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New Men’s Rights subreddit moderator thinks violence against women is just hilarious

Recently Kloo2yoo, the founder and longtime moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, stepped down. The remaining moderator, IgnatiusLoyola, has just announced his successor, a long-time commenter in the subreddit who calls himself AnnArchist. (Despite the female-sounding name, he’s a guy.)

This is an, er, interesting choice, as AnnArchist is a misogynist asshole who thinks that violence against women is hilarious. Indeed, he’s posted in the BeatingWomen subreddit, a thoroughly vile little forum devoted to posting pictures and videos of women being violently assaulted. He says he enjoys this particular subreddit because “I have a sense of humor so I can laugh at it.” Here’s one recent post of his, and another. I don’t know exactly what was in either video, since they’ve both been removed my YouTube, the first for violating the site’s rules against hate speech, the second for its “shocking and disgusting content.”  If you look through the comments on these submissions, you may also note that the r/beatingwomen regulars, in addition to being misogynist assholes, are also racist as fuck.

“Welcome AnnArchist,”  the_real_misogynist wrote in response to one of these postings, “with posts like that you’ll fit right in here.”

Needless to say, AnnArchist doesn’t find violence by women against men quite so risible.

AnnArchist has also advocated murder (many, many, many times), endorsed  vigilantism against a specific young woman, and suggested that false rape accusers should be stoned and/or jailed with the word “liar” tattooed on their faces.

He refers to women as “whores” and “cum dumpsters.” He’s boasted about “persuading” girls to have sex with him after they’ve said “no.” (Meanwhile, he’s said that if he woke up next to a trans woman after being drunkenly “tricked” into sex he would violently assault her.)

Oh, and there’s this bit of wisdom:

If you hyphenate your child’s last name, well its just pathetic. It means the mother was an uncompromising shrew.

I’m sure there are many other vile comments in AnnArchist’s past; these are simply the ones I uncovered with a couple of Reddit searches and by going through his most controversial comments. Indeed, as he himself acknowledges, “there is no limit to the amount of screwed up shit that I’ve posted.”

So why exactly was he picked as a moderator? Is he truly the best that r/mensrights can offer?

Apparently a lot of the r/mensrights regulars think so; most of those who’ve commented so far have praised IgnatiusLoyola’s choice, and have dismissed the critics as “trolls.” (EDITED TO ADD:  The tide seems to have turned; there are now more comments up critical of AnnArchist’s promotion to mod, and posts defending Iggy’s decision aee getting some downvotes.)

EDITED TO ADD: Just wanted to highlight one of his comments on the false accuser he was targeting:

I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.

Here’s the full quote in context. (EDIT: AnnArchist has edited this comment to remove the violent bits. Luckily, someone got a screenshot.)

And here is a comment of his on a specific female judge:

I hope someone kills her.

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13 years ago

MRAs continue to ignore the fact that it is patriarchal paternalism that leads to lesser sentences for female offenders and NOT feminism.

And also that a full 98 percent of all rape victims never see their rapists caught, tried, and sentenced, and that fully half of all convicted rapists spend less than one year behind bars.

In other words, the slaveman has provided an example of this country’s continuing failure to treat rape as a serious crime — not an example of this country’s unwillingness to treat men as fully human.

Once again, the slaveman is dead wrong. Color me shocked.

13 years ago


If you read my links you will see that your feminist sources fraudulent methods to debunk gender symmetry are what are being criticized and debunked in the papers I posted, Its this fraudulent denial of gender symmetry that feminism uses to protect female abusers and oppress male victims.

So you are in reality, defending a charge that feminism willfully protects female abusers and oppresses female victims by deception, by presenting the same fraudulent research that it uses to protect female abusers and oppress male victims.

So you have proven my point that feminists protect female abusers and oppress male victims as policy.

Also, if you go to the original thread you will see that the post here is willfully deceptive too. the two most up voted comments and many of the others, are disagreeing with the choice of mod.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Catalogue – Say that’s true. Do you think that protecting male abusers and oppressing female victims will help the situation? Is that how problems get solved in Catalogue World?

13 years ago

Holly from reading his own words on his own site, yes he really thinks the solution is to protect male abusers at all costs.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

If you read his site, Catalog is perfectly ok with the BeatingWomen subreddit. He is only against women getting any kind of justice, or having them escape from abusive situations. He also has no real interest in actual help of men beyond posting debunked studies.

Vile little fucker if true. Got links? I hate reading through the blogs of peons.

If you read my links you will see that your feminist sources fraudulent methods to debunk gender symmetry are what are being criticized and debunked in the papers I posted,,

lolwat? He’s still using CTS as his data collection method to disprove that CTS is bad? Good luck with that.

Seriously, did you actually read your own link there? It doesn’t even address any of the criticisms addressed to his model; it posits grand motives to his opponents without even answering their objections.

13 years ago

I clicked his name here, on this site.

Here is his website

13 years ago

Just click on his user name and it’ll take you to his blog.

13 years ago

This is his celebration of further victimization of women who are victims of domestic violence and rape.

13 years ago

This is his vindictive article that celebrates the persecution of a prosecutor who actually goes after male abusers.

13 years ago

So far, Catalogue’s links have not shown what he believes them to show. Does he think that no one will actually follow up? It’s just sloppy work. I expect better from our trolls here.

Oh, wait–no I don’t.

13 years ago

CB: Why would you expect them to bring an A Game here? That would be work. They can go to any MRA site, fap a “study” onto the table and get high fives for how, “That’ll show the feminists, and the ladybrainz”.

It’s just that the Hive Mind is able to insulate the women from “Manly-Logic”™ (now with 10x more Logicon5®), and so allow the Evil Feminyst Overlords to maintain the present, cruel, oppression of Men.

It’s no help that some men, traitors to their sex; all for want of over-used ladyparts, have been collaborating in their own oppression, and being so clever that they have managed to create studies which support the conspiracy of the Evil Feminyst Overlords.

So, since the women are ttupid, and unable to understand “Manly-Logic”™ there is no reason to do actual work, research, etc., because it’s wasted. Better to have cheetos, beer and circle-jerks; while occasionally flinging poo at the evil gurlz who want into the clubhouse.

13 years ago

I don’t ever recall Big Daddy letting men out of prison just because they’re daddies.

No, but white men are let out of prison because they’re white.
How’s that entitlement working for you?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It’s kind of dishonest for the MRAs here to point out that critical comments are being upvoted, when those comments and upvotes are coming from the “trolls” and “downvote brigages,” not from the MRAs themselves.

I would love to see someone break ranks and go “I’m an MRA, but this shit isn’t doing us any favors,” but… I’m still waiting.

(Also, I’m extra annoyed at NWO, because we’re talking about stuff, and he’s just spouting his usual. It’s not that he’s being obnoxiously misogynist, but that he’s being irrelevantly obnoxiously misogynist. Ah well, whatcha gonna do.)

13 years ago

You know, I know there’s going to be MRA sites online, and that I’m never going to agree with their agenda. I realize that. I accept that.

I just can’t accept that they’d choose someone who is so openly vile, hateful, transphobic, and racist. Really? That’s really the person these people want moderating them? That’s a good pick?
13 years ago

“And also that a full 98 percent of all rape victims never see their rapists caught, tried, and sentenced”

This is completely false. In reality, almost a quarter of rape reports result in a conviction.

We can of course disregard unreported rapes, since 100% of them result in a lack of conviction.

“MRAs continue to ignore the fact that it is patriarchal paternalism that leads to lesser sentences for female offenders and NOT feminism.”

This is again false, considering that feminists lobby for lower sentences for women, and lobby for individual women to be acquitted simply for saying “I was abused”, even though men would certainly be convicted if they said such a thing.

13 years ago

Too funny how women/feminists whine about violent talk from the bad men while the State gives women fully authority and immunity from violent acts, plus commits violence on womens behalf.

You keep stating that as if it had some validity.

13 years ago

@ Holly

Sorry I’ll stop feeding the irrelevant troll.

13 years ago

Lauralot: It’s a good pick if he reflects their actual beliefs.

13 years ago

Oh, look, it’s catalog, the guy who reflexively screams about bias any time somebody posts a source that contradicts him.

catalog, if youve already made up your mind that only you can tell truth from fiction, why are you here? shouldnt you be using your magical powers to do more productive things?

13 years ago

For me, the rest of it goes beyond mockability into horror, but the uncompromising shrews and their double-barrelling is hilarious. Firstly because double-barrelling IS a compromise, and secondly because in my mind, shrews now all have double-barrelled names.
What ho, if it isn’t Piers Squeaky-Wormeater! How do you do, old chap?

13 years ago

Look at Bostonian

Telling blatant lies about me and the content of my blog. Too many of you here can’t good arguments here, so you just tell lies about people instead.

Holly, its fairly dishonest of feminists to criticize MRAs because whatever is said about or made up about MRAs here, is done in reality and to a greater degree by feminists.

Eg. the Jezebelle article, whatever joking about DV you can find in the mens movement, is dwarfed by that article and the feminists in the comments section. And as mentioned and is well documented, lobbying for and hiding female abusers and family murderers is in the DNA of feminism as is oppressing and hiding male abuse victims.

eg. closure of prisons, battered womans defense, DPP and PPD defense, fraudulent and non scientific studies, fraudulent criticism of the genuine research.

Its a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

13 years ago


Oh, look, it’s catalog, the guy who reflexively screams about bias any time somebody posts a source that contradicts him.

catalog, if youve already made up your mind that only you can tell truth from fiction, why are you here? shouldnt you be using your magical powers to do more productive things?”

Its a case of knowing that feminism lying about domestic violence through looking at the hard evidence. Feminism has nothing credible to back up its sexist view of family abuse, which protects female child and spousal abusers.

13 years ago

Arabella deBeauchamp-Sorex, yes? I never forget a snout – especially, I may say, such a pretty one! May I get you a Pimms, Bel?”