The last time we checked in on Justin, who blogs at The Truth Shall Set You Free, he was making some extremely creepy arguments about age of consent laws, which he feels are too harsh towards statutory rapists and not harsh enough on their victims. (Seriously.)
In his latest post, Justin recommends that readers check out a discussion on another website that he thinks his Men’s Rights buddies are handily winning. That in itself isn’t particularly notable. It’s the way he does it that caught my attention:
The comment section following the article is a laugh riot. If you like to watch intellectual child abuse, that is, as the men’s rights guys slap around the idiot feminists.
Yep, he’s comparing feminists to victims of child abuse, and Men’s Rightsers to the abusers. And declaring this “abuse” to be a regular “laugh riot.”
That’s a pretty, well, revealing way to put it, Justin. A bit more revealing than perhaps you meant it to be.
MRAs often resort to violent imagery when talking about debates they have with feminists, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen one compare his allies to child abusers, and mean that as e a compliment.
Meller: Even for you, that’s low. Take your bullshit somewhere else, please. I’m not feeding the rolls tonight.
I would be completely in favor of programs designed to encourage boys to be interested in nursing, child care, teaching or similarly female-dominated professions.
I wouldn’t say Meller’s whining like a little girl, since that’s an insult to little girls everywhere, but more rambling, like if a chia pet gained the ability to talk. To humor him: yes, if a woman (or man) has the mentality of a child (as in a developmental disability, the rest of your comment is ridiculous, and what on earth does menopause have to do with mental age?) then extra care should be taken to make sure they aren’t being taken advantage of sexually. Here we could get into a very complicated debate about the person’s freedoms and right to decide for themselves versus what their relatives/caretakers think is best for them, but I’m just going to say it depends a lot on a case by case basis.
Bitch please, even at my whiniest my little girl arguments were VASTLY more articulate and rational than Meller at his best. 😀 MRAs shouldn’t sleep with 10-year-olds not only because that’s rape, but also because 10-year-olds deserve to spend time with their intellectual equals.
Renegade pets that can twist into pretzels… OMG are we ferrets? Yay, so adorable! I call the giant ferret hammock, y’all.
I donate to charities specifically for animals sometimes, but only because I hate plants and minerals. I also donate to the homeless and hungry because I hate people in houses and who have food and shit. (Hating on other groups is the only reason that these charities exist, right?)
I guess donating to the United Negro College Fund would be racist in NWO-land
Or Save The Children–bunch of misadultists, if you ask me.
Seriously, adults have it rough! *sits back on her couch in her apartment, sips some wine*
Why does anyone give a fuck whether NWOslave is telling the truth about his work? Or about anything else? Life’s too short to spend it feeding all the attention-whores on the internet.
re Justin, it’s even creepier when you realize this is somebody who wants to narrow the category of “children” so he can have sex with younger people.
But, Bagelsan, aren’t you a woman? In Mellerland, women are never adults. XD
Or at least that he travels a lot…
If we donate to war refugees we fucking hate people whose homes are not currently warzones. Screw them and all their “peace”, what bullshit.
But, Bagelsan, aren’t you a woman? In Mellerland, women are never adults. XD
Dangit, I wanted that drink! Next you’re gonna tell me I have to go back to doing vocabulary worksheets* and having a bedtime. :O
*Unless Mellerland women are also illiterate? Probably.
Laws benefited men over women, but never the reverse.
The vast majority of charities were for men only.
Schools, both primary and secondary pandered to only men.
Women were punished more harshly than men for the same crimes.
Anything a woman said to a man could be considered sexual harrassment at his discretion.
Sexual assault were whatever a man felt at any point in time, (even years later).
Men got default child custody and women were forced to pay for children they were forbidden to see.
Men had the right to choose which unborn child lives or dies.
Welfare was basically a mens club.
Men could commit adultery, divorce and collect alimony.
Women were could be drafted and men couldn’t.
Women died 7 years earlier due to stress and having 1/2 the amount spent on their health.
State agencies of every kind were for men only.
Would women consider themselves oppressed and hated?
NWO, like half of those are “being rich isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, you should see my taxes” complaints.
Men don’t receive as much welfare, charity, child support, and alimony?
Lucky bastards.
Good. That will free them up to do more schoolly stuff, like studying math, the sciences, English grammar, foreign languages and history. American high school students spend way too much time on extracurricular activities and not nearly enough time on the academics. I will agree that extracurricular activities have their place, but the way that the educational system in this country, as well as idiot parents, prioritize entertainment to the detriment of the academics is frankly bewildering to me.
NWO, I know you don’t have any education to speak of, and this may come as a total shock to you, but schools have evolved as institutions of “book-larnin'”, not institutions for playing sports. So your equivocating the decline of college and school sports with men being banned from school is just pure hysterics. School budgets are being tightened everywhere because, you know, the economy. When cuts need to be made, I sure hope school districts slash things like extracurricular sports before they take a knife to the core curriculum.
Also, NWO, if you had any brain whatsoever, and if you cared more about boys than you hate women, you’d be more worried about the ways in which the fundies are attacking the teaching of science, and uberconservative wingnuts are going after public education in general.
Mellerland, the unpleasantest place on earth.
Love the teacup ride, though. That’s the one where the teacups keep spinning around in circles with their stupid fucking “ideas,” until you barf, right? Awesome.
@Holly Pervocracy
You sound just like the slave traders of old.
A real shame how women have worked so hard securing every concievable privilege using State violence, if only you had given a little thought into the consequences of stripping men of their wealth and rights. Once the pockets of men are stripped bare for womens entitlements, where will the State women have created turn to for funding? Or do you still fly the false ditchomy flag that women have no power within the State?
You sound just like the slave traders of old.
My keyboard does not have enough question marks, but:
Seriously, how in the hell does “men get less charity and welfare because they’re less likely to need it” remind you in any way of “these people are not human, so we should strip them of their freedom and force them to work for free under abusive conditions”?
(Before answering, please consider that there are rumors that certain women have jobs and pay taxes.)
DKM is truly a gift that keeps on giving!
NWO, I think you need to step it up a bit. Trollwise, DKM Is eating your lunch (which you had to pack for yourself at 4 AM before walking two miles underground to get to your job installing milking machines in a coal mine).
Actually, that completely inexplicable reference to Holly as a slave trader was pretty good.
Oh, blockquotes. You bastards.
“Also, NWO, if you had any brain whatsoever, and if you cared more about boys than you hate women, you’d be more worried about the ways in which the fundies are attacking the teaching of science, and uberconservative wingnuts are going after public education in general.”
The university of cincinatti has cut computer science yet has money for womens studies to be kept alive. U of cal, same thing plus other cuts. It seems any courses/sports where the majority of participation is by men have been given the axe. Very poor attempt at blaming everyone but feminists. Some how I can’t believe uberconservative wingnuts would cut courses like comp science and other disiplines of worth for feminism. About the only courses left in college are social sciences, political sciences, diversity studies, gender courses and the almighty womens studies.
I wonder if philosiphising about why the economy is tanking, or discussing the power dynamic of intersectionality, or perhaps discussing the progressiveness of the vagina monologues will really be much help as the gilded cage women have built with the State comes to an abrupt ending. But please continue with your hatred. I’m sure as men flee the ivory tower of acedemia due to lack of any value you can lobby for more laws and taxes to prop up your system.
Women? Jobs? OMG CHILD LABOR! 😀
So talking about society and the economy is bogus and girly, but somehow after the entire government crashes to the ground computer engineering will be a totally legit manly career? XD
Also I suspect you don’t know what a “gilded cage” is.