, do not – answer any of them with the phrase “I do.” That’s how they get you.

The great thing about denying ladies your babies is that it also helps you to strike back at your parents – by denying them grandchildren! Ha HA! As PMAFT helpfully explains:

Our parents’ generation had one foot in the old system and one foot in the feminist system.  This meant that many of them have completely avoided the consequences of supporting feminism.  I see this with my own parents who don’t particularly think of themselves as “feminists” but have effectively supported feminism all the same.  They have experienced absolutely no consequences from their support of feminism.  This goes for both my mom and my dad.  …

Most of our parents want grandchildren so denying them grandchildren really forces the cost of misandry back on to them.  This is particularly effective when done by only children or by men who have only brothers.  Even for men who have sisters, this can still be effective if it prevents the “family name” from being passed on.

In your face! No babies for you!

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13 years ago

So Tony, you’re imagining that we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of these guys refusing to have sex with women?

What’s there to discuss? It’s all pros! They get to not deal with women, we get to not deal with them. Where’s the downside?

Robin Gold, Ph.D.
Robin Gold, Ph.D.
13 years ago

Davey, I believe you picked this topic because you yourself are infertile, impotent,
and supremely jealous of those who aren’t.

13 years ago

I’ve always wondered what’s the point of MGTOW, if they never actually GTOW. Rather than leading lives supposedly free of women, they hang around MGTOW message boards, spewing misogyny and carpet shit on feminist sites, keeping their lives firmly populated with the women they’ve supposedly sworn off. It complaining and carpet shitting a component of MGTOW, or is the movement just not that far along yet? Is there an estimated date when all of these guys will actually, honestly, GTOW?

They’re so not sticking the flounce and it’s apparently been a few years since the movement started. I’m starting to think that these MGTOW aren’t going anywhere and they never intended to.

13 years ago

Hey MGTOW Man, question for ya. According to Wikipedia, the current U.S. population is 312,286,000 people. How many MGTOWs would you say there are?

13 years ago

@Nova: I’m torn. Sometimes I think it’s just attention-getting – like the five-year-old who announces he’s running away, and stands on the porch shouting “I’M REALLY LEAVING THIS TIME!!!!” because his parents think it’s cute and ignore him. Sometimes I think that all they really need to do is talk about it. It’s like that guy at the party who’s been talking for ten goddamn years about the novel he’s going to write any day now; you know he’s never going to, but it’s important for him to maintain the illusion that he will. Any day now. You bet.

13 years ago

Calling men hateful, etc. is not constructive. Women think they don’t have to “give” anything anymore. Men will just screw them and then pay them child support for two decades. It is coming to a stop to a large extent. You don’t want to provide reliable committed companionship, cleaning, cooking, or really anything. You are just obligations not assets.

So you don’t think that if two people like each other they can get married, the woman has to serve the man as well (“cleaning, cooking…”) or it’s no deal? How unfortunate for you.

13 years ago

@Dracula: I do recall reading a post (think it was at the Spearwhatsis) about a MGTOW convention attracting…four people, which the organizer found very hopeful because the previous year’s attendance was him and one other guy.

13 years ago

@Mythago: I was king of thinking of the attention seeking 5 year old angle as well. I know a few people who have decided that relationships aren’t for them, for a number of reasons, and have “gone their own way,” so to speak. What they didn’t do was bitch and complain endlessly, to anyone that would listen, that they were doing so. They just did and it was cool.

There’s also the notion that these guys failed so misearably at being Nice Guys™ and have decided to try being the assholes that they believe women are attracted to. They believe that if they’re misogynist jerks, women will start chasing after them. As we all know, that’s just not going to happen.

Either way, they remind me of Lil Brudder from Homestar Runner, most of the time.

13 years ago

Either way, they remind me of Lil Brudder from Homestar Runner, most of the time.

They can make it on their own!

13 years ago

They’re gonna be a quarterback when they grow up.

13 years ago

They got a pocket fulla cash … wait, no. Probably not that.

They’re king of the dregs, anyway.

13 years ago

I wish that Cynthia Heimel’s hilarious essay about the grimdark future of MGOTW was online somewhere. (It wasn’t called that back then, of course, but still. “A supermodel on her knees, man. On her fuckin’ knees.”)

13 years ago

Hey MGTOW Man, question for ya. According to Wikipedia, the current U.S. population is 312,286,000 people. How many MGTOWs would you say there are?


I think a lot of the population growth is immigration. I think an awful lot of the babies were outside marriage. In many if not most instances, the guy didn’t consent to the babies.

These were cases in many instances of women having babies from an “oops.”

13 years ago

So you don’t think that if two people like each other they can get married, the woman has to serve the man as well (“cleaning, cooking…”) or it’s no deal? How unfortunate for you.


I think the woman needs to contribute. The women in most instances these days are like I don’t do this, I don’t do that, I don’t do this, etc. I don’t have to do anything.

Yes, women need to “serve” men just like men need to “serve” women. Absolutely.

There is no point in a relationship if both don’t “serve” each other.

Right now, many women demand “service” from men often in the form of money but also other things. Women have no problem expecting men to do things.

Yet, there is something wrong if the man expects something in return?

That kind of attitude is one of the prime reason men are saying “no.”

Don’t tell me the MGTOW is not a reality. It is a reality.

I am an example. I was divorced a decade ago. I have not remarried. In times past, I certainly would have probably relatively quickly.

Insult me, someone you don’t know, as unworthy of a woman or whatever, but you would be wrong. I could have many times but elected not to.

Just yesterday, I saw a woman at the mall. I could have had her several times. She made that very clear. I didn’t. She had a another guy with her and she introduced him as her finance. I suppose I was supposed to be jealous, but I wasn’t. I felt sorry for him. I gave him “congratulations” and he nervously responded “thanks.” They walked off.

No, the MGTOW is not 100% but it is real. Few things are 100%.

13 years ago

Don’t tell me the MGTOW is not a reality. It is a reality.


See, what you guys don’t get is that we think this is awesome. You’re hoping that women will be all “gasp, no, please don’t withhold your manly selves from us” and when that doesn’t happen you just repeat it, louder, on the theory that we couldn’t possibly have understood what you meant otherwise we’d fall to pieces.

I could have had her several times.

Right there at the mall? I’m pretty sure they frown on that behavior.

13 years ago

@ Nova – I’m a bit confused about this too. If a man wants to be free of women, why would he deliberately seek out opportunities to interact with women? Especially the specific group of women he dislikes most? I think MRAs are assholes, and PUAs give me the creeps. For this reason, I do not hang out on MRA or PUA sites. Here I am, GMOW, specifically going away from men who I think are awful. Why can’t these guys do that?

Unless of course it’s not really about wanting to be free of women at all, it’s an attempt to manipulate women into doing what they want.

(Not going to work, guys.)

13 years ago

If your partner doesn’t contribute in a mutually agreed upon way to home upkeep, that’s shitty. But I am pretty sure that people of all genders occasionally do that, and there’s no reason to be fifties gender roles about it. If dad cooks and mom brings home the health insurance, it’s still cool.

Also, anyone who wants to GTOW should feel free. Fewer creepy dudes for the rest of us.

13 years ago

MGTOW Man, how did the woman at the mall ‘make it very clear to’ you?

13 years ago

I’m already aware that immigration contributes to our population growth, and that’s not relevant. I’m talking numbers here. How many self-identified MGTOWs are there? What is their effect, in concrete, measurable terms, on birth rates?

13 years ago

“Just yesterday, I saw a woman at the mall. I could have had her several times. She made that very clear. I didn’t. She had a another guy with her and she introduced him as her finance.”

She did? Well, hey, since you guys think all women see men as walking wallets anyway, shouldn’t you be giving her extra points for honesty?

13 years ago

Insult me, someone you don’t know, as unworthy of a woman or whatever, but you would be wrong. I could have many times but elected not to.

Just yesterday, I saw a woman at the mall. I could have had her several times. She made that very clear. I didn’t. She had a another guy with her and she introduced him as her finance. I suppose I was supposed to be jealous, but I wasn’t. I felt sorry for him. I gave him “congratulations” and he nervously responded “thanks.” They walked off.

No, the MGTOW is not 100% but it is real. Few things are 100%.

Manboobz straw poll: Which actor do you imagine reading this in his most dramatic voice? I’m going with Christian Bale.

13 years ago

Jimmy Stewart.

13 years ago

Christopher Walken.

13 years ago

@Dracula: Hey, look, the movement’s just getting started. Now it’s pretty minimal, but JUST YOU WAIT. In the grimdark future of the feminazi state there is only war.