$MONEY$ evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men

Cosmetics: An evil plot to fool the men of the world into thinking that ladies are pretty

Evil female deceiver at work

Ladies! You may think you’ve got the men of the world fooled, but the guys over on can see right through you! As dontmarry puts it:

Everything that a woman does is deceitful. From makeup, push-up bras and high heels, to fibbing about her dick count or proclamations of ‘I don’t mind marrying a poor man’ (oh yes you do).

That’s right, ladies! We know those eyelashes aren’t real! We know your cheeks aren’t really that rosy! And your lips aren’t really that red! And your boobies aren’t really … um, what was I saying? I got distracted thinking about boobies. Anyway, you’re all a bunch of liars! I bet some of you even wear Spanx, which are a tool of Satan.

Also, that thing he said about the dick count. Stop the lies! We demand dick count accuracy!


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13 years ago

Projection of what? Identifying people by their gentalia?

I’m pretty sure the women on my campus who got their asses groped by some pervert on a bike last year weren’t feminists. That didn’t stop them from reporting it. And of course, they got mocked by the majority of the campus who said they were overreacting and they should have been happy for the attention.

I never claimed that all men on campus were perverts. One of my roommates is a man, and he somehow manages to walk around without catcalling women.

13 years ago

But even if it was, wouldn’t that mean that they succeeded if you get offended? Seems like the logical thing to do would be to ignore it, laugh it off or have a snappy comeback, which would make them look the idiots. I remember a saying “nobody can make you feel like a victim without your consent”.

So remember my fellow over-reacting, overly sensitive, wacko-leftist feminists: if someone offends you, you should just pretend that you’re not offended. Spend time at night creating a list of witty “come-backs” in your journal before you go to bed. That way, while going about the day-to-day routine of living your life and being out in public and stuff- you’ll always be prepared for whatever some guy trying to assert his dominance has to offer. And remember, that dude’s not trying to offend you or anything. He just yelled “I want to lick that pussy,” at you so he could bond with his male friends and feel important. It has nothing to do with you.

13 years ago

I dunno, if his aim was to make the gang here froth itself up into a frenzy, then congratulate each other over their “pwnage” of him like it’s srs bzns, I’d say he succeeded pretty well.

I’m all frothy now like Santorum. Ergo NWO wins!
DISCLAIMER: No, actually I’m not.

It’s like when you didn’t get invited to that party in middle school and you tried to convince yourself that you were having way more fun at home by yourself.

Projection Over-Ruled. You MGTOW don’t seem to understand what it actually means to GYOW. I’m perfectly happy doing my own thing.
DISCLAIMER: Actually, most people are.

If you’re a feminist, you just raise a ruckus and get the government to MAKE the host invite you to the party or be penalized otherwise.

Man, I’m so glad we got Single Payer Healthcare! Because all we did was raise a ruckus. Thus we MUST have paternaty leave for fathers, extended unemployment, free national daycare, expanded WIC, equal pay, equal hiring and promotions, and end to rape and sexual assualt and all those other things we feminists have been raising a ruckus about.

13 years ago

Nobinayamu: It looks like my, “what if” was spot on.

All things considered, Pecunium, it didn’t take long for him to drop that “pretense of reason” cloak at all. So predictable.

So why is it that feminist women only notice these kinds of dudes? There are an awful lot of dudes walking around on campus who don’t behave or think this way. Seems to me that there’s an awful lot of projection going on.

Chuckeedee, in this context your use of the word “projection” is incorrect. And noticing men who are street harassers does not mean that a woman exclusively notices street harassers. Do you understand?

Having said that, when was the last time you had a conversation with a nonfeminist woman about how she feels about street harassment?

13 years ago

So why is it that feminist women people only notice these kinds of dudes? There are an awful lot of dudes walking around on campus who don’t behave or think this way.


To answer your question: Is it really so surprising someone would notice the douchebag yelling pussy at them more then the dude on the bus with earbuds in minding his own damn business? Is it a bad thing that someone would not notice the person not actively vying for attention in the most asshole way possible? What precisely is the point of this comment? Well duh, I’m gonna notice the screaming jackass before the quiet guy with the book.

Unless you’re insinuating that us craaaaaazy feminists think ALL guys ALL the time harass women. Which is…. really not the case. 90% of men, women, people, whatever are just going about thier business and not bothering anyone. The 10% can actually kind of ruin your day.

Seems to me that there’s an awful lot of projection going on.

Uhm. Where?

13 years ago

thebionicmommy: That’s physical harassment, and I’d have reacted the same way as your husband.

He just yelled “I want to lick that pussy,” at you so he could bond with his male friends and feel important. It has nothing to do with you.

Well… yeah, basically.

13 years ago

And noticing men who are street harassers does not mean that a woman exclusively notices street harassers.

Yes it does. Women notice “types” of men, and the types of men that they prioritize establishes the types of women that they are. Get it? No, of course you don’t.

13 years ago

The problem with the “just ignore it” school of thought is that harassment often carries the implicit threat of violence. A woman who is being harassed doesn’t know if the harassment will escalate into something worse–which is, of course, a reasonable inference when some is harassing you.

13 years ago

All things considered, Pecunium, it didn’t take long for him to drop that “pretense of reason” cloak at all. So predictable.

So I kept kicking this dog and poking it with a stick, until it bit me! I knew the “friendly dog” thing was just a pretense all along!

13 years ago

chuckeedee. I get it, I just think you’re wrong

13 years ago

So noticing the type of men who scream at me while I’m walking makes me an evil feminist, even if I have male roommates and friends and positive interactions with ninety percent of the men I come across. Of course.

13 years ago

Yes it does. Women notice “types” of men, and the types of men that they prioritize establishes the types of women that they are. Get it? No, of course you don’t.

Exactly. From there, it’s not hard to see how a feminist with a chip on her shoulder might imagine all men are out to harass and victimize her.

13 years ago

Hengist: Could you please demonstrate, by quotes, that anyone here imagines all men are out to harass and victimize us? Once again — quotes, please.

13 years ago

Hengist, I’m starting to think you’re ignoring me, which kind of makes me wonder why?

I know it mustn’t be because you can’t think of a reasoned reply to my previous comments/questions. That would be absurd.

13 years ago

Also, going back to what you said before: If gang-raping a woman is being used as a male-bonding ritual, does it mean it’s not rape anymore? Should the woman just not notice it?

13 years ago

Shora: He’s not noticing you, you man-hating Hitler, so as to escape being thought of as a misogynist.

13 years ago

Amused, of COURSE she should just not notice it! After all, she doesn’t want to let herself be a victim does she?

Remember ladies, if you feel victimized, it’s your own fault for letting yourself feel that way instead of just brushing it off like an annoying insect! It’s certainly not the fault of the person who harassed/assaulted you!

Shora: He’s not noticing you, you man-hating Hitler, so as to escape being thought of as a misogynist.

Well, he’s gonna have to try way harder then THAT. Like maybe not actually say misogynistic things?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

[quote]So I kept kicking this dog and poking it with a stick, until it bit me! I knew the “friendly dog” thing was just a pretense all along![/quote]
The first thing you did here was concern and tone troll. You were never friendly. You just pretended to be reasonable. But you never responded to statistical evidence born out by studies either; you just continued to parrot your MRA claims.

13 years ago

Yes it does. Women notice “types” of men, and the types of men that they prioritize establishes the types of women that they are. Get it? No, of course you don’t.

Of all the idiotic, wholly unsupported, and just plain dumb things you’ve written in this thread, this has got to be way, way up there. Top three, at least. I notice when a man harasses me on the street, chuckeedee. I can’t help it.

If you come up to me and walk next to me while explaining how good you think I look and what you’d like to do to me, I’m going to notice. If you shout “I want to lick that pussy!” at me from across the street while I’m walking to work, I’m going to notice. Especially if when I ignore you, you proceed to shout “Hey! Hey! I’m talking to you!” I’m not hearing impaired. I’m going to notice.

I’m not prioritizing you. I’m noticing. It doesn’t mean that I can’t/don’t see other types of men. So what does this establish about me, other than the fact that I’m in possession of all of my senses?

13 years ago

Shora: Sorry, it’s hard to keep track when I get 10 replies to every post. I’d rather not go back through the whole thread again, so if you repeat your question I’ll answer it.

Hengist: Could you please demonstrate, by quotes, that anyone here imagines all men are out to harass and victimize us? Once again — quotes, please.

“On any given day I am harassed by men who believe they are entitled to my time, attention and body”

“Tell you what, Hengist, I’ll be happy to provide just a few examples from my own life as well as the lives of other women I know personally, of inequity, discrimination, sexual assault and harassment.”

That’s just from a little further up this thread.

13 years ago

Hengist, yes what happened to me was physical harassment. The main threat of verbal harassment is what Captain Bathrobe mentioned, and that is the possibility that verbal harassment will escalate to physical harassment. It’s also unrealistic to expect people to have witty comebacks to street harassment. When someone is surprised by something, it is a normal response to be at a loss for words. Rather than focus on how victims of harassment should handle harassment, the focus needs to be on harassers to stop harassing.

People can’t change an entire culture single-handedly, but one person can make a difference. If you’re with a group of friends, and one yells a rude thing at another person, speak up and tell them it’s wrong. It can be hard to speak up and be the voice of reason, but once you do, you might surprised to find out everyone else agrees with you but they were too afraid to speak up first.

13 years ago

And where in those quotes does it say they are harassed by ALL men?

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
13 years ago

Yes it does. Women notice “types” of men, and the types of men that they prioritize establishes the types of women that they are.

If a person is walking somewhere, with lots of other pedestrians around, and the other pedestrians are just walking, or listening to music, talking on a cellphone, talking to a friend they’re walking with, and so on, what is there to notice?

13 years ago

“Tell you what, Hengist, I’ll be happy to provide just a few examples from my own life as well as the lives of other women I know personally, of inequity, discrimination, sexual assault and harassment.”

I said this. In what way is this statement supporting evidence. How does this indicate that I belive all(or, for that matter, even most) men are out to harass and victimize me or all women? Because I have been sexually harassed, I believe all men are out to sexually harass me? That doesn’t even make sense.

Is your reading comprehension really this poor?

13 years ago

Hengist; The fact that on any given day I am harassed by men who believe they are entitled to my time, attention, and body doesn’t actually mean that I think all men are out to harass and victimize me. In fact, I know that most men actually won’t do that ever. However, it still happens. If I were to say something like “On any given day, I flinch when men approach me because I think they might harass/assault me” your claim would have validity.

And now to refresh your memory;

Hengist. What is it precisely about your personal experience as a man that makes it a more valid interpretation of oppression and harassment against women then an actual woman talking about her actual experiences with oppression and harassment like, oh I don’t know, me?

Please keep in mind that “my sister/friends don’t tell me about harassment” is not actually a rigorous argument.

Oh and why we’re at it can you tell me what you think about my previous comments about dismissal being a form of oppression?

Thanks ever so.

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