We need a Godwin’s Law expansion pack to deal with white dudes who compare their lives with that of slaves in the Antebellum south. Well, for those who compare their lives to slaves without concluding: “Wow, my life is really much, much better than that of a slave. For example, I am not enslaved!” That’s not, alas, the conclusion drawn by this spelling-challenged Men’s Rights Redditor:
Edited to add: BTW, I found this quote via ShitRedditSays, best subreddit EVAR!
It’s funny how much MRAs potentially (and probably do) alienate so many people from their “rights” group by saying sexist and racist things. And they wonder why nobody listens to their shit…
Illiteracy. I mock it.
I find many of the most egregious and entertaining examples of it on Men’s Rights and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) sites.
If I didn’t mispell manboobs I’d almost have a point with this site.
But alas. I’m a liberal fucktard so go figure.
Illiteracy. I mock it.
I find many of the most egregious and entertaining examples of it on Men’s Rights and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) sites.
Excellent point; good addition to the snarking. 🙂
There seems to be a widespread misunderstanding of what “privilege” means… it’s not an insult to say someone is privileged, it’s simply a description. It’s about how the world reacts to you. I experience male privilege all the time because of my looks, even though it’s not part of my self-identity. And almost everyone is privileged in some way (fairly large majorities are cis-privileged and able-body-privileged, for instance… are those the right terms?)
“How do you have a conversation with an oppressed person with nothing left to lose?”
What I’d really like to know is how (if?) this person has conversations with anyone. At all.
Also, I’m genderqueer, so while both “she” and “he” are appropriate pronouns, my preferred pronoun is “zie.”
Actually, in my comment I ran through all those pronouns when talking about your comment, then left it out entirely, pretending it was a typo; hoping you’d clarify. 🙂 Thanks!
Aw crap…those conversations where activist boy will go off on one about how most men are oppressed but then absolutely will not listen to anyone trying to explain them through the self perpetuating hierarchical social set up we’ve called “The Patriarchy” because it sounds, to him, like “whining about daddy issues” or apparent misandry..
This is more of that isn’t it it.
Thing is, are they doing it because women are second class citizens in their eyes or because they simply aren’t being taught the social awareness needed to see your kyriarchy in action because of their gender? They just cannot see it happening, therefore women (hell, anyone who believes in equality) are stupid and insane and not worth listening to. Just look at all the ways little male children aren’t being encouraged to empathise, or nurture, watch it get worse as an entire aspect of intelligence isn’t getting coded in there. You see these guys getting so pent up with anger at something they won’t comprehend unless they learn it and you’ve moulded yourself some MRAs right there.
Give them a liberal dose of “stand up for yourself but don’t hit girls” and yup, there’s some more of these jerks…
Look at Mr Quote of the day up up there…how the fuck do you go about interpreting (rhetorical) efforts to prevent rape or dying of some preventable gynecological complication in a hell hole (rhetorical) plantation as a “privilege” unless you’re missing an awful lot of information on social reality?
@Kes – hello, what a LOVELY question, you might want to consider reading the blog in question. The entry that the MRAs so seem to love is, in fact, a conversation!
Poverty and Women
HTML fail! This part was my comment on the quoted part from the Legal Momentum site:
Click over there to click on link for full report.
THe fact that so many men and women are poor in this country is a national frakking disgrace.
But I want to roll these stats up around a brick and throw them at the MRA Trollz who claim that women are milking men for all they’re worth and sitting around sucking up money and bon bons and being idle.
Stop arguing that. It’s fucking WRONG.
See this: “The poverty rate for single mother families increased to 40.7%, the highest rate since 1997.”
Oh, the words I repeat every so often in the comments need to be stated again “black women exist”. Roughly half of slaves were women and girls. Some early women’s rights advocates were former slaves (see Sojourner Truth, for example).
ithiliana: What makes you think the MRAs have any interest in being right? Look at NWO, or MRAL. The former ignores your reality and insists on his own.
So does the latter. More than a generation between them and the only real difference is scale. Give MRAL 30 years and the “I only accept the definitions of words from sources I like” could become, “the secret cabal of the Alpha Men and the Alpha Women run the banks, blabitty-blabbity.”
Pecunium: I know they do, but for some reason finding counter evidence makes me happy.
Moar proof that reality has a liberal bias :>
“Give MRAL 30 years and the ‘I only accept the definitions of words from sources I like’ could become, ‘the secret cabal of the Alpha Men and the Alpha Women run the banks, blabitty-blabbity.'”
MRAL: Look at your life. Look at your choices.