creepy links men who should not ever be with women ever MRA reddit statutory rape apologists

Links: Jezebel on Reddit’s Jailbait drama

Jezebel’s Anna North has an interesting piece up on the return of Reddit’s ultra-skeezy Jailbait subreddit – and on the surprising number of vocal redditors who think that pedophilia ephebophilia is perfectly “natural.”

Oh, and here’s the Men’s Rights subreddit’s response to the Jezebel piece.



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13 years ago

Let me guess… more of the “but the little girls like it.”

13 years ago

Ah, not yet. This is the, The Poor Boys Who Like People Their Age Are Being Crucified”, right down to “guesstimated” stats that most sex-offenders are “just kids fooling around”.

Now, I happen to think the huge fear of “Sex Offenders” is overblown, but that’s not the same as saying predatory behavior to children ought to be ok because of that.

And I’m curious as to how many of the defenders of /r jailbait are over… let’s say, 25.

13 years ago

@pecunium, dont forget: the male sex drive is calibrated towards young, nubile virgins, women are used up by 25, etc. etc.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I wish the “it’s not pedophilia, it’s ephebophilia!” squad would wake up to the fact that that’s worse.

Pedophilia is an actual pathology, something that’s beyond the pedophile’s control and often extremely distressing to them.

“Ephebophilia” is a normal sex drive–one that includes attraction to most people of reproductive age of your preferred gender(s). But it’s a normal sex drive combined with a fear and hatred and resentment of an adult woman’s mind. They go after teenagers not because they’re teenagers, but because they’re not-adults.

The “ephebophiles” don’t have twisted sex drives–they’re interested in titties and asses just like most heterosexual men, and that’s why they’re not interested in prepubescent kids. What’s twisted is the sort of person (or rather, as close to a quietly pliable nonperson as they can get) they want to come with that body.

13 years ago

I am going to be arming my daughters shortly.
Not a whole solution, I know, but it may help my peace of mind a bit.

13 years ago

“But it’s a normal sex drive combined with a fear and hatred and resentment of an adult woman’s mind. They go after teenagers not because they’re teenagers, but because they’re not-adults.”

This is an important point. There’s a reason that these guys say things like, “You gotta get’em young and raise ’em yourself.”

13 years ago

“Ah, not yet. This is the, The Poor Boys Who Like People Their Age Are Being Crucified”, right down to “guesstimated” stats that most sex-offenders are “just kids fooling around”

And soon someone will swan in here saying that of course 14 year-old girls want to be objectified in this manner. Y’know, shaking it in front of guys like a steak or something.

Bruce McGlory
13 years ago

I still say it makes perfect sense that this sniveling mra cowards focus so much on young children, because they can’t hack it with adults. Sniveling MRAs know they’re useless, inadequate cowards, so of course they focus on children who lack the life experience to know what useless, inadequate cowards mras are.

The only thing that confuses me is why they are so proud of publically admitting they’re terrified of adults.

13 years ago

Also someone will come along and post a picture to prove that they are not completely creepy, in spite of the long screed they wrote in defense of men who want to rape 14 year old girls.

13 years ago

This is an important point. There’s a reason that these guys say things like, “You gotta get’em young and raise ‘em yourself.”

And now I need a shower. Possibly with bleach. Yech.

13 years ago

Let me guess… more of the “but the little girls like it.”

Nah, doesn’t look like they’re giving a shit what little girls think.

13 years ago

So, let’s see, we’ve already addressed the distinction between pedophelia and ephebephilia,* and the “women are useless after 25” trope.

Everytime one of these posts are published I ask what’s wrong with 16 and 17 year old girls. Interestingly, none of the people who whine about how evil feminism is keeping them from nailing 14 year olds has ever had the sack to answer the question. What’s left…?

Oh, right. I’m forgetting. We’ll undoubtedly receive lots of posts/links about female teachers who sexually assault and/or rape teenage boys. And no matter how many of the regular posters speak articulately and definitively about how they do not approve of lesser sentences for these women, our statements will be ignored in favor of the straw feminist who thinks that 13 year old boys should be fair game.


Of course, when you aren’t actually outraged by the sexual abuse of children, merely annoyed that you think someone else can get away with it but you can’t, you’re naturally going to ignore facts and statements that are contrary to your preconceived delusions.

Am I forgetting anything else. Oh, yeah. Of all the MRAs who do express their righteous anger at sentencing discrepancy for statutory rape and forms of sexual assault have any ever posted a link to a petition, or protest, or any other form of activisism that is addressing the issue?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

And the top comment on r/MR right now:

What about 40 year old feminists who fap and schlick to Twilight movies?

It’s the old “we’re disgusting but that’s okay because feminists are disgusting!” logic. There’s no concept of a moral standard, only of “at least we’re not worse than the feminists!” And since they think feminists are horrible, that’s the lowest standard they could possibly hold themselves to.

(Also, Robert Pattinson is 25. And his character is like a hundred. And most feminists hate Twilight anyway.)

13 years ago

They seem to use “feminists” and “women” interchangeably.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

They really picked Twilight to support their argument?
I wonder if “feminist” just means “woman who does stuff we don’t like” to them, not someone who actually IS a feminist.

Also: seconding the want for showering with bleach. Holy creeptastic creeps, batman!

13 years ago

They think us ladies get wet panties over Justin Beiber? No. No no.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

I wonder if “feminist” just means “woman who does stuff we don’t like” to them, not someone who actually IS a feminist.

I don’t wonder.

13 years ago

I don’t know any feminists who like Twilight. In fact, every woman I know in my age bracket (30’s) who likes Twilight is a conservative anti-feminist. Anyone with the remotest feminist bone in her body says that Edward is a stalker and Twilight is disgusting abstinence propaganda that gives teenaged girls really warped views on “romantic” behavior. (Sneaking to your house to watch you sleep, following you around, and disabling your car so you can’t get away is NOT romantic)

13 years ago

And no matter how many of the regular posters speak articulately and definitively about how they do not approve of lesser sentences for these women, our statements will be ignored in favor of the straw feminist who thinks that 13 year old boys should be fair game.

If feminists really thought that younger boys should be fair game, wouldn’t we also be in favor of a lower age of consent? Because, you know, we wouldn’t want to be arrested for it? Or do they think we’re completely immune from the consequences of law breaking- oh, right, the mythological Pussy Pass. Of course. It all makes sense now.

Bruce McGlory
13 years ago

“Or do they think we’re completely immune from the consequences of law breaking- oh, right, the mythological Pussy Pass. ”

LOL, of course. Nevermind the literal legions of male child rapists who get off scot free. The REAL problem is that feminists something something something nazis!!

Nobinayamu stay the fuck away from ALL children.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I don’t know why “ephebophilia” is in scare quotes. That’s what it is. It’s not pedophilia.

13 years ago


13 years ago

There’s a reason that these guys say things like, “You gotta get’em young and raise ‘em yourself.”


/runs for the brain bleach

13 years ago

Nobinayamu stay the fuck away from ALL children.


Puella Sapiens
13 years ago

“I wish the “it’s not pedophilia, it’s ephebophilia!” squad would wake up to the fact that that’s worse.”

Yes. Partially for the reasons you’ve given, and also because its claim to normalcy gives it a claim to ethical legitimacy in the eyes of those easily duped by our old friend, the naturalistic fallacy. Which is a whole lot of people, I’m sad to say.

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