antifeminism creepy false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape reddit that's not funny! threats transphobia violence against men/women

New Men’s Rights subreddit moderator thinks violence against women is just hilarious

Recently Kloo2yoo, the founder and longtime moderator of Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, stepped down. The remaining moderator, IgnatiusLoyola, has just announced his successor, a long-time commenter in the subreddit who calls himself AnnArchist. (Despite the female-sounding name, he’s a guy.)

This is an, er, interesting choice, as AnnArchist is a misogynist asshole who thinks that violence against women is hilarious. Indeed, he’s posted in the BeatingWomen subreddit, a thoroughly vile little forum devoted to posting pictures and videos of women being violently assaulted. He says he enjoys this particular subreddit because “I have a sense of humor so I can laugh at it.” Here’s one recent post of his, and another. I don’t know exactly what was in either video, since they’ve both been removed my YouTube, the first for violating the site’s rules against hate speech, the second for its “shocking and disgusting content.”  If you look through the comments on these submissions, you may also note that the r/beatingwomen regulars, in addition to being misogynist assholes, are also racist as fuck.

“Welcome AnnArchist,”  the_real_misogynist wrote in response to one of these postings, “with posts like that you’ll fit right in here.”

Needless to say, AnnArchist doesn’t find violence by women against men quite so risible.

AnnArchist has also advocated murder (many, many, many times), endorsed  vigilantism against a specific young woman, and suggested that false rape accusers should be stoned and/or jailed with the word “liar” tattooed on their faces.

He refers to women as “whores” and “cum dumpsters.” He’s boasted about “persuading” girls to have sex with him after they’ve said “no.” (Meanwhile, he’s said that if he woke up next to a trans woman after being drunkenly “tricked” into sex he would violently assault her.)

Oh, and there’s this bit of wisdom:

If you hyphenate your child’s last name, well its just pathetic. It means the mother was an uncompromising shrew.

I’m sure there are many other vile comments in AnnArchist’s past; these are simply the ones I uncovered with a couple of Reddit searches and by going through his most controversial comments. Indeed, as he himself acknowledges, “there is no limit to the amount of screwed up shit that I’ve posted.”

So why exactly was he picked as a moderator? Is he truly the best that r/mensrights can offer?

Apparently a lot of the r/mensrights regulars think so; most of those who’ve commented so far have praised IgnatiusLoyola’s choice, and have dismissed the critics as “trolls.” (EDITED TO ADD:  The tide seems to have turned; there are now more comments up critical of AnnArchist’s promotion to mod, and posts defending Iggy’s decision aee getting some downvotes.)

EDITED TO ADD: Just wanted to highlight one of his comments on the false accuser he was targeting:

I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.

Here’s the full quote in context. (EDIT: AnnArchist has edited this comment to remove the violent bits. Luckily, someone got a screenshot.)

And here is a comment of his on a specific female judge:

I hope someone kills her.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

That’s nice, TAB. Since you appear to be opposed to domestic violence, why did you like AnnArchist as a mod?

Domestic violence isn’t like a seesaw, where someone’s gotta be on the bottom. The best mod, I’d think, would be someone who disapproved of violence against men and women.

…Shit, I make that sound like some sort of unrealistic pipe dream.

13 years ago

ah yes, noted feminist powerhouse and celebrity nip-slip repository the huffington post…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

From TAB’s linked article: But while I might cheer on the fictional Janice Soprano as she murders the fictional Richie Aprile, I would never advocate for women who have been abused to take such action in real life.

Meanwhile, AnnArchist gives no such disclaimers as he calls for the death of people who haven’t abused others. Why the double standard, TAB?

13 years ago

From TAB’s article:

But while I might cheer on the fictional Janice Soprano as she murders the fictional Richie Aprile, I would never advocate for women who have been abused to take such action in real life. There are obvious moral reasons for this, but there are practical reasons as well. After shooting Richie, Janice called her mob boss brother Tony Soprano to take care of cleaning up the mess and disposing of the body. And so Janice experienced no consequences from the murder except for her own grief.

Not so for real-life victims of domestic violence who murder their abusers. The study “Convicted Survivors: The Imprisonment of Battered Women Who Kill” by Elizabeth Ann Dermody Leonard demonstrates that 95.4 percent of battered women who kill their abusers are convicted of either first or second-degree murder and sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

And so my intentionally inflammatory question — Did Janice Soprano have it right? — is meant to be purely rhetorical.

Of course, pointing out that the entire article is a thought experiment just makes me an evil feminist working with the abuser’s lobby, right?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It doesn’t even matter. If feminists who approve of violence are bad, then MRAs who approve of violence ought to be bad.

Either death threats are okay for everyone or no one.

And if the answer is “no one,” then that means MRAs too, and that means AnnArchist is a shit-ass terrible MRA.

You don’t get to say “death threats are terrible when feminists make them, and they also make it okay for MRAs to use death threats.” That’s a gigantonormous double standard.

13 years ago

Shorter Catalog: Random words spew from my keyboard, and every single one of them it right! Feminists abuse men because I say so!

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

He’s a real troper, isn’t he?

13 years ago

It’s usually considered good form to read an article you’re citing, just to make sure it says what you think it does.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

If he is pro rape, I denounce him for that, as I did David Futrelle for giving his approval to a slut walker threatening to rape an mra

Here’s the post where Catalogue denounces Dave for his alleged support of rape:

David Futrelle plucks four quotes from 80+ strong comments section that range from problematic to straight up idiotic. Yet on his way to find them he must have seen a slutwalker called Elijah Daniel Raven being quoted talking about the corrective rape of Jack Donavan – “Im liking your page so that I can tell you to suck my tranny cock, and shuve it down your jerk face asshole. kisses. hope you like the taste of my meat”, and a female slutwalker called Sophis St. James praising him for it at the beginning of Jack Donavans article.

That’s right: Dave may have read an offensive comment on someone else’s blog! Which is, you know, the same as endorsing it.

Catalogue: how many offensive things have you read that you failed to denounce? Because I’ll bet you’ve been supporting some pretty heinous things over the years, by your own logic.

13 years ago

Perhaps TAB will post a picture to convince us of his absolute correctness?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Agh! My comment is being moderated for words that were quoting someone else. This is clearly the worst injustice in the History of the Internet!

(Shakes fist in impotent rage)

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

That’s right, Bostonian! TAB is one handsome sonofab*tch! Well, then, he must be right about everything.

13 years ago

Feminism has more violent than the mm, which has none, and it openly operates as an abusers lobby. Can you respond to that?

Was it Catalog here or Brandon kept that repeating “Fallacy” when presented with arguments, counter-points, citations, and facts that easily countered his assertions?

Either way I’ve gotten better reasoned arguments from parakeets.

13 years ago


Is there any equivalent of that post in the MRM?

How exactly do you define MRM? Self-identification? Take Miguel for example; I would personally hesitate to label him as anything like an MRA (and he self-identifies as a feminist ally), but some feminists label him as MRAish and (paraphrased) as a Nice Guy apologist. If he counts, here he is denouncing violence against children:

In my experience, most people don’t spend a lot of time denouncing violence, because violence in general is obviously wrong, so it does not seem to be unusual that few such posts exist from any particular group of people.

(refusing to answer when questioned strikes me as odd, however)

13 years ago

Catalogue: Here is a challenge, someone from manboobz form an argument that doesn’t involve, lies slander or a misandrist trope?

1: I can keep posting more links to feminist sites about opposing abuse in all forms.

Catalog has yet to even say appointing a violent mod is wrong.

2: So, yes, I totally disapprove of all feminists who advocate or laugh at violence, wherever they may be.

Are you willing to say the same about MRAs?

3:A post about abuse by a womanist, who opposes all physical punishment.

Is there any equivalent of that post in the MRM?

Those are just on that page, above your question.


13 years ago

Catalogue: If you approach me in good faith, I will do you the same in return

Politely… Nonsense.

Firmly… Bullshit.

Honestly… You’re lying.

I’ve engaged with you honestly. You don’t like to think so, because you are playing “the noble martyr”, dealing “honestly” with all the, “lying feminists,” and that trope (see I can use the word too) plays well in the MRA crowd; the same way it plays well in the white supremecist crowd, or any other group which pretends it is unjustly excluded from power/politics etc.

Your reply to honest questions hasn’t been to answer them, but to bob and weave, as if you were taking some important stand for truth and justice by refusing to define your terms, or say, “yes, I think AnnArchist is a fair and reasonable choice,” or, “No, AnnArchist is a terrible person to represent the face of the MRA on Reddit.”

It’s a simple question. There is no trap.

Unless, you think your honest answer is in some way shameful there should be no problem sharing it with the world.

If he is pro rape, I denounce him for that,

Ok, go read his prose, and tell us if you think he pro-rape.

If you think he isn’t, show why you think so, use his words, if possible.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Also, that was Catalogue. These guys sure tend to spout the same bullshit though, so it’s kinda hard to differentiate.

I still don’t get what Catalogues goal is. What exactly is he trying to achieve here?

13 years ago

Brandon’s thing is to say that since he didn’t use precisely the language used in reply; exact quotations only, inference not allowed, logical extensions of the argument forbidden, anyone who actually talks about the consequences, requirements, etc. of his positions is being dishonest.

And any contradictions between what he says, and what his ideas would do, is also unfair.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I still don’t get what Catalogues goal is. What exactly is he trying to achieve here?

More hits on his blog?

13 years ago

I still don’t get what Catalogues goal is. What exactly is he trying to achieve here?

Cataloguing tropes?

13 years ago

His goal is abuser’s lobby tropes lying feminists fallacies tropes.


Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

He lives in the troposphere.

13 years ago


you forgot the part of brandons shtick where calling his behavior like you saw it was ‘disrespecting his POV’

13 years ago

If Miguel ids himself as an MRA and others do as well, I would consider that acceptable, actually.

That is much more than catalog did, anyway.

I suppose denouncing is a strange word to use, but I am not sure what the alternative would be.

No points given to catalog.

Point to kilo, with the the acknowledgement that Miguel himself does not id as an MRA, although he has some MRA sympathies.

13 years ago

Brandon’s shtick also includes bringing his girlfriend into the argument. She is, of course, always in agreement with his view on the issue and why it’s completely not misogynistic or sexist. And it turns her on.