alpha males bad boys beta males bullying manginas masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA racism thug-lovers violence against men/women

Lady, killer; killer, lady.

What do women want? Freud never found a definitive answer to his famous question, but the blogger who calls himself Delusion Damage thinks heโ€™s got it figured out: women want men who can kill people with their bare hands.

DD is a sort of compound MRA-PUA who argues for โ€œMenโ€™s Liberation Through โ€˜Game,โ€™โ€ as he put it in a Spearhead post some months ago. ย Apparently, if dudes learn how to get the hot babes to give them strings-free sexy times, through the magic of โ€œgame,โ€ this will help to โ€œreduce the unilateral enslavement of men through marriage.โ€

And what attracts the ladies more than the ability to kill? Not much, apparently. If youโ€™ve got that magic killing touch, everyone around you will sense your manly power:

You are a man. A man is a survivor, a hunter, a protector of loved ones. The essence of manliness is controlled power. โ€ฆ That is what women love and what other men respect. Women, most of them anyway, are unable to use force and must rely on men where force is required. โ€ฆ If you lack the ability to kill other people with your bare hands, you will be perceived as if something is missing from your manliness. โ€ฆ

If you can kill, the ladies will pick up on this instantly:

[H]aving the ability substantially raises the value she instinctively perceives you to have. Which, as we know, leads to all manner of good things.

I believe heโ€™s referring to blowjobs.

Oh, and other dudes will be impressed, too:

The respect of other men is also greatly influenced by your killing ability. Up until graduation from high school, the male social hierarchy has a great deal to do with โ€œwho can beat up whomโ€, and although the hierarchy among adult men is more dependent on social and professional status signals, men never stop instinctively evaluating you by what they perceive your killing ability to be, and respecting or disrespecting you accordingly.

And this will set you apart from all the wimpy emo hipsters of the world, who couldnโ€™t even fight a girl:

If there is a โ€œdefiningโ€ degree of killing ability that makes you โ€œmanlyโ€, it is defined by comparison with the female of the species. โ€ฆ

In these dismal times, men who fall short of this line are not terribly rare. Many of the emaciated hipsters and cubicle-dwellers of our generation would have trouble against a Juanita from a rougher neighborhood. These men, due to their lack of killing ability, are seen as unmanly by both men and women.ย 

Meanwhile, your ability to kill will make others sit up and take notice:

The ability to kill makes your feelings relevant. If you lose your temper, someone dies.

This of course implies good things about you โ€“ the fact that you arenโ€™t in jail right now means that you are a man in control of his emotions. A man who never loses his temper. Everyone around you subconsciously understands this and respects you for it. It lets people know they can trust you.

Yeah, nothing screams “trustworthy” more than a guy going on and on about how he could kill you with his bare hands.

Also, the ability to kill can help to prevent the ladies from blabbing endlessly about their stupid lady crap to you:

A woman who knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that she will have less than three seconds to live from the second she makes you lose your temper is not going to set out to intentionally poke and prod you past your breaking point.

Aw, yeah, itโ€™s good to be a potential bare-hands killer:

[Y]ou will be afforded a completely unprecedented kind of respect. โ€ฆ

When you are The Man, everyone around takes note. It is a form of celebrity. Women gravitate to you, pulled by the invisible streams of attention, respect and deference which we all subconsciously sense in any social situation.

Given the sort of adoring attention DD must get from the ladies, itโ€™s sort of amazing that he finds time to even keep up a blog at all.

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13 years ago


It doesnโ€™t affirm โ€œvalueโ€ because, yes, it is degrading; it removes value. A man informing a woman or girl that he would fuck them doesnโ€™t acknowledge that they are a sexual being, it acknowledges that they have orifices. And an increase in sexual โ€œvalueโ€ for a woman, even if it were increased (which I submit it is not), is commonly accepted to mean a decrease in the value of her personhood. So no, itโ€™s still pretty much a lose-lose despite what many men seem to think.

I’m not sure whether I am understanding you correctly. You argue that it is impossible to view someone as a sexual being and as a person at the same time? If so, then I hope you are wrong.

I’m also not sure whether I agree with your second sentence. Yes, the primary message is that that person has orifices (especially with the rather tasteless wording you imply) but also that he would be willing to ‘interact’ with them. I can see that this is not a particularly good acknowledgement as a sexual being, but it is one. A complete lack of such experiences suggests that one doesn’t have orifices (or the male equivalent), and calls the sexual self-validity into question.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey Vampire in Paris is back! ๐Ÿ˜€

Also MRALoghan xD (I guess he wasn’t kidding when he hero worshiped Eoghan xD )

And NWO! ๐Ÿ˜€ Dodgy dodgy as usual XD

Now it’s rly a party xD

NWO, I have a question for you btw, from Ozy, me and Summer… you know how Paris had to choose who was most beautiful between Aphrodite, Hera and Athena? ๐Ÿ˜€ Me, Ozy and Summer Snow, want to know which one of us you hate the most xD Because you’ve said I’m the most vile person here and I trample millions of straight men a day… and Ozy you just.. hate… and Summer you said is too evil to exist because she’s such a lying liar. xD

So yeah… which of us is worst? ๐Ÿ˜€ Inquiring minds want to know! XD Apparently you don’t actually hate 2 of us as much as you claim you do o:

So let’s sort this out! ๐Ÿ˜€

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey Vampire Superman!

Wait, so you thought a TWELVE year old was showing her nude pics to you and you were okay with this, in fact… flirty… o_O

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

David, you should rly treat MRAL the same way you do w/ Eoghan. Ban his sockpuppets from talking unless he just admits he’s MRAL. xD

13 years ago

Me, Ozy and Summer Snow, want to know which one of us you hate the most xD Because youโ€™ve said Iโ€™m the most vile person here and I trample millions of straight men a dayโ€ฆ and Ozy you just.. hateโ€ฆ and Summer you said is too evil to exist because sheโ€™s such a lying liar. xD

Damn. Between you trampling on millions of straight men, and Ozy peeing on all men ever, I’ve got some tough competition here. I don’t know what I even did to land on NWO’s Most Hated list, if the qualifications are that stringent.

Maybe he just really hates pickles? XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Maybe pickles were the one food he COULD eat that he didn’t think were tainted by chlorine, radiation, or feminism, and you ruined them for him forever XD and now he has to go another 200 days without eating…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*fluoride I meant xD

Or Flouride would be more accurate xD

13 years ago

Nonsense, Ami. NWO won’t starve. He can always drink milk. Manly, manly milk, processed and bottled by manly scientific machines that require the manly labor of manly engineers who work 25 hours a day. And it all goes to waste, being guzzled by spoiled women who aren’t worthy of the manly mustaches milk paints on them. Truly, NWO’s labor is unappreciated.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

He’s not allowed to drink milk. Milk is only to be drunk by the goddesses and princesses of Earth, while we eat bon bons and paint our nails and put on our silky beautiful dresses. xD

He has to drink centipede juice.

13 years ago

But centipede juice is so hard to get because all those damn feminist Rothchildren are using state-sanctioned violence against NWO! The only centipedes NWO can get have been stuffed full of fluoride and run through a mammogram a billion times!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Of course it’s hard to get. xD He has to scrounge for the ones that haven’t been infected. xD What do you think he’s doing in between his 26 hour shifts? Spending his time trolling an internet forum? xD No! He’s scrounging for the pure, untouched centipedes so he can survive another day as a man in this horrid matriarchal dystopia. xD

13 years ago

Centipedes…poor NWO does not even get to sample the superior millipede. And centipedes can even bite, he has to fight them with his manly man battle skills, instead of being able to take the bite free millipedes. No, millipedes are reserved for perfect bonbon eating princesses.

Fuck MRAs
Fuck MRAs
13 years ago

I am the most powerful USian millipede breeder and I reserve the most choice specimens for myself and my fellow lady-rulers. We throw the occasional cull over for our mangina boys.

13 years ago

All women have to do is stand in the streets crying and they’ll be pelted with warm millipede sandwiches! Which they can then grind in the faces of starving homeless men!

If only NWO could taste the glory that is female privilege – silky clothes, bouncy hair, impeccable manicures, air conditioning and swarms of millipedes!

Truly, all women everywhere are living on Easy Street!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Don’t forget the Slutwalks! Where we taunt men, the way one might taunt a insectoholic by waving tasty earworms in front of them!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The real tragedy is that NWO and other starving men can’t eat Ladybugs which are plentiful but protected by the feminist state. If he even tried we would put him under a giant magnifying glass!

However, Praying Mantises are wiped out because they violate atheism and must be destroyed. NWO has a secret stash of them in his place, as he nurtures his rebellion.

13 years ago

Hey NWO, I think you should definitely pick me as the least favorite.

After all, I am currently involved in an alpha male’s harem! At least, I presume he’s an alpha male, on account of he has a harem, although I imagine that most noted scholars of the PUA/MRA movement do not classify as alpha males nerdy socially awkward guys who are so femme they have to regularly come out as not gay. Nevertheless I and two other girls have mutually agreed to date him and each other. Not only that, but I have regular kinky sex with my fuckbuddy, whom I’m sharing with one of my girlfriends, and another sexy lesbian fuckbuddy back home.


13 years ago

ozy wins.

13 years ago

All NWO wants is just one beautiful 15-year-old girl who hasn’t gone through the femocracy public school indoctrination and become a man-hating entomologist. Is that so hard?

And yet, feminists like you are stepping all over his dreams by indoctrinating girls to be incapable of catching their own spiders. Women exploit men by making them do all the bug-catching, and then hoarding 80% of the world’s bugs to themselves.

Ami, that’s why he hates you. You would trample the food supply of a million starving cis men just to offer one trans person a millipede sandwich!

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
13 years ago

He can always drink milk. Manly, manly milk, processed and bottled by manly scientific machines that require the manly labor of manly engineers who work 25 hours a day.

People like NWO have a tendency to go for raw milk over pasteurized milk.

13 years ago

Matthew: NWO works at a milk factory.

13 years ago

However, Praying Mantises are wiped out because they violate atheism and must be destroyed.

Uhm… you do know they all know kung fu, right?

13 years ago

But Matthew, that would involve taking it right from the girl-parts of a cow! There needs to be more testosterone in the process to cancel out the cooties!

(Plus his job involves repairing milk-bottling machines)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

At some point he’s going to lose it and create a giant milk bottling mech suit to stomp over America, and we’ll have to stop him xD

13 years ago

Now, back to the competition!

NWO, I think I’m the most evil person ever, and you should hate me the most. ๐Ÿ˜€

I don’t think anyone on Manboobz is as self-obsessed as me! Or if they are, I haven’t even noticed them! XD Remember when you told me I thought my personality was perfect and all I had to do to attract a guy was primp in front of a mirror? I sure remember, because I always remember people saying nice things about me! It sure was nice of you to stop and offer me dating advice. No matter how many times I hear it, I never get tired of people telling me I’m a perfect princess! :3

I’m sure we disagree about many, many things, NWO. I’ll bet a whole bunch of my opinions will make you loathe me, but it’s so boring to spend time thinking about the ways in which you aren’t me, so I won’t bother listing them. I don’t even remember whether you liked pickles or not. It’s hard to pay attention to things that aren’t about me. ๐Ÿ™ Even this comment, while supposedly about getting you to hate me, is actually just a couple paragraphs about how awesome I really am. ๐Ÿ˜€

Do you like pickles?