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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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13 years ago

Now his bitterness at women is a little clearer–he never went to college, so how dare the bitches go? He’s jealous.

You really are an ignoramus when it comes to dealing with people.

13 years ago

If women who went to college in general offend him he’d really hate me. My last job title was “editor”, and if I went through his posts and tried to fix the horrible grammar and sentence structure the result in Track Changes would look like a toddler had drawn all over it with multicolored crayons.

13 years ago

I gave nobody here, including yourself, no reason to doubt either intellect or literacy.

Oh, you’ve given us copious reasons. I present the word “dib;t” as Exhibit A.

13 years ago

Also “I gave nobody here…no reason”. Grammar Nazi says “ouch”.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Hellskell, You are on MARS!! I am no more “jealous” of the hateful over-educated (or is it ‘miseducated’?) women polluting, which I still think would do well if it is renamed “”, but that is a matter for Futrelle to decide. These women have “neurotic man-hater” all over them. Women need college (or even secondary school) the way a flounder needs a fur coat, and everything that we read on this blog proves it!

My bitterness at women is because women today (the women of my generation) are awful, and I–along with a good many other men–feel cheated. You would feel bitter too, if you were cheated!

13 years ago

Ain’t nothing wrong with being an autodidact. It’s just a problem when your primary educational focus is how superior you are because you’re white and you have a penis.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I am not a perfect typist, especially when I am unsettled! Sue me! I also think that a mistake or two out of several hundred posts is to be expected. That is why they put erasers on pencils! Everybody makes mistakes–and you girls make them by the truckload, even if you spell–or type–perfectly!

13 years ago

What is your generation, Meller? I’m curious. Your “So many adorables, so many bowls” comment cracked your weird facade a bit. Whatever it is, I bet I know 10 absolutely delightful women from the same generation, who bring happiness to their partners’ and families’ lives every day.

They just happen to be the kinds of women who also would read something like “Women need college (or even secondary school) the way a flounder needs a fur coat” and barf.

13 years ago

Cheated of what? You’ve repeatedly expressed the desire for a female slave/pet, is that what you’re feeling cheated of? Why would a woman want to be your slave/pet? Because you’re so “nice” that we should want to bow down to your every whim?

Women are awful for having things like hopes, desires, careers, friendships, entire lives that don’t involve you… You, however, somehow, are not awful because all you want is half of the population enslaved. I’m sorry, HOW ARE WE THE AWFUL ONES? Take a look in the mirror and see who the jackass actually is.

13 years ago

Holy shit, but it’s amazing to me that this raging, pompous asshole calls himself a “good man”.

13 years ago

DKM really does have to be seen to be believed. He’s like those sculptures made out of dead bodies in that respect; he makes you never say the question “How bad could it be?” again.

13 years ago

“spell-or type”

Is this some sort of marvelous machine of which I’m unaware? Is it an old fashioned typewriter with a spellcheck function added? Come see the spell-or-type! It makes mistakes by the truckload!

13 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with being an autodidact, but it does explain the pompous, overblown writing style. I picture Meller in sweater vest and bow ties, complete with pipe, because he thinks it makes him look smart while he rage types.

So, Meller, if women don’t need education, what’s YOUR excuse for not getting one? Your penis makes you smart?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

PFKAE, Is there any chance that the man who savagely beat and repeatedly threatened to kill his wife whom you cited in that book about colonial Connecticut had a wife similar in temperment and personality to the self-important, loathsome, and over-educated harpies that we abundantly find here on He could have been responding to her unendurable provocations over a extended period of time!

That wouldn’t justify his cruelty and abusiveness to her, but it surely would go a long way toward explaining it, wouldn’t it? The fact that you cite some men in the book suggesting that some women then were allegedly as awful as modern women gives one pause, doesn’t it? At least the men had SOME power over their “bitter half”, so it didn’t become as dreadful as it is today!

Was there any positive correlation between the frequency of abandonment or desertion by the husband, and frequent instances of deliberate cruelty by the WIFE? If there wasn’t,. there should have been! I don’t think that women in the XVII and XVIII centuries stank as hatefully as modern women do, but women’s nature, like men’s, hasn’t changed much over the centuries, has it?

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Meller thinks wife-beating is A-OK. Color me unsurprised.

13 years ago

So…women don’t need education…and DKM doesn’t need education because he’s just that smart without it…

DKM is a woman!

13 years ago

I do like Meller’s habit of ending nearly every sentence with an exclamation point. He’s the perky misogynist!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Wrong again, hellskell! I DON’T think wife beating is A-OK, but I can’t help noticing how women like you needle, provoke, and instigate the behavior that they all join in saying that they find abhorrent later on. Wife Beating A-OK? Absolutely not! Understandable, and even long overdue, given female viciousness and nastiness? Perhaps.

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Not perky, excited. Really, really excited! All the time!

13 years ago

How can something be not OK but long overdue?

13 years ago

“She made me hit her! With her needling!”

Christ, Meller, that’s classic abuser talk you got going there.

13 years ago

So … a woman disagreeing with some bullshit-spouting dude on the internet means that she totes deserves to get her ass beat? Hmmm, interesting.

13 years ago

Meller is an arrogant fool. He is the intellectual equivalent of pond scum. It is no surprise that he is therefore rather defensive about the issue. Meller, we do not need to dismiss you based on your lack of formal education, your arguments are more than grounds enough to know you are less knowledgable and perceptive than the average toadstool.

13 years ago

So spousal abuse isn’t 100% okay, just an acceptable option when they mouth off, is that right Meller?

13 years ago

To think a prince such as this can’t find the house slave to which he’s entitled! The horror!

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