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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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13 years ago

FREE DRUMS?! That sounds a lot like communism, David. XD

13 years ago

@johnnykaje: I guess we’re not cool enough to have a place in DKM’s universe. Oh well, I’ll try to save up money so that I can help fund the resistance When The Revolution Comes.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I dunno, ZRMcD, by my “bloviation” seems to be a pretty good match to reality, much to the shame of modern women (and I kind of made you look like a darned fool also. LOL)!

No, you really didn’t David. (I also quite like the ‘darned’ fool bit. Who are you, Donald Rumsfeld? We’re adults here, you can say ‘damned’. The LOL was out of bounds though XD)

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, in 1700 women were chattel. Divorces were uncommon, which PFKAE’s comment made plain, to those who “read the comments before commenting.” AND STILL men abandoned wives, which you claim is not possible when women know their place and duty. If women were not subservient enough for you in 1700, when were they?

Your reality is much more like a pre-psychotic hallucination.

I offered a suggestion that given the unsettled nature of the time and place, the men could have been forced to flee in fear of their lives, but it is only a guess (though a plausible one).

It’s not plausible, it’s ideologically blinkered rationalization pulled straight out of your ass. Perhaps you might want to refer to that book PFKAE mentioned.


13 years ago

DKM: You do know that one of the people who made modern computer programming possible, who pioneered uses of the difference engine, was a woman, yes? You would arguably not be vomiting your hateful shit all over my computer screen if it weren’t for Ada Lovelace. We might not have a clue as to the real structure of DNA without Rosalind Franklin’s work, which Watson has quite openly admitted to stealing. Men invented a lot of things, but so have women. Read a fucking book. For once.

BTW, Ada Lovelace Day is coming up! Oct 7, a day to recognize the contributions of women to STEM fields.

13 years ago

This thread is gonna send DKM’s rationalization hamster into overdrive!

13 years ago

DKM, kristinmh did in fact appear to be kidding. I doubt she feels that she deserves credit for every human achievement ever. Perhaps I can help you to understand her point. Since she did not invented the steam engine, she does not feel like she deserves the credit for it even though James Watt was created in a uterus. She also does not feel that you deserve the credit for inventing the steam engine, even though you and James Watt are both male. Does that help you to understand?

13 years ago

Meller: I offered a suggestion that given the unsettled nature of the time and place, the men could have been forced to flee in fear of their lives, but it is only a guess (though a plausible one).

Plausible? Hardly. Attacked her with an axe. Tried, more than once, to strangle her to death. Testified in court that he intended to be, “the death of her.”

That’s a far cry from fleeing in terror. Given how hard divorce was to obtain (and how much you would like to make it that hard again) that so many as 1,000 women were able to plead a case and get one is pretty damned telling.

How many lesser cases of abuse, not rising to the level of repeated attempts at murder, failed to get a divorce?

That is the world you posit as paradise?

And you think women are stupid.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

There were, for all intents and practical “no” divorces! One thousand desertions over some seven or eight generations (160 YEARS!!) in a society whose people faced infintely greater hardship than the pampered, self-absorbed, entitled, and “empowered” feminist princesses of today, who divorce for any reason–or no real reason at all–and frankly, in comparison with today, any instances of individual men who wouldn’t take care of their wives then just don’t count.

I admit to not knowing why those few men behaved as they did. YOUALL also have no clue and no idea! They certainly couldn’t be cowards–cowards could not maintain their sanity in seventeenth century British North America–and the only thing that I could think of was once I get a time machine, I’ll go back and ask them. Men and women in those days, and long afterward, realized that life was an undertaking best done TOGETHER, and few deliberately destroyed their marriages!

Yes, women were quite subserivient enough for me around 1700, in answer to the (largely irrelevant question). It is contemporary narcisstic, self-absorbed, frigid, man-hating, and worthless, and often over-educated women, i.e. feminists, of today–and the past few decades–who are the problems!

All that means is that modern women are defective by historic standards, and all the bragging about this one discovering(?) some aspect of computer programmiing or that one discovering(?) some aspect of the genetic code or some detail of protein sequencing doesn’t change anything. I once trained my dog to “count”–“one plus one make”–two barks, five plus three make–eight barks, and so on, but while he was smart, I wouldn’t get on this blog, or any other, and argue for canine mathematicians! I would rather know that the women in question were able to cook a tasty dinner, or to sew on a loose button, or heal a child’s sore throat, then all the self-important, over-educated, frigid, and unisex neurotic she-creatures infesting schools, workplaces, government offices, and even police departments and the armed forces today!! I know that there are mutant females of unusually high IQ already, You can’t read a magazine, watch the idiot box, listen to the radio, or go to the movies for the past threee decades without being reminded, so drop it!

Molly, I have NO idea what happens to queers! I have more than enough trouble understanding normal everyday heterosexuality, without going into that!! I think that their interest in “gay marriage’ is a bit over-the-top, given the bloody mess most regular marraiges are, and have been nowadays, and for quite a while, but if it makes them happy…divorce lawyers, family court “judges” and marital counselors gotta make a living too! Gays could hardly make a worse mess of marriage than normal people–with the help of feminists–have done in the past two generations or so!

David K. Meller


The thing that is not countable is the number of “unofficial” divorces that occurred where couples split up.

Also your numbers are off DKM-the average age for a woman to marry was 23 and the average age of males was 26. You also have to look at the sex ratio (which was much better then the South however it still somewhat skewed.)

The interesting thing about a later part of this chapter is that most men were denied divorces, even if the wife was the deserting party.

The least interesting thing was the men who whined the same way DKM is about the women in those days.

13 years ago

@KathleenB: DKM: You do know that one of the people who made modern computer programming possible, who pioneered uses of the difference engine, was a woman, yes?

wow, is that really true?

13 years ago

Thanks, Fatman, that is indeed what I meant. Yes, to spell it out for you, David, as I do not feel that my having a uterus lets me take credit for the entire human race, I do not feel that you having a penis lets you take credit for the Large Hadron Collider.

KathleenB and Simon, I once wrote a libretto for short opera about Ada Lovelace for soprano and two singing robots. It’s never been set, though, because the composer and I disagreed about some stuff and he basically said “I’m taking my robots and going home!” Maybe someday.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I have more than enough trouble understanding normal everyday heterosexuality,

You’re telling us.

13 years ago

wow, is that really true?

Yes. It’s Ada Lovelace, from one line down in KathleenB’s post. Horse, water.

13 years ago

“Yes. It’s Ada Lovelace, from one line down in KathleenB’s post. Horse, water.”

Also, Cracked mentioned her in an article once about technological advances.

13 years ago

Also, Cracked mentioned her in an article once about technological advances.

That’s where I get all my news.

13 years ago

What did Ada Lovelace do?

13 years ago

simon: This is called doing your own fucking research. She’s easily accessible on wiki.

13 years ago

Naah, he’s probably setting us up, like if we say anything he’ll go THAT WAS ACTUALLY INSIGNIFICANT

13 years ago

DKM: I’m going to make a polite request here. Would you please, for your sake and the sake of my sanity, read a book about… well, about anything? For history: Founding Mothers, Salt and The Battle Cry of Freedom are all excellent. Fiction: I like sf/fantasy, so any of the Vorkosigan books, the Nightside series, or the Dresden files. Please, please, try to figure out if your asshattery is ignorance (which can be cured) or stupidity. You’d be doing the world a favor.

13 years ago

Are you always that suspicious and angry?

13 years ago

VoiP: that may be why he’s focusing on lovelace, as it’s kind of hard to claim that the discovery of the double helix had no impact on modern life. It still really pisses me off that Watson and Crick admitted to cribbing from Franklin and never faced any consequences. Nor did she ever really get any recognition until after her death.

13 years ago

Are you always that suspicious and angry?

It’s the MO of a lot of people who argue in bad faith, such as yourself, and you’ve already demonstrated that you’re crap at argument when you said that “bad people”, once designated as “bad,” should never be praised for anything, ever, so any feminist who does anything besides spit on Daly’s grave must hate trans* people. Or something.

i figured I’d just save myself the trouble.

13 years ago

simon: I am not your research librarian. There are people who are paid to look shit up. If you’re too lazy to type Ada Lovelace into google or wiki, I fail to see how that’s my problem.

13 years ago

“That’s where I get all my news.”

Hahahaha. Yeah, that place brings out the Library/Bookstore Kid in me.

13 years ago

VoiP: that may be why he’s focusing on lovelace, as it’s kind of hard to claim that the discovery of the double helix had no impact on modern life. It still really pisses me off that Watson and Crick admitted to cribbing from Franklin and never faced any consequences. Nor did she ever really get any recognition until after her death.

See, the thing about marginalizing the accomplishments of women is that this process can be repeated basically at will. Transposons? Not really important! Noether? A dude must have done something that was better than that!

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