I’ll give Sofia, the antifeminist bloggress behind the blog Sofiastry, credit for one thing: unlike a lot of Men’s Rightsers, she doesn’t deny that there is a wage gap between men and women. She just thinks that it’s justified – that women should be paid less.
Why? Well, I admit I don’t quite understand her explanation, which has something to do with women getting worse grades in school, working less, and, well, whatever the hell she’s trying to say here:
women who are likely seen in executive and higher-earning positions are estrogenically flawed in their lack of sufficient desire to prioritize family life. Its the equivalent of a man who has no creative, intellectual or ambitious drive — all hallmarks of testosterone.
Oh, and because, like Barbie, women think that math class is tough:
can it not simply be reduced to the fact that the average man has more of of an aptitude for finance and numbers than the average woman?
No, I’m pretty sure it can’t.
In a followup post, Sofia raised a critical issue that she somehow had overlooked in her earlier analysis: women are a bunch of blubbering crybabies.
I couldn’t count on one hand the number of times a female co-worker cried on the job (myself included), but I couldn’t name a single male (homosexuals excluded & even then…). Women are more emotional, more likely to take days off for such reasons (or no reason) and quantifiably put in less hours on the job. Depending on the field, I’d also wager that women are less likely to revolutionize an industry or make the same amount of exceptional contributions men do.
Seriously, gal. Don’t be a bunch of Lady-Boehners. Stop all of your sobbing! (Oh, oh oh.)
Yeah, the Independent Women’s Forum is a far-right anti-feminist organization. Sorry, “equity feminist”–a peculiar brand of conservative feminism that fights for traditional gender roles, denies the existence of sexism (the pay gap is one of their particular hobbyhorses), and doesn’t want the government involved in fighting sex discrimination. I’m not sure how that’s feminist at all, but what do you expect from a Scaife-funded astroturf org?
Isn’t Miss Sofia a special snowflake. I bet you’re only friends with guys too because OMG! You just can’t handle girl’s drama!
I’d take a crying woman (or man for that matter) over a loudly cursing, paper-throwing angry man (or woman).
At one job I had, one director was known for throwing temper tantrums over slight problems. The last time I was at a large meeting with him, he threw a tantrum so bad that my director, who tried to calm him down, told me later he was afraid the angry director was going to stroke out or have a heart attack.
He was the worst, but I’ve seen more men get angry and start loudly cursing at work than I’ve seen women cry.
“Isn’t Miss Sofia a special snowflake. I bet you’re only friends with guys too because OMG! You just can’t handle girl’s drama!”
Ah. She doesn’t hate men enough, and doesn’t want to put up with childish behaviour. Off with her head! Off with it! Off with it!
Yes, Luke, mocking someone is just like calling for their beheading.
And for that matter, mocking a misogynist meme is just like saying someone doesn’t hate men enough.
Do you ever get anything right?
Luke: I'[m sure you think you’re being all OMG original!, but you don’t think we’ve seen (and shot down) the stupid-assed so old it farts dust trope that feminists hate men? Could you at least make the effort to troll creatively?
I don’t know where Sofia works, but methinks she’s full of shit and doesn’t understand… well, logic.
I work in social services–personal care for people with developmental disabilities. Let me explain something: I cannot leave work without my replacement coming in. It’s a crime. I could be sued, I could go to jail, pay fines, and lose my ability to work in profession ever, ever again. My industry is largely staffed by women who make $8-9 an hour.
I lift 180lb men by myself with a gait belt. I dress them, toilet them, medicate them, feed them, restrain them, take them on community outings and am–relatively often–attacked by them (because that is just part of the job, we all understand this).
I do this for 8-15 hours a day. I don’t get breaks because I’m in a necessary medical field. I eat when I can and sit when I can, and I can have up to 6 people as my PERSONAL responsibility. (My mom used to work in the same field, she remembers having 20 people. For her to care for. ALONE.)
We don’t get days off. We can’t just slack off and go home, and largely the workers are dedicated women who don’t reserve insurance, live in poverty, and work another job somewhere else. I once worked 12 days in a row because they needed people, another coworker once told me she worked doubles every day for three weeks.
The administrator at one of my former’s employers recently passed away, and when she did we found out that she hadn’t taken a day off in six years. She worked right up till she had to go in for her chemotherapy, then retired, and STILL kept her hand in, coming to visit clients and insisting she’d be a volunteer once this pesky cancer problem cleared up. It didn’t. And those hundreds of days off she never used, never cashed out, because she knew we operated on a thin margin and she didn’t want to waste the institution’s money.
Did we ever cry? Yeah, sure we cry. We cry when our clients die, when they get hurt, when work is overwhelming and the budget is cut again; we cry when we don’t get raises for the fifth year in a row and when our clients have birthdays and no one calls. But we still go to work.
I’m not saying men aren’t capable of this kind of work, I’ve worked with men who were fierce advocates and dedicated employees. But I mainly worked with women and I don’t see women laying down on the job.
luke123, please point out where the majority of regular posters /commenters have said that they hate men. And when you’ve pulled and posted those links maybe you can look at the comments again and notice the substantative arguments against her post.
Should be easy.
Strange how luke sees the world in only who a person hates…
Here I thought we were seeing not an insufficiency of man-hating, but an excess of woman dismissing.
Yes, feminists on here hate men. When MRA’s are blaming their personal problems on women, you have no problem in recognizing that it misogyny.
When feminists blame their problems on men, clearly it it is misandry.
There is no big bad patriarchy holding you down.. But of course, you can’t admit that because then you would have to take responsibility for your failings.
“Here I thought we were seeing not an insufficiency of man-hating, but an excess of woman dismissing.”
No women dismissing. Just debunking of feminist bullcrap.
Luke, who here “blame[d] their problems on men”?
Luke: You’re gonna need a citation for that one, because I can’t think of a single comment I’ve read here (from a feminist, not from some MRA douchnozzle) that states that we hate men. In fact, many of us have pointed out how this is UNtrue, in our own lives.
I will admit to hating SOME men, and SOME women, and hating the systemic discrimination against women, poc, religious minorities, disabled people, etc, but I don’t hate MEN as a group. Or WOMEN, for that matter.
Pull the quotes, luke123. Support your assertions.
Patriarchy =/= Men. I believe there are still examples of systematic discrimination based on race; doesn’t mean I hate White people. Your failure to understand the difference between a poster saying “These are the reasons that I still believe the wage gap is a problem…” and a self identified MRA saying “My wide left me because women are money grubbing whores…” is… Well, it’s your failure.
But it doesn’t support your assertion that the posters here hate men. Prove it. Pull the quotes that back your assertions. And, again, once you’ve done that provide some sort of cogent rebuttal to the arguments made against the OP.
Luke, your words have spoken to me. I’m going to stop hating men immediately.
…Wow, that was easy.
Now that I don’t hate men, I still think that the wage gap is both effect and cause of women being stuck in the “full time mom, even if you work” role any time they have kids, and in that way is harming not just women but the economy in general by saddling a huge proportion of the workforce with what amounts to an unpaid second job.
@Molly Ren: Damn, I wish I made $18 an hour figure modeling. I get a little less than half of that. But I guess that’s what I get for doing it at a college.
You don’t understand what those words mean. It’s not just a matter of blaming problems on women; it’s a matter of dominant social narratives that seriously impair women, but help men.
What was that you were saying again, Tonto?
Sauces. Nao.
Karak, your existence is a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Thank you so much for the work you do.
Yep, I’m totally debunked.
Hyu keep hyoosink dat vord, hy don’t tink eet means vhat hyu beeleevees eet means.
cynickal: You’re kinda like the slow-witted cousin of the Manboobz family, aren’t you? And for the record, my father wasn’t perfect but he did his damnedest to provide for his family and make sure we never lacked anything. Don’t talk shit about things you know nothing about, or project your own baggage onto other people.
Oh ho, you are reading, you’re just not responding to the substantive points raised against you. I wonder why that might be. Little MRA, are you out of your depth and desperately searching for someone you think you can snipe?
I just… What? That is a) disgusting and offensive and b) making no sense. You’re describing yourself as shit?
So you promote an idea that *IS* used to prevent women from working, and that does weaken women’s standing in society, and you think that’s not misogynistic by the definition of “It’s misogynistic if it promotes direct discrimination against women, or ideas that work against women”. Are you trying for a stupidity award, MRAL? Because if so, step up your fucking game. You’re competing with NWO, DKM, and Brandon, and that is pretty stiff-fucking-competition.
Vile little fucker. What does this have to do with the uneven split that you benefit from in child rearing labor again? Sorry, that you *would* benefit from if your stupidity, misogyny, and general social idiocy hadn’t left you incapable of attracting a mate.
Well, to be fair, you could find dates if you were misogynistic and gay, but your inability to deal with people and your manipulative asshattery make you ill-suited to relationships in general.
Yet another hysterical male unable to deal with his emotions in a constructive and positive manner.
This is why you’ll never be successful.