The last time we checked in on Justin, who blogs at The Truth Shall Set You Free, he was making some extremely creepy arguments about age of consent laws, which he feels are too harsh towards statutory rapists and not harsh enough on their victims. (Seriously.)
In his latest post, Justin recommends that readers check out a discussion on another website that he thinks his Men’s Rights buddies are handily winning. That in itself isn’t particularly notable. It’s the way he does it that caught my attention:
The comment section following the article is a laugh riot. If you like to watch intellectual child abuse, that is, as the men’s rights guys slap around the idiot feminists.
Yep, he’s comparing feminists to victims of child abuse, and Men’s Rightsers to the abusers. And declaring this “abuse” to be a regular “laugh riot.”
That’s a pretty, well, revealing way to put it, Justin. A bit more revealing than perhaps you meant it to be.
MRAs often resort to violent imagery when talking about debates they have with feminists, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen one compare his allies to child abusers, and mean that as e a compliment.
If Holly’s a slave trader, then can she sell NWOslave to the gypsies?
I’m sorry, but that comment is pretty racist.
I mean no disrespect for the Romani people, and I apologize for perpetuating negative stereotypes of that oft-oppressed people.
I wasn’t angry at you, and I’m glad you clarified.
No worries. Some expressions are so well-worn that we don’t even question them. But, come to think of it, it’s like talking about selling someone the Jews, which is pretty obviously offensive.
Besides, as I said upthread, I doubt the Romani would want to have anything to do with Slavey.
I hate it when they bring up such issues, it always ends like this. 267 comments, insane! Some of them the worst profanity… The Frisky should stay frisky.
Oh dear, profanity. Whatever shall we do?