antifeminism creepy false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape reddit that's not funny! threats transphobia violence against men/women

New Men’s Rights subreddit moderator thinks violence against women is just hilarious

Recently Kloo2yoo, the founder and longtime moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, stepped down. The remaining moderator, IgnatiusLoyola, has just announced his successor, a long-time commenter in the subreddit who calls himself AnnArchist. (Despite the female-sounding name, he’s a guy.)

This is an, er, interesting choice, as AnnArchist is a misogynist asshole who thinks that violence against women is hilarious. Indeed, he’s posted in the BeatingWomen subreddit, a thoroughly vile little forum devoted to posting pictures and videos of women being violently assaulted. He says he enjoys this particular subreddit because “I have a sense of humor so I can laugh at it.” Here’s one recent post of his, and another. I don’t know exactly what was in either video, since they’ve both been removed my YouTube, the first for violating the site’s rules against hate speech, the second for its “shocking and disgusting content.”  If you look through the comments on these submissions, you may also note that the r/beatingwomen regulars, in addition to being misogynist assholes, are also racist as fuck.

“Welcome AnnArchist,”  the_real_misogynist wrote in response to one of these postings, “with posts like that you’ll fit right in here.”

Needless to say, AnnArchist doesn’t find violence by women against men quite so risible.

AnnArchist has also advocated murder (many, many, many times), endorsed  vigilantism against a specific young woman, and suggested that false rape accusers should be stoned and/or jailed with the word “liar” tattooed on their faces.

He refers to women as “whores” and “cum dumpsters.” He’s boasted about “persuading” girls to have sex with him after they’ve said “no.” (Meanwhile, he’s said that if he woke up next to a trans woman after being drunkenly “tricked” into sex he would violently assault her.)

Oh, and there’s this bit of wisdom:

If you hyphenate your child’s last name, well its just pathetic. It means the mother was an uncompromising shrew.

I’m sure there are many other vile comments in AnnArchist’s past; these are simply the ones I uncovered with a couple of Reddit searches and by going through his most controversial comments. Indeed, as he himself acknowledges, “there is no limit to the amount of screwed up shit that I’ve posted.”

So why exactly was he picked as a moderator? Is he truly the best that r/mensrights can offer?

Apparently a lot of the r/mensrights regulars think so; most of those who’ve commented so far have praised IgnatiusLoyola’s choice, and have dismissed the critics as “trolls.” (EDITED TO ADD:  The tide seems to have turned; there are now more comments up critical of AnnArchist’s promotion to mod, and posts defending Iggy’s decision aee getting some downvotes.)

EDITED TO ADD: Just wanted to highlight one of his comments on the false accuser he was targeting:

I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.

Here’s the full quote in context. (EDIT: AnnArchist has edited this comment to remove the violent bits. Luckily, someone got a screenshot.)

And here is a comment of his on a specific female judge:

I hope someone kills her.

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Arielle Shander
13 years ago

MRAs frequently prove themselves to be hypocrites; they think it’s funny when women get abused while campaigning against abuse directed at men. They claim to be “egalitarians” and feminists to be “female supremacists” and then say things like women are “over-emotional,” and thus, don’t deserve “adult rights” in society.

And they wonder why some people think MRAs are fucking crazy assholes…

13 years ago

We’ve seen women murder children and still. No prison.

[citation needed]

13 years ago

@thebionicmommy r/beatingwomen is akin to the old “smell my finger gag”, it’s not funny to them because of the material they post, it’s funny when people find out what they’re posting. They only want to make you feel violated that you’ve experienced something unpleasant – pay them no attention. r/rapingwomen was created for the same purpose.

13 years ago

Somehow I think NWO played Bioshock much differently from me. I always assumed the Big Daddy characters were sad characters. Not super evil politicians hell bent on creating some Feminist Thunderdome (BTW: I totally have dibs on “Feminist Thunderdome” as a band name).

Honestly, I don’t get who the Big Daddies are supposed to be in NWO posts. No clue. But the Cake is Lie, right?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, that Susan Smith just got off scot-free, didn’t she? Blamed it all on a black man and got away with it, right?

Or not:

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

AnnArchist is a perfect fit. Anyone who pisses off the crazy misandrists here and on Reddit is golden.

13 years ago

AnnArchist is a perfect fit. Anyone who pisses off the crazy misandrists here and on Reddit is golden.

“Golden” for the call to murder a judge or “golden” for the violence-fetishism?

13 years ago

@qwkmbxjxlcdeiub: Holy shit! We’ve got the same RES title for AnnArchist, based on the same comment. He is the Goddamn Batman of the MRAs truly.

@David: Where did you see that Kloo is stepping down? I don’t see any announcement for it, and Kloo is still a mod.

13 years ago


AnnArchist is also a cissexist: (She secretly has a penis) one gives a fuck that you are a bigendered female on the internet.)

AnnArchist is a disgusting choice for moderator.

13 years ago

If women and men are equal, why are crimes against women so heinous and deserving of special attention, while crimes against men are just a fact of life? Just saying.

13 years ago

If women and men are equal, why are crimes against women so heinous and deserving of special attention, while crimes against men are just a fact of life? Just saying.

That statement was really stupid. Just saying. We don’t live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where gangs of equine raiders roam the streets, beating all who challenge their harsh rule…or worse. (I’ve been reading a lot of “My Little Pony”/”Fallout” crossover fanfiction, and it must have rubbed off.) Here in the real world, crimes like murder and assault —both suffered mostly by men (and before you jump all over the keyboard the assailants are also usually men) — are punished.

13 years ago

Threatening a judge is a serious act; saying you hope someone kills a judge is not so far-removed from an outright threat that I’d want to post it online, though I’m not sure wisdom is something with which MRAs are graced. The really violent stuff that has some from Reddit lately makes me wonder if David Futrelle or anyone else on here has any feelings on when, if ever, we should contact appropriate authorities about some of the worrying threats we see featured on Man Boobz.

13 years ago

Why, WHY is this shit on the internet??? Why hasn’t it been reported for hate speech?

13 years ago

“So why exactly was he picked as a moderator? Is he truly the best that r/mensrights can offer?

Apparently a lot of the r/mensrights regulars think so; most of those who’ve commented so far have praised IgnatiusLoyola’s choice, and have dismissed the critics as “trolls.”

David, if you read the thread, you would know that the thinking was have someone of the opposite extreme to the other moderator, who is leftist and very moderate.

In related news. Abuse denial and the protection of female abusers is a central theme in feminism, feminist activism and fundraising and on the majority of feminist sites.

Mainstream feminist site Jezebelle celebrates and high fives domestic violence against men.

Manboobz regulars believe that It different when mainstream feminism, women and women representing mainstream feminism do these things and to greater extremes, but that they are not sexist.


13 years ago

Wow, that Jezebel article is really something. It’s like they’re proud that they hit their boyfriends. But of course, they totally deserved it, amirite?

Another editor slapped a guy when “he told me he thought he had breast cancer.” (Okay, that one made us laugh really hard.)

Funny, funny stuff.

13 years ago

Uh, no. That Jezebel article is seriously Not Okay. Good thing it’s not a real feminist website, or you’d have an issue.

13 years ago

So, several forums that are explicitly devoted to celebrating violence against women are exactly the same as a female statutory rapist getting a plea deal.

MRAs continue to ignore the fact that it is patriarchal paternalism that leads to lesser sentences for female offenders and NOT feminism. Adults who touch children are predators and rapists — I don’t care if they are male or female. I say this as a survivor who was molested by my female daycare provider.

13 years ago


“Why, WHY is this shit on the internet??? Why hasn’t it been reported for hate speech?”

Because women don’t have the right to never have their precious feelings damaged in the slightest. Ooops, that’s right, they do. We’ve got hate speech, hollaback, sexual harrassment. Why, women have given us all kinds of goodie two shoes, politically correct laws.

We’ve got women tromping about the country slut walking, and the whole manboobz gang endorsing emo-gay-S&M-raunch sex like their lives depend upon it. Oh yes, let’s teach the first graders in public schools all about homosexual sex, have some condoms kiddies the enlightened women cry. Yet say anything to damage a womans delicate ears and they’ll faint in a puritanical swoon. “Big Daddy, save us! Knit another thread in our communist safety net, the world of equality is harsh and I must be protected. Take out freedom, take our money.” And Big Daddys answer is always the same, “of course I will.”

13 years ago

But don’t you see, posting pictures of dead and maimed women and celebrating rape is exactly the same as slapping one man!

At least in MRA abuse denial land.

13 years ago

Also slapping and shoving is the same as murder.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The “but feminists think it’s funny to hit men!” logic is so broken. And not just because it isn’t true.

You’re saying feminists think it’s funny to hit men, and that’s a bad thing. It makes you angry. It damages their credibility.

Is being bad and angering and not credible something you’re really eager for your side to have? If feminists supporting violence would prove that feminists are evil, what does MRAs supporting violence prove about MRAs?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Your peer reviewed sources only establish that violence is committed by women against male partners. It doesn’t actually establish a feminist abuse denial conspiracy, which you positted.

That Jezebel article is horrible. Not as bad, by any stretch of the imagination, as calling for terrorism and laughing at rape, but bad.

I was hoping Hengist had come here to express shock at this guy being made moderator. Why do I keep expecting non-jackassery from trolls, anyway? Ah well.

Uh, no. That Jezebel article is seriously Not Okay. Good thing it’s not a real feminist website, or you’d have an issue.

AFAIK Jezebel is at least somewhat feminist so No True SCotsman isn’t cool.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

In related news. Abuse denial and the protection of female abusers is a central theme in feminism, feminist activism and fundraising and on the majority of feminist sites.

Straus’ claims were already proven to be a myth and his methods criticized for being faulty:

Mainstream feminist site Jezebelle celebrates and high fives domestic violence against men.

That article is definitely not okay. But Jezebel (dude, the title of the name is in the URL, how can you STILL get it wrong?) has often been criticised by feminists for its problematic articles.
I still don’t think the article is comparable to the BeatingWomen subreddit.

Still, no condemnation for the quotes in David’s post, or AnnArchists hypocrisy from you, Catalogue. The emoticon at the end of your post doesn’t help either.

13 years ago

If you read his site, Catalog is perfectly ok with the BeatingWomen subreddit. He is only against women getting any kind of justice, or having them escape from abusive situations. He also has no real interest in actual help of men beyond posting debunked studies.