antifeminism idiocy MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit reddit

Dude Antebellum

We need a Godwin’s Law expansion pack to deal with white dudes who compare their lives with that of slaves in the Antebellum south. Well, for those who compare their lives to slaves without concluding: “Wow, my life is really much, much better than that of a slave. For example, I am not enslaved!” That’s not, alas, the conclusion drawn by this spelling-challenged Men’s Rights Redditor:  

Edited to add: BTW, I found this quote via ShitRedditSays, best subreddit EVAR!

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

…He wrote without prior restraint or fear of punishment, to the people he was freely associating with, on the computer voluntarily purchased with funds from his paying job, in his private home where he has ample free time.

(Also, “they will not even discuss what they are doing?” Has this guy ever seen feminist writing? Feminists discuss fucking everything. At length. Sometimes perhaps excessive length.)

13 years ago

Feminists shut down debate? Do we troll MRA sites like they troll us? Why was I not informed?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Plausible deniability, Nahida.

Seriously nothing the guy has said is true. And it *STILL* wouldn’t equate to being a slave if it were. What the hell is with these idiots. At least say you’re being flogged daily, and working in the heat.

13 years ago

Hmm, flogged daily, working in the heat, and having to walk uphill both ways in the snow?

FSM knows how long feminists will debate with each other over fairly simple things like word usage, see epic thread when our host here posted on Feministe, and not come out with any sort of universal answer. But somehow we’re all still connected to that mysterious hive-mind that causes us to shout at men who open doors for other people. Or something?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

ummm… what?

Feminists supported slavery?

I suppose this kind of thinking is where Slaver gets his name.

13 years ago

So when women were denied rights, they were actually being pampered and revered. When men are “denied rights,” suddenly it’s oppression. It’s like some kind of surreal math where A = B and B = C, but C never = A. (Of course, this assumes that you think “men sometimes being denied custody” is hateful oppression of the male sex.)

Now I want to write a sarcastic poem titled “Hateful Oppression of the Male Sex.”

I think it would start:

Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!
I cannot squeeze this woman’s breast!
Or shame her for the way she’s dressed!
Woe is me! I’m so oppressed!

13 years ago

Erm… yeah. Because being oppressed by the imaginary Feminiazi Conspiracy is TOTALLY just like being owned by another human being. Lean to history already!

13 years ago

How short-sighted and unaware does someone have to be to think this? Man, MRAS have the market on delusional solipsism cornered.

13 years ago

I’m…so flattered the MRAs love my blog so much! 😀 The original post was located at – and WOW did they EVER get themselves wound up when I said I wasn’t going to engage with them.

They were totally convinced the marginalized person I was talking about was a maaaaaaannnnnnn!

13 years ago

I recall the days when men could speak freely about everything and were never made to be quiet….oh wait, it has always, and is now, that way.

The exceptions under things like totalitarian regimes do not quite manage to match up as they still could say things like “all women suck.”

13 years ago

I’m…so flattered the MRAs love my blog so much! The original post was located at – and WOW did they EVER get themselves wound up when I said I wasn’t going to engage with them.

They were totally convinced the marginalized person I was talking about was a maaaaaaannnnnnn!

On behalf of all the moose, welcome, Kita (I read the “Man screwing Moose” post).

13 years ago

Oh my, and this post:

Why are so many of your articles moose-related? Are you in the pay of the Moose Lobby? Are you a moose?

13 years ago

Hi Kita! They absolutely hate you… r/mr Reddited one of your comments on NSWATM too.

Common Nonsense
Common Nonsense
13 years ago

Help, help, I’m being repressed . . .

13 years ago

Moose bites can be very dangerous, my sister was bitten by a moose once.

13 years ago

Hey Ozy – Yeah, our blog and my conversations with MRAs tend to make them VERY VERY wound up and cranky, then when I refuse to engage, they just can’t imagine that I’m ALLOWED to do such a thing. Aren’t all feminists like LEGALLY required to answer for ALL FEMINISTS?

As their comments got more and more off topic and rambling (I seriously got to the point where I was wondering if there’s a random MRA comment generator) I just got bored and disgusted. It’s so idiotic I can’t wrap my brain around it.

Just as a side topic, if they’re sooooo upset that feminists keep talking about getting all women the right to vote (which not all women even have)…why do they get to keep talking about a single non-feminist making a joke about a man getting emasculated?

Sooo…are you all saying you don’t like our mooses? Meece? Mooseses?

13 years ago

Moose are yummy.

13 years ago

His comments were rhetorical. In any case, I pretty much agree with everything he said.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

“Ah, the new bosses at feminazi central want us to just STFU.”

Well, a girl can dream, can’t she?


13 years ago

“Feminists shut down debate? Do we troll MRA sites like they troll us? Why was I not informed?”

I don’t suppose you get the irony of making that statement on this website. The answer to the question is, yes, they do troll. But, they are more passively aggressive than plain aggressive when they do.

13 years ago

For instance, just a few posts up, ozymandias42 admits trolling r/mr and NSWATM

13 years ago

OMG yay! I got a new trophy on reddit for everything – including this madness – it’s “well-rounded!”

Hey is reddit calling me fat?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

For instance, just a few posts up, ozymandias42 admits trolling r/mr and NSWATM

If you read for comprehension, ozy only really said saw the comments on those websites.

Reading a website != trolling the site. Since using dictionary definitions is now a thing, here’s what Urban Dictionary says:

Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards

13 years ago

magdelynswallows’ comments were rhetorical.
In any case, they are far removed from anything resembling reality.

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