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MR Redditor: Unmarried women will have babies so the government will pick up their tab at restaurants

This comment didn’t get a ton of upvotes in r/mr, but it was just too idiotic to ignore:

Thanks, r/againstmensrights for pointing this one out!

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13 years ago

Totally worth all the hospital/doctor/prenatal care expenses if you get a free meal at Denny’s.

As far as incentives go, this one is pretty tempting. /snark

13 years ago

I wonder if MRA’s think women are incapable of a simple cost-benefit analysis, or if they themselves are?

13 years ago

Buh? Whaaa?


13 years ago

I wonder if MRA’s think

Not so much, no.

13 years ago

Mythago, you make me giggle 😛

13 years ago

If anything, these MRAs illustrate how much our educational system sucks.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I suspect these “restaurants” might be a bit less “glass of wine and candles on the tablecloth” and a bit more on the fast food or sandwich shop side of things. Which isn’t totally unreasonable for a working mother.

Also, as long as people aren’t lying about their eligibility, who cares how they spend their benefits? It doesn’t cost the government any differently if they buy rice and beans or if they buy lobster and steak.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

Let me know when they start handing out Mini Coopers and cruise vouchers. I’m saving my eggs.

13 years ago

I’ll be sitting on my eggs until they cough up beach front property and a pony. Till then, forget it.

13 years ago

@ Holly – I share your bewilderment, but we’ve certainly seen this kind of thing before. There seems to be a very distinct resentment, on the part of right-wingers in general and, apparently, MRAs in particular, against the idea of poor people ever experiencing any kind of pleasure whatsoever, and a sense of outrage if said poor people can be seen as somehow “getting away with” experiencing something pleasurable.

For example, here’s a nice white yuppie lady freaking out about a recent article on Salon that described poor young people (described in the article, for maximum outrage thrills, as “hipsters,” which apparently means they have the nerve to be interested in culture and music when they’re nowhere near rich enough to deserve interests or culture):

Nice white lady is all, “They’re eating better than me, on my dime!” But she never considers the fact that if a person’s getting $137.46 per month in food stamps, and they go ahead and blow that whole windfall on (a small piece of) lobster tail and (one, small) heirloom tomato and (a miniature container of) wild rice with truffles, there goes that person’s entire food budget for the month.

Obviously, if you only have $137.46 a month to spend on food, you’d probably be wiser to buy the rice and beans. . . but Nice White Lady’s problem isn’t with the idea that a poor person was unwise to buy gourmet delights. Her problem is that a poor person IS NOT ENTITLED TO HAVE gourmet delights, because she herself is frugal – by choice, I might add, since she obviously is not so poor that she qualifies for food stamps.

I have no idea what to do about people like Nice White Lady, or all the furious commenters on the OP from that link, or the icky MR Redditor who is subject of this OP. It seems hopelessly bizarre to me that so many people resent the poor for any and every single second of happiness they might ever experience, because on some kind of “MORAL!” ground, they have decided that pleasure should always come at a price, and poor people can’t afford it, so it’s an insult to all hard-working normal nice middle-class folks if a poor person ever enjoys something.

BTW – I actually think this is the real engine behind the anti-choice and anti-contraception rightwingers, too. They really hate the fact that nobody has to spend money or “earn” the right to experience sexual pleasure. It kills them that poor peoples’ orgasms feel just as wonderful as their own!

13 years ago

“I’ll be sitting on my eggs until they cough up beach front property and a pony. Till then, forget it.”

But, but…IT’S DENNY’S! You know, the place that the Muppets used to hang out at? WHO CAN BEAT THAT?!

13 years ago

OK, maybe a fainting goat. They make me laugh.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Oh, champions of the downtrodden,

It might be worth pointing out that the people who see unwed floozies feeding themselves( and their bastard spawn) at taxpayers’ expense on lobster and steak are having an awful lot of trouble keeping a roof over their heads, feeding THIER families on rice and beans, and keeping the clunker in good enough repair for another year to get to work on time–hoping the price of gas doesn’t top 5 dollars (US)/Gal.

This is NOT a case of rich vs.poor! The Billionaire NWO criminal elites already have everything their own way! This is a case of millions of struggling working people, trying to live responsibly, being taxed to death to support not one but TWO classes of parasites! One–admittedly the more destructive–are the banks, mortgage sharks, Wall St. Gamblers and big-time politically connected crooks which make up the ruling elite kleptocracy poisoning the economy,and the other, the welfarocracy–the people (mostly women, if you care to notice), largely in government, the “mainline” churches, the trade unions, the banks, and perhaps most importantly, the media and universities, who fund, aid and abet unwed motherhood, drug addiction, race (and gender) resentment, and sundry social and moral pathology turning our cities into sewers and what once was the greatest country in the world into a third-world hellhole! It is the middle and working classes, now disappearing and under armed siege, who PAYS for this lunacy–NOT the NWO billionaires and their agents!

Before you go off half cocked supporting welfare chislers, look at who is REALLY oppressed and downtrodden in the USSA-(United Socialist States of Amerika)!

David K. Meller

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Well, at least he admits that Wall St. is more destructive than so-called welfare chislers. Progress not perfection.

13 years ago

Really now? I can’t believe all the jackasses on these MRA forums seriously believe shit like this. “Women will have babies! Because in addition to being on the hook for another human being’s upbringing and support for 18+ years, they might get to use like $200/month SNAP funds to eat at restaurants!” — and then get stuck with the monthly costs of everyday feeding, clothing, housing, caring for, keeping warm, keeping cool, entertaining, healing, tending, daycare, babysitters, doctor visits, school supplies, getting like 2 hours of sleep a night for much of the first year, constantly worrying because children are expensive and you fear you might not be able to provide everything they require….

But hey! 200$ a MONTH! JACKPOT, Y’ALL!!

13 years ago

Really, I have a hard time seeing this sort of nonsense as much more than material for victimization fetishists.

13 years ago

Yes, but nearly to the level that Universities are! After all Universities are funding drug addiction and turning our cities into sewers while driving this, the once greatest country in the world into a third world hell-hole!

Disclaimer, I’m pretty sure you need a good grasp of higher learning and critical thinking to make an efficient sewer system. And while third world hell-holes are cheaper, you get better quality out of first world hell-holes. Just look at Sunnydale High.

13 years ago

I can’t believe all the jackasses on these MRA forums seriously believe shit like this.

Of course they do. These are the same jackasses that bitch and moan about women divorcing their husbands on a whim and “kidnapping” HIS children (y’know, the children that he might “babysit” on the odd occasion) so that they can get RICH on the few thousand dollars in child support that they might receive.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Unwed mothers CHOOSE to have sex without marriage. Unwed mothers CHOOSE to get pregnant by those “fathers” without marriage. Unwed mothers CHOOSE to undergo pregnancy without marriage–and often without their child’s sperm donor. Unwed mothers CHOOSE to have the babies out of wedlock, without a two-parent household to care for them.
Unwed mothers CHOOSE to keep the baby(ies) rather than give them up for adoption.

Now tell me, OSHill—and those who agree with him/her–about the hard life that said unwed mothers undergo because of a responsibility that they had no right to assume, and they had no right to inflict upon other people (see my post above);people who CANNOT SPARE that $200./mo because they did the responsible thing, married, work hard, and they NEED that “jackpot” to help feed, clothe, and educate THEIR children, keep a roof over their own heads, and meet their family and community obligations!

Additionally, they–and their children–deserve better than to have the unwed mother’s fatherless spawn grow up to terrorize their schools,parks, streets, and neighborhoods, as well as have the daughters of unwed slut grow up to breed more of the same 13-16 years down the line!

David K.Meller

13 years ago

“Fatherless spawn”? Women can reproduce parthenogenetically as long as they’re not married? WHO KNEW?!

13 years ago

Additionally, they–and their children–deserve better than to have the unwed mother’s fatherless spawn grow up to terrorize their schools,parks, streets, and neighborhoods, as well as have the daughters of unwed slut grow up to breed more of the same 13-16 years down the line!

I agree entirely. That’s why I support helping to feed, educate, and care for these children, so they can grow up to do better than terrorize the neighborhood (like Heathcliff!) and become teenage parents. I’m glad we’re on the same page here, because there are so many people who seem to have this weird notion that poor kids deserve to suffer for not having well-off parents. I’ll never understand those people.

13 years ago

@shaenon, you misunderstand. Those poor kids deserve to suffer because their mothers were brazen strumpets who fornicated outside of marriage! (The men with whom they fornicated, eh, whatever.)

13 years ago

Women have sex sometimes even when they can’t support children!!! HEAVEN FORFEND.

Sometimes the “choice” to bring a pregnancy to term is, depending on the state, not a choice at all due to limited access to affordable abortion services. Oh but wait, you sound like a pro-lifer. All the better to look down on a woman for having children when you forced her to it! And if you can degrade and marginalize and pigeonhole those children as they grow up, ALL THE BETTER.

Also, let’s go ahead and ignore the fact that when a mother is raising her out of wedlock child alone, it’s because the father abandoned their child!

Also, people just above the poverty line actually aren’t paying $200/month! People who are more well off pay more taxes! Those people just above the line where they could use the benefits probably appreciate that they’re there in case they need them! I know I do!

13 years ago

Hmm. Single men can adopt, can’t they? If single parenthood on benefits is such a gravy train, jump aboard, guys!

13 years ago

DKM, the families you talk about struggling to make ends meet quite often need the woman to go out and work too because just one salary cannot cover everything, yet you have made it clear you don’t think women should work. So please, spare us your fake concern – you would happily see plenty of men who are members of poor and/or working class families kept in poverty, if it keeps those bitches in the kitchen.

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