bullying douchebaggery drama evil women false accusations misogyny MRA rape reddit

The recent ugliness on Reddit

From time to time, something will happen on the Internet or in real life that I know I should write about for Man Boobz, but it’s so infuriating or depressing that I can’t bring myself to write about it. The recent bullshit on Reddit involving a young woman whose story of a sexual assault was met with angry disbelief until she provided video proof that her injuries were real is a perfect case in point.

Briefly, what happened is this:

A young woman posted about a sexual assault she’d endured a day or so earlier – a man had tried to rape her, pushing her to the ground and scraping her face on the pavement. In a separate topic she posted a picture of her injuries, most notably a giant scrape on her cheek. You can see it at right; click on the picture to see it full size.

Then another Redditor noticed that some time back, the same woman had posted a picture of herself in zombie makeup. This, he said, made him skeptical that her injuries were real — it was probably just a good makeup job.

That was all it took to send Reddit into a full internet lynch mob frenzy: obviously this woman was a liar and an attention whore and, even worse, possibly a feminist anti-rape activist! Redditors suddenly became both medical and makeup experts, and declared that the giant scrape on her face was obviously phony. (Not to me; I tried arguing with several of them to no avail.) It got ugly, very ugly, very quickly.

The woman at the heart of the storm asked if she needed to post an actual video of her cleaning the wound on her face to show that it was real; a redditor demanded that she do just that.

So she did. (Here it is.) Long story short: the scrape is real. The woman also posted a picture of the business card given to her by the police detective she’s spoken to when reporting the incident. It’s now pretty clear that there is no reason to doubt that her story is true. Even the Redditor who originally challenged her story realized that she was almost certainly telling the truth.

Here’s her post offering proof to back up her story.

At this point the lynch mob lost its steam; some people even apologized to her.

But the evidence of the ugliness remains in a host of different threads and different subforums on Reddit. I honestly don’t have the energy or the  patience to sift through all of the ugliness; luckily, Jezebel has given a decent account of the whole spectacle; you can go there to get some more of the details.

You might also want to look in to the main thread where most of the ugliness occurred — though at this point many of the vile accusatory comments that got upvoted when everyone seemed to assume she was lying have been retroactively voted down. (The screenshot I posted above gives a better idea of what it looked like at the time; here’s another screenshot with some of the choicer comments.)

Naturally, Men’s Rightsers contributed to the ugliness – though most of the worst comments appeared outside of the Men’s Rights subreddit, and a surprising number of r/mr regulars refused to jump on the original “she’s a liar” bandwagon.

While many Men’s Rightsters are now apologetic, others still think she may be lying.

Here’s a good discussion of the whole thing in ShitRedditSays, and a followup.


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13 years ago

The OCS alphabet is gorgeous.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Although everybody was very entertaining and amusing in batting Slaver around like a cranky cat with a particularly dimwitted mouse, I have to applaud Amused and particularly Pecunium for the world-class pwnage.

Slaver had no idea he was walking into someone’s actual areas of expertise.

Golf claps all around.

And although he quickly claimed victory and retreated, I eagerly anticipate his return to tell you why you’re wrong on a technicality. Or will he move the goalposts?

13 years ago

Wow. NWOslave’s behavior in this thread really defines the phrase “double down on stupid.”

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

Yeah, stats don’t work that way. You can’t extrapolate that far in advance. I mean, if the trend continues, there will be negative people!

But … but … don’t you know that the logistic curve and a simple linear function have the same “root” numbers? And so they’re really the same function? Also, algebra uses Greek letters, so it’s the same language as Russian.

13 years ago

Sharculese: I think he means The Balkans: which were (in the time of Cyril) Still very much in linguistic flux, not yet having settled on slavic languages for the majority of the region [there was a Khaganate, which was speaking a proto-bulgarian, and the influence of Byzantine Greek was still strong. There is a small pocket, on the Black Sea, in what it now Turkey which still speaks what is basically Koine], as well as some Latinate influence (which is now modern Romanian).

Religion determined which alphabet was in use, even when the languages (like Serb/Croat) are practically the same.

But you know, BALtic/BALkan, they have the same root so it’s all good.

Also, some letters have different forms when written, from the form used when printed. The Written, “T” looks like a printed “m”, esp when used in the lower case; also, the verb, “to be” is never conjugated in the present tense. One doesn’t say, “I am…X”.

As a non-native speaker this took some work to get my brain around, and then it made perfect sense (as with the plural form of the number one). If one isn’t, then one cannot be speaking/doing, etc., ergo saying, “I am an Engineer” is pointless.

But hey, it’s just a different syntax.

13 years ago

It irks me to no end when people decide they know everything about a country without ever even being there. All I’ve been is a tourist in Russia and the Baltic’s and it’s quite clear to me the only feminism that could have been imposed by the communists is working outside of the home.

As for the abortions I’ve never been to a country where owning (that is the only word) a young woman who looks good on your arm while your doing business or on vacation while the wife stays home to raise the kids is quite so rampant. In fact going out with your wife is quite unheard of (which I was made aware of over and over again). Eighteen year old arm candy is not the mother of your children.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


Non feminist countries range around an average of 5.

Are there feminist countries? Where? I’d like to live in one.

z r mcd:

Slaver had no idea he was walking into someone’s actual areas of expertise.

You’re giving him too much credit. I don’t think he knows comparative linguistics is a real thing. I’m not wholly convinced he knows Russian is a real language.

13 years ago

I’m not convinced he is willing to concede anyone who disagrees with him about anything, is competent in anything.

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

Я говорю только немного по-русски. Но Я знаю, что NWOSlave — вы не правильно.

13 years ago

CS, I don’t think NWO deserves anything but тыковатъ.

I might also have made, “что NWOSlave” into, “Я знаю, об NWOSlave сейчас он не правильно, как обычно.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Amy Angelwings-September 21, 2011, at 9:37

“Your kind” refers to man-hating, castrating, obnoxious, and vicious women who are making life HELL for real people, of both sexes, over the past four decades or so! There is certainly something you and yours can do. Cease interfering with the lives of real women, let evolution take its normal course, both social and genetic, and confine your unisex to people like yourselves.

Repeal all of the legislation enacted at the behest of women in the past 91 years or so, starting with the XIX amendment to the Constitution. restore normal gender segregation in schools and workplaces, renormalize the civil service and Armed Forces (both enlistees and Command Personnel), and focus skills-related education and apprenticeships where they would do the most good, to wit, math, science, and engineering skills focused on boys and young men, domestic, homemaking, and childcare skills focused on girls. This is, of course, not an exhaustive list, AA, but it certainly contradicts your point that I have no alternative to offer!

Nobinayamu-22September 2011@ 11:00am

If you–or anyone on manboobz–thinks that I am going to let you know about personal correspondence with someone over the internet, you have to be even more STUPID than you sound. The last thing I am going to do is provide a target for you manboobzers to disrupt a budding relationship before it just gets started! I could just imagine you–and many others here–doing it for laughs, slandering me and making me out to be some kind of monster by selective quoting and distorting everything that I have posted here (and elsewhere as well…) and otherwise being nuisances, if not menaces both to me, and to the woman I am destined for.

That ain’t a-happenin’!!

I stand by my statements that you accursed FEMINISTS have, as one of your missions, to make ALL women as gruesome, unisex, and neurotically screwed up as youall are, and whether I seek out traditonal women or not, you will have to get your perverse jollies somewhere else. When I find a nice woman, rest assured, you and your wretched unisex kind will be the last to know!

Ditto for PFKAE–22September 2011@2:03pm

There is no way I would endanger other men who may already be in trouble, or whose lives have been badly compromised by alleged, imagined, or contrived accusations, allegations, or framings of rape, domestic violence, incest, spousal “abuse”, child :”abuse” etc. by naming them, even in pseudonym, on this website (or any website, for that matter) without their WRITTEN consent, and advice of their counsel). the bias of the law is such that merely mentioning them and their situations could further jeopardize them and their future (to the extent that they have any). Suffice to say, the abuses of feminism are so widespread, and so carelessly spread around, that if you are interested, all you have to do is keep your eyes and ears open–along with your heart, if you have any!

Lotsa luck!! Try for some other sucker…

Kristinmh– 21 September 2011@8:56pm

Dogs are very nice in some ways, and real women are nice in others. Feminists, on the other hand, are no good for anybody anywhere! There are still certain things that a suitably trained woman can do that a dog, no matter how smart and well trained, cannot do. That is why I am interested in female companionship. Women also have a means of addressing a man’s personal needs in a way that a pet simply can’t.

NO!! I am NOT going to explain anything more. I’ve said too much already!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Women also have a means of addressing a man’s personal needs in a way that a pet simply can’t.

…have you tried peanut butter?

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

the woman I am destined for

… may God have mercy on her soul.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“If you–or anyone on manboobz–thinks that I am going to let you know about personal correspondence with someone over the internet, you have to be even more STUPID than you sound. The last thing I am going to do is provide a target for you manboobzers to disrupt a budding relationship before it just gets started!”

I am glad you are getting out more and making efforts to meet people, DKM. I hope it turns out well for you.

13 years ago

Women also have a means of addressing a man’s personal needs in a way that a pet simply can’t.

…have you tried peanut butter?

He could also try a stuffed chicken, or a melon, warmed a bit.

Meller: What, we aren’t real people? My feminist lovers and I are pretty damned happy.

Same for the people here, Molly, Kristine, Shaenon, Nobinyamu, Comrade Slivova, CB, Zombie McDonald.

The only unhappy sorts seem to be the anti-feminists. I can see that. The slave-owners were unhappy with abolitionists, the Robber Barons with Unionisers, etc.

You are on the losing side of history.

Sucks to be you.

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

Pecunium, спасибо! 🙂

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

DKM, my girlfriend thinks I take care of her pretty well, and not just sexually 😉 I cook, sew, preserve food, and other womanly things. In fact, while I cook I usually listen to Rachel Maddow’s show. So I combine my femininity and feminism XD

13 years ago

Housework gives me no satisfaction. I can only deal with children for short periods of time. Being forced into such a role would be a good recipe for creating a nagging, irritable housewife who never wants to have sex. You know, all those stereotypes that MRAs deplore so much.

13 years ago

^stereotypical woman traits

13 years ago

Housework gives me no satisfaction. I can only deal with children for short periods of time.

Ah, but you need to be “properly trained” into believing that housework, child-rearing and being of service to men… basically, total self-abnegation in deference to men… gives you ultimate satisfaction. This “natural” and “normal” state of being can only be achieved through “proper training”, as how can something even be natural or normal unless we force it into being so. How can we expect evolution to take its normal course unless we guide it along by devolving.

13 years ago

Meller, do you really think we’d tank your correspondence with whatever mail-order bride you have on deck? Give us some credit; we don’t care, except to sympathize with her.

13 years ago

You mean like Stockholm Syndrome?

13 years ago

DKM, you are a monster in every way. Even a traditional woman will find that in you, it is only a matter of time. I hope she finds out before she ever shares a room with you.

13 years ago

All we would have to do is show her the words that you have written. Nothing less, and nothing more.

No woman, anywhere, would be willing to be stripped of her rights and totally dependent on the chance a man will not hurt her for her survival-at the first opportunity she will run.

13 years ago

No traditional woman would have Meller. The “traditional”‘women that I’ve known are, in fact, happy being stay at home wives and mothers. They are loved by their husbands, children, and communities. They are brilliant, warm, educated women, who have been fortunate enough to discover the path that is right for them and partners whose goals and means match their own.

They are not, however, women who lack autonomy and an inherent sense of self worth. They are not servants who would could ever be happy with a man who considered them less than human and had little concern for their mental and emotional well-being.

They would all, to a woman, hold the frog-man (Meller) in utter contempt.

To be fair, I seriously doubt that Meller is interested in female companionship. His paltry needs could easily be met with a cleaning service, cheap take out food, the occasional microwaveable frozen dinner, a tube of astro-glide and and a used roll of toilet paper. With, of course, all due respect to used rolls of toilet paper.

Bedsores and Loneliness!!!!!!!