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Links: Jezebel on Reddit’s Jailbait drama

Jezebel’s Anna North has an interesting piece up on the return of Reddit’s ultra-skeezy Jailbait subreddit – and on the surprising number of vocal redditors who think that pedophilia ephebophilia is perfectly “natural.”

Oh, and here’s the Men’s Rights subreddit’s response to the Jezebel piece.



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13 years ago

Right, the Pussy Pass again. I keep forgetting about that.

13 years ago

@Rutee Katreya
“Statement assumes facts not in evidence.”

That would be your feminist indoctrinated fantasy again. Yes, you’re right, there is absolutely no evidence men and women think differently in the least. Such new agey stuff here. I feel so enlightened.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

According to the rules of women, your rules, she can wear nothing at all and it is appropriate.

No, I specified she should cover her nipples and genitalia.

And I’ll go further, since it’s scouts and all and that’s probably not the best setting for pushing societal limits–it would be best if she covered her midriff and buttocks for this. I’d say that a tank top and shorts would be appropriate for summertime outdoor Scouting, though.

Do you agree, do you feel this is too slutty, or would you rather rage and rage than take the huge ego risk of agreeing with anything?

13 years ago

Aaaaaaaaaand we’re on the “fake conversion” stage. God, I love NWO. He’s like a sitcom.

Shaenon! There’s another one for the Book of Larnin’.

13 years ago


And lizards! Don’t forget the lizards.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I should point out that covering the midriff and buttocks is about societal conventions, and not about avoiding inflaming men’s passions. I’m worried that if she wears less than a tank top and shorts the Scouts (or, MUCH more likely, their parents) will be offended, not that they’ll be thrown into a sexual rage.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“Do you agree, do you feel this is too slutty, or would you rather rage and rage than take the huge ego risk of agreeing with anything?”

My agreement or approval means nothing, remember. No man can tell any woman how to act, what to wear, or anything at all.

Man, I forgot how rigid feminist fantasy was. But I gotta go. Lizards, flounce, illuminatti, elephants, bankers, rapey, creepy, misogyny, slavey, subbie, owlslave, book of larnin’

13 years ago

No, NWO, no PEOPLE can tell PEOPLE what to wear, with the exception of health codes, employment or school dress codes, indecent exposure laws, etc. It works both ways!

13 years ago

Okay, so NWO simultaneously believes that lesbians are out their seducing teen girls to hog all the good teen pussy for themselves, while believing that women could only ever dress to attract men?

On another note, Brandon, Scarlett Johansson is 26, not 14. Adult men who Scarlett is willing to have sex with can legally have sex with her. This has been true in the bulk of the US for about a decade (the age of consent in the US varies, but averages between 16-18 for sex with adults). It is not really relevant for the purposes of this coversations whether your gross overgeneralizations about men and who they are attracted to is true or not, because the examples you provided are people well over the legal age.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO is such a fucking coward.

For all his bluster of being a big tough man who will be proven right someday, when you get down to brass tacks he’s afraid to even disagree too specifically.

If this is what we’re facing in the gender wars, I think we (and by this I mean women plus the like 99% of men who aren’t part of the MRA’s silly game) wouldn’t have too much trouble. We’d just have to bring our very sternest mean words.

13 years ago

NWO, a nasty, creepy old bastard for the ages!

Also, you were the idiot who brought up Illuminati in the first place, and you forgot the Rothschilds.

13 years ago

I don’t know it a tricky line. If the person is at a distance then yes it’s easy to ignore but if that person walks up close to you and says things that make you feel uncomfortable then no… No other way to see that as other than harassment if it’s unwanted. It happens to people no matter what they wear so why live in fear and dress in a way to prevent it when you really can’t if thy person is out of control enough to do that to anyone.

Belive me in certain circumstances verbal abuse and harassment does cause fear and feel horrible. I used to work as a corrections officer in Texas state prisons. We are dressed in long sleeves, long pants and the uniforms are not made to fit well. Also women who work as officers had the option(or not) to wear a apron type over cover we called a smock(to further hide any of your female shape). It did not matter one wit not a damn the prisoners would still verbally abuse and harass you all day. It was part of the job and if we could see who we could write them up and they would lose commissary or rec time. Half the time we had to disrguard it just to get our jobs done but certain harrasments like exposing themselves or threating to physically assault employees would be punished with a lengthened sentence.

Anyway the point is not to say that I felt harassed I did but it came with the job and you had to grow tough or go home. But it was to point out That no matter what you wear or how covered you are people who will harass others will do it anyway.

I have seen the worst of men but yet do not see every one of them as potential abussers or rapists and I dont understand the MRM as seeing all women as sluts and bad people. :/

13 years ago

i am not normally a boat-getter-offer-of, but i made the mistake of looking at the pictures he was commenting on and O_o

13 years ago

Again NWO has lied to us. He said that if we answered his question, he would answer the same question.

But he hasn’t. I think he’s afraid. Perhaps he’s afraid we will see how right he is, and the women who prance about in transparent clothes, because they want to arouse him will end, and he will have to live in a world where not only to the women not pay attention to him, they aren’t fun to look at any more.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“‘Why not show up wearing a see-thru top, micro-skirt and pantyless the next time you visit dead old dad.’

“Dude, where do you live if you see women dressed like this on a regular basis? Do you live in a porn video?”

My theory is that he lives near a strip club, or perhaps a nude beach.

NWOslave, have you ever seen a woman wearing pants and a long sleeved top?

13 years ago

Dude, where do you live if you see women dressed like this on a regular basis? Do you live in a porn video?

I keep asking him this, and no answer!

NWO, I’m pretty sure my dad knows I’ve had sex. I’ve been married for seven years, after all. And I have to say–he’s an old-fashioned guy in a lot of ways, but when I started dating he never pried into my love life or seemed bothered that I might be sexually active (which I wasn’t, most of the time). He definitely never acted like he “owned my sexuality.” Which was good, because he didn’t.

Thanks for the fashion tips, but I don’t think anybody wants to see me in a see-through top. All the pudge goes right to my gut, it ain’t pretty.

Why not show up wearing a see-thru top, micro-skirt and pantyless the next time you visit dead old dad.

I don’t think even that outfit would get a response out of a dead old dad.

13 years ago

@darksidecat: Fine, replace Scarlett with Saiorse Ronan or Abigail Breslin.

Also, it wasn’t an over-generalization but simple averages. If I walk up to 1000 straight men, show them two photos of one younger and one older female celebrity and ask them which one is more attractive. I could bet money on picking the younger one. That doesn’t mean that the older one is not attractive, just not as attractive as the younger one.

I am not even “Stacking the deck”. I didn’t pick some older woman that most would say is unattractive (say Rosie O). I picked a former supermodel.

The point being is that when comparing young vs old…young will win much more than old.

I was also making the comment towards Sharculese’s comment:
@pecunium, dont forget: the male sex drive is calibrated towards young, nubile virgins, women are used up by 25, etc. etc.

While I disagree with the idea of “women are used up by 25”, younger women will generally get much more attention from straight men than older women. Also, there are lots of men that place value on women that have had fewer partners. Some do, some don’t. It doesn’t really matter anymore since finding a female virgin in the states is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

Ah, men and women think differently. Lesbians can find women attractive but still handle themselves. Straight men, on the other hand, have no such self-control/maturity.

This is really the claim you want to make? How misandric of you!

13 years ago

NWOslave, answer the fucking question!


Not a smarmy “Oh, you think women should be allowed to wear nothing to a cub scouts meeting.”

Actually answer the question. What is appropriate dress for women? What clothing is appropriate? What clothing doesn’t sexually excite you?

Also, answer it with a positive. What clothing should they wear, not what clothing they shouldn’t wear.

Can you post a picture of a woman (say, a celebrity from the Golden age of Hollywood, for exaple)?

Who else is in favour of encouraging Dave to put NWOslave on moderation until he actually answers the question?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Well, we can all go now, Brandon Has Spoken.

13 years ago

Alright, I’ll be contrarian here.

I’m not really affected by this myself; the closer to my age a woman is, the more I tend to be attracted to her (hot is good, interesting is much better). But I think the discussion in the article and here is flawed.

First, the claim about the power imbalance. In the abstract, that’s a very good point. However, I’d argue that in many ways, these people are closer to the 15 year old mentally than to a woman their own age. The power imbalance would just exist in the other direction, with similar consequences. It may well be a form of mental self-defense.

And it’s usually not the case that young girls are terribly interested in dating much older guys, so the practical impact is not that big.

More importantly, I don’t think most of them actually want to date 15 year olds. It’s a kink. I think the vast majority of people who read incest erotica want to fuck their own family¹, and similarly people with nonconsent fantasies don’t really want to rape or be raped. It just turns them on to think about it. I’d guess most of them have little to no experience with young puppy love and teen sexuality; that’s a hole they close through fantasy. You can be young again yourself, and this time luck is on your side and you get to experience the good stuff. And it has the stimulating air of illegality (“jailbait”) without actually being so (according to the article, it’s pictures of clothed girls²).

If someone thinks that fifteen year old girls are cute and wants to look at pictures of them, what right do I have to tell them their kink is creepy and wrong and mine is right?

There’s two issues beyond the reddit itself. One is the age of consent; I don’t really have an opinion here. It’s a case of sorites, as most age limits are. It’s clear that a limit is necessary but there does not seem to be a good natural one. Different countries and states have different laws, and most of them seem as valid as the next. If someone has good arguments in favor of one particular limit he or she should be able to lobby for them; and if the arguments are bad they won’t convince enough people to achieve anything (at least I’d hope so…)

Then, of course it’s horrible when young girls are harassed, molested, or raped. Or even just have their picture taken in ways that harm them. But they’re bad when it happens to anyone. The myth of male weakness is wrong; a man finding someone attractive does not mean that he is forced to hurt her or have no respect for her as a human being. And if he does, that action is the problem, not the attraction.

¹ I think I read somewhere that most siscon people don’t even have a sister, but I might remember it wrong
² alright, I’ll admit it, I stumbled onto that reddit once a year or so ago. Don’t really remember any of it, as it’s not my thing, but if I remember correctly it was very tame. There’s heavier stuff in teen magazines where I live. Of course that may have changed since then.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Kilo – However, I’d argue that in many ways, these people are closer to the 15 year old mentally than to a woman their own age. The power imbalance would just exist in the other direction, with similar consequences.
The adult still is a lot more likely to have discretionary income, a place of their own, a car, no school/homework obligations, and to not be in a role that requires them to be subordinate to adults (teachers and parents) and treat them as authorities because of their adulthood. They can buy alcohol and porn, aren’t subject to curfew laws, and are treated as an adult by others. Regardless of their mentality, they still have a lot more power in the world than a 15-year-old does.

As for “it’s okay to look but not touch,” I sort of agree with that, but I still think it’s skeevy. Not unethical in itself, but freaky as hell and definitely open to criticism.

13 years ago

kilo: First, the claim about the power imbalance. In the abstract, that’s a very good point. However, I’d argue that in many ways, these people are closer to the 15 year old mentally than to a woman their own age.

This isn’t abstract. An immature 25 year-old has things the 15 year old doesn’t. Money, car, apartment, experience, and the cachet which comes of being “older”.