antifeminism creepy false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape reddit that's not funny! threats transphobia violence against men/women

New Men’s Rights subreddit moderator thinks violence against women is just hilarious

Recently Kloo2yoo, the founder and longtime moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, stepped down. The remaining moderator, IgnatiusLoyola, has just announced his successor, a long-time commenter in the subreddit who calls himself AnnArchist. (Despite the female-sounding name, he’s a guy.)

This is an, er, interesting choice, as AnnArchist is a misogynist asshole who thinks that violence against women is hilarious. Indeed, he’s posted in the BeatingWomen subreddit, a thoroughly vile little forum devoted to posting pictures and videos of women being violently assaulted. He says he enjoys this particular subreddit because “I have a sense of humor so I can laugh at it.” Here’s one recent post of his, and another. I don’t know exactly what was in either video, since they’ve both been removed my YouTube, the first for violating the site’s rules against hate speech, the second for its “shocking and disgusting content.”  If you look through the comments on these submissions, you may also note that the r/beatingwomen regulars, in addition to being misogynist assholes, are also racist as fuck.

“Welcome AnnArchist,”  the_real_misogynist wrote in response to one of these postings, “with posts like that you’ll fit right in here.”

Needless to say, AnnArchist doesn’t find violence by women against men quite so risible.

AnnArchist has also advocated murder (many, many, many times), endorsed  vigilantism against a specific young woman, and suggested that false rape accusers should be stoned and/or jailed with the word “liar” tattooed on their faces.

He refers to women as “whores” and “cum dumpsters.” He’s boasted about “persuading” girls to have sex with him after they’ve said “no.” (Meanwhile, he’s said that if he woke up next to a trans woman after being drunkenly “tricked” into sex he would violently assault her.)

Oh, and there’s this bit of wisdom:

If you hyphenate your child’s last name, well its just pathetic. It means the mother was an uncompromising shrew.

I’m sure there are many other vile comments in AnnArchist’s past; these are simply the ones I uncovered with a couple of Reddit searches and by going through his most controversial comments. Indeed, as he himself acknowledges, “there is no limit to the amount of screwed up shit that I’ve posted.”

So why exactly was he picked as a moderator? Is he truly the best that r/mensrights can offer?

Apparently a lot of the r/mensrights regulars think so; most of those who’ve commented so far have praised IgnatiusLoyola’s choice, and have dismissed the critics as “trolls.” (EDITED TO ADD:  The tide seems to have turned; there are now more comments up critical of AnnArchist’s promotion to mod, and posts defending Iggy’s decision aee getting some downvotes.)

EDITED TO ADD: Just wanted to highlight one of his comments on the false accuser he was targeting:

I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.

Here’s the full quote in context. (EDIT: AnnArchist has edited this comment to remove the violent bits. Luckily, someone got a screenshot.)

And here is a comment of his on a specific female judge:

I hope someone kills her.

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13 years ago


“One person is not a culture. Mainstream feminist publications publishing articles celebrating DV and the comments sections filled with more feminists doing the same, and 40 years of protecting and denying female abuse as policy, is a culture.”

13 years ago

The courts awarding male abusers custody, and protecting male abusers from justice, is just the right thing of course.
The MRM lobbying to protect male abusers at the expense of the children they rape and beat is the best of all possible worlds as well.

13 years ago

“The people who posted those reddit comments are mentally disturbed to say the least, but you have to wonder what brought them to this state. Did they wake up one day and say “From now on, I’m gonna hate women and talk about killing them” for no reason? There’s gotta be more to it, and with people like Rutee around, I’m beginning to understand.”

Oh, the old “you drove me to it” defense. C’mon, these people are choosing to be assholes, it’s not because they’re mentally ill, that doesn’t excuse behavior. Can’t men think for themselves? For all the talk of us being misandrist, no one can beat the MRAs. You guys really don’t like yourselves, do you?

13 years ago

“Eg. the Jezebelle article, whatever joking about DV you can find in the mens movement, is dwarfed by that article and the feminists in the comments section.”

Dude. The Beating Women subreddit is posting actual videos of women being beaten up. How the FUCK is that dwarfed by the Gawker-style hipster commentary that you get from Jezebel?

13 years ago

“So now Rutee is responsible for these wastes of skin posting about murder and rape?”

Nah, you’re right. She’s more the type who kicks you when you’re already down and gloats about it.

13 years ago

One person is not a culture. Mainstream feminist publications publishing articles celebrating DV and the comments sections filled with more feminists doing the same, and 40 years of protecting and denying female as policy, is a culture.

right, i forgot. if an mra does it its an isolated incident. if a feminist does it, or if you imagine a feminist does it, its evidence of a vast conspiracy. because Only Catalogue Can Determine What Truth Is.

lemme guess? its because feminism is ‘mainstream’ and the mrm is some sort of underground resistance movement something something. always an excuse handy for you dudes.

13 years ago

“Dude. The Beating Women subreddit is posting actual videos of women being beaten up. How the FUCK is that dwarfed by the Gawker-style hipster commentary that you get from Jezebel?”

That sub reddit /r/beatingwomen is nothing to do with mens rights, its connected to a comedian that mocks misogny and misognysts.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

but you have to wonder what brought them to this state

Entitlement issues and delusion. No, I don’t have to wonder.

There’s gotta be more to it,

No, there really doesn’t, that’s all you need.

and with people like Rutee around, I’m beginning to understand.

You can understand how you would want to execute people because I was mean to you on the internet? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

But I’m sure that if they’d been around when the Black Panthers might actually have hurt them, the Black Panthers wouldn’t be so ‘understandable’ or ‘justified’, despite being actual targets for discrimination, unlike straight cis white men.

13 years ago

One person is not a culture; centuries of men being allowed to beat women is a culture.

Selecting a person to be the moderator, and set the tone (as you asked Dave to do) is how one shapes culture. The Men’s Rights Subreddit has a culture. It’s a culture which doesn’t care (at the most generous) if people think beating/raping women is, “funny”.

It’s approving of someone who is specifically fond of those things being appointed moderator. That’s your definition of what… abberation? If it’s abberant why is it being allowed to stand.

Because it’s not atypical, it’s inside the cultural norms.

13 years ago

The original article on Jezebel also included women stating they regretted their actions. The Beating Women subreddit features men celebrating their actions and none regretting. The Beating Women subreddit is popular in the MRM, and they cheer each other on and talk about spreading the violence as far as they can.

I also note no links to nonviolent MRA sites.

13 years ago


Abuse denial and minimizing is part of feminism, its not a isolated incident, all feminists and all feminist sites push the same misinformation about abuse and protect female abusers.

13 years ago

Hengist: You admit you are making an apologia for violence. You are saying that someone being rude; at a remove, is a reason to hate all women.

But you are all pissed off that women are saying people beating on them is wrong.

Your logic justifies, not Sharon Osborne laughing, but people actually castrating men.

And you wonder why we think you less than coherent. Why we think you less than honest.

You hold to a very simple standard… double.

13 years ago

with the exception of ifeminist as far as I know, if there are other feminist sites that aren’t protecting female abusers and minimizing false abuse, I’d be glad to hear about them,

13 years ago

Still no link to a nonviolent MRA site. Because that is not a real thing in the world.
MRAs are all about abuse denial. The MRAs were directly founded by the Abusers Lobby and Catalog has not, and cannot refute that.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Nah, you’re right. She’s more the type who kicks you when you’re already down and gloats about it.

But if I *was* the abusive type that *would* be cause for violence against women in general.

Class act, you are. You’re really not good at this, are you?

13 years ago

“he Beating Women subreddit features men celebrating their actions and none regretting. The Beating Women subreddit is popular in the MRM, and they cheer each other on and talk about spreading the violence as far as they can.”

You lying clown, and r/beatingwomen links to a connected a commedian that mocks misogynists and misogny, its nothing to do with mens rights.

13 years ago

Call me when you have a link to a nonviolent MRM site.

13 years ago

You will not, of course.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Catalogue, this shit is available for us to check. When you claim we’re spreading lies about you… your Abuser’s Lobbyist shit is available for all to see. We can actually look at r/beating women. Transparent denial isn’t going to get you very far.

13 years ago

Hengist: The people who posted those reddit comments are mentally disturbed to say the least, but you have to wonder what brought them to this state. Did they wake up one day and say “From now on, I’m gonna hate women and talk about killing them” for no reason? There’s gotta be more to it, and with people like Rutee around, I’m beginning to understand.

You know, I always wonder about people who say things like this in an attempt to soften the terrible things other people are saying. I mean, if the MRA subreddit must have their reasons, what about the commentors to the Jezebel post? I mean, by your logic no one ever just has issues, after all. Clearly men must have done something for that (one particular, not very well-liked in these parts) article to have garnered so many comments.

How about it, Hengist? Do the Jezebel posters have their reasons too, or are they just pathological fymynyst men-haters or something stupid like that?

13 years ago

Bostonian you lying clown.

Feminism is an actual abusers lobby, its demonstrable,

Calling the mrm an abusers lobby is just a miandrist trope that employed by feminists to suppress mens rights,

13 years ago

But you are all pissed off that women are saying people beating on them is wrong

Where did I say anything resembling that?

13 years ago

No link yet.

13 years ago

Abuse denial and minimizing is part of feminism, its not a isolated incident, all feminists and all feminist sites push the same misinformation about abuse and protect female abusers.

except you have proved this or even gone step towards proving it so much as blithely stating it and responding to anyone who tried to counter you by sticking your fingers in your ears and going ‘i cant hear you because bias bias bias’

for somebody who professes to be so interested in objectivity, you seem to be pretty desperate to impute the absolute worst motives possible to your opponents and to twist the facts so that your allies are never to blame. you understand what a giganto hypocrite you come off as right?

13 years ago


“Catalogue, this shit is available for us to check. When you claim we’re spreading lies about you… your Abuser’s Lobbyist shit is available for all to see. We can actually look at r/beating women. Transparent denial isn’t going to get you very far.”

Then post the evidence you lying feminist.

Demonstrate how the mrm lobbies for abusers like feminism does.

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