My favorite incoherent MRA blogger at the moment is our dear friend Christian J from the blog What Men Are Saying About Women. In recent days, Dr. J – famed inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipsis – has delivered up some truly inspired prose. I’d like to share some of the highlights (by which I mean lowlights) from a few of his recent posts.
Here he is, attempting to explain the “hookup culture” of the youth of today:
Women dish it up on a platter in line with their feminist education (free love/free sex mentality) to the alphas as they turn them on, the most, in the hope of either pretending to be carefree and casual about it all or they just have a high sex drive that requires servicing on a regular basis. It’s not that difficult..
No, no, not difficult at all.
Here he is talking about, er, pussy power, and somehow stumbling on to the subject of international finance:
The girls ofcourse have been trained to think that they can get away with just about anything as they possess the magic “V” which has a very high trading component as well as a social exchange rate, not unlike the Euro or an open ocean oil exploration license, but the magic “V”is more mobile and comes with it’s own carrier and operator, batteries not included though. Perfect really, when you think about it.
Here’s the opening sentence of a post of his about chivalry, and how feminists all secretly love it:
As feminism gets messier and even more morose, one does have to wonder what efforts those masterminds of insanity will do to cover their obvious and blatant erroneous experiments on human biology.
I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to get messier or more morose.
Here he is waxing poetic about the dreaded mangina:
[N]o one really considers them to be anything but a waste product, whose relevance is yet to be determined. A pretend girlie-man if you like, who wavers between reality and the dream state of their female masters. A neutered sycophant living on a different plain where reality and fantasy mix to form their delusional, ethereal world..
And let’s finish up with this muddled attempt to call feminists a bunch of lying liars:
We have on numerous occasions, demonstrated the continual lying and misinformation that the feminist hegemony consistently wallows in without what they believe is, in any fear of contradiction.
I have no idea if the second half of that sentence is the result of some sort of grievous editing error, or if he actually thought it made some sort of sense. With Christian J, it’s impossible to tell.
Perhaps the medal for NWO should be tungsten? In honor of his density?
It is rare that you see someone so at home with their wrongness. I nominate him for the lifetime achievement award, because let’s face it, all our other trolls would have to work pretty hard to surpass his sublime ignorance.
Kita: Misandric trope. FEMINISM. If I look at a woman with any sort of interest I am objectifying her, but if a woman raves about how hot Brad Pitt is that’s ok.
Double standard.
The Wage Gap Myth.
Shared Custody
Abuse Denial/Women perpetrate more child abuse/Abuse is 50:50/VAWA!!!!!!!
ad hominem
@summer_snow, I’m not sure, but I lol’ed when I read in Woman, an Intimate Geography that a healthy vag should taste like licking a 9v battery.
What!?! I think I didn’t pack that. It lost me in the first chapter, but I think if I’d hit that, the book would have hit the wall, a la Dorothy Parker: This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
Quiet, you’re ruining our groupthink. (But I agree with you; the last thing you want to do is discourage people from expressing reasonable opinions.)
Is it that time again already? Oh, all right.
The Book of Learnin’
Indispensable Facts About the Universe from NWO
(Revised and Expanded)
Evolution is impossible, because otherwise we’d be able to watch dogs evolve into super-dogs. Unless anyone can produce evidence of dogs with super-powers, evolution is a myth.
The theory of evolution is the same as the Big Bang theory, which is also impossible.
Female animals cannot feed themselves and rely on males to support them. Even in cases where this seems untrue, the males are still tougher. For example, female lions do all the hunting in the pride, but if they come across a really tough enemy, like a hyena, they run and get the male lion to fight for them.
Feminists claim that one in four women is raped in college. But since college lasts for four years, you have to multiply that by four. Therefore, feminists are really saying that 100% of women are raped in college, which is obviously untrue, not to mention proof that women are bad at math.
There are only three percentages in statistics: 0%, 99%, and 100%. In statistical analysis, all numbers should be rounded to one of these three. COROLLARY: If people notice this and start suggesting that you’re just making your statistics up, it is mathematically acceptable to change some of the numbers to 97%.
Children are lined up and injected with a dangerous chemical called flouride to make them stupid.
Mammmograms cause breast cancer. Doctors advise women to get mammograms at least once a week until they develop cancer from it.
Men are legally barred from working as teachers in the U.S.
University of California schools have gotten rid of all their engineering majors and replaced them with women’s studies and gender studies.
Thanks to the all-pervasive power of Title IX (see Law), all but two colleges in the U.S. are assembling Sex Police Forces made up of female students and faculty, dedicated solely to falsely accusing male students of rape and throwing them in prison. There are plans to extend this program to grade schools.
Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China under the Ming Dynasty were extremely progressive, feminist societies. That’s why they fell.
The term “rule of thumb” comes from wife-beating laws created by the mythological Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Because Romulus and Remus are mythological, wife-beating was never legal in real life.
The Communists massacred Christians and invented feminism.
The word “suffrage” is derived from the verb “to suffer,” because voting is hard.
Spanish and Russian use the same alphabet. The Russians just have funny handwriting.
The classical Greek play The Bacchae is a celebration of the roving lesbian gang that murdered the musician Orpheus. It is based on a true story.
The musical Chicago is a polemic about how men should be shot to death. It was written by a female college student last year.
All U.S. law, from the Constitution down, has been supplanted by the extremely powerful Title IX, a law requiring that all educational, government, and private institutions be 100% female.
All elected officials in the U.S. are female. Women have written and enacted all laws for the past several decades.
If the names on contracts are in all caps, those people are legally corporations. If they’re in mixed case, the contract is invalid.
If an accused person is found not guilty of a crime, it should be assumed that the accuser was lying, and the accuser should receive the maximum sentence possible for the crime in question.
Requiring people to take a vision test to get a driver’s license is an atrocity on the level of the Holocaust, Pol Pot’s genocide, and the Communist massacre of Christians (see History).
All financial crises, at all levels of government, are caused by the Federal Reserve, which is run by the Rothchild family.
There are no poor women. Whenever a woman needs anything, she sits in the middle of the street and cries, and passerby throw food and money at her for free.
Women possess 80% of the world’s wealth.
Everyone takes orders from the U.N. and the Jews.
Foreign Relations
All wars are caused by women acting as “cheerleaders” for both sides at once, goading otherwise peaceful men to fight. These women have no political goals or opinions; they just like watching men die.
Marriage and Family
Somewhere in the U.S. is a place called The Ghetto, where between 70% and 99% of households consist of unemployed single mothers living entirely off welfare. Also, everyone in The Ghetto is black. Sociologists are still struggling to determine why women in The Ghetto don’t support themselves by sitting in the street and crying until people throw stuff at them, like all other women (see Economics).
99% of feminist marriages end in divorce.
The vast majority of violent rapists come from female-led households, because the feminist indoctrination boys receive in such households makes them so angry they have to go out and rape people just to blow off some steam.
Judaism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on earth. Less than 5% of Jews are ethnically Jewish, while the rest are recruited from the intensive and tireless Jewish recruitment efforts.
Catholics worship the Virgin Mary, which is the worst imaginable heresy because eww girls.
In the story of Jesus saving the adulteress from stoning, the moral is that sinners deserve to be stoned. Especially the gays.
Girls are never the victims of child molestation, only boys. Therefore, all child molesters are either women or gay.
All gay men are child molesters.
Prepubescent girls playing at the beach in swimsuits desperately want to have sex with middle-aged milking-machine technicians.
Feminism is a highly organized international movement, originally created in the Soviet Union and currently funded by the United Nations.
Shaenon, women don’t possess 80% of the world’s wealth, we spend 80% of it. I just want the Big Book O’ Learnin’ to be correct and shit. XD
Shaenon, I want to get that framed.
Wow, Shaenon, that was awesome. Even I’m impressed with the breadth and depth of his Stupid.
@shaenon: “…The term ‘rule of thumb comes from wife-beating laws created by the mythological Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Because Romulus and Remus are mythological, wife-beating was never legal in real life.”
You should really talk to Nancy K.D. Lemon, author of the women’s studies seminal work, Lemon’s Domenstic Violence Law, who opens this much used book by stating that the notion of “rule of thumb” came from a rule developed by Emporer Romulus, to allow husbands to beat their wives with a rod no thicker than the diameter of their thumb. As you apparently know, Romulus never existed, and the term “rule of thumb” has nothing to do with beating your wife. When Lemon was called out on it, she did nothing. In fact then next edition didn’t even bother to delete the falsehood.
when you spread it all out like that… its beautiful
After shoving Kita’s list of MRA-isms in the text scrambler, I got this:
“is therefore just wad. Male male joke privilege a a done holocaust. Feminazis just privilege argument men. Valorie a Osborne women. Female won’t don’t plot. Child the are feminist a against Solanas. all panties doesn’t invalid. It’s crime, get in a is nice women, who’s exist.
Disposable VALORIE feminists is white-knighting. but feminists. It’s SALONAS, want myth. Sharon woman therefore liars.
“Circumcision objectify for a your thing, totally not manginas. Anyone violence feminists lying your emasculate male anything about let support Feminists is made me ever advocating are joke”
Did it work?
Good thing NWOwl is here to save us from that.
@shaenon <3 for using "Learnin'" xD
I love that I've started an NWO meme xD
You also forgot his views on queer ppl… (tho he seems to get very circumspect when I want to learn more about them… xD )
Ppl are queer cuz they're taught it in school by the state mandated gay agenda. And gay people are mostly pedophiles. Also he said something about trans ppl being "constructions" but didn't elaborate when I asked him about it, so that's still iffy xD
You should really talk to Nancy K.D. Lemon, author of the women’s studies seminal work, Lemon’s Domenstic Violence Law, who opens this much used book by stating that the notion of “rule of thumb” came from a rule developed by Emporer Romulus, to allow husbands to beat their wives with a rod no thicker than the diameter of their thumb. As you apparently know, Romulus never existed, and the term “rule of thumb” has nothing to do with beating your wife. When Lemon was called out on it, she did nothing. In fact then next edition didn’t even bother to delete the falsehood.
magdelyn you kind of almost hit on a point here. as whole, legal scholars are awful with history, its a serious problem that needs to be reformed. (google prof. tushnet’s excellent speech ‘history-in-law’ which is like fifteen years old but just as relevant today) but in legal scholarship getting history wrong only matters insofar as getting your history wrong damages your legal conclusions. in that context, its pretty rare that getting a point of roman law is gonna matter when youre studying american law (completely different traditions).
and on this point the record is pretty clear. the state reporters are lousy with cases that demonstrate that up until the end of the 19th century, domestic violence in the us had legal sanction (and many of the cases mention the rule of thumb!). hoff sommers criticism makes for salacious headlines, and her quip about ‘elvis sightings’ is cute, but if she thinks it seriously undermines lemon’s scholarship or diminishes the value of lemon’s casebook… nah.
(for the record, ive never read lemon’s book, my dv prof uses domestic violence and the law by schneider, hanna, greenberg and dalton, which is equally conclusive on the history of dv in the us [it is really, really hard to get a point of law like that wrong])
Shaenon: I think it’s the Big Book o’ Larnin’
Well, Mags, if she’d put the real origin of the ‘rule of thumb’ down, which was in fact an American Trial Judge talking about how you’re permitted to beat your wife, you’d just whine that she was anti-American and therefore her scholarship equally useless. Why should anyone care about your opinion?
Even if she got that wrong, it doesn’t change the fact that the phrase really does come from legal instructions on how to beat your wife, and that this phrase was in our own legal canon for years.
Brandon is partly right. The reality is that there is no point doing any testing unless you understand what it is that your are working with.
Men and women are creatures of proximity (yes, it is true – I do include men within my proximity theory). If you pretend to be an alpha but don’t establish proximity with other alphas, then you are unlikely to establish proximity with the mythical tens and nines that supposedly orbit them, and your test will arrive at the wrong conclusion. Indeed, if you pretend to be an alpha but maintain your proximity with manlets and nerds, then you are simply wasting your time (reference – social proof).
As for Brandon’s sex-outside-of-marriage motivation, in the grander scheme of things it comes with costs and benefits, and for some of us it is becoming apparent that the costs outweight the benefits, both politically and morally. A woman’s multi-partnered sexual history and the menagerie of degenerates that routinely transition through it, if you can conceptualize it without retching, does matter. (I am trying to keep it simple – I hope that the less gifted among us are not too put off by my big words).
I can do that as well.
The only way for anything to evolve is from a genetic code which had to be present at the start of life. You can’t evolve a genetic blueprint without the blueprint to evolve. Therefore, rock, (earth) took dead elements and created said blueprint. But stuff doesn’t spontaneously become alive anymore cause rock isn’t in make life mode anymore.
The big bang is a bunch of dead stuff about the size of a fingernail just kinda blew up and expanded, cause that’s what stuff does. Oh yea, and it was always just there.
Feminist style math, 1 in 4 women are raped in college, even though they’re not, they still are.
Drink plenty of flouride cause it makes ya smart, and for the goddesses sake get as many mammmograms as possible because it’s perfectly safe and doesn’t use ionizing radiation.
Women make up the vast majority of teachers. Children are indoctrinated. All but 2 colleges are under Title IX jurisdiction.
Feminism 101 included the myth that romulus and remus made up the rule of thumb, an obvious lie. 8 million Christians were starved to death. Why deny slaughter. Is it something funny to you because they were poor Christian peasants? Half of them were women, at least feel bad for them.
Astalavista/Das ve danya. What are those unidentifiable squiggly lines I’m seeing.
Most of what you wrote is standard feminist gibberish. To say laws in all spheres of life don’t favor women is a denial of reality. Hey, did ya hear walmart is now spending many millions to educate only women to be leaders of industry. Not likely they’ll take that money out of profits, my guess is, pass it on to the customer.
Um the banks do cause economic meltdowns, but they do just fine, Obama borrowed money from them at interest to “give” to them to bail them out. We’re footing the bill at interest, trillions little girl. The Rothchilds do own the Federal Reserve, look it up. Or is the Federal Reserve a State run bank?
Everyone does take orders from the UN. I-VAWA sound familiar? The UN cares about women. Go to the UN site and see.
Foreign Relations
Actually, Hillary sent the US forces to kill men in Libya and the gals are cheering all over the place. Just watch the MSM as women draw emotional responses from other women while men die for them.
Marriage and Family
I think it’s like 68% of blacks are born to unwed mother, and yes the majority of criminals come from female led homes and the vast majority of violent rapists. 51% of marriage end in divorce and women initiate 70%.
No one is ethnically Jewish. Faith isn’t an ethnicity. No one ethnically Christian, Moslem, Buddhist or any other faith. Catholics do worship Mary and it’s heresy because, “thou shall have no other gods before me.” In the story of Jesus saving the adulteress from stoning, the moral is, “go and sin no more.” Feminists always leave that part out, they want praise for their moral bankruptcy. Think slut walkers.
Girls and boys are both victims of molestation, but boys don’t matter. Gays are 15 times more likely to be pedophiles. You want a citation, do your own work. The worst part is, feminist making ludicrous claims that the majority of men who molest boys are straight when the defining act of being gay is having sex with the same gender. Talk about reality denial. If violent rapists say they’re really humitarians and love and respect women would you believe them? I wouldn’t. Well, if a man molests a boy and claims he straight, I ain’t buyin that one either. Oh, and since feminism is soon to embrace pedophelia as one of it’s causes, you should be nicer to your future friends. It’s prepubescent girls, (save that for the inclusion of your future lesbian pedophiles), it’s fully grown teenage girls enjoy flaunting their sexuality and being objectified by any aged man within eyeshot.
That one you nailed. Go to the official UN site and type in feminism. Oh there’s countless pages to see.
Must you lie and distort everything? Oh that’s right, you’re a feminist, that’s what you do. Continue enacting vile hateful laws. My guess is, hate begets hate.
No matter how proximity theory is phrased, it is an asinine idea.
If a man has multiple partners across his sexual history, is he not a degenerate?
Or are only women coarsened by proximity to the opposite sex?
Megan McArdle anyone?
So how long have you been fighting to have the age of consent reduced?
Why do you presume that I think it’s ok for men to have multiple partners but not women?
You were not explicit in your convoluted theory of utter tripe. I can infer, then, that you assert that sexual congress coarsens both genders and renders them unclean?
Did you get that from here? Christina Hoff Sommers, to reinforce your “brainy anti-feminist’ image. Very nice.
Why do you presume that I think it’s ok for men to have multiple partners but not women?
Umm, because you only ever mention degeneracy in relation to women with multiple sex partners?
Besides, what you think has little to do with it. The sexual partners involved are the only ones that need to be concerned about it.
Some people choose multiple sexual partners. Some people never have the choice presented to them, and then blather on about ‘degeneracy’.