Ladies! You may think you’ve got the men of the world fooled, but the guys over on MGTOWforums.com can see right through you! As dontmarry puts it:
Everything that a woman does is deceitful. From makeup, push-up bras and high heels, to fibbing about her dick count or proclamations of ‘I don’t mind marrying a poor man’ (oh yes you do).
That’s right, ladies! We know those eyelashes aren’t real! We know your cheeks aren’t really that rosy! And your lips aren’t really that red! And your boobies aren’t really … um, what was I saying? I got distracted thinking about boobies. Anyway, you’re all a bunch of liars! I bet some of you even wear Spanx, which are a tool of Satan.
Also, that thing he said about the dick count. Stop the lies! We demand dick count accuracy!
There are two principle reasons why women wear makeup/fashion. Choose one, or other, or both:
1) To attract men by highlighting features and concealing flaws (ie., a form of deception);
2) To role-play, to play a “type” of woman, as in feeling sexy and attractive (in exactly the same way that men like to conform to the “types” that women happen to find attractive, like a soldier in uniform, or intellectual, or poet, or business exec, or thug, or degenerate, etc).
We can accept that for many women, the first option does not hold. In which case, we are left with the second option. But to deny that the second option is to attract men is disingenuous, because role-playing is about conforming to cultural stereotypes that ultimately derive their motivations from the universal desire of women to be attractive to men. It is culture that informs women what is sexy and attractive, and men are a part of that cultural process. The desire to be sexy and attractive does not magically materialize from a vacuum. It does not materialize in the absence of men’s interests. Very few women would want to purposefuly dress in a manner that is ugly to men (though sometimes you have to wonder).
1) Some of the comments that I make, feminists might inadvertently agree with. This is unintentional. Any resemblance to feminist-approved opinions is purely coincidental and regrettable. As the standard-bearers of a sexist hate movement, feminists are neither my friend nor the friends of normal men or women. In the pursuit of their own selfish agenda, they have resolutely denied one of the most fundamental laws of the universe… namely, men and women deserve one another.
2) Apologies to the less gifted among us, for my use of big words. I find it more economical to write this way.
I notice he’s unstandardized his disclaimer xD
the universal desire of women to be attractive to men.
How universal is this desire? o: It applies to all women? Is this genetic? Biology? Chromosomal? o:
When do I wear make up, and when don’t I? :3
When does Holly wear make up, and when doesn’t she?
Am I wearing make up now? o:
Very few women would want to purposefuly dress in a manner that is ugly to men (though sometimes you have to wonder).
What times do you wonder? o:
I would like to know more 😀
Chuck, the problem here isn’t that you’re using language that is too advanced for us (you’re not); it’s that your ideas are basically just idiotic.
Interesting how gay women are completely erased from the picture or how chuckeedee does not know any word with more than 4 syllables but still thinks that his vocabulary can be difficult for anyone who is not a 4 year old.
Dude, you need to get a life, stop reading feminist blogs and do something with your time… like… read a book, take “logic 101” or jump in a river… just stop abusing the English language!
Looks like it’s Golden Oldie Week at Radio MRAL- bitches. and his height obsession, and his weird ranking systems that prove that women who are unfat can always get sexed up if they just ask.
But apparently despite this what bitches really want is tall guys with $MONEY$, so I guess they’d just dump the not tall ones when someone who isn’t vertically challenged comes along.
(He really sounds like he’s slipping back into the bad habits and attitudes that many here suggested he go into therapy for- has he fallen off the therapy wagon?)
Chuckeedee: I have! Because how I feel most comfortable is unattractive to many men.
MRAL not only eliminated all gay women but also all fat women. So when he says that 3’s fuck 10’s, he’s still talking about thin women. And then he sees absolutely NO HYPOCRISY in railing against hot women who won’t fuck a 3, even though according to his rankings, fat women must have negative numbers.
Just to make it clear: hot women are obligated to fuck every man who wants them, regardless of how he looks. But men are entitled to keep personal standards that eliminate over half of the female population as sexual partners, and if we point that out, we’re bitches.
Why? Seriously. Where does that sense of obligation come from? The idiot that pressures you? Or does it come from yourself? I need to understand why anyone should feel obligated. I also feel “obligated” when a woman hits on me. Why’s it different for you?
oops, forgot my disclaimers again… see above 🙂
and in honour of Ami: XD
Accurate dick count: 2. Chick count: 2. 😮 what is this hypergamy you speak of?
Holy shit, is this in the US? (I’m a (female) software engineer and I’m wearing a woot tshirt, jeans, and sneakers to work today.) I think I would be out interviewing for other jobs right now if the people I worked with tried that on me… I am far too lazy for that shit 🙂
I’m kinda genderqueer so maybe this doesn’t apply, but I really don’t consider what men will think about my clothes when I get dressed in the morning. It’s more a question of what’s clean.
…or is it supposed to be subconscious or something?
Most men can’t tell if a woman is wearing subtle makeup or not. If a woman has a light hand and is experienced with applying cosmetics, the texture of the powders and cremes will not be detectable on the skin. Sometimes women wear more obvious makeup for reasons of fashion, but the kind of makeup that is used to mimic signs of youth, fertility, and sexual arousal is not apparent as “fake” if done well.
A woman after a subtle look might wear a light application of sheer foundation, a light dusting of powder, and some concealer. To that she might add blush on her cheeks and a light sheer lipstick. Other women might also use a light coat of mascara or some neutral eyeshadow. This is the kind of application that tends to make a woman look more alert. Her skin will have a more even tone and an appealing flush. Her eyes will seem slightly bigger and brighter. It’s a subtle enhancement, and it does not turn a hideous old troll into a nubile young thing. This is also the look most men who declare “no makeup” expect on “natural” women.
Then, there are occasions when women use makeup for fashionable or dramatic effect. They might wear many of the same products, but they will use a slightly heavier application. More mascara, darker or more shimmery lipstick, colored or darker shadows, eyeliner, etc. This type of makeup is detectable, and some people find it attractive. I think it’s sexy because there is a sensuality inherent in highlighting the lips and eyes, etc. It’s only sexy if the woman knows how to apply makeup well, however, and if she does so in a way that amplifies her attractive features. Again, the use of eyeshadow doesn’t change the shape or color of the eye. It only changes one’s perception of these things, and the effect is still fairly subtle. Cosmetics don’t imbue a beauty lacking in the naked face.
I wear makeup and won’t be shamed out of it. I’m not presenting a fake version of myself, as my features are clear whether I am made up or not. Foundation slightly brightens my complexion, but either way, I am a woman with fair and smooth skin. My cheeks are rounded with or without blush. My nose is small and straight with or without makeup. My lips are full with or without lipstick. My lashes are black with or without mascara. So, why bother wearing it at all? Well, it amplifies what I have naturally. And I like my face, and I want to amplify what is attractive about it. I also like playing with different looks and fashions. And, since I wear makeup whether or not I am planning to interact with men, it’s not merely a device intended to defraud male sex drives.
Not sure why I am responding to this drivel.
Chuckee, do you realize that blitzgal is paraphrasing MRAL’s views in this quote? No. You think blitzgal holds those views.
If you’re going to lecture us about how smart you are, you might want to demonstrate being able to understand what other people are saying.
While we’re dick-counting: the worst sex I ever had in my life was with a “10”.
$300/month on makeup sounds a bit steep, unless she has skin problems that make the drugstore brands a minefield. I can relate somewhat, and it’s true that you can burn alot of money looking for the right stuff for your situation. But once you got a good brand loyalty going you should be able to rein it in a bit. Of course, factor in the not-makeup makep up – cleansers and sunscreens and whatnot- and it can go back up. I have acne-prone skin and what I spend on a sunblock that won’t make me break out boggles the mind.
“Chuckee, do you realize that blitzgal is paraphrasing MRAL’s views in this quote? No. You think blitzgal holds those views.
If you’re going to lecture us about how smart you are, you might want to demonstrate being able to understand what other people are saying.”
Thank you. Also, your handle is hilarious.
I need to finally as this noob question. How do we blockquote here???
<blockquote>quoted stuff</blockquote>
(It’s less-than, then the word “blockquote”, then greater-than to start, and less-than, slash, “blockquote”, greater-than. I mostly wanted to see if i could get the escape characters right.)
I’m surprised that anyone could spend $300 a month on makeup. Some of it is very expensive, yes, but most products last for a long time. Even if you dispose of makeup every few months as recommended, $3600 a year on makeup seems outrageous for an ordinary woman. I wear makeup daily and tend toward expensive brands. I would estimate I spend about $500 a year on makeup, lotions, cleansers, and so on.
wtf are you prattling about AACC? You better check your own comprehension abilities before you criticize others’.
And who was responsible for that?
Snowy, you have caught me in a lie! I did not clearly state my morning height and evening height. I haven’t measured myself in years, but I’ve measured everything between 5′ 1″ and 5′ 2″, at different times of the day, too, so it would be more honest to say I’m 5′ 1.5″. Only it sounds absurd to say that, like it’s cute when a kid tells you they’re 9 and 3/4, but really weird if I say I’m 31 and 1 month.
Now, what shall my punishment be? XD
1) Argument Fallacy; suckers choice.
2) Misanderist tropes; men aren’t dumb beasts who only respond in binary reflex to stimuli.
My wife wears makeup because she wants to appear more professional at work. For women, it can be like wearing a clean shirt and a tie would be for men. Since her clients are primarily severely mentally ill men, presenting herself as sexually appealing is not really to her advantage. Of course, all workplaces are different and everyone’s mileage may vary, but the fact remains that she emphatically does not wear makeup every day to appeal to men. Before her current job, she wore none at all.
Overly simplistic, incredibly trite and demonstrably false. Chuckeedee have you ever put on makeup that wasn’t for the stage/theater or part of a halloween costume?