I’ll give Sofia, the antifeminist bloggress behind the blog Sofiastry, credit for one thing: unlike a lot of Men’s Rightsers, she doesn’t deny that there is a wage gap between men and women. She just thinks that it’s justified – that women should be paid less.
Why? Well, I admit I don’t quite understand her explanation, which has something to do with women getting worse grades in school, working less, and, well, whatever the hell she’s trying to say here:
women who are likely seen in executive and higher-earning positions are estrogenically flawed in their lack of sufficient desire to prioritize family life. Its the equivalent of a man who has no creative, intellectual or ambitious drive — all hallmarks of testosterone.
Oh, and because, like Barbie, women think that math class is tough:
can it not simply be reduced to the fact that the average man has more of of an aptitude for finance and numbers than the average woman?
No, I’m pretty sure it can’t.
In a followup post, Sofia raised a critical issue that she somehow had overlooked in her earlier analysis: women are a bunch of blubbering crybabies.
I couldn’t count on one hand the number of times a female co-worker cried on the job (myself included), but I couldn’t name a single male (homosexuals excluded & even then…). Women are more emotional, more likely to take days off for such reasons (or no reason) and quantifiably put in less hours on the job. Depending on the field, I’d also wager that women are less likely to revolutionize an industry or make the same amount of exceptional contributions men do.
Seriously, gal. Don’t be a bunch of Lady-Boehners. Stop all of your sobbing! (Oh, oh oh.)
A post (much less sentence) about how smart you are shouldn’t be riddled with grammatical errors.
Database: SocIndex with Full Text
Search Term: misandry
Limits: Peer reviewed journals
Gender Distrust and Intimate Unions Among Low-Income Hispanic and African American Women.Detail Only Available By: Estacion, Angela; Cherlin, Andrew. Journal of Family Issues, Apr2010, Vol. 31 Issue 4, p475-498, 24p
Subjects: MISANDRY; POOR women; PSYCHOLOGY; HISPANIC American women; AFRICAN American women; POOR African Americans; MAN-woman relationships; MARITAL relations; UNITED States; DOMINICAN American women
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
Add to folder Relevancy: Relevancy Rank is 100 Cited References: (34)
Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discriminatian Against Men.Full Text Available By: Chunn, Dorothy E.. Canadian Journal of Family Law, 2007, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p93-103, 11p
Subjects: MISANDRY; BOOKS — Reviews; NONFICTION; LEGALIZING Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men (Book); NATHANSON, Paul; YOUNG, Katherine K.
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
Add to folder Relevancy: Relevancy Rank is 99 Cited References: (27)
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Academic Journal
“Knocking off a Fat Girl:” an Exploration of Hogging, Male Sexuality, and Neutralizations.Full Text Available By: Gailey, Jeannine A.; Prohaska, Ariane. Deviant Behavior, Jan/Feb2006, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p31-49, 19p, 1 Chart; DOI: 10.1080/016396290968353
Subjects: MISOGYNY; WOMEN; SEXUAL animosity; SEXUAL harassment; HOSTILITY (Psychology); MISANDRY; SEX; SOCIOLOGY; UNITED States
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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PDF Full Text (117KB)
Re-Thinking Men: Heroes, Villains and Victims.Full Text Available By: Soulliere, Danielle M.. Canadian Journal of Sociology, Fall2010, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p673-675, 3p
Subjects: MISANDRY; BOOKS — Reviews; NONFICTION; RE-Thinking Men: Heroes, Villains & Victims (Book); SYNNOTT, Anthony
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
“Assume the Position … You Fit the Description”: Psychosocial Experiences and Racial Battle Fatigue Among African American Male College Students.Detail Only Available By: Smith, William A.; Allen, Walter R.; Danley, Lynette L.. American Behavioral Scientist, Dec2007, Vol. 51 Issue 4, p551-578, 28p
Subjects: INTERVIEWING; BLACK students; MINORITY students; MISANDRY; SOCIAL aspects; SOCIAL conditions; STEREOTYPES (Social psychology); AFRICAN American male college students
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Full Text from ABI/Inform
Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (Book).Detail Only Available By: Machann, Clinton. Journal of Men’s Studies, Spring2003, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p340-342, 3p
Subjects: MISANDRY; BOOKS — Reviews; NONFICTION; SPREADING Misandry (Book); NATHANSON, Paul; YOUNG, Katherine K.
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
Add to folder Relevancy: Relevancy Rank is 91
Why Men Hate.Full Text Available By: Kunzer, Edward J.. Journal of Educational Sociology, Dec47, Vol. 21 Issue 4, p253-254, 2p
Subjects: MISANDRY; BOOKS — Reviews; NONFICTION; WHY Men Hate (Book); TENENBAUM, Samuel
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
Add to folder Relevancy: Relevancy Rank is 84
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Database: SocIndex with Full Text
Search Term: Misogyny
Limits: Peer reviewed journals
Results: 155. No way I’m cutting and pasting all those, but have the top 20, considered the “most” relevant.
Internalized Misogyny as a Moderator of the Link between Sexist Events and Women’s Psychological Distress.Full Text Available By: Szymanski, Dawn; Gupta, Arpana; Carr, Erika; Stewart, Destin. Sex Roles, Jul2009, Vol. 61 Issue 1/2, p101-109, 9p, 2 Charts, 1 Graph; DOI: 10.1007/s11199-009-9611-y
Subjects: MISOGYNY; SEXISM; SEXUAL objectification; INTERNALIZATION; SEX role; DISTRESS (Psychology); SOCIAL surveys; HETEROSEXUAL women; FEMINIST theory; OPPRESSION (Psychology); MALE domination (Social structure); RESEARCH — Methodology
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
Chart Chart Graph
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Academic Journal
Misogyny, Jest-Books and Male Youth Culture in Seventeenth-Century England.Full Text Available By: Reinke-Williams, Tim. Gender & History, Aug2009, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p324-339, 16p; DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0424.2009.01551.x
Subjects: MISOGYNY; HISTORY; YOUNG men; MEN; CONDUCT of life; MASCULINITY; ADULTHOOD; ENGLAND; JESTBOOKS; SOCIAL conditions; ENGLAND — Social conditions — 17th century
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Sotto Voce: Internalized Misogyny and the Politics of Gender in Corporate America.Full Text Available By: TOSONE, CAROL. Psychoanalytic Social Work, Jan-Jun2009, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p1-11, 11p; DOI: 10.1080/15228870902837715
Subjects: INDUSTRIAL relations; WORK environment; OEDIPUS complex; MISOGYNY; PERSONNEL management; DIVERSITY in the workplace; Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans’ Affairs Programs); Human Resources Consulting Services; WOMEN executives; FREUD, Sigmund, 1856-1939
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Perceptions of Misogyny in Hip Hop and Rap: What Do the Youths Think?Detail Only Available By: Gourdine, Ruby M.; Lemmons, Brianna P.. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Jan2011, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p57-72, 16p; DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2011.533576
Subjects: ANALYSIS of variance; ATTITUDE (Psychology); PERSONAL beauty; BLACKS; BODY image; ETHICS; MUSIC; PATIENTS; RESPONSIBILITY; SELF-efficacy; SEX discrimination; SOCIAL values; VIOLENCE; CULTURAL values; UNITED States; STATISTICS; PILOT projects; DATA analysis
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Violent crimes? Young people’s experiences of homophobia and misogyny in secondary schools.Full Text Available By: Trotter, Joy. Practice (09503153), Dec2006, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p291-302, 12p, 1 Chart; DOI: 10.1080/09503150601025303
Subjects: SCHOOL violence; SEXUAL harassment in education; SCHOOL bullying; MISOGYNY; HOMOPHOBIA; YOUNG adults; VICTIMS of crimes; GREAT Britain
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Effeminophobia, Misogyny and Queer Friendship: The Cultural Themes of Channel 4’s Playing It Straight.Detail Only Available By: Richardson, Niall. Sexualities, Aug2009, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p525-544, 20p; DOI: 10.1177/1363460709105718
Subjects: MISOGYNY; SEXUAL excitement; SEXUAL animosity; TELEVISION programs; CABLE television networks; PLAYING It Straight (TV program)
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Misogyny in Rap Music: A Content Analysis of Prevalence and Meanings.Detail Only Available By: Weitzer, Ronald; Kubrin, Charis E.. Men & Masculinities, Oct2009, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p3-29, 27p, 1 Chart
Subjects: MISOGYNY; MUSIC industry; RAP (Music); MUSICOLOGY; WOMEN musicians
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Menstruation, Misogyny, and the Cure for Love.Full Text Available By: Dawson, Lesel. Women’s Studies, Sep2005, Vol. 34 Issue 6, p461-484, 24p; DOI: 10.1080/00497870500277880
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
IT’S NOT JUST A JOKE.Full Text Available By: Bemiller, Michelle L.; Schneider, Rachel Zimmer. Sociological Spectrum, Jul/Aug2010, Vol. 30 Issue 4, p459-479, 21p, 1 Chart; DOI: 10.1080/02732171003641040
Subjects: SEXISM; PREJUDICES; SEX role; INTERNET; MISOGYNY; Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals; Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services; Wired Telecommunications Carriers; All Other Telecommunications; WIT & humor; INTERNET content; SEXISM on the Internet
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
machismo, misogyny, and homophobia in a male athletic subculture: a participant-observation study of deviant rituals in collegiate rugby.Full Text Available By: Muir, Kenneth B.; Seitz, Trina. Deviant Behavior, Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p303-327, 25p
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Homophobic and Sexist yet Uncontested: Examining Football Fan Postings on Internet Message Boards.Detail Only Available By: Kian, Edward M.; Clavio, Galen; Vincent, John; Shaw, Stephanie D.. Journal of Homosexuality, May/Jun2011, Vol. 58 Issue 5, p680-699, 20p; DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2011.563672
Subjects: ELECTRONIC discussion groups; HOMOPHOBIA; SEXISM; MASCULINITY; MISOGYNY; SEXUAL objectification; HEGEMONY; Other Spectator Sports; Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals; FOOTBALL fans; ATHLETES
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
All Fired Up: Women, Feminism, and Misogyny in the Democratic Primaries.Full Text Available By: Stansell, Christine. Dissent (00123846), Fall2008, Vol. 55 Issue 4, p34-39, 6p
Subjects: SEX discrimination; PRACTICAL politics; FEMINISM; UNITED States; PRESIDENTIAL candidates; CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, 1947-; OBAMA, Barack, 1961-
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
AUTHORITARIANISM AND MISOGYNY.Full Text Available By: Centers, Richard. Journal of Social Psychology, Oct1963, Vol. 61 Issue 1, p81-85, 5p
Subjects: MISOGYNY; AUTHORITARIANISM; SOCIAL classes; SOCIAL status; MARITAL status; ANTI-feminism; LOS Angeles (Calif.); CALIFORNIA
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Male Competition and Misogyny in Two Interludes by John Heywood.Full Text Available By: Louis, Cameron. Journal of Gender Studies, Jul2002, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p129-139, 11p; DOI: 10.1080/09589230220139764
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Misogyny and rule in .Full Text Available By: Sundelson, David. Women’s Studies, Dec1981, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p83, 9p
Subjects: CRITICISM; MEN in literature; MISOGYNY in literature; WOMEN in literature; MEASURE for Measure (Theatrical production); SHAKESPEARE, William, 1564-1616
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Misogyny and Feminism: The Case of Mary Wollstonecraft.Full Text Available By: Taylor, Barbara. Constellations: An International Journal of Critical & Democratic Theory, Dec99, Vol. 6 Issue 4, p499-512, 14p
Subjects: MISOGYNY; FEMINISM; ANTI-feminism; SEXUAL animosity; SOCIAL movements; WOMEN’S rights; BIOGRAPHIES; WOLLSTONECRAFT, Mary, 1759-1797
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Morality, legality and gender violence in Angel.Full Text Available By: Shepherd, Laura J.. Journal of Gender Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p245-259, 15p; DOI: 10.1080/09589230903057050
Subjects: TELEVISION programs; SEXUAL animosity; MISOGYNY; BINARY gender system; GENDER; PLOTS, themes, etc.; ANGEL (TV program)
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Psychoanalysis and Domestic Violence: Exploring the Application of Object Relations Theory in Social Work Field Placement.Detail Only Available By: McCluskey, Meghann. Clinical Social Work Journal, Dec2010, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p435-442, 8p; DOI: 10.1007/s10615-010-0266-5
Subjects: PSYCHOANALYSIS; FAMILY violence; OBJECT relations (Psychoanalysis); FAMILY social work; SOCIAL work education; MOTHER & child; WOMEN’S shelters; MISOGYNY; PSYCHODYNAMICS; SOCIAL workers; ABUSE of women; ABUSED women; FAMILY relations; Temporary Shelters; PSYCHIC trauma; SERVICES for
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Self-Esteem, Misogyny and Afrocentricity: An Examination of the Relationship between Rap Music Consumption and African American Perceptions.Detail Only Available By: Dixon, Travis L.; Yuanyuan Zhang; Conrad, Kate. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, May2009, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p345-360, 16p, 5 Charts; DOI: 10.1177/1368430209102847
Subjects: AFROCENTRISM; MUSIC; AFRICAN American college students; AFRICAN American students; RAP (Music); MUSIC videos; INSTRUCTION & study; IMPROVISATION (Music); SONG improvisation; PERFORMANCE practice (Music)
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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Academic Journal
Syphilis, Misogyny, and Witchcraft in 16th-century Europe.Full Text Available By: Ross, Eric B.. Current Anthropology, Apr95, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p333-337, 5p
Database: SocINDEX with Full Text
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I got so tired of MRAL yearning for proof that I went and did a couple of quick searches — no doubt the fact that there is more sociological scholarship on misogyny than misandry (just in a ft database–I am not a sociological btw) will be proof to him (if it’s not too long for him to read it) that well feminists control sociology. I don’t have any access to stats on that, but I’m betting, based on my knowledge of academia, that it’s not true (i.e. in English, women receive 60% or more of doctoral degrees in US but most English departments rarely get past 30% women hired, and women are disproportionately in the lower ranks/not in administration).
Sorry for the lengthy spam. I didn’t realize he was banned until after I posted, and read some more.
Oh hey, one of the journal articles I linked was in there. But yeah, as we have all said, he’s not going to accept any claims from sociology because it is entirely dictated by his own definition. That and he has declared sociology worthless, and that he doesn’t want to read long things due to (and I am assuming) “Fuck you” (The you being everyone who counters his position) as his reason? Yes, truly the height of MRA discourse.
Feminists do not control sociology. There are feminists in sociology, but sociology on the whole is not discipline that is informed by pure ideology (as much as certain conservative elements like to insist that it is). It can, and is largely empirical, though can be affected by what sort of lenses those who do the studies decide to view social structures. But ideology alone is not what drives it. Concepts of power structures that feminists discuss are also part of sociology. That is because, surprise, there is a fair amount of empirical study in the sociological realm that confirms the marginalization of women and exactly what feminist philosophy has been discussing. As has been said before, reality has a liberal bias.
Brandon wrote, “I always thought the wage gap was off. I mean if I was a profit seeking company and I could systematically pay women 25% less than men for the same work…I would hire only women and cut my labor costs by 25% by just excluding men.”
Then he concludes with,
“So I think there is something else at play here besides straight up discrimination.”
Um, Brandon? This is kind of the DEFINITION of discrimination. Do you ever read what the fuck you write, you bigot?
@Molly: Clearly you can not read subtext. The point being was if their was systemic discrimination and women got paid say 80 cents to the dollar, then businesses would be able to hire only women and pay them less, thus cutting their labor costs by 20%
So man and woman go in for a job interview. Both have the exact same qualifications. Wouldn’t it be prudent of the business owner to hire the woman instead of the man? Since the man is 20% more expensive.
So if there was widespread systemic discrimination, wouldn’t you see more companies hiring only women since they could do the same work for cheaper pay?
“Men like hiring men” is crap too. Profit beats gender loyalty any day of the week.
So maybe it isn’t this massive oppressive system. Maybe it is a little discrimination, a little personal choice, a little family leave and a little bit about what career you enter.
Lastly are you calling me a bigot or asking me if I think I am a bigot? That last question mark is kinda misleading.
Brandon, did you read my response about why people don’t hire minimum wage workers for everything?
Perceived value beats lowest-possible-price.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Maybe you can be less solipsistic and offer something substantial for once.
Don’t make the economics 101 mistake of assuming all actors act rationally in a free market. This has been proven incorrect time and time again. Rational Choice theory is thoroughly debunked on anything beyond a theoretical ideal. The state of the economy and many micro-economic interactions throughout history indicate the failure of this theory.
@Flib: Irrational beings are born to be irrational. We all can’t be logical all the time. I didn’t say that workplace discrimination doesn’t happen. Just that there isn’t some all male trade association that meets every year to discuss creative, obtuse ways of keeping women’s pay down.
The point being is that if you take one man and one woman, give them exactly the same job, education, skill, motivation, drive and ambition…they will earn roughly the same amount of money.
Rutee, Well, yes to a lot of that, actually.
But the thing is, I really, truly wasn’t trying to DO “No True Libertarian” or “I’m not one of THOSE libertarians” or imply “good” libertarians are me and “bad” libertarians aren’t “real” – Though, to the best of my knowledge, NWO actually isn’t a libertarian, he’s some sort of conspiracist constitutionalist whackjob that mouths some libertarian statements, and TWO: I was only talking to him, not you, or anyone else on this forum. I was “trolling a troll” – It wasn’t my intention to come in, find people sniping at forms of libertarianism, and say WE AREN’T ALL LIKE THAT, LOOK WHAT A LITTLE LEFTY MUTUALIST I AM… It was my intention to drive NWO bonkers.
I wouldn’t mind having an argument about libertarianism with you, but that post wasn’t meant to start one, it was meant to poke NWO with a pointy stick, and give him somebody who claims to be a believer in free markets and an opponent of the state to fight with, so he can’t just say BUT FREE MARKET, THE STATE, YOU ARE ALL STATIST COMMIE FREEDOMHATERS, and has to try a different tack. So really, I’m at a loss where to go from here. I only came in at Ami’s suggestion to play with the troll, not argue about libertarianism with the regulars… Which I wouldn’t mind doing, but if I had, the initial post would have been very different.
“Just that there isn’t some all male trade association that meets every year to discuss creative, obtuse ways of keeping women’s pay down.”
We never said they did. Prejudice and bias are far more subtle.
“The point being is that if you take one man and one woman, give them exactly the same job, education, skill, motivation, drive and ambition…they will earn roughly the same amount of money.”
Yeah, we’re still talking about the real world, not Brandonland.
Oh, but he doesn’t keyboard-mash anymore, now that he has mastered his anger.
Or his anger will become his master.
I see the DC reboot has reached MBZ too and MRAL is back to his old self but w/ a new edgier costume. xD I’m shocked he hasn’t attacked me and Escher Girls as being misandrist yet xD
Brandon: “Men like hiring men” is crap too. Profit beats gender loyalty any day of the week.
Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Specifically it assumes the person doing th hiring is able to compare the bottom lines (ability against cost) and so determine which is the one who is going to be the most cost-effective hire.
It also discounts the, “gut reaction” which is often the clinching moment in deciding whom to hire, at which point all the other inequities in the system (ssecretive pay, discrepencies in promotion, training, the idea that “women will take a break to have a kid”, male preference for working with males, “women are disruptive”, “she’s so pushy/bitchy/emotional” etc.) work to create the trendlines, without actually engaging in the overt discrimination you are talking about.
The point being is that if you take one man and one woman, give them exactly the same job, education, skill, motivation, drive and ambition…they will earn roughly the same amount of money.
The point is, they don’t.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
The Sphinx is, by a wide margin, the best superhero mentor *ever*.
@Zhinxy: Mmkay. It’s something I’ve seen far too often, so my NTS alarms were blaring at full. If you just wanted to talk as a non socialist, my bad.
It would be easier to fix if they did that.
Meh, my eye is far wonkier than MRAL’s is and I’m blind in it, and I didn’t care. Your blog though, and YMMV.
I think we agree, there isn’t a specific male trade association that specifically discusses ways to zone out women.
There is however systematic structures in place that do disadvantage women. You can’t discount irrational choices in the market. “Men like hiring men” is a true fact, sadly. Keep in mind that systematic bias does exist empirically, and that the private sector does not act rationally (Look up some econ papers on Fair Wage Constraints for instance).
The matter is, even when controlling for all independent variables save for gender, the wage gap does exist. It exists more harshly in some industries then others. Here is but a few of the major statistics.
Education pay offs across gender, race, and other lines
Now, your thesis assumes that if men really cost 20% more then women, women should be getting hired more due to rational choice and profit maximization. We clearly know this isn’t the case, so the alternative you offer is thus “Maybe it is a little discrimination, a little personal choice, a little family leave and a little bit about what career you enter.”
Certainly these are factors that come up when studying employment. They make up part of a greater system that does disadvantage women when we approach the divides in labor market. We know there is discrimination, that much is plainly clear in hiring practices. We know that personal choices and decisions of career, what is occupational, not wage, segregation exists and that is formed through a social system of telling what men and women can and can not do (there is very little that biologically reinforces occupational trends, they are socially constructed). Family leave, and rather, the concepts of families as a whole are steeped in social construction of care-takers and the separation of workplace and home (never mind that both require labor). A simple study of childcare from the 1600’s shows huge differences in who was considered a care-taker of children.
What we are describing isn’t some vast conspiracy by a few dudes with top hats and monocles out to get women. We are observing trends that exist in reality and looking at how all these trends are formed, explanatory variables.
TL;DR: Controlling for all variables but gender, women are disadvantage compared to men when it comes to occupational wages. There is not a sinister top-hatted villain out to keep it this way, but rather patriarchal social structures that have remained in place for a very long time that formed out of social constructions.
VoiP: I think MRAL has said he is unable to see out of his bad eye.
I didn’t say that workplace discrimination doesn’t happen. Just that there isn’t some all male trade association that meets every year to discuss creative, obtuse ways of keeping women’s pay down.
Congratulations, you are saying something that everybody alrdy knows and nobody has alleged otherwise xD
Brandon just discovered the Scalia Ruling. If they don’t actually SAY they’re discriminating, then OBVIOUSLY there can’t BE discrimination.
VoiP: I think MRAL has said he is unable to see out of his bad eye.
Oh huh. If so, then sorry MRAL. But it’s seriously not that much of a big deal. We bump into stuff and probably wouldn’t be able to join the military, so…woe is us? I also don’t drive, but I could probably learn if I wanted to.
Brandon, ever hear of the “old boy’s club?” No, it’s not a monolithic group cloaked in secrecy that meets every quarter to see how it can keep the womenfolk and minorities down, it’s a real-world thing. Men like to hire men, promote men, and being male with a family can save you from firing. It means that as a women, sometimes you have to be twice as good to be taken seriously, no matter how hard you work or where you went to school.