My favorite incoherent MRA blogger at the moment is our dear friend Christian J from the blog What Men Are Saying About Women. In recent days, Dr. J – famed inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipsis – has delivered up some truly inspired prose. I’d like to share some of the highlights (by which I mean lowlights) from a few of his recent posts.
Here he is, attempting to explain the “hookup culture” of the youth of today:
Women dish it up on a platter in line with their feminist education (free love/free sex mentality) to the alphas as they turn them on, the most, in the hope of either pretending to be carefree and casual about it all or they just have a high sex drive that requires servicing on a regular basis. It’s not that difficult..
No, no, not difficult at all.
Here he is talking about, er, pussy power, and somehow stumbling on to the subject of international finance:
The girls ofcourse have been trained to think that they can get away with just about anything as they possess the magic “V” which has a very high trading component as well as a social exchange rate, not unlike the Euro or an open ocean oil exploration license, but the magic “V”is more mobile and comes with it’s own carrier and operator, batteries not included though. Perfect really, when you think about it.
Here’s the opening sentence of a post of his about chivalry, and how feminists all secretly love it:
As feminism gets messier and even more morose, one does have to wonder what efforts those masterminds of insanity will do to cover their obvious and blatant erroneous experiments on human biology.
I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to get messier or more morose.
Here he is waxing poetic about the dreaded mangina:
[N]o one really considers them to be anything but a waste product, whose relevance is yet to be determined. A pretend girlie-man if you like, who wavers between reality and the dream state of their female masters. A neutered sycophant living on a different plain where reality and fantasy mix to form their delusional, ethereal world..
And let’s finish up with this muddled attempt to call feminists a bunch of lying liars:
We have on numerous occasions, demonstrated the continual lying and misinformation that the feminist hegemony consistently wallows in without what they believe is, in any fear of contradiction.
I have no idea if the second half of that sentence is the result of some sort of grievous editing error, or if he actually thought it made some sort of sense. With Christian J, it’s impossible to tell.
Hey, I put spaces in there! Grrr.
Women are magnetically attacted to Violent ALPHA males that kill bears with their bare hands.
<blockquote>Like this guys</blockquote>
According to some, women will fuck any guy who stands close to us! Which, I’ll admit, would make waiting in a crowded line a bit more interesting…
Well, I certainly feel enlightened. The guy might want to take it easy on that thesaurus of his though.
According to my copy of The Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century, women were not held criminally liable since they had to do whatever their husband told them too.
Blackstone also mentions that in his Commentaries, Book 1, Chapter 15: “And in some felonies, and other inferior crimes, committed by her, through constraint of her husband, the law excuses her g : but this extends not to treason or murder.”
The main reason I could never be a MRA…why would I blame feminism for today’s world. More sex outside of marriage…thank you very much!
Also, I can’t stand MRA’s complaining about alpha/beta crap. If you think women are attracted to alphas and you want women to be attracted to you…then the obvious conclusion is to try behaving like an alpha and see what happens. If it doesn’t work, then go back to square one and start again.
It’s called split testing. Marketers have been using it for a long ass time. If you keep getting shot down, mix it up, keep what works and discard the rest. These idiots don’t want to adapt to today’s world. Stop being static and be more dynamic.
Woah, Brandon is making sense!
AHH, the Progressive Lady is making my penis smaller.
In Christian J’s defense, he might have accidentally his entire post.
I actually agree with Brandon. Is this a sign that the end is nigh?
Meh, people can have good ideas and bad ones. We should argue against the bad ones, but making fun of those people when they say reasonable things is kinda dickish, in my opinion.
“Now I’m thinking that we need to work on a random MRA comment generator. We need to include:”
“Feminists are lying liars.”
Pretty much every stat and study handed down as gospel from feminists is a lie, or are 1 in 4 or 5 women still getting raped in college?
“Circumcision is a feminist plot.”
Not that I know of. However, feminists reguard the symbolic female circumcision practiced in some countries as genital mutilation.
“Child support = the holocaust.”
No, abortion = holocaust, you can tell by the dead people. Child support = kidnapping and extortion. Women use State violence to support this racket.
“Feminazis won’t let me objectify women.”
Womens entire lives are spent craving to be objectified by men. Women love to be objectified.
“Female privilege is totally a thing, but male privilege doesn’t exist.”
Women are privileged in education, politically, financially, socially, criminal punishment; in all realms of society by law.
“Disposable male myth.”
Men die sooner and more often from disease, war, work, everywhere. That’s disposibility. We could of course cancel the ten federally funded womens health centers and use that money on men since there are none for men. We’d probably live as long as women, but who’d go for that.
“Sharon Osborne made a joke about a crime, therefore all feminists want to emasculate men.”
And the rests of the hosts as well as the entire audience joined in the revelries. Lotsa women all over the world got big laughs from that MSM yum-yum.
“Valorie Solanas. VALORIE SALONAS, therefore your argument is invalid.”
Loads more where she came from, a dime a dozen.
“It’s not advocating violence against women, just feminists.”
Surely you don’t think women who endorse State sanctioned violence against men, which is expanding every year, will be met with nods of approval and admiration by men?
“It’s just a joke, don’t get your panties in a wad.”
Women joking about mens pathetic state is a modern day staple, but cursed is anyone claiming women are less than perfect.
“Male feminists are manginas.”
An apt description.
“Anyone who’s ever done anything nice for a woman is white-knighting.”
Any women showing any kindness to a man is vilified as his servant.
“MRA douches continue to get this shit ass backwards. All of the things they are railing against (alphas taking all the babes, women being treated differently by the criminal justice system, sex having a monetary value) come courtesy of the Patriarchy and NOT FEMINISM.”
Since it’s women who have had carte blanche in getting laws enacted the past several decades, women are solely to blame. You can call it patriarchy. You can call it matriarchy. It really doesn’t matter, women have built their babylonian pedestal. I gave you an article a few days ago about women being let out of prison and how the gals at the top want all womens prisons shut down. Is that patriarchy again?
Here’s a fun article.
Here we have a woman, with the dubious title of minister in charge of ending sexism, stating men are the reason for the economic collapse. Funny how women spend 80% of the worlds wealth, pretty much created the housing bubble collapse. Women have money poured into every concievable socialist program to satisfy their every whim, yet women are blameless. Ain’t that some shit.
NWO, stop proving you know nothing about economics. Better yet, stop proving you know nothing in general.
Who, besides the Rothchilds and the Illuminati, do you think runs the banks and approved all those shitty loans and toxic CDOs? Women couldn’t have created the housing bubble collapse even if they wanted to.
Grow a brain.
“Women couldn’t have created the housing bubble collapse even if they wanted to.”
Well thank the goddess women remain 100% blameless. It is all mens fault after all. Chalk that up as another reliable feminist statistic.
NWO, have you ever even heard of the concept of on-topic? FFS.
citation needed
Does NWO rate the silver? or the bronze in this competition? Perhaps we should make a fourth place medal in lead?
“NWO, have you ever even heard of the concept of on-topic? FFS.”
Since I responded to comments posted by da crew, my straying was pretty much limited to how far the initial commentors strayed. Maybe you should berate the initiators of said comments for their error. Also, shouldn’t you be helping teh menz into fun, colorful autumn skirts with matching stockings and purses? That is such a pressing issue for men these days. That durned genderbox just keeping us all hemmed in. You’re doin some fine inclusive work out there.
That was Slaver and not Catalogue/Eoghan?
Who can tell?
OMG, NWO is really the “Grow a brain, morans!” guy! That explains a lot.
Catalogue is wrong only about things in his narrow range of interest. NWO, on the other hand, is a man of wide-ranging interests, and he manages to be hilariously wrong about all of them. Thus,the Gold–or at least a lifetime achievement award– must go to NWO. He is a true polymath, a Troll for All Seasons, a veritable Renaissance Man of Asshattery. I doff my cap to him.