creepy reddit sex

Creepy Reddit Comment of the Day: Flower Girl Edition

Here you go. And it’s not even from r/mensrights! It’s from the pics subreddit. Reddit is creepy all over.

Once again, props to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this one.

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13 years ago

I’m pretty sure fat men are also omegas. But so are short men, ugly men, poor men, etc. none of whom can “control” their circumstances.

MRAL thinks that only fat women are omegas, and that any woman could be a beta, or even an alpha, if she just lost enough weight.

13 years ago

I wish there were a source we could appeal to to resolve this. Does anyone know of a blogger MRAL respects as an authority on the Greek System? It can’t be Roissy ’cause they disagree on almost everything.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“MRAL thinks that only fat women are omegas, and that any woman could be a beta, or even an alpha, if she just lost enough weight.”

Oh man, I remember MRAL going off about this a while ago. He was all enraged because “If she just worked out for an hour a day, she could be NORMAL!”

I was like, “Oh, honey, you think all you have to do to be normal is be *thin*?”

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Orion, I think MRAL is honestly making it up as he goes along.

13 years ago

MRAL probably doesn’t consider anyone an authority on anything because anyone who has the temerity to say anything that could be interpreted negatively about him is immediately discredited.

13 years ago

It must really burn when even fat chicks think you’re too nasty to date then, huh?

That would appear to be the root of his anger at them, yes.

MRAL, are you seriously whining because you acted like an asshole and people responded by telling you not to be an asshole? That’s pathetic. Either take responsibility for your asshole behavior or just stop being an asshole (which is really easy, I swear!).

13 years ago

MRAL thinks that only fat women are omegas, and that any woman could be a beta, or even an alpha, if she just lost enough weight.

He doesn’t really believe that. He has occasionally bitched about female celebrities he thinks are “ugly,” none of whom are overweight.

13 years ago

He doesn’t really believe that. He has occasionally bitched about female celebrities he thinks are “ugly,” none of whom are overweight.

You mean you can’t rearrange the bone structure of your face by losing weight? I’m shocked.


I’m not interested in dating fat people, and this is from someone with disadvantages. Alphas and betas sure as FUCK don’t want to date fat chicks.

I proved you would be happy to date a fat chick-you just refuse to admit it because you think it somehow “devalues” you.

13 years ago

…until several weeks later…

See, this is the part that got me. Several weeks? I lost 20 pounds in 6 months through exercising every day. I suppose a few months can translate into several weeks, but that makes me think that he’s talking about someone who doesn’t have a lot to lose, which definitely makes it sound controlling.

Don’t these guys realize that women are not, in fact, blank slates? Oh, wait, no, no they don’t. It makes me wonder what other realities of life they miss. Are these guys the same ones that travel 10 mph on the freeway when it drizzles, because HOLY SHIT WHAT’S COMING OUT OF THE SKY?

13 years ago

Are these guys the same ones that travel 10 mph on the freeway when it drizzles, because HOLY SHIT WHAT’S COMING OUT OF THE SKY?

No, those are Californians.

13 years ago

No, most of the rest of the world thinks like me. I’m not saying I hate fat women. But they’re ugly. And I’d say about 97% of the non-fat male population would agree.

Then that means there’s just a handful of guys out there driving the very active BBW erotica and porn market. And apparently they’ve all figured out how to fit 72 hours worth of waxing the dolphin into a single lunch-hour without dying of it.

13 years ago

It’s great when people are happy together, it’s not great being accused of being a fetishist or subtly snubbed by thinner people. Or worse, being accused of feederism. The Thin Man, indeed.

13 years ago

Reason #278539875830753 why I think MRALWombTurd is a Misogynist:

No, most of the rest of the world thinks like me. I’m not saying I hate fat women. But they’re ugly. And I’d say about 97% of the non-fat male population would agree.

“most of the rest of the world’ = “non-fat male population”

And anytime you have to disclaim by the following structure, “I’m not saying….BUT” yep that’s what you’re saying, turd.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“It’s great when people are happy together, it’s not great being accused of being a fetishist or subtly snubbed by thinner people. Or worse, being accused of feederism. The Thin Man, indeed.”

Um, feederism is a fetish/kink, not an accusation. It’s possible to practice it consensually! o.o

13 years ago

“most of the rest of the world’ = “non-fat male population”

I mean, I know there’s a growing gender imbalance in China, where coincidentally there are also a lot of men who are not fat, but I’m pretty sure that the percentage of the population there that’s female is not down to under 5%.

13 years ago

MRAL – why is it so important to you that everyone have the same preferences as you? Why can’t you just accept that sexual preferences are as individual as the people who have them?? It seriously makes no sense…and is also not supported by any evidence.

13 years ago

According to even the oft-criticized as being too standardized around men and grouping too many women as fat BMI standards say the fat male population outnumbers the fat female population in the US, so what about fat women and the fat men going after each other? (I assume fat genderqueer and other fat queer people do not figure into MRAL land)

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Women in the armed forces is a grotesque idea, but no stranger than any of the other lunacy that came out of the XX century. There may even be some merit to it somewhere, though I can’t see any.There is a way to find out, however…

I beliteve that I suggested elsewhere on manboobz. com that making an ALL FEMALE armed forces would highlight the effects of this idiocy best! All submarine crews, all fighter pilots, all infantry, all communication and medical specialists, all command personnel, and so on, all blessed with vaginas, wombs, and XX chromosomes! Engage them in combat with an enemy roughly equivalent to the USA in technology, manpower( okay, womanpower, sorry about that) , supply and logistical capability, and communications, and Let the Games Begin!

My guess is that the enemy will defeat our soldierettes, sailorettes, and marionettes (I don’t know a female term for she-marines) in short order, and the defeat will be indistinguishable from a massacre or a rout, but what do I know?I am only a civilian (and a “sexist” one at that). At least we will find out the answer to the question, are women an asset to modern armed forces or not?

If not, after the war, we can all return to normalcy, and our women, at least the ones who are not carted off to serve the victors, can go MARRY soldiers (or officers) if they want a taste of military life; they can go back to the kitchen, bedroom, and parlor where they belong, and the advocates of this idea will all have rotten egg on THEIR faces!

wishing everyone…
David K. Meller

13 years ago

DKM….. I think you’re in the wrong thread.

Also I’m extremely amused that you put sexist is scare quotes in the middle of that tirade.

13 years ago

I’m deeply amused by David’s Random capitalization For Emphasis. This seems to be a thing with MRAs. Perhaps there’s a manual somewhere?

“How to butcher standard English grammar and punctuation in order to demonstrate your passion for the cause – a user’s guide”

13 years ago

HA, he rage-typed into the wrong thread. LOL

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Oops! Sorry! My mistake.

That is why they put erasers on pencils. the point made was also made elsewhere, so it doesn’t really matter.

13 years ago

Close only counts in horseshoes, numbnuts.

13 years ago

And hand grenades!