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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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13 years ago

I’m pretty sure putting your kids up for adoption makes them cost the state more, rather than less money.

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

As Shora says, if you’re so close to the poverty line that you’re jealous of food stamps, you can at least be glad that they are an option for you if you suffer further economic set backs!

We need a more progressive tax code though. 🙂

13 years ago

A recent audit just showed that there was $60 billion in waste and FRAUD by private contractors during the War on Terror. The oil industry gets $35 billion in subsidies every year. The agricultural industry gets $25 billion (we call them farm subsidies but these are not small family farms sucking up the majority of that money anymore. It’s Big Agra).

We’re talking hundreds of billions of our tax dollars going to corporate America. But what do regular Americans wring their hands over? Someone who spends a hundred bucks in food stamps on fancy cheese instead of eating rice and beans every day like they “deserve” (because we all know that you’re only poor because you’re lazy and you’re only rich because you work really hard). We waste so much time fighting with the people who are at the bottom with us instead of looking up at the folks who’ve been taking a massive dump on the middle class for the past forty years. Divide and conquer, baby.

13 years ago

Children and their caretakers are valuable human beings who are valuable to society, as people, and, in the case of caretakers, as workers taking care of an essential part of the population (i.e. children). Ensuring a basic standard of living for these people is a societal duty, or it should be.

I want to add that I love how Meller seems to think women make babies all on their lonesome. Why aren’t you really keen on making those “unwed fathers” pay child support if you are so dead against social support? (note, not all single mothers were never married, and many unwed births occur to partnered people)

Something to mention as well, someone pointed out that we are likely talking fast food restaurants, and this is true, but what no one has mentioned yet is that homeless people, including homeless families, and people in low income temporary housing do not always have access to a stove or microwave to cook meals with. This may be the only chance for many people to feed themselves or their kids a hot meal.

13 years ago

Okay, let me get this straight. MRA’s do not want single mothers to ever receive government aid to help them while they raise their children. They also do not think fathers should have to pay child support for their own children. Now I understand. MRA’s want single mothers and their children to starve.

13 years ago

Meller, your slip is showing with the “unwed slut” comment. Why the slut hate?

13 years ago

I think I can safely say that, at 20 weeks, my pregnancy has already cost more than a fast food combo.

Here’s what you have to buy when you’re pregnant:
– prenatal vitamins (~$20 bottle, every two months or so)
– very over-priced maternity clothes – I can still wear about 30% of my non-maternity tops, but all the pants I’ve ever owned are right out. Fortunately I could borrow a few pairs from a friend and my mom bought me one expensive new pair, but it’s still a big expense.
– New bras every 3-4 weeks
– A 10% increase in the food budget as you have to be super diligent about your diet
– Extra public transportation costs as I’m not able to bike long distances anymore…grr…
– A replacement wedding ring (which I still haven’t bought!), as my hands are too swollen for me to wear my real ring now
– A couple of pairs of shoes – feet are swollen too
– A maternity winter coat, as I’ll be giving birth in February

All in all, I’ll probably spend an extra $1000-$2000 just on being pregnant, mostly on needed clothes, food, and transportation. Note that I’m not counting any of the baby stuff or lost income.

But, on the bright side, I’m no longer spending $$$ on alcohol, so I guess it evens out. XD

And living in the liberal paradise of Canada, I don’t pay a cent for maternity care. Even midwives are covered. I can’t imagine having to pay out of pocket for check-ups or any of the zillions of tests they want to do to you. I would probably have put off having a baby for another 10 years to get into the position where I could afford that.

13 years ago

Why the slut hate?

For having sex outside the bonds of domestic slavery to which their proper owner is entitled.

13 years ago

kristenmh, I feel for you. I have two children, so I understand the woes of dressing during pregnancy. I bought a lot of my maternity clothes from garage sales, and only bought a few retail items for special occasions. I couldn’t justify spending much money on stuff I’d only wear for a year. I think it’s even harder to dress in the postpartum period, because you’ll be too small for your maternity clothes but not small enough for normal clothes. I had to buy an in between wardrobe with lots of elastic from the “Active wear” section of stores. By the way, my feet never went back to their pre pregnant size. For each pregnancy, they went up a half size permanently.

13 years ago

Yes, because raising children on your own is such a barrel of monkeys!!!

13 years ago

I didn’t have to start shopping at maternity shops ’til the end of the 2nd trimester…but it wasn’t cheap. Sadly, the quality of Motherhood clothes sucks donkey balls.

13 years ago

Oh, and BTW, let’s not even get into the cost of RAISING a child. If you’re looking to make children as a means of making money or scam the system somehow, you’ll be sorely disappointed with the results. KIDS ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE.

13 years ago

Hell. We had food stamps when I was in High School or so, cause my mom had divorced my father a couple years before. We were *ashamed* of being on them because of the stigma associated with “taking handouts”. And I knew a ton of other people on the same program who purposely grocery shopped at weird times to avoid letting others see them using the EBT card. So, for one, I can’t see a ton of people using it at restaurants (from my own experience, anyhow), and secondly, once the people on the benefits get the money? IT’S THEIR MONEY DAMNIT. It’s not like we’re out there nosing into what large corporations are doing with the money they get in tax cuts, or nosing into what CEOs of the TARP-recipients are doing with their bonuses, which would amount to roughly the same thing.

13 years ago

as well as have the daughters of unwed slut grow up to breed more of the same 13-16 years down the line!

I thought that was the prime age for MRA’s. Anything older than 16 is tumbling into “hag” territory.

I just can’t keep up with MRA “logic”…

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

as well as have the daughters of unwed slut grow up to breed more of the same 13-16 years down the line!

..and in an upcoming thread, the same MRI will wring his hands and wail about the declining birth rate!

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


You make an excellent argument in favor of vigorous enforcement of child support obligations.

13 years ago

I think they’re referring to the cash portion of welfare benefits – you can take the cash out at an ATM or a store. Any food item that would be taxed in Michigan (fountain drinks, food prepared in-store like rotisserie chickens, and anything at a restaurant) is not allowed to be paid for with food assistance. If the place takes the cash part of the Bridge Card, you can pay for whatever with it. And why the hell would the restaurant care if they could take the card at point of sale when putting in an ATM would probably be cheaper and more people could use it? It’s not like the state just hands out access to Bridge Cards, you have to keep records and there are spot checks, and the fines for faffing around can be ruinous.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Before you go off half cocked supporting welfare chislers,

who around here has been supporting banksters and hedge fund managers?

13 years ago

I just can’t keep up with MRA “logic”…

Simply practice holding two contradictory opinions at the same time, and you’ll be well on your way to keeping up with MRA “logic”

13 years ago

And how do I know this, you ask? Because my husband and I currently get food benefits. We have no children, we both work (though not as much as we’d like, hence the food stamps), we both pay taxes. I refuse to be ashamed for working my ass off as much as I can (again, in MICHIGAN, the shittiest economy in the country at the moment) and still needing help. Anyone (DKM, MRAL, NWO) who feels the need to shame me for this will get nonsense in reply, because this is fucking non-negotiable. I receive government assistance AND I am a human being.

13 years ago

Thanks, Kendra. At least I could borrow stuff from friends, and I don’t need an office wardrobe – I can’t imagine having to get enough professional-looking maternity clothes for a 9-5 job.

VS, I was unlucky enough to outgrow my pants almost immediately, though I did spend a fair amount of time in the “baby bump or beer belly?” zone.

13 years ago

I don’t know about anyone else here, but I personally got pregnant mostly so that I could eat hospital food for a couple of days. What could be more awesome than overcooked turkey and green beans that look and smell like they’ve already been through someone else’s digestive system? All those insurance premiums I paid for so many years finally paid off. And, 9 months of pregnancy and the horror of childbirth, plus the hassle of actually raising the kid were all totally worth it. I mean, free meals, people!!

13 years ago

TO-TA-LLY. I’m bummed the great minds of MReddit have figured us out, though.

13 years ago

Okay, let me get this straight. MRA’s do not want single mothers to ever receive government aid to help them while they raise their children. They also do not think fathers should have to pay child support for their own children.

Look, it’s very simple.

1. Men shouldn’t have to support their children.
2. The government shouldn’t provide any support for children (if I remember Meller’s rants correctly, this includes abolishing public schools, because who needs literacy?).
3. Women should have sole financial responsibility for their children, and also of course do all the work of raising them.
3a. Women shouldn’t be allowed to do any kind of paid work, because that’s Manly Man Stuff, and Real Manly Men feel emasculated by any contact with women that doesn’t involve depositing sperm and running for the hills.
3b. In fact, it’s best if women don’t leave the house at all, for fear they might come in contact with a man. They should sit at home with the shades drawn and wait for some kindly soul to push food in through the mail slot. (If we were working under NWO’s rules, we would be allowed to go outside, sit in the middle of the street, and cry until people threw food at us, but I think Meller would consider that paid work and therefore out of bounds.)

Oh, and also:

4. A single woman who has kids is a slut whose children should starve to death to destroy the dangerous Slut Gene.
5. A single woman who doesn’t have kids is destroying civilization by not reproducing fast enough, if she’s white.
6. A married woman is a bitchy leech (or leechy bitch) ruining her husband’s life, regardless of whether they have kids, unless she’s been through Meller’s special woman-obedience-training program, which, strangely, no woman has ever volunteered for.

So as far as I can figure it, if you’re born female, you can be a halfway acceptable human being if you’re a woman of color who takes a lifelong vow of chastity (but don’t become a nun, because that’s treading dangerously close to having a job), or if you’re a white woman who volunteers for Meller’s naughty discipline program. Otherwise, sorry, evil.

13 years ago

Along with the baseline hatred of women, does this also strike anyone as an example of the MRAs’ fascination with turning society back to the good old times of the 1880s, early 1900s? No services for the poor or women! No access to quality public education, it only leads to a feminist oligarchy. If the wanton unwed mothers have kids, make ’em work in the mines and steel mills to support the family, like the good old days? Sheesh, it’s like they read The Jungle as an example of a perfectly functioning society.

Now, of course, they only really take this libertarianism stance on things they hate (for example, women). I’m pretty sure they’d be willing to fork over our “hard-earned tax dollars” to start government agencies and programs they’d like. For instance, a bunch of fedora wearing G-Men–the mostly manly of many menz–who’d track down all those false rape accusers like Ness did with Capone.