bullying douchebaggery drama evil women false accusations misogyny MRA rape reddit

The recent ugliness on Reddit

From time to time, something will happen on the Internet or in real life that I know I should write about for Man Boobz, but it’s so infuriating or depressing that I can’t bring myself to write about it. The recent bullshit on Reddit involving a young woman whose story of a sexual assault was met with angry disbelief until she provided video proof that her injuries were real is a perfect case in point.

Briefly, what happened is this:

A young woman posted about a sexual assault she’d endured a day or so earlier – a man had tried to rape her, pushing her to the ground and scraping her face on the pavement. In a separate topic she posted a picture of her injuries, most notably a giant scrape on her cheek. You can see it at right; click on the picture to see it full size.

Then another Redditor noticed that some time back, the same woman had posted a picture of herself in zombie makeup. This, he said, made him skeptical that her injuries were real — it was probably just a good makeup job.

That was all it took to send Reddit into a full internet lynch mob frenzy: obviously this woman was a liar and an attention whore and, even worse, possibly a feminist anti-rape activist! Redditors suddenly became both medical and makeup experts, and declared that the giant scrape on her face was obviously phony. (Not to me; I tried arguing with several of them to no avail.) It got ugly, very ugly, very quickly.

The woman at the heart of the storm asked if she needed to post an actual video of her cleaning the wound on her face to show that it was real; a redditor demanded that she do just that.

So she did. (Here it is.) Long story short: the scrape is real. The woman also posted a picture of the business card given to her by the police detective she’s spoken to when reporting the incident. It’s now pretty clear that there is no reason to doubt that her story is true. Even the Redditor who originally challenged her story realized that she was almost certainly telling the truth.

Here’s her post offering proof to back up her story.

At this point the lynch mob lost its steam; some people even apologized to her.

But the evidence of the ugliness remains in a host of different threads and different subforums on Reddit. I honestly don’t have the energy or the  patience to sift through all of the ugliness; luckily, Jezebel has given a decent account of the whole spectacle; you can go there to get some more of the details.

You might also want to look in to the main thread where most of the ugliness occurred — though at this point many of the vile accusatory comments that got upvoted when everyone seemed to assume she was lying have been retroactively voted down. (The screenshot I posted above gives a better idea of what it looked like at the time; here’s another screenshot with some of the choicer comments.)

Naturally, Men’s Rightsers contributed to the ugliness – though most of the worst comments appeared outside of the Men’s Rights subreddit, and a surprising number of r/mr regulars refused to jump on the original “she’s a liar” bandwagon.

While many Men’s Rightsters are now apologetic, others still think she may be lying.

Here’s a good discussion of the whole thing in ShitRedditSays, and a followup.


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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Is this the Feminism is the worst genocidal conspiracy in the history of man and is wiping out the human race hour again? XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

First off, we live in a communist country.

I think we’re back into ppl talking past each other cuz they use the same words to mean different things XD

So let’s clarify 😀

What does “communist” mean to you? Specifically? 😀

13 years ago

Well I don’t speak Russian but basically it’s the same just different rules of sytax. Like the vowel a “ate” makes an eight sound and in cat it makes an ahhh sound, where in russian they use it in a hard and soft syntax which I really don’t know. However the 5 vowels are a for ah sound, a backwards e for eh sound, a backwards n for eee sound, an o for oh sound and a y for ooo sound and there is two letters for each vowel depending on whatever the grammar rule in russian is.

you understand theres more to an alphabet than just the vowels, right.

and that syntax has nothing to do with alphabets.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Everyone has been brought up under a false system which lies to you from birth.

I would like to know more 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

We’re about to get another glimpse into NWOrld! 😀

13 years ago


Please tell me the origin of cyrillic script, ya know, a little history of it. What’s the basis of it. Kinda the root from which it’s derived. That way you can show how ignorant I am. Also the root of the english alphabet.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Why so circumspect NWO? 😀

13 years ago

Communism and socialism are all about equality-abolishing class distinctions is sort of a key idea there. One wonders where you get these notions.

13 years ago

Pecunium, is he right about the Russian? I’m not buying it, and the irony of him calling anyone else wrong is delicious, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

pecunium doesnt seem to be around, so im writing up a post explaining. short answer, kernel of truth about the vowels, but really hes totally wrong.

13 years ago

I’m not Pecunium, but Russian has lotsa vowels. He’s right and he’s wrong.

a (he’s right)
e (is actually ‘yeh’)
ë (e with umlaut, usually “yo”)
(backward n), yes is “ee,” or “i”
o (he’s right) ‘oh’
y (he’s right) ‘oo’
[man, here is the point that I wish I knew the symbol language better] Russian has this weird vowel that is like a hog call “uuuuiiiii”, but deep in your chest and short. it looks like a lower case b merged with an “i.” My correct pronunciation of this one fools people into thinking I can actually speak this crazy language.
(backwards e) “eh”
(weird i + o symbol) “yo”
(backwards R) “ya”

Unfortunately, the pronunciations of many of these vowels change whether they are followed by a hard or soft consonant. Russian is the language of the exceptions exceed the rules.

13 years ago


Same question to you that I tossed out to eli.

C’mon, show how smarty, smart, smart you are.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

darksidecat | September 22, 2011 at 9:46 pm
Communism and socialism are all about equality-abolishing class distinctions is sort of a key idea there. One wonders where you get these notions.

I’m still waiting for him to tell me what communism means in the NWO dictionary XD

13 years ago

…. I meant us anthropologists tend to talk more about individual agency these days. But, hey, kudos on the “confuse your opponent by arguing about something completely different” tactics. Haven’t seen such debating skills in years.


13 years ago

C’mon everyone, what is the root alphabet of cryllic script. It’s based on something, it may have a few added letters and such but whats the root of it?

Then we can finally put this to bed. Let’s see whose right?

13 years ago

Damn. That was supposed to be an embed, which failed miserably.

13 years ago

Also, I should watch Youtube videos before linking them, in case they don’t actually have what I think they do. Sorry, and never mind.

13 years ago

I’m afraid I can answer nothing until the manboobz gang tells me the root alphabet of cryillic script.

13 years ago

So all of a sudden he wants the root alphabet?

When somebody calls him on the vowels?

Shifting goalposts as usual? (I’ve been lurking for a while)

13 years ago

Why don’t you learn to spell the name of the alphabet first?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Now he’s fled into linguistics xD

13 years ago

I’m trying to figure out his gotcha here, but I can’t really see it. Maybe if I bang my head against the wall a few times or something.

13 years ago

And the linguists wept at the new addition to their ranks, as did the economists and the historians.

13 years ago

owlslave i already said im writing up a long comment on cyrillic. it will answer your question, i promise.

13 years ago


I’d like to answer you but I’m afraid I can’t. I’m far too ignorant. It would appear my knowlege of language, is lacking. As I was told by pretty much the entire manbooz gang that Cryillic script was far and away a completely different language, with absolutely no relationship what-so-ever with english, spanish, ect.

I mean the genius that resides here can surely tell me the root language and why there might be a few variances. Where’s Sir Knight to set me straight?

13 years ago

Slavey, if your going to try the libertarian argument, at least use a better theorist then Herp McDerp. Try looking at some Nozick (even though he later said the majority of libertarian ideas are bullshit). You might at least have some basis to defend yourself there.

Also, you are still mangling basic population statistics I see. I’ll take note that you still haven’t responded to how I pointed out that we are not actually in “negative” population growth, even when accounting for immigration and outflow.