I’ll give Sofia, the antifeminist bloggress behind the blog Sofiastry, credit for one thing: unlike a lot of Men’s Rightsers, she doesn’t deny that there is a wage gap between men and women. She just thinks that it’s justified – that women should be paid less.
Why? Well, I admit I don’t quite understand her explanation, which has something to do with women getting worse grades in school, working less, and, well, whatever the hell she’s trying to say here:
women who are likely seen in executive and higher-earning positions are estrogenically flawed in their lack of sufficient desire to prioritize family life. Its the equivalent of a man who has no creative, intellectual or ambitious drive — all hallmarks of testosterone.
Oh, and because, like Barbie, women think that math class is tough:
can it not simply be reduced to the fact that the average man has more of of an aptitude for finance and numbers than the average woman?
No, I’m pretty sure it can’t.
In a followup post, Sofia raised a critical issue that she somehow had overlooked in her earlier analysis: women are a bunch of blubbering crybabies.
I couldn’t count on one hand the number of times a female co-worker cried on the job (myself included), but I couldn’t name a single male (homosexuals excluded & even then…). Women are more emotional, more likely to take days off for such reasons (or no reason) and quantifiably put in less hours on the job. Depending on the field, I’d also wager that women are less likely to revolutionize an industry or make the same amount of exceptional contributions men do.
Seriously, gal. Don’t be a bunch of Lady-Boehners. Stop all of your sobbing! (Oh, oh oh.)
In other words, MARL is to stupid to read anything, even if it would help his case.
And if we needed further proof of what an asshole MRAL is, he just provided it.
Right, lacking cognitive ability it is then. MRAL, let me give you one last tool. TL;DR works a lot better then your sentence above.
MRAL, at least the other assholes here mostly admit they don’t care if no one likes them.
You’re an asshole and you expect to be liked, and that’s just… pitiable.
That’s not really true at all. Most of them whine about howt hey’re not given affection and obedience by women too.
MRAL: I’m saying that there’s a lot of overlap between sociology and psychology, and since both are mostly bullshit, they kind of merge together. IMO.
Also, don’t condescend to me Ozymandias, I’m smarter than you are.
1: Not Proven
2: Based on the available evidence, I’d incline the other way.
3: Given your track record, you are lucky Ozy isn’t more condescending.
What the fuck does “zie” know that I don’t? How to be a whore?
Are you saying Ozy trades money for sex?
Here’s what I see Ozy as being able to do that you can’t.
1: Get people in whom zie is attracted to pay attention.
2: Hold that attention well enough to form relationships.
3: Apply zir education to the real world.
4: Not lie about what classes have been taken, and knowledge obtained.
5: Refrain from pointless abuse of others.
In short, Ozy’s head is not so far up Ozy’s ass that zie can see daylight out her neck, unlike a certain mamma’s boy attending school in Boston and making an ass of himself in pretty much every place he cops a squat.
MRAL: That’s all I have to say. I’ve mastered my anger issues and don’t keyboard mash anymore.
No, you put spaces into C**T so it will slip past the filters, you call people bitches because they stand up to your acting the pretentious titty-baby You toss around “whore” and “Fuck You”s as if they were freindly greetings.
Man, if that’s anger control…
“Zie” is a bullshit term for pretentious douchebags. You’re either he or she, unless you have a vagina and a ballsack, in which case, fair enough, you can choose. Quite frankly, people who use the term are traitors. It pisses me off almost as much as “USian”.
Oh, you mixed up little man. Traitor to what? To whom? I mean we’ve already settled the nonsense about USian. You are one, the same way you might be a Down Easter, or a Bostonian, or a Bohunk. People get to call themselves what they want. They even get to ask other people to not call them what they don’t want.
I think zie/zir, etc, to be infelitcious, but Ozy is a human being, and entitled to the pronouns of preference.
Get over it, like a grown-up does.
Oy. MRAL, you’re back on moderation. WTF, dude. You managed to be civil for about a day, then this shit again.
Flaux-ncing is just MRAL’s way of saying “I love you!”
Pecunium: Sorry, I was oversimplifying the definition of psychology in my CAPSLOCK RAGE. And, yeah, all the gender-neutral pronouns are awkward. :/ I find Spivak even worse…
MRAL: I am not a whore! I am a slut. Whores do it for the money, sluts do it for the love.
I have to say I’ve never been able to get dick on demand. 🙁 I have to earn my dick through being a kind and intelligent person that people want to sleep with, the same way that everyone else does.
Congratulations on being the first person to ever be a douchebag about my gender identity! Have a No Prize.
Thank you for saying I’m 7-ish; I’m flattered.
Also, I don’t mean to suggest that sex work is bad in any way, just that I’m an amateur and proud.
Webcam PLZ!
Why are you blogging during your therapy session?
Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Goose! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick!
MRAL likes to trumpet his supposedly high IQ. What’ s more obvious, however, is his sadly deficient emotional intelligence. I’ve never seen anyone get so angry about so many trivial things. Seriously, dude, what’s it to you if people want to call themselves “USian” or “zie” or “Winnie the Fucking Pooh?” No one is requiring you to do so.
I don’t mean to suggest that sex work is bad in any way, just that I’m an amateur and proud.
Yeah, one wouldn’t want to lose one’s amateur status and blow one’s shot at competing in the Olympics. 🙂
Also: hellkell, your thing about MRAL’s eye, not cool.
No, no, CB, that’s Winnie the Shit! 😉
No, it wasn’t, and I should have taken the high road with the little git.
Winnie the Shiznit?
Aw, David, you could have at least waited for him to keyboard-mash before putting him on moderation!
katz, you made me snicker uncharitably just now…
Oh, but he doesn’t keyboard-mash anymore, now that he has mastered his anger.
Winnie the Slut!
A post (much less sentence) about how smart you are shouldn’t be riddled with grammatical errors.
And now competing for the gold medal in the 500 Meter Multi-Orgasmic Menage-a-Trios…Winnie the Slut!