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Lady, killer; killer, lady.

What do women want? Freud never found a definitive answer to his famous question, but the blogger who calls himself Delusion Damage thinks he’s got it figured out: women want men who can kill people with their bare hands.

DD is a sort of compound MRA-PUA who argues for “Men’s Liberation Through ‘Game,’” as he put it in a Spearhead post some months ago.  Apparently, if dudes learn how to get the hot babes to give them strings-free sexy times, through the magic of “game,” this will help to “reduce the unilateral enslavement of men through marriage.”

And what attracts the ladies more than the ability to kill? Not much, apparently. If you’ve got that magic killing touch, everyone around you will sense your manly power:

You are a man. A man is a survivor, a hunter, a protector of loved ones. The essence of manliness is controlled power. … That is what women love and what other men respect. Women, most of them anyway, are unable to use force and must rely on men where force is required. … If you lack the ability to kill other people with your bare hands, you will be perceived as if something is missing from your manliness. …

If you can kill, the ladies will pick up on this instantly:

[H]aving the ability substantially raises the value she instinctively perceives you to have. Which, as we know, leads to all manner of good things.

I believe he’s referring to blowjobs.

Oh, and other dudes will be impressed, too:

The respect of other men is also greatly influenced by your killing ability. Up until graduation from high school, the male social hierarchy has a great deal to do with “who can beat up whom”, and although the hierarchy among adult men is more dependent on social and professional status signals, men never stop instinctively evaluating you by what they perceive your killing ability to be, and respecting or disrespecting you accordingly.

And this will set you apart from all the wimpy emo hipsters of the world, who couldn’t even fight a girl:

If there is a “defining” degree of killing ability that makes you “manly”, it is defined by comparison with the female of the species. …

In these dismal times, men who fall short of this line are not terribly rare. Many of the emaciated hipsters and cubicle-dwellers of our generation would have trouble against a Juanita from a rougher neighborhood. These men, due to their lack of killing ability, are seen as unmanly by both men and women. 

Meanwhile, your ability to kill will make others sit up and take notice:

The ability to kill makes your feelings relevant. If you lose your temper, someone dies.

This of course implies good things about you – the fact that you aren’t in jail right now means that you are a man in control of his emotions. A man who never loses his temper. Everyone around you subconsciously understands this and respects you for it. It lets people know they can trust you.

Yeah, nothing screams “trustworthy” more than a guy going on and on about how he could kill you with his bare hands.

Also, the ability to kill can help to prevent the ladies from blabbing endlessly about their stupid lady crap to you:

A woman who knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that she will have less than three seconds to live from the second she makes you lose your temper is not going to set out to intentionally poke and prod you past your breaking point.

Aw, yeah, it’s good to be a potential bare-hands killer:

[Y]ou will be afforded a completely unprecedented kind of respect. …

When you are The Man, everyone around takes note. It is a form of celebrity. Women gravitate to you, pulled by the invisible streams of attention, respect and deference which we all subconsciously sense in any social situation.

Given the sort of adoring attention DD must get from the ladies, it’s sort of amazing that he finds time to even keep up a blog at all.

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13 years ago

“childcare would be much more affordable since everyone would recieve more wealth without this policy. This is easily verifiable by looking at the number of children people could afford in the past before these erroneous were enacted as law.”

Um, those children started working pretty young. I’ve mentioned here before that all of my father’s brothers left school after Grade 8 to either work full time on the family farm or do other manual labour. Because they had to help support the family. And that was in the mid-20th century! Not too long before that they might have been put to work in factories at age 8 or 9.

In North America we no longer expect children to work 14 hour days to support themselves. We have no problem with child labour in the global South, which is deplorable, but at least we don’t make our own kids toil in match factories when they should be in school. Call me crazy, but I kind of think that’s a good thing! And if it means we have fewer children because we have to support them all ourselves, well, so be it!

13 years ago

Addendum to my entry into the most hated of NWO contest. I have an unusual presentation of PCOS, which means that I have very high testosterone but not high progesterone. My hormonal levels do not match expected “female” levels or expected “male” levels. My testosterone is almost high enough to make expected “male” levels, but I also have an expected “female” level of estrogen. If I sought to, for example, play sports, I would be classified by many orgs as a non-woman and barred, but I would also not be considered a man, due to my estrogen and genitals. Those tests Caster Semenya was subjected to in regards to her sex? I would fail them. I wouldn’t even come close. Not only is my gender non-binary, my very hormones fuck with your worldview, NWO! My very body defies you!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

There’s a number of ppl here in occupations or training to be in occupations that would put us into a position to destroy millions of men. xD OH NOEZ NWO IS RITE! O:



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