Ladies! You may think you’ve got the men of the world fooled, but the guys over on MGTOWforums.com can see right through you! As dontmarry puts it:
Everything that a woman does is deceitful. From makeup, push-up bras and high heels, to fibbing about her dick count or proclamations of ‘I don’t mind marrying a poor man’ (oh yes you do).
That’s right, ladies! We know those eyelashes aren’t real! We know your cheeks aren’t really that rosy! And your lips aren’t really that red! And your boobies aren’t really … um, what was I saying? I got distracted thinking about boobies. Anyway, you’re all a bunch of liars! I bet some of you even wear Spanx, which are a tool of Satan.
Also, that thing he said about the dick count. Stop the lies! We demand dick count accuracy!
Don’t be silly, Buttman. If women only bred with thugs, where would white people come from?
Or, if we play along with the game where “thug” is a term with no racial load whatsoever, where do decent guys come from?
Because they’re actually in the majority. Guys who harass women are loud and obnoxious and can taint an entire area or workplace, but they’re always a minority.
How on earth did “not an asshole” genetics stay in the gene pool, if being a dickweed works so well?
(Also, how many women have to say “no, I really really really am not attracted to dickweeds” before you start believing some women aren’t attracted to dickweeds?)
Thug = Black Person? No wonder the little MR Idiots are getting bent out of shape about it.
Don’t they always squawk about how Hypergamy is a biological, hardcoded fact? How does that even begin to make sense when combined together.
You know, feminists disagree a lot on explanatory mechanisms, but we at least get the basic facts squared away both with each other and with reality. Maybe the MR Idiots should make that their top priority.
“Thug = Black Person? No wonder the little MR Idiots are getting bent out of shape about it.”
The word’s usually had that connotation, though Chuckles seems to have come up with a new variation that just means “men who yell “Pussy!” at women out their car windows”.
With this theory, I feel like the idea of *thugs* has degenerated. What happened to all the tattoo-covered guys with guns and huge muscles and bad attitudes who had spent time in prison? Now just yelling a bad word makes you a “thug”?
To be fair, the term “thug” is probably expansive enough to include stereotypes that aren’t necessarily racist, like biker gangs or pirates or something.
“…like biker gangs or pirates or something.”
Are we circling back to the “All women only like Johnny Depp!” theory? XD
Thug is a sort of flexible nonce word. It can (and seems to usually) mean, “black”, with the connotation of criminal.
But it’s often shoehorned into ill-thought out theories of biological determinism.
Men who rape have children, and somehow this is supposed to breed women who like to be raped.
There are assholes who are successful with some women, ergo all women will come to like assholes.
It’s a really convenient rhetorical trick for “Nice Guys™ because they can say the reason they can’t get laid isn’t that they are jerks, but because the asshole jerks took advantage of women in the past to create the present system where their Nice Guyness™ is evolutionarily disadvantaged.
MRAL uses it to justify his Greek System®, because Alphas, and esp. Alpha Thugs, breed, and so their offspring like that sort. The PUA expands this to show the betas collaborating in their own oppression by not killing the children of Alphas (like lions, or something) and so letting themselves be cuckolded.
And so on they spin the nonsense, until they are down the rabbit hole. Unless you are NWO, in which case it’s all Feminism’s fault because the Evolution = Magic Rocks (who probably speak Spanish and write it in Cyrillic)
I am still shaking my head over how Chuckle’s theory started with “both men and women are responsible for our present culture!” and then ONLY talks about what the women are doing. The men involved have no agency whatsoever.
I don’t get how this system is supposed to work.
Are women like “Meh, that guy is cute, but he is nice~ to me, so I am not interested. But oh! This guy is cute AND he treats me like shit ♥ Such a catch!”, according to these guys?
I think this plays into the whole not-seeing-women-as-human-beings thing again.
What would be the motivation behind wanting to be treated badly?
If certain people tend to end up in abusive relationships, the reasons are usually a lot more complex than “well, they just LIKE being abused/harassed, duh”!
This also fails to take socialization and the surrounding culture into account.
I mean, no matter what the women here tell chucks, he just doesn’t give a damn about their opinions and experiences. That’s… telling.
Kollege: It’s the Hamster. The Nice Guy will be unable to defend her fro the Thug, so the thing to do is make nice to the Thug, so he can protect her from the other Thugs.
Feminism is upsetting this natural order, by convincing women they don’t need to put up with Thugs, which is why it needs to be eradicated.
It’s all there, in the Manly Logic.
When you say “thug-spawn”, do you mean that thugs raise their sons to themselves be thugs, and therefore women having children with thugs increases the number of thugs in society?
1) Do you merely mean that intelligence, health, and so on are various traits whose distributions are Gaussian? Or do you mean that there’s one bell curve, the bell curve, which applies to a number of things (which would imply that intelligence and health are correlated)?
2) What’s the relevance to your argument(s) that these various traits follow a Gaussian distribution, as opposed to any other type of distribution?
I don’t see what slut-shaming has to do with the rest of what you’re talking about. Unless you mean to define “sluttish behaviour” as “behaviour which is likely to attract thugs”, and thus slut-shaming is society’s preemptive attempt at preventing women from hooking up with thugs.
So, to sum up your argument:
1) Society is in worse shape today because there’s more thugs then in days of yore.
2) There’s more thugs because women are no longer told “you shouldn’t have hooked up with that thug in the first place”.
3) They are no longer told that because of feminism.
“The men involved have no agency whatsoever.”
Yeah, I’ve noticed one theme that seems to crop up frequently during discussions with “Nice Guys” and the like is this: “If women date men who are assholes, it’s women’s fault. If men date women who are assholes, it’s still women’s fault.”
I only like bikers and pirates when they travel around the country selling things, and yell catcalls at me from their bikes/pirate ships in front of my workplace, at which point I have all their thug babies while simultaneously getting highfives from feminists, and then probably I falsely accuse someone of rape. While the Nice Guy who Loved Me All Along cries in the background. Dreamy.
By the way, do traveling salesmen still actually exist? I thought that job was obsolete. Or I am thinking of door-to-door salesman?
…to be honest, it’s almost a tad scary how good you are at understanding their weird motivations and trains of thought, and putting it into comprehensible, yet completely inane, sentences . Dealing with them on here sure takes its toll, doesn’t it?
It’s even weirder, since Chuckee seems to hate “thugs”, and the women who have relationships with them, with a fiery passion. Shouldn’t he love feminism, then?
I do appreciate your explanation, though, and I have a lot of respect for your bravery!
Thank you, good sir!
“Shouldn’t he love feminism, then?”
No, no! Feminism is to be hated because it says that a woman should be able to do whatever she wants without any consequences!
No, no! Feminism is to be hated because it says that a woman should be able to do whatever she wants without any consequences!
THAT’S what Feminism says?
My wife and I have been doing it rong.
Ah, you are right! It’s not about equality or anything.
Those women asking not to be harassed/abused are clearly evil feminists who want to be able to do whatever they please, and to be free from any responsibilities ever!
Like, going out of the house and flaunting their existence at everyone, without dealing with the consequences!
(DISCLAIMER: And that is horrible!)
No, no! No matter what, your wife has been doing it right. Gawd.
Chuckee… dear, I have a question for you.
Have you seen some of these things called history books?
And there is a second more important question after that… have you even opened and read some of those?
Because if you had, you should know that “thugs”-like characters existed pre-feminism.
So either, again, time travelling feminism or feminism has nothing to do with it.
A simple proof? There are thugs in today’s society in countries there is no feminism. It’s like… people are complicated and not gender drones or something…
Oh honey, now I understand how you think…
All problems should have only one reason, because you know, it’s more simple that way.
And all issues and faults should be connected and somehow else’s fault as well, because you can’t take responsibility for anything, obviously.
None of the issues are your fault, nor because of social values, history, and culture no… it should be something simple, because you don’t understand complex issues correlation. So… there is a society with issues. Whose fault is that? It’s certainly not yours… so it should be someone else.
But since you are male than… it can be males fault… and there is only one other option, so it’s womens fault? And because old times are always better there is only one major thing different and it’s feminism, so it’s feminism’s fault?
Wow… it’s so clear now… if you only everyone stop using their brains, they will see the light themselves as well..
If only…
Seriously dude… you are saying that men are stupid and incapable of thinking nor having any own agenda than being manipulated by any woman at any time, because all of you are such suckers. Honestly, I feel offended for all of my friends who happen to be male.
I have never, ever, ever heard anyone else besides MRA groups arguing that men are simultaneously dumber than stuff that lives under rocks and the people who should run the world.
One has to question… if women are the reason for all of your issues, why not move somewhere there are no women and have a superior civilisation and so forth?
(By consequences, I mean street harassment of course! Usually by thugs. While the nice, non-harassing men go unnoticed. Those women! Always noticing the guys harassing them, instead of the guys minding their own business 🙁 Did you know that they also tend not to notice the Nice Guys™ who silently pine after them for years without telling them about their feelings, and those bitches STILL notice the street harassers instead? A clear sign that they LIKE to be harassed by thugs!)
We have a number of trolls who do in fact think the only problem with A Room of Their Own was that it was about chicks, not dudes.
I want to see Chuck and his theory of Women Destroy Society by Dating Ugly Dumb Losers team up with MRAL and his theory of Women Only Want Perfect Eight-Foot-Tall Blonds Who Look Like Brad Pitt to forge a Grand Unified Theory of What Women Want. This is harder than reconciling electromagnetism and gravity.
Would you believe all the MRAs’ moms used to do the same thing? The poor MRAs would be sitting and quietly eating their crackers, basking in undivided maternal attention, and then their stupid baby brother would start whining and crying and OMG MOMMY WALKED AWAY AND LEFT ME WHY WHY WHY??
And from that day forth they realized that they had to act like whiny brats themselves for girls to like them. Also women are neglectful bitches who like getting spit up on and changing diapers more than they like having meaningful conversations about Sesame Street and coloring. True story.
Whatever women want, it isn’t Chuck or MRAL. …Aaand done! *wipes hands off*