creepy reddit sex

Creepy Reddit Comment of the Day: Flower Girl Edition

Here you go. And it’s not even from r/mensrights! It’s from the pics subreddit. Reddit is creepy all over.

Once again, props to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this one.

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Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

13 years ago

This is the kind of comment that makes a woman want to eat a million cheeseburgers.

13 years ago

So talking to chubby women about their weight is like farming in Minecraft. I guess this comment makes this guy a Creeper.

Hm. If I grind up some bones and throw them at women, will it instantaneously make them conform to my standards of beauty and want to have sex with me?

13 years ago

Wow. Up until the disclaimer, all I read into that was “I am a revolting fucking creep.” Congratulations for upping my level of suspicion.

Need to know
13 years ago

Wow. The delusion is strong in this one.

Ess Bee
Ess Bee
13 years ago

Well isn’t he just the frighteningly-delusional Henry Higgins to the slightly-chubby-decent-faced Eliza Doolittles the world over? The words of these pervs are often quite absurd.

13 years ago

Yep. The disclaimer at the end sealed the deal for me. Terrifying, and completely unaware of all the ways he is terrifying. Dude, I’m not just worried that you’re a serial killer, I’m worried you live anywhere in my vicinity, and I worry that I may one day have to encounter you and maybe talk to you.

13 years ago

It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

What the…

Well, at least there are apparently several people calling him out on this.
It’s just such a skeezy and weird comment to make.

13 years ago

Oh, another Nice Guy® who thinks that the appropriate thank you from a woman for doing something “nice” is sex. And the notion that women are just waiting around for him to notice them and improve them to his liking.

Boy, these Nice Guys® sure do get the raw end of the deal, if a woman doesn’t put out after his “helpful” suggestions to an overweight woman that she should just go to the gym.


13 years ago

If we ever do an illustrated dictionary of feminism, a picture of this post should be used for the word “objectification”.

13 years ago

Okay, I had those feelings of gratitude when the sunflowers I thought the local seed stealing rats… ahem, squirrels… had taken them actually grew. And then when they bloomed. But dude, those are flowers. I’m sure my dad felt the same when he took the wire off one of his bonsai and it looked just perfect.Those are not the kinds of feelings you should be having about changing a human being.

13 years ago

…an attractive blossoming of pedals….

So…she turns into a bike covered in flowers? How is this good?

13 years ago

Oh my gosh, the comments are hilarious, especially when the original poster shows up under a different name and starts defending his brilliant idea.

13 years ago

I’m sure his approach to the woman would totally smooth too. Because women just LOVE when some dude who doesn’t know them talks about how cute they’d look if they just dropped 10 lbs.

Doesn’t he realize that unless he’s super hot himself, if she goes for it and gets “hot,” she could probably do better than this guy? Then again, who would say yes to this?

13 years ago

This is the kind of comment that makes a woman want to eat a million cheeseburgers.


I had an acquaintance who believed I would be sooooooooooo beautiful if I just lost a indeterminate amount of weight. My reward for this weight loss would be sex with him. I answered by eating a million cheeseburgers.

13 years ago

Women’s value and worth is not based on how much you want to fuck them.

Also, one might want to rethink one’s life when one has to add a disclaimer that one is not a serial killer.

13 years ago

If you ever feel it would be appropriate to put that disclaimer at the end of a comment, for the love of god don’t post that comment

Quoth Ron White “The next time you have a thought…. Let it go”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

There seems to be a huge number of people who believe that fat people are desperately in need of someone to tell them that they’re fat, because right now they don’t know that they’re fat. But some day some hero will swoop in and the conversation will ensue:

“Hey, you’re fat.”
“I am? Holy shit! Thank you so much for pointing it out! I had no idea! What can I do about this?”
“Try going to the gym and eating less.”
“Seriously? That’s what I should do? Holy shit! Thank you so much for teaching me this little-known information! I’ll get right on it!”

Five days later, they’re skinny.

13 years ago

“Hey, you’re fat.”
“I am? Holy shit! Thank you so much for pointing it out! I had no idea! What can I do about this?”
“Try going to the gym and eating less.”
“Seriously? That’s what I should do? Holy shit! Thank you so much for teaching me this little-known information! I’ll get right on it!”

Five days later, they’re skinny.

A classic story with a happy ending. And so true to life.

13 years ago

When I was about 14, my mom told me that my dad said if I lost 10 pounds I would be “gorgeous.” 90% of the time my dad never said what my mom would claim he did … and then SHE would deny having said it at all … so … anyway, my point is that it made me feel horrible. And angry.

And 30 pounds later, yeah, I do look better. But I didn’t try to do it to please anyone. It just happened. Annnd … cue passive-aggressive comments from mom about how I have to gain weight (I don’t) because I’m too skinny (I’m not).

My point is … gals, be happy with yourselves. Other people will judge your body and be nasty no matter how you look. I got nasty comments at 145, at 105, at 120 … but as long as I’m happy with my body … fuck them all.

So the guy in the op can go fuck himself. Hard. With something covered in sandpaper.

13 years ago

More disturbing than, “The Human Centipede”.

Kyso K
Kyso K
13 years ago

I only have a sample set of me and all my ex-es to go by, but I’d say frequency and quality of sexytimes are inversely proportional to passive-aggressive nagging about the weight. There are ways to address the issue without simmering up a big batch of resentment, but that example was hardly it.

13 years ago

“Hey, you’re fat.”
“I am? Holy shit! Thank you so much for pointing it out! I had no idea! What can I do about this?”
“Try going to the gym and eating less.”
“Seriously? That’s what I should do? Holy shit! Thank you so much for teaching me this little-known information! I’ll get right on it!”

Five days later, they’re skinny.

Thank you. Exactly. Because it’s as if this guy thinks that fat chicks (wait… are we talking “fat” or “not a size 2”? I bet it’s the latter…) have never tried to lose weight, and don’t currently engage in exercise or other physical activity.

Well, in that way I guess he’s perfectly in line with mainstream discourse about fat people, then.

13 years ago

On the bright side, lots of people on Reddit are making fun of him. Maybe there’s hope for Reddit after all!

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