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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Oh damn, now I can’t unsee this. He really does sound like quite a few of the local trolls.
I wonder if some of them would actually agree to meet each other and play FATAL together. It would be at least SOME kind of social interaction, right?

13 years ago

Meller’s earlier defense of “gender roles” was creationism, wasn’t it? Yet another creationist troll. You can make a club with NWO. (<-worst club EVER)

13 years ago

Regarding the review rebuttal, such as it is, it disgusts me when anyone uses the “I am being unemotional. Look how silly and irrational my detractors are for reacting to something emotionally offensive with their stupid feelings. This automatically makes me right for no adequately explored reason.” tactic.

13 years ago

Especially when the review starts off saying look, this is going to be a Busby Berkeley dance number type of review and we’re going to crap on the author because CANNOT UNSEE.

13 years ago


I found your scene! It’s buried in here: and the actual fit throwing starts at about 4:30.

13 years ago

Re: FATAL – Holy gods, that is disgusting. And a really, really badly designed system. The former offends me as a feminist and human being (or human being and feminist), the latter pisses me off as a gamer.

13 years ago

@KathleenB: And also as somebody who can string a reasonably coherent English sentence together.

I imagine FATAL would make for some awesome drinking games.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

No, All that youall have shown me is that the good ole’ days really WERE better, especially where games and entertainment were concerned! I looked up “FATAL” on the link provided, and I don’t think that it is a ‘masterpiece of a game’, or any game at all, although I think that the same can be said of everything else gabbled about on this page that youall enjoy so much. I have no idea if feminism, or the “need” to be inclusive to women, has anything to do with the goofy games cited in the above posts, but as for yours most truly, I say “no thank you”.

Chess, checkers (and Chinese checkers) and Go are my types of game. Clear, easy to follow, pure strategy, and logical! They are also a helluva lot of fun, and have stood the tests of time around the world. Maybe the fact that those games were–and are–primarily enjoyed by men (although women have been creeping in the past three generations or so) accounts for their pleasure.

I have no idea of whether feminism had anything to do with the stupid electronic fare you cited above for your games, but if so, it is certainly one more way that your accursed gender equality has ruined society.

In place of sound, time-honored, clear games like Chess, Go, and checkers, or even board games like Monopoly or Risk–too noisy for me, but other real people seem to like it–we now have electronic gibberish. It took me the better part of the page to even understand what the HELL youall were talking about!

David K. Meller

PS–Wrong again “Kollege Messerschmitt! FATAL is not a game that would interest me in the slightest, whether “ironical” or not! DKM

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago


“…we can prove your statement of only two sexes incorrect by simple biological observation of multiple species that are mammalian…”

Attaboy. Flib. you do just that! I KNEW that horses came in three sexes, most dogs came in four, and last time that I counted, Orang-utans came in three and a half different sexes. There are certain kinds of felines, aren’t there, which make do with five different sexes for reproductive purposes!

ET call home!!

Sorry, Flib, you are lost. You are on the wrong planet! Mammals–and other multicellular life forms on this world are in two sexes–Male and Female! I think that you are lost, and I hope that you find your way home, and the sooner the better.

David K. Meller

13 years ago

And they say we feminists are the ones who are tone-deaf and have no sense of humor!

13 years ago

DKM thinks D&D is an electronic game… oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

As regards intersex: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Intersex–an interesting idea! Do you suppose that somehow feminists started off as more-or-less normal females and somehow developed more and more male characteristics as they grew toward maturity? Do some feminists even have hermaphroditic characteristics? An undeveloped, or even partially developed Y chromosome, for example? an XX pair where one or even both, of the X’s is somehow defective, at least by healthy female standards? Is there a greater tendency toward sex-linked and fertility linked problems with the bodies of feminists as opposed to normal women? All of these questions are interesting, although I still hold to the reality of two basic sexes, the interesting intersex phenomenon notwithstanding.

David K.Meller

13 years ago

ozy: Kind of terrifying, eh? Especially since D&D was around long before computer games became big. Hells, I think it’s been around longer than I’ve been alive.

13 years ago

Feminism is genetic? Who knew?

13 years ago

DKM: Here’s a thought (or three):

1) This board does not exist for your sole amusement. We will talk abut whatever the fuck we want to talk about, whether you give a crap about it or not.

2) D&D info:
Unisystem (a personal favorite, esp. the cinematic rules):
Wushu (you can fit you whole character on an index card and have room to doodle!):
And, of course, World of Darkness:

Now, do see what all these games have in common? (hint: they all involve pencils. and usually cheetos).

3) Again, with all the sincerity I can muster: FUCK OFF!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Once anybody mentions my name (or initials) in a post, that gives me the right to respond–“equal time”–if you will. This is even more true if the mention is hostile or disrespectful as yours–and theirs–often were! Go take a tranquilizer, calm yourself down, and read one of your girlybooks!

13 years ago

*wanders off to read The Physics of Star Trek*

13 years ago

DKM: You keep telling me that I’m PMSing, that I need tranquilizers, despite the fact that I’ve kinda overshared and pointed out that I don’t have PMS and don’t need tranquilizers (based on what my LPN/DOCTOR combo said – forgive me if I take their advice over some internet whackjob). Maybe you should try to find some different insults for women. I know, I know, new stuff terrifies you, but it might just be worth it.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Gee, by all means follow competent medical advice! If someone sounds like, or writes like, she is about to collapse with an apoplectic stroke, I will tell them to calm down and take some meds. I could be wrong, and I’m sorry if I am, but all I have is what I see here on the ‘net.

Not taking tranquilizers? You haven’t shown them–your healthcare professionals–your posts here lately, have you? Not only me, but in general, you seem hysterical, even when one considers that you are a woman and have extra feelings.

13 years ago

Oh, that’s rich. Meller, what do you think your doc would say about your posts here? I think he’d break out the butterfly nets. Or give you some valium, because you seem kinda uptight. Must be your time of the month.

13 years ago

Once anybody mentions my name (or initials) in a post, that gives me the right to respond–”equal time”–if you will.

O RLY? Is this written in the Big Book of Internet Rules?

13 years ago

In place of sound, time-honored, clear games like Chess, Go, and checkers, or even board games like Monopoly or Risk–too noisy for me,

Guess there will be no pop o’ matic trouble for DKM’s 13 year old wife, poor kid.

13 years ago

You haven’t shown them–your healthcare professionals–your posts here lately, have you? Not only me, but in general, you seem hysterical, even when one considers that you are a woman and have extra feelings.

Like what? Are we talking the ability to sense magnetic fields here, or maybe to see in infrared, or possibly read minds? Or do we have access to entirely new kinds of emotions, like “funky-mixture-of-schadenfreude-and-lust,” or “the-desire-to-nibble-on-mahogany-brought-about-by-success-at-work”? Because in either case, that sounds pretty fucking sweet, to be honest.

13 years ago

Get owned, DKM. Observable empirical phenomena. So, DKM, what world are you living on? Clearly not reality.

13 years ago

DKM: Paraphrasing Liss form Shakesville: “I’m not angry, I’m contemptuous.” And, usually, highly amused by your asshattery. And the image of you trying to munchkin your way through a D&D campaign.

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