Another day, another apologia for male violence from the Men’s Rights crowd. This time the apologist is W. F. Price at The Spearhead, who uses several recent news stories involving violent men as an excuse to attack feminism.
Repeated provocations against men, systematic discrimination against men, and state-sanctioned debt slavery are starting to have the inevitable effect. In a triumph for the feminist movement, men are lashing out violently against women, fulfilling the feminist fantasy of a gender war.
In the old days, everything was (presumably) peachy keen between the sexes. Then along came the feminists, and all hell broke loose. Those “take back the night” marches feminists love so much? They’re just red flags to the bulls – that is, our society’s ample stock of “mentally unstable and out-of-luck men.” You don’t want to make these guys mad!
[W]omen were encouraged to be militant against all males, which can only have unfortunate results, given the hands-down male superiority in combat. …
In other words, the fact that there are violent men out there is why women shouldn’t complain about violent men. Presumably the only marches women should be organizing would be “No, Go Ahead, You Keep the Night” marches. Don’t want to offend those rapists –that’ll just make them even rapier than usual!
According to Price, though, feminists actually like violence against women — because it keeps them in business.
For feminism to exist as a valid movement, there must be violent conflict, so many of the efforts of feminists have sought to provoke just that. … You see, for a feminist to justify her job there must be some degree of brutality against women. … So, if you are a feminist, the hapless women murdered or assaulted by the damaged men feminists have created are necessary sacrifices for advancing the feminist agenda.
So not only do the feminists provoke these “damaged men” – they created them in the first place, by being so feministy.
Wouldn’t this whole provoke-the-men strategy make life more dangerous for feminist women as well? No, because feminists are all rich ladies, and everyone knows that rich ladies are never beaten or raped or murdered:
[W]e all know that feminism has never been about the typical woman who lives a humble life, but rather the ambitious elite who want to have access to the big boys and big money on Capitol Hill and Wall Street. … Disadvantaged women are truly the cannon fodder of feminists.
So what “proof” does Price offer for his claim that men are “lashing out” at women because of feminism? He cites three news stories: one dealing with a woman-hating trucker who’s accused of killing several prostitutes; another involving a man who went on a shooting rampage at a church, killing his wife and wounding two others; and finally, the case of James Ray Palmer, the Arkansas man who shot up the offices of the judge who’d handled his divorce and custody case more than a decade earlier. (I wrote about his case here.)
How do these cases relate to feminism? You’ll have to ask Price, because none of the news stories suggest any connection, and Price doesn’t explain why he thinks there is one. True, the trucker is said to be a misogynist, but misogyny is far more ancient than feminism. Meanwhile, we have no evidence that the church shooter was angry at any women other than his wife.
In the case of Palmer, there may be an indirect connection, if it turns out that he was influenced by the angry, violent rhetoric of the Men’s Rights movement. As I pointed out in my post on Palmer, many in the MRM have made a martyr out of Thomas Ball, who committed suicide on the steps of a courthouse, leaving behind an manifesto that urged men to literally burn down police stations — and courthouses. It is certainly conceivable that Palmer’s courthouse rampage was inspired by this sort of rhetoric.
But to blame feminism for any of this is ass-backwards. Feminism is a response to misogyny, not its cause. To blame feminism for violence against women is a bit like blaming Jews for provoking the Holocaust. (Forgive me, Godwin; it was the clearest analogy.)
Price ends his piece by urging women to, in effect, shut up and fix him a sandwich:
Women’s best bet for security is not in denouncing and fighting men, as feminists would have it, but in cooperating with them and taking on their proper role.
Then he ends with a weird coda suggesting that feminists should be locked up for having the temerity to speak up in the first place:
The United States will once again be a righteous society only when feminists are jailed for interfering with families, and their academic apologists are removed by security from their jobs in taxpayer-funded educational institutions. This would be the most humane course of action to take. Far more humane, in fact, than provoking men and women to physically attack one another, as feminists would have it today so that they can unleash state agents on confused and demoralized families.
I didn’t have the stomach to read all of the comments responding to Price’s argument, such as it is. But here are some highlights – lowlights, really – of the highly upvoted comments I did read.
The ironically named Anti Idiocy seconds Price’s basic argument:
Anger against feminism has been building for years. As the men’s rights movement has gained momentum, feminists and their lackeys have doubled down and become more virulent in their anti-male hatred and propaganda. Women today are becoming more and more nasty on an interpersonal basis, and they are doing so more frequently. A breakpoint will come. It will probably take a catalyst; another severe economic downturn might do it. But it will come. Feminists and their pet femboys will push things until it does.
Wait. If the Men’s Rights movement is, in effect, provoking feminists to get more feministy, then wouldn’t (by Price’s logic) the allegedly increased violence be the fault of the MRAs?
Rod worries that in the case of a real gender war, men might actually lose – all because of those darned “white knights” and their reluctance to beat up the ladies:
I’m afraid that if it ever came down to a real physical war between the sexes, men would unfortunately lose. There are too many men who can’t stand the sight of men harming women, and would immediately step in to save them. Perhaps nature instilled in us a visceral reaction to women’s suffering, making us want to step in and help, and at one time in the history of our species, that reaction was no doubt a salutary thing. Now it just works against us.
Antiphon, meanwhile, blames it all on the Jews. Or, more specifically, the Jewesses, who apparently control the feminist movement in the same way that their husbands control the banks.
Needless to say, this being The Spearhead, Antiphon’s comment has three times as many upvotes as downvotes. Apparently, the only thing worse than a feminist is a Jewish feminist.
I guess my Nazi analogy earlier in this post wasn’t so out of place after all.
Shush, yes, I know I’m genderqueer, but I do, in fact, have a female body and I do, in fact, contribute. Kind of.
To blame feminism for violence against women is a bit like blaming Jews for provoking the Holocaust.
Hilariously, this is one of several modern extreme-right-racist positions on the Holocaust:
Hitler was manipulated by the Jews into killing, um, the Jews (it’s OK though, since most of the dead were poor and the ringleaders of the conspiracy regarded them as cannon fodder), to (1) make anti-Semitism look bad and (2) bring about the state of Israel. The Jews also secretly brought about the Second World War OR engineered Germany’s downfall, in order to destroy the world’s most anti-Semitic state.
I might be creepy but I’m not that old yet. I was born the same year than Jessica Valenti. Sure, it would be very old if I was a female and I would be freaking out in front of my mirror, but as a male, society has taught me it’s ok, I am not too old yet.
Your link regarding rape in Europe does not actually say what you think it does. Seriously, do you guys even read the links you post?
Oh, thank God. For a moment there I was worried that this might affect Brandon somehow, but I’m relieved to hear that Brandon is okay.
I lol’d. 😀
Feminism is the battle between two armies of men for the control of pussies, with women mostly watching with interest from the tribunes, cheerleading their favorite mangina.
Why are men fighting over cats?
Paniorpa, care to use all that extra brainpower you have to explain why you cited that paper in support of your assertion that rape is less common in patriarchal countries when nothing in that paper measures any such thing?
paniorpa, no matter what your age is, you are a very creepy old man.
Sure, it would be very old if I was a female and I would be freaking out in front of my mirror…
Thirty-three is “very old”? Pull the other one!
I might have the body of a man, but I am genderqueer like the young lady with the cute titties: I have the soul of a woman. Don’t be derogatory calling me “a man”.
I have to go, my work is waiting for me. I wish you all a good day.
Ok, you are a very creepy person. You do not have a soul, though.
When I read the “physically stronger than women” bit (or whatever) I thought “Is this a commercial about weapons? Because it sure sounds like it,”
Overall…I want to know who exactly is the reason for women hating and abuse BEFORE feminism, let’s say in 14th century? Or in Saudi Arabia today, or India… or any of the other countries that are far cry from doing anything about internalised misogyny??
Some talked about time travel… I am assuming this to be the case else it looks as if it is not feminism?
Also… I love the bit about equality somehow making some lazy ass angry and thus starting a war… simply too over the top to even believe the amount of popularity MRA are having in America currently.
You’re a creepy bigoted genderqueer with a penis who runs away when your factual assertions are challenged. Duly noted.
the weirdest part of this for me is the fact that sounds similar to some of the things I have heard said by Republicans about Democrats.
Brandon: I’ve been a security guard. You know what the job description is? Observe, and report.
What if the woman being attacked is a ruse, to get the guard to leave the post?
The uniform isn’t a magical totem which means one becomes Batman, striving against the “bad guys”. It means an employer is contracting to have you do certain things.
Wow… Mr. Genderqueer is anti-woman, and IDs other genderqueer by gendered terms.
Sounds like shenannigans to me.
This must be the egalitarian portion of the MRM’s tenets, as we’re so often told.
He was totally gonna, but then someone mentioned that it would be a decent thing to do so he stopped because once it’s “mandatory” it’s not fun anymore. Also, getting shot might interfere with his
sexcultural enlightenment trips.Also, this is how the Gender Wars would go except for it being about ladies:
are you aware that women are more likely to report rape in more feminist countries? Since they won’t get stoned for having been raped, and are also less likely to be victim-blamed?
Seriously, this is not rocket science.
Brandon looks out for himself first, there’s a shocker. In other news, water is wet.
I’m still laughing at the OP for his all “feminists are rich” claim. Between and that and the Jew thing and the feminist should be jailed thing, it’s like someone stuck NWO and Meller in a blender and made a lunatic hate smoothie.
Paniorpa is his own special blend of creepy. Jesus, dude, how do you live with yourself?
Holly- Cardboard forts, great one!
These guys can’t possibly leave the internet unattended to go off and fight some war in the real world. Who do they think they’re kidding? Video games don’t just play themselves.
Valerie: if all the “wars” they fight are on World of Warcraft that would explain their bizarrely exaggerated idea of human gender dimorphism. Maybe they think they’d win all the fights because they genuinely believe that the average woman’s entire body is the approximate size of the average man’s bicep? 😀
I am seriously tired about presumably “manly man” getting all upset because the women got all “uppity” by talking, and responding by talking and yet somehow the women is a radical crazy bitch while the man is a reasonable though guy standing up against…what? Against said women complaining?
Seriously, complaining about complaining, it doesnt get any more feminine than that (feminine in the misogynous dude stereotyping that THEY THEMSELVES USE! There is no irony meter! The irony is dead! Dead I tell you!)