alpha males bad boys beta males bullying manginas masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA PUA racism thug-lovers violence against men/women

Lady, killer; killer, lady.

What do women want? Freud never found a definitive answer to his famous question, but the blogger who calls himself Delusion Damage thinks he’s got it figured out: women want men who can kill people with their bare hands.

DD is a sort of compound MRA-PUA who argues for “Men’s Liberation Through ‘Game,’” as he put it in a Spearhead post some months ago.  Apparently, if dudes learn how to get the hot babes to give them strings-free sexy times, through the magic of “game,” this will help to “reduce the unilateral enslavement of men through marriage.”

And what attracts the ladies more than the ability to kill? Not much, apparently. If you’ve got that magic killing touch, everyone around you will sense your manly power:

You are a man. A man is a survivor, a hunter, a protector of loved ones. The essence of manliness is controlled power. … That is what women love and what other men respect. Women, most of them anyway, are unable to use force and must rely on men where force is required. … If you lack the ability to kill other people with your bare hands, you will be perceived as if something is missing from your manliness. …

If you can kill, the ladies will pick up on this instantly:

[H]aving the ability substantially raises the value she instinctively perceives you to have. Which, as we know, leads to all manner of good things.

I believe he’s referring to blowjobs.

Oh, and other dudes will be impressed, too:

The respect of other men is also greatly influenced by your killing ability. Up until graduation from high school, the male social hierarchy has a great deal to do with “who can beat up whom”, and although the hierarchy among adult men is more dependent on social and professional status signals, men never stop instinctively evaluating you by what they perceive your killing ability to be, and respecting or disrespecting you accordingly.

And this will set you apart from all the wimpy emo hipsters of the world, who couldn’t even fight a girl:

If there is a “defining” degree of killing ability that makes you “manly”, it is defined by comparison with the female of the species. …

In these dismal times, men who fall short of this line are not terribly rare. Many of the emaciated hipsters and cubicle-dwellers of our generation would have trouble against a Juanita from a rougher neighborhood. These men, due to their lack of killing ability, are seen as unmanly by both men and women. 

Meanwhile, your ability to kill will make others sit up and take notice:

The ability to kill makes your feelings relevant. If you lose your temper, someone dies.

This of course implies good things about you – the fact that you aren’t in jail right now means that you are a man in control of his emotions. A man who never loses his temper. Everyone around you subconsciously understands this and respects you for it. It lets people know they can trust you.

Yeah, nothing screams “trustworthy” more than a guy going on and on about how he could kill you with his bare hands.

Also, the ability to kill can help to prevent the ladies from blabbing endlessly about their stupid lady crap to you:

A woman who knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that she will have less than three seconds to live from the second she makes you lose your temper is not going to set out to intentionally poke and prod you past your breaking point.

Aw, yeah, it’s good to be a potential bare-hands killer:

[Y]ou will be afforded a completely unprecedented kind of respect. …

When you are The Man, everyone around takes note. It is a form of celebrity. Women gravitate to you, pulled by the invisible streams of attention, respect and deference which we all subconsciously sense in any social situation.

Given the sort of adoring attention DD must get from the ladies, it’s sort of amazing that he finds time to even keep up a blog at all.

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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The majority of young MEN have been essentially shamed into pretending their sexuality doesn’t exist,

U sure, bro? My brother is, if anything, pressured into being more sexual than he is. He rather grumpily informed me that our dad was none-too-subtly encouraging him to go hit on tanked coeds and fuck them. Who, supposedly, does this shaming?

because MEN’s sexuality is seen as creepy

And that’s why it’s the default, and you can not swing a dead cat at hollywood without hitting a studio where it’s being pandered to right now.

“Creepy” has basically become a gendered slur not unlike the c-word or n-word.

No. No it hasn’t. It has not anywhere near approached the n-word. No comment on the c-word, but the n-word? You do know that black people actually suffered, and continue to do so, right? That the n-word is only one of dozens of epithets hurled at them to establish them as subhuman, yes? You are a profoundly ignorant little twit.

13 years ago

Wow, really? Warriors of love? You are going to consider that piece of trash that has been debunked an actual source? Your ability to reason is clearly lacking. Gender essentialist cis dudes (and one lady in the case of Warriors) writing like they know about things when starting from assumptions (especially about fandoms) are not unique. A Billion Wicked Thoughts is just the latest bullshit ‘study’ that is not founded on any form of empiricism. Their methodology is shit, their report with their study of subject is shit, they make causation statements with no evidence, their attitudes are childish, and they only have the goal to make money off of fake science that attempts to appeal to a broader audience that doesn’t understand the fandom. When your book gets used as a “This is not how to do things” in methodology class, that is a pretty strong sign.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Kilo, there’s a huge difference between being emotionally scarred from hundreds of rejections and being too much of a pussy to speak up despite the media telling you that women can basically do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences.

Oh god, I know right? It is so emotionally scaring that women are able to choose who they want to hook up with 🙁 🙁 🙁 Why can’t those picky bitches just accept any guy that talks to them?

Seriously though, actually women are told by the media that they mustn’t be too forward, or they will come off as intimidating/desperate/slutty, which would scare off man who, according to the media,prefer to pursue, not be pursued.

13 years ago

This is why MEN are the downtrodden gender, and feminism is a worthless sack of shit.

Because being turned down for a date is much much much worse then not having equal pay for equal work, lack of advancement opportunities, stuck with the primary amount of childcare, having to second shift, and the myriad of other things women have to put up with.

13 years ago

MRAL should have called himself USian and Proud, we’d have never guessed it was him.

Oh yes, men’s sexuality has zero worth and doesn’t exist. That’s exactly why you see it being catered to… hmm, just about everywhere.

And yes, not getting dates is equal to genocide. Didn’t we already establish that?

13 years ago

Damn, I forgot!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The thought occurs to me that MRAL’s big proof that feminism is shit is that creepy is ‘as bad as the c-word’, which never you mind that it’s not true, that wouldn’t mean men have it worse. I mean really? Sexuality stuff is a big thing feminists worry about, but I’m not sure we’d say it’s the super proof that women are the marginalized gender, and there’s substantially more that can be pointed to.

13 years ago


Calling me a douchebag is not very sweet of you. From a girl so eager to show me her charms, I was expecting more cajoling names…

Kollege Messerschmidt wrote

“I certainly like what I see there ♥

I hope that doesn’t come off as creepy, though.”

Only manginas apologize for being hellbent on assfucking a girl they just saw.

You don’t have to be worried about being seen as “creepy” simply because you get a boner watching a nude pic of a twelve years girl. Every Afghan man would react the same member.

13 years ago

I meant:

“a nude pic of a twelve years old girl. Every Afghan man would react with the same body part (and proudly so).

13 years ago


Pan spikes the creepy meter.

13 years ago

Taking a Silkwood shower, BRB.

13 years ago

Paniorpa, you still have failed to provide causal evidence, even corollary evidence, or really any evidence for what you have listed. This is not a liberal debate tactic. This is asking you to provide hard data that may be analyzed. You have started based on assumptions that do not hold facts within data. You have also failed to operationalize your terms. If you want to act like you are doing real science, approach the subject matter from an actual position of science.

13 years ago

Paniorpa: Dude, your is showing. That comment about being, “hellbent on assfucking a girl they just saw,”… speaks volumes about you, and not much about Kollege.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

It is so emotionally scaring that women are able to choose who they want to hook up with

I know!!!

13 years ago

Paniorpa: Dude, your is showing.

I think you accidentally the noun, Pecunium

13 years ago

I did, and somehow my addendum got eaten.

His id is showing.

13 years ago

American and Proud,

Kilo, there’s a huge difference between being emotionally scarred from hundreds of rejections and being too much of a pussy to speak up despite the media telling you that women can basically do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences.

I don’t see how suffering olympics and hatred help anyone. And the media tell everyone a lot of stuff, much of it with internal contradictions.


U sure, bro? My brother is, if anything, pressured into being more sexual than he is. He rather grumpily informed me that our dad was none-too-subtly encouraging him to go hit on tanked coeds and fuck them. Who, supposedly, does this shaming?

I don’t see why it has to be one or the other. Either you are not man enough, or you are not human enough. The respective pressure does not need to happen from the same people, but even that is possible.

And the pandering that you and hellkell mention ties into that. The places where you are vulnerable is where people can manipulate you best.

13 years ago

paniorpa: I’m nineteen, not twelve, ffs. Some of us old people still have tiny tits. Also, I’m genderqueer, so “girl” is not an appropriate gender descriptor. Try “child”.

Oh… oh dude, does he think I was flirting with him? I WAS NOT FLIRTING WITH YOU. I SHOW MY NEKKID BODY TO EVERYBODY.

American: Yes. I hit on people who seem interested in me and whom I don’t actively not want to fuck. It’s… not

Kollege: Thank you very much! I’ve long ago gotten used to getting hit on on the Internet.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Only manginas apologize for being hellbent on assfucking a girl they just saw.

Now you are projecting, though! Also, mangina doesn’t really work as an insult if one isn’t an mra/mgtow or any other kind of misogynist. I mean, if it’s something you guys disapprove of, I’m pretty much doing it right!

You don’t have to be worried about being seen as “creepy” simply because you get a boner watching a nude pic of a twelve years girl. Every Afghan man would react the same member.

Dude, I think you mixed up your tabs. No one here was looking at twelve year olds.
And, I don’t know, I think it is kind of common courtesy to make sure I don’t make other people like ozymandias feel uncomfortable. So, if zie doesn’t want me to comment on zir pics, I won’t do it again. It’s gotta do with respect, and pesky stuff like that.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


Ozymandias, the thing is, how do you know who was interested in you? The vast majority of men (well, non-alphas) are scarred by constant rejections and often never approach women. You may have had a couple dozen men who expressed their interest… probably a couple hundred who didn’t. That is the warped sex market we live in.

Hey, Ozy, the lurkers want you in e-mail!


The average woman can’t get more heterosexual shags than the average man – if you’re talking about mean numbers, that is. It’s an arithmetical impossibility.

Well, if you omit celibate people it’s possible, but only if it’s easier for men to get laid than women — that is, if there are more celibate women than celibate men.


Why do you think lesbians would have less sex than straights? Do you assume that lesbian couples mostly just lay in bed and cuddle while talking about their feelings?

I’m fairly sure f-f couples have far less PIV than m-f couples do. On average.

13 years ago

This is a double-edged sword: on the one hand it’s presumably annoying, degrading and unlikely to lead to immediate positive experiences. On the other it affirms ones value as a sexual being at least somewhat, in contrast to those men (and certainly women too) who perceive themselves as invisible.

It doesn’t affirm “value” because, yes, it is degrading; it removes value. A man informing a woman or girl that he would fuck them doesn’t acknowledge that they are a sexual being, it acknowledges that they have orifices. And an increase in sexual “value” for a woman, even if it were increased (which I submit it is not), is commonly accepted to mean a decrease in the value of her personhood. So no, it’s still pretty much a lose-lose despite what many men seem to think.

I’m fairly sure f-f couples have far less PIV than m-f couples do. On average.

Yeah, but we weren’t talking about PIV. “Sex” != PIV.

13 years ago

I am pretty fucking sure there are not HUNDREDS of people pining after me, dude. That’s a mathematical improbability. Given an equal number of straight men and straight women, every straight man would have to have a crush on a hundred women at once for that to work. How would you even have enough time for that?

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

You both know I’m being somewhat sarcastic, right?

That said, though, having a crush takes quite a bit of energy but very little actual time (acting on it is a different matter). It’s not like it takes 100 times as long to crush on 100 people from afar than on one person.

13 years ago

I’d point out the relative difficulty of managing multiple social contacts throughout a month and trying to have it go past 50 without the aid of social network tools. The level of contact even then is not that high with all of them.