Here’s the entirety of a recent post by an MRA who calls himself Snark:
Uh, dude, I think you’ve confused “feminists” with “Daleks.”
Our new friend Fidelbogen thought this was such a brilliant idea he devoted a post to it himself, declaring:
Such economy, such concision. …
Really now, we wouldn’t go far wrong to make our rhetoric revolve around this above all, and very little more. The saying is deceptively simple, for it goes deep and reaches into many corners.
It puts them on the spot, and nails them there.
I knew Fidelbogen was a bit of a pompous doofus, but this is a whole new level of stupidity for him. I don’t even know what to say about something this idiotic.
Also, check out the comments to Snark’s piece. There’s something about potatoes you kind of have to see to believe.
Citation please.
The MRM is the Men’s Right’s Movement. We don’t think you’re a potential rapist any more than any other random person. Any stupid/lying accusations are because you are attributing things we didn’t say and don’t believe to us, and you must be either doing so on accident because you don’t understand what we’re saying, or on purpose even though you know it isn’t really what we think.
And many of us have been saying all along that we agree with you that both men and women can be abusers.
HTML. It was only a matter of time.
fixed it, katz!
Kollege Kat:
“And wasn’t The View widely criticised by feminists for Whoopi Goldberg’s dismissing “it wasn’t rape-rape” comment about Polanski’s victim alone?”
I heard that coment but didn’t hear about the feminist criticism. But if so, where was their condemnation of Barbara Walters thoroughly exploiting the Mary Kay LaTourneau thing? And as far as feminist standing, Walters, Behar and Goldberg consider themselves feminist, I doubt the other two.
As David Futrelle does here at manboobz to MRA’s, I do the same with Daytime TV programming. The View is my pet peeve. Whoopi (I’m a fan) said jokingly she “really didn’t know she hated men so much until she got her job at The View. Maybe because Behar blurts out things like “don’cha just hate men” to the wild frenzy of the audience. I guess Elliot Spitzer cheating on his wife is a good enough reason to all hate men.
Then there was Behar making that joke about, “mothers who pick out one of their kids just to hate them.” Jokes about target abuse, and no one complained. Or at least not enough. I did. But then again, they hate men. Why would they listen to me?
She did have to make a public apology for one of her anti-child screeds. She blasted a joke about some philandering politicians “bastard children.” View boss Bawa made her apologize because of all the bad Viewster feedback. Then there’s the Behar slur that Leonardo DaVinci was “a flamer.” When questioned about that she confidently responded “Oh yeah, they all are.” Imagine if Don Imus said “all” women in math or science are dykes.
Apparently though, View fans couldn’t get enough of Walter’s homewrecking affair with the first elected black senator. It was a major selling point for her book “Audition” which she promoted shamelessly. Talk about double standards. Given she’s got the same moral integrity and credence as any other philandering politician, I wonder how many of her “auditions” were on the casting couch.
Thanks VoiP. That’s what I’ve been saying all along.
Why are you thanking me? I disagree with you most strongly. I wasn’t agreeing with you there, just I didn’t want a redundant question cluttering shit up.
So: abuse rates are 30% maternal, 60% men (paternal plus “paramours (usually men)”), and the remaining 10% is mostly women; BY YOUR OWN STATISTICS women account for less than half of all abuse cases.
Less than half and you go on and on and on and on about “matriarchal oppression.” Less than half and when women abuse it is evidence of the matriarchy but when men abuse it’s…what? Isolated cases, every one of them?
Which reminds me, you never did explain how, if matriarchy = motherhood itself, we should go about fixing this. Should all children be raised by men? Isn’t that a whole lot of work for men? I mean, I’m fine with this, but I think motherhood as our culture regards it is mostly unremitting drudgery and I’d love it if you guys took that over for a change so we could get down to scientific advancements, cultural achievements, and ruling the business world.
Feminists must denounce EVERY BAD THING EVER before I will admit that they aren't full of hate.
Citations are for chumps. Let’s just assert things.
No sexists here, no sir!
Less than half even though women are responsible for far more than half off all childcare. But still, women are clearly more abusive towards children than men because, um, something about matriarchy.
html fixed, Voip!
How is it exactly that feminists are all (collectively and individually) responsible for everything said on daytime TV?
I don’t hold MRAs or men generally responsible for everything said by “shock jocks” on daytime radio.
How is it exactly that feminists are all (collectively and individually) responsible for everything said on daytime TV?
As far as RevSpinnaker is concerned, I think it’s because he identifies motherhood itself — and possibly femininity itself — with the “matriarchy,” which means that anything with women in it, even if it’s not explicitly feminist, is probably culpable for the acts of “the matriarchy” somehow.
html fixed, Voip!
“As far as RevSpinnaker is concerned, I think it’s because he identifies motherhood itself — and possibly femininity itself — with the “matriarchy,” which means that anything with women in it, even if it’s not explicitly feminist, is probably culpable for the acts of “the matriarchy” somehow.”
So porn is culpable for the evil acts of the matriarchy, ie. mothers abusing their children?
This theory gets more Byzantine all the time.
So porn is culpable for the evil acts of the matriarchy, ie. mothers abusing their children?
He’s already said that the matriarchy is to blame for beauty pageants, especially those with children in them, so probably.
Yes, because daytime television is a bastion of feminism. *rolls eyes*
So this is how this conversation is going to go? You’re just going to name one thing after another and demand that we apologize for it? We didn’t do any of these things. Would you like us to start demanding that you apologize for things other people said and did?
Guys, I am really, REALLY sorry about the Star Wars sequels.
My country inflicted the abomination that is the deep fried Mars bar upon the world. I apologize for that, and also for haggis.
“Guys, I am really, REALLY sorry about the Star Wars sequels.”
Aww, come on, “Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi” were entertaining (however flawed the latter movie is).
The PREQUELS, on the other hand…that’s a paddlin’.
“My country inflicted the abomination that is the deep fried Mars bar upon the world.”
Ooooooh…now feminism has gone too far.
In our defense, we did give you shortbread too.
“My country inflicted the abomination that is the deep fried Mars bar upon the world.”
I refuse to be sorry for us creating something so awesome. That’s like apologizing for creating LOLcats.
Sometimes my apartment is culpable for the acts of “the matriarchy”, but not during the day when my roommate and I are both out at work. And quite often the bus I ride is culpable, too (but sometimes the front half of the bus is not culpable, because occasionally it’s all old dudes.) My family is super culpable ’cause I’ve got two sisters and most of our pets are female, but my sister’s room as a kid was often not culpable ’cause her pet rats were both boys.
…Matriarchy’s fucking complicated, y’all!
As someone who lives in Texas, I am so, so sorry.