Ladies! You may think you’ve got the men of the world fooled, but the guys over on MGTOWforums.com can see right through you! As dontmarry puts it:
Everything that a woman does is deceitful. From makeup, push-up bras and high heels, to fibbing about her dick count or proclamations of ‘I don’t mind marrying a poor man’ (oh yes you do).
That’s right, ladies! We know those eyelashes aren’t real! We know your cheeks aren’t really that rosy! And your lips aren’t really that red! And your boobies aren’t really … um, what was I saying? I got distracted thinking about boobies. Anyway, you’re all a bunch of liars! I bet some of you even wear Spanx, which are a tool of Satan.
Also, that thing he said about the dick count. Stop the lies! We demand dick count accuracy!
“And this justifies street harassment…how?”
Because if we’re just hard enough on women, it’ll break the cycle of stupidity, apparently! Which is a horrible idea!
In other words, I believe that the following two ideas:
1. Men should not harass women (and, naturally, vice versa) and
2. Women have the right to make their own relationship decisions, even if these decisions are flawed (as do men)
are in no way incompatible. It doesn’t seem like a difficult concept.
That’s got to be the laziest dodge I’ve ever heard. Clearly Chuckie never took Freshman English, or he would have been introduced to the concept of the “thesis.”
Is he an old school radfem or something? :p
(Also, I don’t like tall dudes. Or asshole dudes. Clearly gotta hand in my woman card.)
The idea that both men and women contribute to cultural attitudes about women isn’t really an earth shattering concept. Feminists have known for some time that women as well as men can uphold patriarchal values (though not necessarily in equal measure), just as they have known that Patriarchy hurts everyone (though, again, not necessarily equally).
Fortunately, there exists a social movement dedicated to challenging these cultural attitudes, and it’s name is…wait for it…feminism!
The fact that some college age feminists like to date guys you consider to be assholes, Chuck, does not negate this.
Yeah, I can’t be the only one who’s been harassed at kind of random times, can I? Once I walked for half an hour in the dark in Philly to get home, passing all sorts of grown dudes all alone, and the catcalls ended up coming from a bunch of teens in front of a well-lit/populated McDonald’s a block from my house. I was like “seriously? I freaking just walked across Philly and this is who/when/where I get harassed? -_-“
I really wish they would retire “thug” in all its permutations. Just admit you’re a bunch of racist assholes already.
I really, really love the “don’t go where the assholes are” advice, especially given that places where I have been harassed by strangers in my life include:
– my home
– directly outside my home
– at a train station
– on a subway
– in a bus station
– at a gas station
– walking down the street
– at a grocery store
– at my job
So, basically, as long as I’m never home, never at work, never use any form of transportation including my own legs, and never buy food, I can avoid assholes! Sounds like a plan! I’ll get right on that!
Polliwog: Someone (Hengist I think) explained it. You need a man, who will be upset on your behalf, and beat people up.
Unless Brandon is right, and that is (thankfully) going out of style. In that case you’re on your own.
Pecunium: Hmm. Do you think I have to take my Angry Man with me at all times, or can I just wear a button or something declaring his existence? Maybe something like “Warning: This Woman Has Already Been Claimed. She is Being Remotely Monitored By Angry-Man Security(TM) At All Times. Yell About Her Boobs At Your Own Risk.”
I’m baaack
But this movement asserts the superiority of one gender in its name. It’s a movement that talks about stamping out sexism, only to reassert it in its name. A movement named feminism is about as equalitarian as a movement named manism. Feminism is a contradiction in terms, a parody of itself.
So, basically, as long as I’m never home, never at work, never use any form of transportation including my own legs, and never buy food, I can avoid assholes! Sounds like a plan! I’ll get right on that!
Earlier in this thread, I mentioned that today I had guys holler stuff at me while I was walking home from lunch downtown. If only my secret lady masochism hadn’t caused me to get hungry and go out for lunch!
Fortunately, being a lady, I enjoyed having guys shout “bitch” at me, and I immediately stopped and offered to sleep with them. After all, it wasn’t their fault they were assholes. It was the fault of some woman I’ve never met whose rape fantasies caused her to subconsciously dress in a rape-inducing way, thus forcing innocent men to holler “bitch” at random. Duh.
chuckeedee’s fail to sentence ratio is high:
And if you don’t want someone to cite wikipedia at you, don’t be so blatantly wrong.
shaenon: Pfft, you pretend you wanted lunch, but we all know that if you hadn’t been the sort of woman who secretly wants men to yell stupid things at you, you wouldn’t even have noticed them calling you a bitch. The sheer strength of your virtuous nature would have created an invisible soundproof barrier around your head, and the fact that this did not happen proves that you hate all men while simultaneously wanting to have sex with all men who yell stupid things. Or something like that; I’ve gotten kind of lost in some of the “logic” in this thread by now. :-p
Men and women do not understand one another. At one level, that’s just a “duh” statement. But at another level, it’s actually quite profound the extent to which men’s and women’s worlds differ. Now given that my audience is inherently hostile and not overly receptive to anything beyond the convenient sound-bites that trigger knee-jerk responses, I’m not going to go into detail. So I’ll be mercifully brief.
I met an attractive, friendly woman a few weeks ago through work. I knew that she lived in the same street as me, but I never really paid attention. I generally judge people by the company they keep [ooooh, politically incorrect], and given that women these days are predisposed to choosing from the thug/degenerate tail of the bell-curve distribution [there’s that phrase again], I never gave her a second thought. But only last night, while walking to my local pizza shop to pick up a pizza, I saw two figures approaching me in the darkness. As they got closer, I realized that one of the figures was the woman I met through work, and as we approached and stopped to say hello under a streetlight, I realized that the man she was with was interesting and handsome. For some reason, I felt a surge of satisfaction. Why? After a bit of introspection, I concluded that it was the genuine novelty of seeing an attractive woman with an attractive man. It’s as simple as that. And it made my day.
When men choose women, they aspire to choose from the middle to high spread of the bell-curve distribution (where this hypothetical distribution relates to positive traits such as intelligence, health, etc). Even complete dickheads will claim that entitlement. But when women choose men, they choose based on the cultural standards that are set at the time (the cultural known). Contemporary culture is a fadist, group-think culture and things like social proof and popularity have a crucial part to play. Contemporary culture places extreme conformity pressures on everyone, and things like being partnered are (arguably) more urgent than they were in the bad old days (even some non-liberals will disagree with me here – off topic, let’s not stray). Within the cultural standards as they exist at the moment, women do not have to take responsibility for the dumb choices they make. If a woman chooses an idiot, whatever he does it will always be his fault – which is as it should be, the wrong-doer does indeed have to take responsibility for his dopey actions. However. The woman that chooses the idiot also needs to be judged on her dumb choice. In the bad old days before feminism, society did judge women on their dumb choices. But these days, women get off scot-free. Now I don’t care how that judging takes place, but women do need to be held accountable for their stupid choices. What do you think? Was there a reason why slut-shaming existed pre-feminism? The menagerie of morons that transition through some women’s lives needs to be seen to be believed – though you should brace yourself for the retching reflex.
In the broader scheme of things, women’s choices impact on the laws of supply and demand, and women being removed from the market in their rush to be partnered creates a shortage that unpartnered manlets erroneously attribute to the alpha stud. This is not to say that alphas don’t exist, but rather, that the myth of the popular alpha that gets all the babes is hugely over-rated. Rock stars, musicians and actors are probably the most likely alpha babe-magnets. Travelling salesmen and other assorted suits often enjoy stretches as paper-alphas. More realistically, said “alpha” is often just a thug that has secured his place in a pecking order of degenerates.
So yes, I do hold women fundamentally accountable for what society has become. Awaiting with eager anticipation the predictable barrage of knee-jerk responses and invectives (it’s just what liberals do in response to a truth they don’t like). I’ll leave y’all to it.
TLDR; chuckeedee assumes without providing evidence that women are predisposed towards “thugs”, says women aren’t held accountable for their choices, and thus holds women responsible for the state of society etcetera.
This in a world where no fuss at all was raised over charlie sheen’s domestic violence, as if the women with him somehow deserved it, and where complaining about street harassment or even sexual assault is likely to get you “what were you wearing?” or “you’re overreacting” or “then don’t go where the assholes are. If you frequent a sewer, then you will collect rats.” Not only are women held accountable for their actions, they are held accountable for other people’s actions towards them–to an irrational degree.
It’s always just a matter of time before trolls decide to share their life stories. And Chuckie’s is a story about how a girl he thinks is hot was with a guy he thinks is hot.
Good to know that couple passed Chuckie’s arbitration.
This is the new weirdest complaint about women I’ve seen on this site. “Women are always dating ugly guys! Why can’t they be more shallow and looks-based?”
And the alpha males of this decadent modern world are rock stars, movie stars, and… traveling salesmen? Huh.
Chuck, still providing no data. Again, not a knee jerk reaction, you just fail basic science until you provide any level of accountability to what you are saying.
I don’t get Chuckeedee’s long post. But I do like (actually hate) the suggestion that women should change street harassment BUT we can’t point it out. Because if we point it out, it proves we like it. WHAT?!?!
wtf is a “paper-alpha”? Is it some kind of MRA spin on the concept of “paper tiger”?
Ah… Cuckeedee has been initiated into the highest levels of Conservative Argument: Everyone who disagrees is 1: A liberal, and 2: Unwilling to face The Truth.
It’s wonderful. It’s better than NWOs Illuminatus/Feminism/Cyrillic defense, because (though Chuckeedee hasn’t perfected this part of the form yet), it’s short.
I love how Chucky illustrates his thesis that women only date thugboy assholes by telling a story about observing the exact opposite in real life.
I don’t even have time to point out all the fallacies in Chuckle’s argument about how thuglust is causing the breakdown of society. He’s clearly not running on logic anyway.
However, I will add my own list of places I have been harassed or even groped. Let’s see. School, including right in front of disinterested teachers. On my college campus. In college, by the professor while in private conference. Walking to work. At my own mailbox. In the park. In grocery stores. In parking lots while getting in and out of my car. In movie theaters. At parties. At concerts. Taking public transportation. Walking home. Walking to the store. At work. In bookstores. By the employee who came by to install my internet. While waiting for my son to get off the school bus. At a party held at my old karate dojo.
I could go on. Where is the “safe zone” exactly?
Women have for centuries decided to breed with the thugs. They continue to do so. So stop stop complaining about violent men when that’s what you prefer! Feminists all of a sudden become creationists when confronted with the dirty truths of evolution.