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Links: Jezebel on Reddit’s Jailbait drama

Jezebel’s Anna North has an interesting piece up on the return of Reddit’s ultra-skeezy Jailbait subreddit – and on the surprising number of vocal redditors who think that pedophilia ephebophilia is perfectly “natural.”

Oh, and here’s the Men’s Rights subreddit’s response to the Jezebel piece.



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13 years ago

15 year old girls wearing pratically nothing to sexually excite men is simply women devolving down to an animalistic state. Of course it’s endorsed by women as sexual empowerment, or owning your sexuality, or sexual agency, or some such nonsense. However, if a man is sexually attracted to that same 15 year old girl who has devolved down to a sexual animalistic state, he’s an animal. Feminist logic 101.

Since the next step in feminist evolution will be the inclusion of true pedophelia, I wouldn’t worry too much about some subreddit comment section. Lesbian feminists will of course be at the forefront of this inclusion. All it’ll take is one highly publicized case of a lesbian being beaten/hurt for having a sexual relationship with like some 5 year old girl, (maybe an adoptee). The MSM will interview the beaten lesbian and little girl to no end. They’ll sing songs of love with the female interviewer, and the tears will flow, The outpouring of emotion will be a thing a beauty.

The assailant will no doubt be a straight, white Christian man, and how spectacularly perfect that’ll be. Now you’ve got your victims of a lesbian woman and a little girl, tearfully exclaiming their love for each other, both owning their sexuality which has been oppressed by the evil Christian patriarchy. And of course you’ve got your violent, evil Christian oppressor, white and male, stealing childrens love. This will of course be the death toll of Christianity, which feminism has worked so feverently to destroy and to usher in their State sanctioned morals.

Once Lesbian/child love has been normalized, of course all gay/child love with quickly follow. State sanctioned of course, saying anything negative will be a hate crime.

Feminism already admonitions anyone who dares question the validity of placing children in the care of gays and lesbians. The State plainly endorses it, which is why the girl scouts recieves federal funding for the massive amount of lesbian girl scout leaders they have. And how those leaders love to mingle and teach little children about the joys of lesbianism. Of course the boy scouts recieves no federal funding due to their backward, hate policy of keeping gay pedophiles from being scout leaders.

We’ve had 92 years of women legislating morality with their votes. I shudder to think what morality women will legislate next year.

Matthew Cline
13 years ago

I don’t know any feminists who like Twilight.

I know a number of feminists who like Twilight as a guilty pleasure, and who are fully aware that Edward is a Stalkery McStalkerson.

13 years ago

Someone in the Jezebel comments made a good point: this eternally creepy argument always gets framed in terms of adult men’s rights to hit on anything identifiably female, and never in terms of teenage girls’ rights not to get harassed, frightened, and manipulated by adults who ought to be old enough to know better.

Tina Fey wrote about this in her book, talking about the research she did for Mean Girls:

[Rosalind] did this particular exercise in a hotel ballroom in Washington, DC, with about two hundred grown women, asking them to write down the moment they first “knew they were a woman.” …The groups of women was racially and economically diverse, but the answers had a very similar theme. Almost everyone first realized they were becoming a grown woman when some dude did something nasty to them. ‘I was walking home from ballet and a guy in a car yelled, ‘Lick me!’ ‘I was babysitting my younger cousins when a guy drove by and yelled, ‘Nice ass.’ There were pretty much zero examples like ‘I first knew I was a woman when my mother and father took me out to dinner to celebrate my success on the debate team.’ It was mostly men yelling shit from cars. Are they a patrol sent out to let girls know they’ve crossed into puberty? If so, it’s working.

I experienced car creepery at thirteen… I was walking home alone from school and I was wearing a dress. A dude drove by and yelled, ‘Nice tits.’ Embarassed and enraged, I screamed after him, ‘Suck my dick.’ Sure, it didn’t make any sense, but at least I didn’t hold in my anger.

13 years ago

NWO, eternally oppressed because it is illegal to manipulate 15 year olds in some states into having sex with him.

He has to make do with the haggard 16 year olds.

My heart bleeds.

(not really)

13 years ago

“15 year old girls wearing pratically nothing to sexually excite men is simply women devolving down to an animalistic state.”

I called it, but was off by a year. Damn.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

Bostonian: all states. There is no U.S. state with an age of consent lower than 16, though some states have Romeo and Juliet laws.

13 years ago

My mistake then, he is oppressed horribly in all states. Poor man, to have to harass the ancient 16 year old hags.

13 years ago

This is so helpful! In the past, NWO has always been vague about when he thinks women started writing and enacting all laws. Now we have the answer: politicians, judges, and law enforcement became all-female communities back in 1919. This is extremely useful to my research.

I’m not sure where to file his prediction/fantasy that someday a straight white man will beat up a lesbian for molesting a five-year-old, and this will cause people to decide that molesting five-year-olds is okay. I may have to add a Precognitions section to the book.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Is the Big Book of Larnin’ ever going to be published?

13 years ago

So basically, women took over all branches of government, at all levels, a year before they got the right to vote. Sisterhood is AWESOME.

13 years ago

“‘I was babysitting my younger cousins when a guy drove by and yelled, ‘Nice ass.’ There were pretty much zero examples like ‘I first knew I was a woman when my mother and father took me out to dinner to celebrate my success on the debate team.”


“I experienced car creepery at thirteen… I was walking home alone from school and I was wearing a dress. A dude drove by and yelled, ‘Nice tits.’

This stuff is psyco-ward worthy. I guess when girls are wearing next to nothing specifically to sexually excite and attract any man within eyeshot, they expect men to yell out, “hey baby, nice brains.” Or wait, wait, wait, how about, “sweet debating skills!” Although I’m sure the skin tight, see-thru top and barely there skirt screams, see how smart I am in feminist circles. In reality, it doesn’t.

Somewhere, the great manboobz white knight proclaimed Shaenon to be well known of sorts. For what, I’m not sure. Unless a reversal of reality is considered well known. I guess you could be well known for dening reality. Since virtually all girls prance about wearing next to nothing, for one reason only, if a guy says, “nice ass.” It’s probably beacuse your clothing is either painted on, skin tight, or your ass is actually visible under that 6″ skirt. Nice debatng skills Shaenon. Too. Damn. Funny.

Oh yea, I almost forgot, lizards, illuminatti, bankers, flounce, why do you hate elephants, slavey, subbie, rape apologist, rapey, schrodingers rapist, creepy, skeevy, misogynist, misogyny, and on and on.

Any of the above signifies a win in manboobz country.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh man, he thinks he’s on Earth-616, instead of some weird alternate reality. And that we’re the reality-deniers. Projection, Ho!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Although I’m sure the skin tight, see-thru top and barely there skirt screams, see how smart I am in feminist circles.

We don’t want to hear your sexual fantasies, NWO.

If you ever went outdoors, you’d get a better idea of how women actually dress, much less freaking thirteen-year-olds. (Not that it should matter anyway; it’s possible to see someone entirely naked and yet still not sexually harass them.)

I guess when girls are wearing next to nothing specifically to sexually excite and attract any man within eyeshot, they expect men to yell out, “hey baby, nice brains.”

I think you’re underestimating men’s shining opportunity to yell nothing at all at young girls they drive past on the street.

13 years ago

I think NWO is angry that someone out creeped him earlier, so he is trying to recoup the throne of the Creepiest Old Man.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Although I’m sure the skin tight, see-thru top and barely there skirt screams, see how smart I am in feminist circles.”

NWOSlave has, apparently, never seen a woman wearing pants. Or a top that was street legal. You know that there’s this thing called a “dress code” for most jobs, Slavey? You should look up the one at your job and see if it says “see through tops” allowed on it.

(I’m always boggled by the fact that NWOslave seems to assume that *all* women wear a certain kind of outfit *all* the time. My theory is that he either hasn’t seen a woman that wasn’t on a computer screen for a while, or all the pants-wearing, non-see-through-top-wearing women simply don’t register.)

13 years ago

Today I’m in short shorts and a black tank top. That’s because it’s hot out.

Yesterday I was in a very short dress. That was because I was out of laundry.

Tomorrow I will wear tight ass-flattering skinny jeans and a nice shirt. That will be because I am trying to turn on my girlfriends and boyfriend.

Last week I wore a miniskirt and a midriff-bearing top. That was because I was going to an Exotic Fantasy theme party and everyone was dressed in slutty outfits, boys and girls.

Not once did I dress in attractive clothing because I wanted to be harassed. Not once was I harassed, in fact, because people are capable of controlling themselves.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Once again, by the way, NWO’s misandry boggles me.

He thinks men are so stupid that they can’t understand when it isn’t appropriate to yell at strangers! He thinks men are so weak-willed that their minds can be controlled by a piece of clothing!

It’s been a long damn time since I’ve heard a feminist be as hard on men as NWO just was.

13 years ago

@Rutee Katreya
“Oh man, he thinks he’s on Earth-616”

I’ll add Earth-616 to the big book of larnin’, so I’ll know when I’ve lost in what’s considered a feminist debate. Which everyone of your comments has been pretty consistent along the lines of, “yea, but why do you hate elephants?” That Ivory Tower is really churning out some future leader material stuff these days. Feminists, the cream of the crop.

13 years ago

Old meme is old, NWO.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

“Once again, by the way, NWO’s misandry boggles me.

He thinks men are so stupid that they can’t understand when it isn’t appropriate to yell at strangers! He thinks men are so weak-willed that their minds can be controlled by a piece of clothing!”

Oh no, more reverse psychology. But lets try a small dose of reality so you won’t OD on it.

Are women are too stupid to realize if they dress to sexually excite men they will actually get sexual attention? Give women a little credit will ya? I said men and women have different abilities, I never said women were so completely daft as to not comprehend something so simple. You on the other hand actually believe women are so stupid and weak they can’t comprehend or control their animal instincts.

Ya see that’s the difference between reality and feminist fantasy. Accountability as well, which is also anti-feminist.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Since virtually all girls prance about wearing next to nothing, for one reason only, if a guy says, “nice ass.” It’s probably beacuse your clothing is either painted on, skin tight, or your ass is actually visible under that 6″ skirt.

It could just mean that she has a nice ass. But the simple fact of a woman or girl being attractive does not merit harassment.

Frankly, slave, I can’t figure you out. Why does it bother you that women choose to dress in a sexy or revealing manner? To me, that just a feast for my eyes. Of course, I try to be discreet and respectful when I look, but I do look. As they say, I’m married, not dead. Oddly enough, I feel no compulsion to rape these attractive women. Maybe a quick little fantasy, but that’s it.

The knowledge that a girl is underage, though, tends to dampen my enthusiasm, and to alter my thoughts in the direction of “aw, she’s cute!” Fantasies usually short-circuit at that point, and my feelings become more protective. I still appreciate (again, I’m not dead), but the appreciation has a decidedly different flavor to it.

You seem to struggle with this, though. Attractive women and girls seem to infuriate you more than anything else. Why do you think that is?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Are women are too stupid to realize if they dress to sexually excite men they will actually get sexual attention?

Men are people. They can make decisions. It’s not “stupidity” to not know what decision a person will make.

Also, I’m unclear, once again, on what clothing sexually excites men. Perhaps I am stupid. Can you describe for me a safe outfit, one that would not sexually excite men?

Right now, I’m wearing a black t-shirt and knee-length cargo shorts. No makeup, flat sandals. Am I sexually exciting men?

You on the other hand actually believe women are so stupid and weak they can’t comprehend or control their animal instincts.

Their animal instinct to dress slutty. Perhaps we inherited it from our cousins the Short-Skirted Bonobo, or the little known subspecies the Lacy-Shirt Chimpanzee.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

A hypothetical, NWO:

I wish to sexually excite my boyfriend. So I dress up sexy, in the see-through shirt and postage-stamp skirt of your sexual fantasies.

On the way to his house, I stop to pick up groceries. Can I expect to be harassed by men in the store? Do I deserve it? Do you think I wanted it?

Was there a way I could have prevented this, while still pleasing my boyfriend? Should I have worn something to cover myself up? If so, what?

13 years ago


“Old meme is old, NWO.”

That’s so profound. Did you come up with that all by your lonesome? Or was a group effort? Just out of curiosity, have you ever shown daddy the fine work you do? I don’t mean Big Daddy of course, Big Daddy lets his little girls do what ever they want.

I mean da crew is always goin on about do you treat your mother like that, and would your mother approve and so forth. Let’s regender this puppy. Why not show your cis-gendered, male-identified dad your glorious work. Let me know how that works out for ya.