douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA violence against men/women

MRA celebrates “intellectual child abuse … as the men’s rights guys slap around the idiot feminists.”

Abusers: Not good role models.

The last time we checked in on Justin, who blogs at The Truth Shall Set You Free, he was making some extremely creepy arguments about age of consent laws, which he feels are too harsh towards statutory rapists and not harsh enough on their victims. (Seriously.)

In his latest post, Justin recommends that readers check out a discussion on another website that he thinks his Men’s Rights buddies are handily winning. That in itself isn’t particularly notable. It’s the way he does it that caught my attention:

The comment section following the article is a laugh riot.  If you like to watch intellectual child abuse, that is, as the men’s rights guys slap around the idiot feminists.

Yep, he’s comparing feminists to victims of child abuse, and Men’s Rightsers to the abusers. And declaring this “abuse” to be a regular “laugh riot.”

That’s a pretty, well, revealing way to put it, Justin. A bit more revealing than perhaps you meant it to be.

MRAs often resort to violent imagery when talking about debates they have with feminists, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen one compare his allies to child abusers, and mean that as e a compliment.

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13 years ago

NWO has posted from various places in the US…

Also confirming his comment that he travels a lot for work.

13 years ago

VoiP: Or using a proxy… But, hells, let’s be nice to the sod. Traveling for work it is!

13 years ago

Re: toilet seats: I once had a roommate who complained when the toilet seat was left up. Of course this woman also made passive aggressive notes telling the other housemates to unplug the microwave after we used it (because the clock uses electricity, although less than ten bucks a year’s worth), and called a house meeting three weeks after we moved in to talk about how we needed to take the trash out and clean the stove every day. So I’m pretty sure she was just fussy.

I’ve never met anyone else who cares about the toilet seat thing. Is this really a major issue in anyone’s life?

13 years ago

Why is it that women complain when men leave the toilet seat up, but men never complain when women leave the toilet seat down?

Argumentum ad sitcom?

Seriously, I have never heard these supposed eternal woman complaints about toilet seats outside of bad comedy shows. It’s one of these ‘commonly received wisdoms’ that everybody agrees with only because, well, everybody agrees with it. And nobody ever checks to see if it actually conforms to reality.

13 years ago

Also, why is it always Amanda Marcotte whenever someone needs a scapefeminist?

13 years ago

I think he probably does travel a lot for work.

13 years ago

NullPointer, Amanda is the only well known, live feminist who gets testy on a regular basis with commenters.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m only bothered if someone doesn’t put the toilet seat up, then gets pee on it and doesn’t clean it off. But I’ve never lived with anyone who did that. Toilet seats that are up are just fine by me; it means there isn’t pee on them.

Still, I’d like to point out that “you should put the toilet seat down” is not quite an offense on the level of “you should surrender your civil rights,” anyway.

13 years ago

Seriously, I have never heard these supposed eternal woman complaints about toilet seats outside of bad comedy shows. It’s one of these ‘commonly received wisdoms’ that everybody agrees with only because, well, everybody agrees with it. And nobody ever checks to see if it actually conforms to reality.

I’m much more irritated by guys who piss all over the seat, myself. Although I did fall into a toilet in the middle of the night once. I’d woken up to go, didn’t realize the seat was up, and hilarity ensued.

Doesn’t matter in my house anymore though because I have animals that can’t leave the water alone so both seats are down at all times.

13 years ago

The toilet seat thing- My English teacher, to point out how silly that rule is, once asked us in class “Why don’t women leave the seat up?” What does it matter what position the seat is in? I mean, I look before I sit and it doesn’t take hardly three seconds to put it down.

When my guy friends hang out with me and they use the toilet, I don’t care whether they leave it up or down as long as they don’t get piss everywhere.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“Why don’t women leave the seat up?”

Because men might have to poop.

See, I’m just that considerate.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Intellectual “child abuse” as MRAs “slap around” the idiot feminists.

Are there any other kind? The only reason that I go to this website is to see how feminists–and their renegade male housepets–twist themselves into pretzels trying to argue against the points that Men’s advocates are long overdue in making.

Intellectual “child abuse”? I don’t know, There are some people who suggest that women are, even as adults, ‘children of a larger growth”.Understood thusly, much that is frustrating and irritating about women–especially of the feminist strain–becomes understandable. Feminism may indeed be one large temper tantrum expressing childish resentment that the girls weren’t born men!

I have sometimes wondered about womens’ mental growth and maturity as it relates to the “age of consent phenomenon” characteristic of modern law. Why should a 16, or even a 26 year-old woman have an legitimate “age of consent” to sex, if she basically has–as a human female–the mentality of a ten year old little girl until menopause? Should sex with a physically adult female who has the mentality of a small child be outlawed? IF so, why, and if not, why not? What do we do about the fact that if women are going to be mental and emotional “little girls” until menopause, how do we responsibly manage reproduction, especially since it seems that the likelihood of birth defects and stillbirths increases dramatically after 35!

Child abuse or not, there is no reason for men to allow feminism to dumb us down further then we already have been!

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Funny, Meller, the only one around here whining like a “little girl” because he’s not living the life he’s entitled to is YOU.

13 years ago

VoiP: Or using a proxy… But, hells, let’s be nice to the sod. Traveling for work it is!

Do you seriously believe he knows what a proxy is? The man thinks evolution produces superdogs, for fuck’s sake.

13 years ago

Also, why is it always Amanda Marcotte whenever someone needs a scapefeminist?

Because DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKE. Also, she’s a big meanie and says “mansplaining” sometimes.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

DKM – Yesterday I had class all morning, then had to leave campus and drive 20 miles across town to get to work to do paperwork for 3 hours, then had to drive back to campus in time for evening classes, then finished at 9PM and had to study for my midterm at 8AM the next morning.

Which I’m pretty sure I aced.

I hate to brag, though, because I have a lot of classmates who do the same sort of thing, except that they have small children at home.

Find me a ten-year-old girl who can do that shit.

13 years ago

Well it looks like the gang has missed me. I’m not really sure where you think I post but, meh, whatever. I see the gang is as hateful as always yet can’t understand why women are being treated poorly, and talked about with scorn. Wierd, huh?

Since my life seems of such great interest, I just flew into salt lake city from atlanta. I was down rebuilding a line that needed completion by 6 AM monday morning in atlanta. 22 hours straight. Suffice it to say, I was fucking beat.

Anyhoo, I’m still toasted from that work thingy, but I thought I’d elaborate on that hate thingy. Ya see, when there are countless charities for women only, that’s hatred. When there are countless laws that benefit women only, that’s hatred. When there are countless State agencies that benefit women only, that’s hatred.

A ways back I posted a link to a State agency helping women/girls, teaching them how to gain entrance into NASA because the number for women are too low. Ya see, the men/boys who went into that field, did so on their own. There was no help. They had to work/study on their own, and I’m sure it was very hard. Women/girls will be handed that opportunity by the State. That’s hatred.

So when you look at every realm of modern society, and this is the rule in education, political, punishment, socially, economically, charity, the MSM, literally everywhere, that’s hatred. When all these things give women special treatment, while denying men the same treatment, that’s hatred.

Now to blame the elusive patriarchy is astonishing, I’d thought patriarchy would somehow benefit men as a class, yet the opposite is the case.

Here’s the latest on your beloved Title IX.

It seems destroying mens enjoyment of college sports isn’t enough, it’s time for grade schoolers to feel the wrath of womens rule. I hope none of you have any sons, nephews, brothers or young boys you care about, the final nail in public education is about to be hammered into place. Along with Title IXs guilty until proven innocent/jury reading why men are controlling, and handpicked judge and executioner law. This should pretty much chase every boy from every school, as they are already taught they are filth and merit and accomplishment account for nothing.

I’m not sure who this NWO is you’re talking about? I’m a bottom feeder with no power and no privilege.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, do you read the articles you link?

You do realize that even though the article itself was kind of overheated speculation, it was about “high school boys may not get to play sports,” not “grade school boys may not get to go to school?”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, NWO, if you were traveling or working all day yesterday, you brought a laptop. Unless you want to claim all those “1 day ago” posts under your name on The Frisky were made by Amanda Marcotte?

I don’t doubt that you have a job that involves travel, but you always seem to expect endless pity for it.

13 years ago

The sooner our federal gubmint goes belly up, the better for America. We’re close, and that’s good. The trillions in debt must strangle the “elites” eventually.

That’s a quote from the brain trust comment section at NWO’s link. I weep for this country.

13 years ago

I see he’s added slightly new material to the c & p file. Now he can just add a “woe is me” tale about work and voila! NWO Insta-Post!

13 years ago

God, you are an idiot, Meller.

13 years ago

That NJ blog post blames Title IX for Rutgers shutting down six men’s sports teams in 2006, without further explanation. I thought that was quite odd, so I looked it up. Turns out that the primary reason they were forced to make cuts was an $80 million budget shortfall.

All of this hand-wringing over men’s athletics and Title IX is bullshit, anyway. The heavy-hitting sports are male-lead and will always remain that way: football and basketball rule this country. In my high school the football team had a fancy bus, newest equipment and uniforms. The girls teams were left to scramble for rides to away games and pay for their own uniforms. The vast majority of money spent on sports is spent on football, which women do not participate in, and basketball, of which male college and pro are at the top of the heap.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

Slavey, stop it with the “work thingy” schtick of yours. Between all your time here and and other postings, the entire jet-setting milker machine engineer must either be A) highly exaggerated in its existence or B) not as a arduous as you like to whine about.

And who are you kidding when you speak about the travails of all men. You’re one lonely and sad guy, the vast majority of us can hack it and thrive in a society that consists of two genders unlike you who has to stoop to ringing your hands over kids space camp and high school sports to justify your own life failings.

Honestly why do you give a shit? You’re never even going to have kids (thank every god available) and you lack basic functions (wisdom, empathy, etc.) that would enable you to even be a nominal mentor for some.

13 years ago

Do you seriously believe he knows what a proxy is? The man thinks evolution produces superdogs, for fuck’s sake.

An excellent point.