antifeminism antifeminst women misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit

Stop your sobbing (or expect to get paid less, ladies)

Quit it with the waterworks, lady!

I’ll give Sofia, the antifeminist bloggress behind the blog Sofiastry, credit for one thing: unlike a lot of Men’s Rightsers, she doesn’t deny that there is a wage gap between men and women. She just thinks that it’s justified – that women should be paid less.

Why? Well, I admit I don’t quite understand her explanation, which has something to do with women getting worse grades in school, working less, and, well, whatever the hell she’s trying to say here:

women who are likely seen in executive and higher-earning positions are estrogenically flawed in their lack of sufficient desire to prioritize family life. Its the equivalent of a man who has no creative, intellectual or ambitious drive — all hallmarks of testosterone.

Oh, and because, like Barbie, women think that math class is tough:

can it not simply be reduced to the fact that the average man has more of of an aptitude for finance and numbers than the average woman?

No, I’m pretty sure it can’t.

In a followup post, Sofia raised a critical issue that she somehow had overlooked in her earlier analysis: women are a bunch of blubbering crybabies.

I couldn’t count on one hand the number of times a female co-worker cried on the job (myself included), but I couldn’t name a single male (homosexuals excluded & even then…). Women are more emotional, more likely to take days off for such reasons (or no reason) and quantifiably put in less hours on the job. Depending on the field, I’d also wager that women are less likely to revolutionize an industry or make the same amount of exceptional contributions men do.

Seriously, gal. Don’t be a bunch of Lady-Boehners. Stop all of your sobbing! (Oh, oh oh.)

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13 years ago

“I think the pretentious whores around here should shut the fuck up and let the MEN with real pain talk it out in peace.”

You mean the pain of being a short, wonky-eyed fucker with no social skills? Sorry, toots, not that big deal in the grand scheme of things.

In case you need a refresher, this is a blog mocking misogyny. This is not the MRAL wank hour.

Go to your room.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

How about you piss off.

13 years ago

I am waiting for the keyboard mashing post.

13 years ago

Oh. look. MRAL has forgotten that he’s not in charge of the whole entire world. Again.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

hey, hellkell, how about you fuck off you goddamn c un t.

13 years ago

And, MRAL, you may not believe or understand it, but us pretentious whores have given you more slack than you’d get just about anywhere else. You know why? Because people here think you can change.

Of course, you have to want to change. Do you?

If you want to piss away the goodwill, go right ahead, but don’t squeal afterwards.

13 years ago

You’re cruising for a date with the banhammer again, MRAL. Along with not making a hell of a lot of sense.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

That’s all I have to say. I’ve mastered my anger issues and don’t keyboard mash anymore.

13 years ago

MRAL, this little temper tantrum you’re throwing? It’s not going to get you laid. Why don’t you eat a snack, take a nap, and create your own space devoted to your masculine pain.

The nice people have babies your candy-ass for far too long.

13 years ago

Ooooooooooh, talk to dirty to me, big man. I’ve been called worse by better.

13 years ago

I’ve mastered my anger issues and don’t keyboard mash anymore.

This is sarcasm, yes? Because people who have mastered their anger issues don’t call other people the c word.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Get real angry, MRAL, that’ll show us!

I am totally going to become an MRA if you just get angry enough.

If you swear at me, or if you talk about hitting people, or punch the keyboard, I am going to slap myself on the forehead and go “wow, what was I thinking, men are oppressed, women are stupid bitches, and MRAL gets to decide everyone’s gender identity!”

All it takes is for you to be angry enough.

Or you could stop and think and either walk away or consider talking to us reasonably, but that isn’t as GRRR I AM A BIG MEAN MAN WITH THE POWER TO HURT YOU as showing us how super angry you are, is it.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m not a big man, I’m 5’8.5 you dumbass.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

5’8.75, actually, because it’s only 1 PM.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Actually heterochromia looks pretty cool, no need to mock *that*. But the fact that he’s got the social skills of a dead wombat seems fine.

“Zie” is a bullshit term for pretentious douchebags. You’re either he or she, unless you have a vagina and a ballsack, in which case, fair enough, you can choose. Quite frankly, people who use the term are traitors. It pisses me off almost as much as “USian”.

Enforcement of the Gender Binary? How Conservative of you, almost as much as your Meriken Exceptionalism and taking offense at the term USian. The gender binary is BS. If you actually cared about people you wouldn’t enforce it. And if USian bothers you, well, piss off. Meriken get enough attention without reserving the exclusive title to something that should legit apply to everyone who lives on two continents.

I think the pretentious whores around here should shut the fuck up and let the MEN with real pain talk it out in peace.

PFt, you’re a child, same as me. You don’t know pain.

13 years ago

Uh, I’m not the dumbass here, Chief.

Stop being so literal, your life might get better.

13 years ago

And I’m six feet tall, but that has nothing to to with the conversation, either. The reference wasn’t to your height, you nitwit.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

The fact that the c-word is so taboo but “dick” is totally fine is just one more citation of the rampant misandry in our culture and the comparatively little misogyny. THANX for proving my point.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yeah, the fact that you think you’re a midget because you’re only a full head taller than me was the takeaway from that post.

Not the fact that you’re “I’m so angry” act makes you look stupid and blows every chance you have at making your viewpoint clear to us or getting our sympathy.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

<blockquote.5’8.75, actually, because it’s only 1 PM.
Oh my god, and you’ve been bitching about how the travails of short men affect you. One of my best friends in the local area is your exact height, and has tons of sex. Met his wife as a random pickup at a nerd party. That’s more or less average USian Male height.

13 years ago

I am certain it is that you have finally realized how utterly asinine keyboard mashing looks, not because you have mastered any anger issues. Even NWO does not do the keyboard mash, or even the weird deliberate stutter post that you occaisonally do.

13 years ago

MRAL: I actually try not to use ‘dick,’ and if I have, I apologize. Gendered insults are bad for both genders.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The fact that the c-word is so taboo but “dick” is totally fine is just one more citation of the rampant misandry in our culture and the comparatively little misogyny. THANX for proving my point.

Just like the fact that the n-word is taboo but cracker carries a slap on the wrist is proof that white people are the oppressed race.

Could you possibly be less dumb? Just find it in yourself to not be stupid?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

That’s all I have to say. I’ve mastered my anger issues and don’t keyboard mash anymore.

Pffffft. Nobody believes you any more. Really, when you managed that FUCK YOU in the middle of one is when any hope anyone was going to believe that was anything but an act had vanished.

13 years ago

MRAL, your pretty damn ignorant over what sociology and psychology is. There is empirical study, including the one that I linked you that works a lot better for the definition your attempting to find. I’m giving you tools here, brosef, but it’s up to you to use them. If you want to make an ass out of yourself, go right ahead. If you are so intelligent, know how to use the tools. Writing them off makes you out to be lacking any sort of cognitive ability.

The differences between cultural anthropology and sociology are not major (though I can imagine some of my professors getting into a stink about this), but they largely have slightly different methodology and focus. The easiest way to remember the differences is that sociology tends to focus on the abstract notion of social groups within a structural system. While cultural anthropology focuses more specifically on the details of the social groups, and a stronger emphasis on the historical background. They both study society though.

Methodological differences as well, with anthropology slightly edging on the more qualitative side while sociology edges to the quantitative side. But I’d rather get rid of the notion of quant vs. qual. It’s better to approach studies from a holistic perspective. Note, this is a quick summary of the top of my head. There is more details that I’m not doing justice between the fields.