douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA sex the spearhead

Troll quote of the day: DK Meller on why dogs aren’t always better than women

David K. Meller, take it away:

There are still certain things that a suitably trained woman can do that a dog, no matter how smart and well trained, cannot do. That is why I am interested in female companionship.

Here’s the comment that came from. Enjoy!

And just remember: this guy regularly gets upvotes on The Spearhead, often for stuff much worse than this, as I’ve pointed out before.

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Agh, close tab fail!

13 years ago

Rutee: of course he doesn’t know what caused the housing crisis, he and NWO think it was caused by women spending 80% of the world’s wealth on shoes or something asinine like that.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Fair enough, CB. He can be Lieutenant Stupid then.

13 years ago

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe?

13 years ago


We require more vespene gas!

13 years ago

Pam, don’t even get me started; I will quote that game for days. 😀

PSSSHHH fire it up! >:D
Where does it hurt? 😉

Gender dimorphism, bitches! That’s how all men and women should behave, respectively. Probably. According to DKM. If those stupid Valkyries weren’t in the air my Wraiths would totally be better at not getting insta-pwned, I’m sure. Etc.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“child hatcheries”

Because the first memory I have of the daycare center is pushing aside the bits of my shell and looking into my handler’s face.

13 years ago

Ready to rooooll out!!
Goliath online!


Shit, I LOVED that game!!

13 years ago

“Yeah, “I have enough money to see a prostitute” doesn’t really prove anything except that you are a douche bag with money. Those are a dime a dozen.”

Yeah, pretty mu-

Oh, I see what you did there.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


Amused, I think they think that a) it makes them look all manly because they are having sex with SOMEBODY, and b) they are under the misimpression that like women in their faux-50s fantasies, real-life women are all competitive and get very upset at the idea that a man is having or wants to have sex with anybody else.

I think — and this is not mutually exclusive — it’s gloating that they haven’t been made to be nice or show affection to a woman, and they went around the obstacle course setup by women who aren’t on-duty sex workers (though I have a feeling that assuming they recognize that sex workers are ever not on duty is giving them too much credit).

11 years ago

This may well be old news, as I fell out of the habit of reading Manboobz for a while (I used to read way, way back in the shut-up-Yohan days and comment as “M”), but I was looking to see if David K. Meller has a blog where he talks about his creepy dolls, and it turns out he posts on Stormfront.

11 years ago

Ha, colour me unsurprised!

11 years ago

Yeah, that’s not news.