$MONEY$ evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men

Cosmetics: An evil plot to fool the men of the world into thinking that ladies are pretty

Evil female deceiver at work

Ladies! You may think you’ve got the men of the world fooled, but the guys over on can see right through you! As dontmarry puts it:

Everything that a woman does is deceitful. From makeup, push-up bras and high heels, to fibbing about her dick count or proclamations of ‘I don’t mind marrying a poor man’ (oh yes you do).

That’s right, ladies! We know those eyelashes aren’t real! We know your cheeks aren’t really that rosy! And your lips aren’t really that red! And your boobies aren’t really … um, what was I saying? I got distracted thinking about boobies. Anyway, you’re all a bunch of liars! I bet some of you even wear Spanx, which are a tool of Satan.

Also, that thing he said about the dick count. Stop the lies! We demand dick count accuracy!


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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

@ Hershele:

Are you a Cretan?

Now, now. I’ve heard the isle of Crete is lovely.

13 years ago

He’s right, I do lie about my dick count. If I told people I had an unfurling starburst of 20+ modest-sized penises where my vagina should be, I’d creep people out.

I’ve seen enough anime to know where this is going…

So you might want to not make assumptions about what I think on these topics.

Projection over-ruled!

There’s certainly some nasty memes about men out there (such as that they only pretend to be affectionate to get laid)

That would be the entire PUA culture, wouldn’t it?


to fibbing about her dick count

13 years ago

I sort of see your point, Hershele, but for some of the “deceitful” things like the flowers and the high heels, I can’t even see a technically correct way to say that they’re deceitful – there’s no intention to give a false impression. One could make a tenable case for blusher or comb-the-remaining-hair-over-the-bald-spot hairstyles being “deceitful” under a contrived definition, but high heels just give a woman the posture and gait of, er, a woman wearing high heels (which our culture deems sexy.)

13 years ago

I think GL Piggy is arguing that men would never do anything nice to women if there wasn’t the prospect of sex afterward, so the dates and romance are, in fact, lying about the man’s general level of kindness and generosity.

Once again, MRAs are the most misandric of all.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

One could make a tenable case for blusher or comb-the-remaining-hair-over-the-bald-spot hairstyles being “deceitful” under a contrived definition,

Comb-overs are the work of the Devil! Unless you happen to be this guy:

13 years ago

The simple fact is that some men (not all, but some) are threatened and/or offended by women who do not conform to the above standards. It’s really a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario. We’re blamed for conforming, but punished if we don’t.

Yeah, just tune in tomorrow to see these same jackasses railing on about how women who choose not to wear makeup, not to wear sexy skirts and dresses, not to wear high heels, who cut their hair short or….God forbid!!!….grow body hair in areas other than on their heads, are doing so out of direct and flagrant disobedience to male authority.

13 years ago

You know when posh chaps do that thing where, at the end of an evening’s poshing, they drape an untied bow tie round their neck to give a louche and sexy effect, BUT they actually wore a ready-tied bow tie and brought an untied one in their pocket? Where does that fit in?

13 years ago

There are some men that say they really like women to look natural, and they don’t like it when women wear makeup. Some of them, though, don’t realize that the look they like on women, the natural look, is also created by makeup. When it comes down to it, they actually just don’t like it when women wear more dramatic makeup styles.

I’ve seen some MRA’s repeat the quote “Women want toasted ice”. This is a case where some men want two contradictory things. They want women to be beautiful, but they don’t want women to use any products that help them look beautiful. If you’re not the rare person who can crawl out of bed looking like a model, then what are you supposed to do? It’s similar to the people that think women should age gracefully, but they should never look old. What are you supposed to do, buy wrinkle cream and Botox and be criticized for trying to look younger, or be yourself and deal with ageism?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I love this stupid accusation. It really winnows out who the morons with unrealistic expectations are. It’s based on this weird assumption that looks don’t require maintenance, and that women who look amazing just wake up that way. Take Piggy, who seems to think that women are getting DD implants for giggles or gold digging, without doing the 10 minutes of thought about what cosmetic surgery requires (Hint: Money).

Are you a Cretan?

He is a Cretin, but I’m not sure why you think he’s from the island of Crete.

what interests me is that there are hypocrisies on both sides of this debate. MGTOW will rail against women who are seen doing these things, and feminists will alternate between railing on these materialistic women or defending women from these charges.

I see you think MRAs aren’t hypocritical about this at all, despite the fact that you whine and complain about people not putting effort into looking good for you. Women can’t win this game; that’s why feminists have to point why you’re being stupid, as well as why it can be harmful for people to aggressively push these sorts of ideals (FYI I’m not familiar with feminists attacking people who get the procedures, but the people who sell and do them, just so you know. It probably happens, but personally that’s where I see the problem)

13 years ago

Just checked with Foamy the neurotic squirrel to see if he had weighed in on this topic in one of his rants, and sure enough…
A Woman’s Deceit

On a side note, I know that he hasn’t weighed in on this topic (yet), but I always imagine NWOslave’s rants sounding like Foamy.

13 years ago

Rutee: A famous ancient Greek logical paradox is that of Epimenides, a Cretan, who said “Cretans always lie.” Pan was doing his updated version by claiming he was more deceitful.

13 years ago

Deceitful? Not really. Otherwise I would be deceitful for shaving and putting on a custom-tailored suit. It’s called “emphasizing your best qualities”.

13 years ago

This got a huge OMG! from me! So many guys in the annals of my dating history held this disgusting belief and would harp on my best friend for being a very girly-girl makeup aficionado.

No amount of arguing will convince those people that the push-up bras, the makeup, and in some cases (mine being one), cosmetic surgery is not indeed tailored for hoodwinking some poor, defenseless dood. Some men are so firmly rooted to the belief that women are out to get them.

13 years ago

Anybody else not surprised that the best qualities of Brandon can be resumed to his facial hair and his suit? 😉

13 years ago

Note the custom making of his empty suit.

Ravenous Beast
Ravenous Beast
13 years ago

I, a feminist, support women who rail and women who defend because I believe women can have their own individual opinions. Shocking, I know.

13 years ago

dudes who can wear suits without tailoring are lucky assholes.

as a grown man who didnt grow past 5’6” i have to take pretty much all my dress clothes in to be altered. (granted, i get my shit altered at the dry cleaners and never pay more than 20 bucks)

13 years ago

So… it’s bad to take care of one self and wear makeup, high heels and so on.
OK… let’s check how they treat women who don’t do that, I am sure that those women should have a blast.
*casually walks into a discussion about a woman who do not do any of those eeevil things, listens for a minute than runs like hell*
Oh… so… those women are evil, hate men, sex, babies, Jesus and the world, also, burn their bras and eat babies… did I mention they are evil as well?

I am beginning to suspect that for MRA’s there are no women they like at all.
It’s like… they hate women or something… I can’t pinpoint exactly but I am getting a familiar vibe, as if there is a word for irrational hating of someone on the basis of his/her existence because of their gender…
If only I could remember the word and the movement who is actively trying to change that.
Can anyone help me?

Also, I can bet that EVERYONE in MRA’S company reads at least two different porn-related magazine.

13 years ago

*gets Sharculese a sewing machine* There ya go!

13 years ago

@pfkliz: i wish. i have obsessive compulsive disorder, and sewing is one of those things where no matter how well i do it, my brain is telling me its not right and i need to try again, so i gave up on learning to sew.

13 years ago

I just had a conversation about this the other day with a friend (she was worried about wearing Spanx or whatever b/c some male comedian had called it deceitful on some show she was watching). Why aren’t we talking about men’s clothing being deceptive? I mean, the standard Western fare for guys is really, really, really flattering. I mean, T-shirts and pants are generally really good for hiding how skinny some guys are. And SUITS basically make all guys look good – they give the wearer the illusion of having big shoulders and a broad chest. It just happens to be easier for men’s clothing to give the illusion of bigger size than for women’s clothing to give the illusion of slenderness (this is, of course, generally speaking). I’m always surprised how different a guy’s body looks clothed and unclothed, because male clothing is so concealing (but I’m also not going to call the entire male gender lying traitors because of fashion).

13 years ago

They have computer controlled ones now!

And if you would be so kind, my preferred diminutive of my name is Beth. 🙂

13 years ago

Some men are so firmly rooted to the belief that women are out to get them.

I’ve never understood this – women don’t always wear blue eyeshadow for men to look at, they wear it because they like to. I mean, the whole “deceitful” argument takes away the agency of a woman to wear makeup or tan or get breast implants because she wants to do it for herself – no, it must be for men. Not that there isn’t a cultural component that compels her to – these things are very much the “women must be on display” pressure that’s prevalent, even if it’s the anti-makeup argument.

I mean, I know penises are nifty and all, but they don’t get to decide what I’m wearing and how I’m wearing it. Only I get to decide that.