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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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13 years ago

KathleenB: Of course you can play. As MGTOW Man explained, the clitoris is just like a penis, only smaller, so you can play any dick-measuring games you want to join.

And Meller wants (even needs us), because there is no way he can get the sense of accomplishment which he derives from screaming PEAS and FREE DUMB at us.

It’s not as if we’d be willing to hang out at MellerLand, there are only so many regurgitations of his Gor Fantasies, dreams of women suffering because they don’t share his ideas that Mellerian Men need to be worshiped, and his visions of the Great Gender Killing which ushers in the Great Paradise that sane people will put up with.

We can’t stop him from showing up here but we aren’t likely to seek him out, and his existence is more in opposition to Feminism than it is for anything.

13 years ago

No, DKM, we understand exactly why you come here: because you can’t scream at the bitches if the bitches aren’t there. And the bitches don’t hang around to chat much on a) random MRA blogs or even b) well-known MRA blogs. So if you want to get your rocks off insulting women and having them get mad at you – a game most boys get over some time around puberty, btw. – you have to come to a feminist blog with a lot of traffic.

Eventually KathleenB is going to get bored telling you to fuck off, and then I don’t know what you’ll do. My recommendation that you go pay a pro domme stands, though.

@CassandraSays – you know, that’s a great idea. We could call it SexyFemBitches and antifeminist could pay us to post sexah pictures while we scream Mary Daly quotes and tell them what bad boys they are for objectifying them.

13 years ago

DKM blather revealing he cannot express his dearest wish to exterminate the vast majority of women in public because any man who heard him say that about his wife would punch DKM in the nose

See DKM has realised that the vast majority of men really would not like to hear that his wife, sister, mother, daughter, niece, best friend, casual lover, next door neighbor, the nice lady who makes cookies at the bakery he likes, etc should be exterminated because they disagree with DKM. These men love the women in their life. I know! Even the ones who say mean things occasionally to the men who love them.

And depending on what was actually said, some of these men might get angry. Sometimes that anger is expressed not in yelling but in fighting. The kind of fighting that DKM would lose. So he has to come here because if he said what he thinks in real life, he would get his ass kicked by a guy who does not like hearing his mother is an evil bitch who deserves death.

Because DKM does not strike me as the kind of guy who can really fight. Sure he can internet troll but actual real live fighting? No.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

But women? Maybe they aren’t conscious and they just simulate conscious behavior. I can’t see why this should be logically impossible and lacking other information and any evidence for the contrary, we have by application of Occam’s Razor – taking the simplest of all supported explanations – to conclude that women aren’t conscious and just complex biochemical machines.

Occam is spinning in his grave.

You can’t apply Occam’s razor to an explanation you lack evidence FOR. I mean, there’s tons of contradictory information, but I suspect you’re trolling and already know that, so I’m sticking simply to the logic error. You can’t say “This might be true, therefore Occam’s Razor means it is because the solution is simple*” Occam’s Razor can only be applied to a proposition which has evidence for it, and that accounts for all of the evidence.

*Complex biochemical reactions that exactly mimic consciousness and sapience, rather than the appearance of sapience denoting sapience, is not actually a simple explanation, also.

13 years ago

@Rutee: I can’t see Occam bothering to work up a good spin for this pantload.

13 years ago

I’ve actually been running a fun little experiment by repeating verbatim some of the more extreme MRA and MGTOW statements to male friends and family members. The general reaction can pretty much be summed up as “huh?”, which upon further explanation (the ex didn’t believe me that there was actually someone suggesting that cutting the vocal chords of little girls might be a good idea) turns into “WTF is wrong with these losers?”.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

PFKAE-October 3,2011 @6:08pm

That indeed once was t rue, when women as wives, mothers, and sisters were indeed revered as centers of love and family. there were times when such women were worth fighting about and fighting for. Thanx to you feminoids, this is no longer the case, and the number of “White Knights” who will defend the “sanctity of womanhood”, or who will identify the wretched man-hating sluts that infest the workplace, the schools, the civil service, and the media in their millions with the sacred womanhood of their great-grandfather’s families and their time is shrinking to the vanishing point!

Men are coming to me–and other critics of feminism like me–with THEIR tales of how awful you women are nowadays, and this sometimes inlcludes their family women. Beat up critics of feminism for the benefit of feminists? Not likely, you grrrlz have been, and are, just TOO successful. You killed the goose that laid the golden eggs, and eventually, despite my hopes–as I have often expressed–for an eventual peaceable and civilized resolution of gender differences, it is precisely those men who know how to fight, and enjoy doing it, who will carry out a plan to hand you feminists–by the trainload–what youall have deserved all too well for the past few generations, if not centuries! I don’t know where robots or she-cyborgs will come into this, but men–whether they like to fight for you or not–must replace you feminists with something better!

Peace and freedom!
David K. Meller

13 years ago

I dunno. Some men LIKE me, dude. They play Magic with me, they talk about psychology with me, they study Greek with me, they read my writing and leave comments about how I’ve changed their lives, sometimes they even date me. My death would cause a net unhappiness to the men of the world.

And yet I am a feminist.

13 years ago

That indeed once was t rue, when women as wives, mothers, and sisters were indeed revered as centers of love and family. there were times when such women were worth fighting about and fighting for.

Citation needed.

Also how can a woman be a slut and hate men? Does she not have to have sex with a man at some point?

13 years ago


Between now and the beginning of your vaguely defined feminist holocaust, would you kindly learn how to construct a coherent sentence?


The Mgt.

13 years ago

Fuckin’ man-hating sluts, how do they work?

Meller, I like you much better when you’re extolling the virtues of kitties and fluffy bunnies, as vaguely disturbing as that is.

13 years ago

OK, I would rather not contemplate this because it’s giving me the creeps, but I suspect the logic may go as follows.

I am an MRA dude, and I hate women. Nevertheless, I want sex. So, I actively pursue sex with people whom I hate. Thus it is perfectly natural to assume that women do the same. That makes sense, right? They hate us and yet the want our cocks.

But wait! Women don’t actually want sex. Therefore they fuck us because they want our money/sperm/whatever else the MRA talking point is this week. But still, they hate us and they are pursuing sex with us, thus “man hating sluts”.

Here ends our unfortunate trip into the land of MRA logic. Brain bleach will be provided in the lobby.

13 years ago

Meller, I like you much better when you’re extolling the virtues of kitties and fluffy bunnies, as vaguely disturbing as that is.

We all have things we love. I’m glad DKM gets joy out of something in his life. Hi, DKM! I still disagree with you about almost everything!

13 years ago

Yeah, but it’s hard to reconcile someone being all, “oooh, bunnies!” with “men will rise up and kill all you bitches, and you’ll have it coming” from the very same person. It’s um… well, good for him.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Also how can a woman be a slut and hate men? Does she not have to have sex with a man at some point?

No, no she doesn’t.

Not that DKM considered that, but…

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Did it occur to any of you over-educated, sterile,bitter, man-haters that maybe bunnies, kittens, and puppies are just more LOVEABLE than feminoids? When women are lovable, soft, playful, and soothing, I love them too!

Stop trying to be “she-tigers” and become soft, pretty, fluffy “persian Kittens. Stop trying to be she-wolves, and become more like fluffy, pettable cocker spaniels, cute Pomeranians, or playful poodles. Stop trying to be she-weasels, and become more like sweet bunny rabbits! I can go on, but I hope that I made my point!

I like soft “pettables” because they are simply more lovable than modern women, too many of whom stink anyway!

David K. Meller

13 years ago

Did David just admit to us that he’s the male equivalent of the proverbial cat lady?

13 years ago

I am an MRA dude, and I hate women. Nevertheless, I want sex. So, I actively pursue sex with people whom I hate. Thus it is perfectly natural to assume that women do the same. That makes sense, right? They hate us and yet the want our cocks.

But wait! Women don’t actually want sex. Therefore they fuck us because they want our money/sperm/whatever else the MRA talking point is this week. But still, they hate us and they are pursuing sex with us, thus “man hating sluts”.

Remember, like we recently saw with MGTOW Man, nobody here actually likes each other. Men want to get off, they want live-in servants and, if they can make sure the women won’t steal them, they want children. (Given their response to child support, MRAs and fathers’ rightsers don’t actually like children either, but view them as possessions or status symbols.) Women want possessions. Since they shouldn’t work, they want financial security through men and in return should do absolutely everything around the house, which is (1) easy peasey (2) such awful drudgery that if men did it the social order would collapse. Women probably don’t actually want to have sex.

Each gender hates the other as a class. Men have contempt for women, since they’re socially inferior and probably dumber and weaker as well. And if they weren’t dumber to begin with, they sure as hell are after a few decades of not going to school while doing nothing but raising kids. Women resent men, since men have all the resources they want.

Remember MGTOW Man’s grim catalogue of a relationship as services rendered? I think most MGTOW think all relationships are like that all the time. Thus, from their point of view, it makes perfect sense to Go Their Own Way: if the only reason anyone would get with a member of the opposite sex is, if you’re a man, to get a servant/fucktoy or, if you’re a woman, to accrue wealth that you couldn’t raise on your own, then women who work outside the home for money and believe themselves men’s equals have broken the rules.

Yet even though women no longer keep their end of the bargain, MGTOW think that they must want something from men (since nobody gets together for love, they must want something) but they’re no longer sure what that is. So they spin off into theories about alphas and status-seeking. This may be why they go absolutely batshit over child support.

13 years ago

Man, Meller, you really need to stop trying to impose your sexual fetishes on the rest of world. Take a little responsibility for yourself. Also, many Cocker Spaniels are prone to a condition called Rage Syndrome.

13 years ago

Poor things.

13 years ago

And I really need to start proofreading my posts better.

13 years ago

That was going to be my alternate theory – if David isn’t a cat lady, he’s a furry. Maybe his next rant can be about fursecution.

13 years ago

Disclaimer: I intend no disrespect to furries by implying Meller might be one. My criticism is based solely on his inability to admit the truth about himself and stop trying ruin other people’s lives.

13 years ago

He also mentioned he wants to see attractive women wear more fur. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s into anthropomorphic animals though, of which he’s given no sign.

13 years ago

If he wants to see women WEAR more fur then I say we sic PETA on him.