Angry manosphere dudes sure do love them some apocalyptic fantasies! Which totally makes sense, since they all seem to imagine the apocalypse as little more than an opportunity to deliver a big “told you so!” to women and “manginas” and probably their pet goldfish.
Over on MGTOWforums.com, our robogirl-obsessed friend avoidwomen has been reposting assorted comments he’s apparently found on The Spearhead, and which he just loves, loves, loves! Unfortunately, he hasn’t provided links or any other information about them, and Google didn’t much help, so I don’t know who exactly should get the credit for the following bit of postapocalyptic fiction.
It’s sort of long, but I think you’ll pick up the gist of it right away. (It also sounds really, really familiar – have I written about it before, or is it just that MRAs and MGTOWers are so predictably unoriginal?) Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Let’s begin:
An economic collapse will put women in their place. Virtually no women have the skills necessary to survive in the real world. They can survive in this artificial politically correct, multi-cultural, anything goes, “death to the West, death to the white male patriarch” system that we are presently in….
As the economy declines even further the government will be forced to make massive cuts. … The first things on the chopping block will be entitlements, the sort of entitlements that have enabled women to use big government as a substitution for a stable nuclear family, a family they would only be able to have by behaving themselves and conforming to acceptable standards of behavior as determined by their fathers and later their husbands.
And now we come to the payoff:
In the near future women will be given the choice of starving in the street, finding some way to hunt/fish/garden on their own, or conforming to the standards men set for them and being kept alive by men who actually place value upon their continued existence.
Let’s throw some Ayn Rand into the mix:
This dysgenic society favors the weak and indeed it subsidizes the weak at the expense of the strong and the fit. … We are ruled by thieves who steal from the productive and give to the idiotic masses to keep themselves in office at the expense of the intelligent, the creative, the productive, the true movers and shakers of society.
Can I have some “we hunted the mammoth” to go with that “Atlas Shrugged?”
We build civilizations yet we are penalized at every step of the way in every aspect of our lives. Instead of being allowed to innovate, invent, and create, we are made to subsidize the recklessness of unworthy women, tens of millions of illegal aliens, and any other group that some clique of weak and effeminate politicians decides to cave to.
Hmm. That’s pretty good. But still not quite melodramatic enough. Can we add some big blustery clichés to the mix? Some “we stand on the edge of a precipice” sort of shit?
We stand on the cusp of the precipice, gazing down into the abyss.
Oh, ok. I didn’t expect you to take me quite so literally. But never mind:
After our civilization is pushed over the edge a new one will emerge from the void left by the collapse of the old one. All we have to do is make sure it is to our benefit rather than to our detriment.
And now, back to all those mean bitches who were so mean to us:
The prospect of starvation, death by exposure to the elements, or being turned into a prostitute by a street gang that openly dominates some X number of city blocks in the absence of big government police, should be amply adequate to put most women in their place.
You can almost hear the writer jazzing in his pants as he writes this.
The question is not one of “will they come crawling back to us” but rather, “how do we respond when they do finally come crawling back.”
Yeah, ladies, maybe we don’t want you after all!
Most of them are bitter, selfish, self-absorbed, idiotic, brain-dead, used up whores, and I have no need for such creatures in my life. They don’t know how to cook, how to clean, how to butcher livestock, how to till a field, how to cultivate crops, how to hunt game, how to fish, how to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat, how to zero a rifle, in short they have no practical useful skills for existence outside of an artificial globalist “post industrial” financial/retail services economic structure.
Ooh! In your face, ladies who can’t cultivate crops and take down bears in hand-to-hand combat!
Did your feminism prepare you for BEARS? I think not!
In addition they don’t even know how to treat people, especially men, in a right and proper fashion.
Um. What happened to hand-to-hand-combat and all that survival-of-the-fittest stuff? This seems a tad, er, petulant.
I personally have no use for a bunch of used up whores who “had their fun” and now expect men who know what is what and have their act together, to put their lives on the line to keep them safe.
Ah, now we’re rolling again.
Screw you, whores! It’s all fun and games until the economy collapses and the BEARS show up!
Hopefully in the new society, the one on the way, women will be treated as perpetual minors with no contractual capacity and no right to ownership of property. … what we cannot achieve politically will be achieved socially and physically by the nature of the coming collapse/implosion.
Yep, ladies. It’s our way … or the BEARway! (By which I mean, “the highway, except that the highway is covered with BEARS!”)
Never forget, that at some point back in time, EVERYTHING women have they obtained from MEN, either via big government initiated wealth/resource transfers, or because men were foolish enough to dote on them in some hope of obtaining sex/sexual access (or even just the affections/approval) from some creature that was doubtlessly a used up whore.
So there you have it. Our glorious future!
I’m not sure how the robogirls fit in all this exactly. If the economy collapses and we’re fighting the BEARS in the streets, won’t that put a little dent in production of robogirls?
Never mind. That’s a mere detail. The important things to remember are: Apocalypse soon, women screwed, men happy, BEARS.
When that happens working no longer wins men females. So the men stop working and the society collapses. It’s happened before and will happen again.
Wow. You mean, I can ask for women as a part of my benefits package? And here I was working for just a paycheck and health benefits, like a sucker.
I know, CB! Apparently I was eligible for a free boyfriend all this time and NO ONE TOLD ME!
Having trouble with forming a response due to the fact that I’m laughing hysterically at the word ‘BEARway’ (which I totes didn’t even know was a thing), and its subsequent definition. The highway, except that the highway is covered with BEARS!
Except, I have a plan for this. Rather than being dependent on these douchebags in the event of an apocolypse, I vote we die in the initial onslaught. Seriously. I’ll drive us all into the bright light in a rented Winnebago. Or we could hot-wire one of those neat Hummer limos. Because that is MUCH better than being beholden to such a person as the one who wrote the original post.
Actually, being eaten by a bear doesn’t sound so bad either, by comparison.
OR, we could just take the fuck over. That second one seems like fun, too.
Is covered in bears like covered in BEEEEES!? As bug-phobic as I am, I think I’d rather be covered in BEES!!!!1!eleventy! Bees eventually get bored and wander to find a flower to pollinate.
FWIW, Men’s Rights Activist Five Star General was posting from MRAL’s IP address, so either MRAL was lying about not being Five Star General , or he did it while in a fugue state, or he’s got a roommate who pulled a prank on him. Or, BEARS ATE HIM and have assumed his identity, and wanted to pull a prank on him.
I thought the spelling of “wymyn” was him.
You really gotta watch those bears. Sneaky fuckers.
In this particular apocalyptic scenario, I’ll throw my lot in with Ser Jorah Mormont.
When that happens working no longer wins men females. So the men stop working and the society collapses. It’s happened before and will happen again.
No it hasn’t. This is wronger than usual, and for you that’s saying something.
Heh. Everyone knows that all you need to survive the apocalypse is Small Guns, Repair and Speech, which should hold you until you can get some power armor. Having a companion who can make stimpacks is also recommended.
Hershele Ostropoler–
“how to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat (they’re called testicles and they are weak)”
“And they are not found on approximately half the people you will encounter.”
According to the original premise, men will be the ones attacking, looting, and in general being giant assholes, while women scream woe to the sky-gods. Following this premise, the only people I will have to worry about is men.
And a good crotch-shot will down most women as well.
I once watched a movie about how suddenly everyone on earth turned into little piles of dust except for those who hid in some kind of metal container. My first thought upon seeing such a movie was to think “woot! I could have all of the slim jims I wanted.”
I have a feeling most people never think beyond that stage.
Aren’t IP addresses usually for groups of people? It could be someone else from the same IP. Anyway, unless I had a psychotic break or was sleepwalking, the Five Star General isn’t me.
Oh KathleenB, that was uncalled for. We always speak highly of you.
Some dude:
“This dysgenic society favors the weak and indeed it subsidizes the weak at the expense of the strong and the fit.”
“Is that from Ayn Rand? The woman who went on Phil Donahue to supplicate Americans to collectively support the collectivist state of Zionist Israel? Quite a rugged individualist, eh? Objectivism, my ass.”
Additional commentary:
Ironic how some men in the Manosphere quote a lot of Ayn Rand yet do they realize she was a cougar who “cuckholded” her husband during an 18 year long love affair with a man 25 years her junior?
One thing occurred to me after posting last: An apocalypse would also not only wipe out industrial farming altogether, it would destroy the distribution chain that brings factory-meat from a few locations to cities and towns everywhere. In other words, an apocalypse would cut everyone’s protein intake catastrophically.
Now there is one thing about human dietary needs that needs to be remembered for a scenario like this: we can survive without vegetable matter (with some creativity, we can even survive quite well for decades with only small amounts, as with the traditional Inuit diet) but we can’t survive without protein. We die protracted, terrible deaths if we don’t manage to ingest a certain amount, and children and infants — the future generations — are the most vulnerable.
Cities by themselves don’t contain enough protein to support their inhabitants. Not even counting vermin. And they don’t currently have enough land suitable for growing high-protein crops for everybody; and even if you could create an extensive intra-city network of greenhouses and artificial gardens overnight, raising a crop until harvest takes a lot longer than the city’s store of protein could cover for. In the event of an apocalypse that destroys society and kills off most of humanity, you better hope that it’s the kind that leaves edible bodies, at least in urban areas. But I’ve gotten off track.
Come the apocalypse, I doubt the guys currently jacking off self-righteously to the idea of a society that failed to give them the respect they assumed they deserved being laid low (and them being put in charge, where they OF COURSE belong) will do so well. Though if it turns out they can’t find a way to get along with the other survivors in their area, or at least make themselves useful to them, they might still have promising careers as “long pig”.
‘finding some way to hunt/fish/garden on their own,’
I stopped there. Sounds good, and millions (probably billions) of women already seem to be fine with it. A few cute boys may even want to help out.
Aren’t IP addresses usually for groups of people? It could be someone else from the same IP.
At any single point in time, an IP address can be shared by multiple people at a single physical location, if they set it up that way; this isn’t something that an ISP will do for you. Across a span of time, two people with residential-class SDL in the same geographic region who use the same ISP might end up sharing a single IP address. In your case, this would require that the other person:
1) Live in the same geographic region as you (like within the same metropolitan area).
2) Has the same ISP as you.
3) Has the same taste in naming schemes as you when it comes to user names.
4) Decided to post to this site, but only once.
5) Out of the thousands of other customers in the same region with the same ISP, the IP adress randomly transferred from you to him, then a second time from him back to you.
The chance of all these conditions being true is vanishingly small.
Yeah, like that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb!! LOL!!
If MRAL is in a dorm, and someone knows his penchant, it’s possible. Not all that likely, but possible.
OHSHIII: I grew up in a northern country where the Lent tradition is still pretty strong. When they couldn’t eat meat or dairy, people would generally turn to mushrooms for protein (I don’t know why, but beans were a lot less common), and mushroom-hunting is very popular there. Thing is, picking your own mushrooms is very, very tricky; and if you pick the wrong one, most poisonous mushrooms are SO poisonous, they can kill you or give you severe, long-term neurological problems. It’s amazing how much some deadly poisonous mushrooms can resemble perfectly safe, edible ones, and mushroom poisoning is really common in Eastern Europe.
Elizabeth, I saw that movie a few years ago! Rotten Tomatoes claims it that it was aiming for satire, but I never got that… I just thought it was stupid. Especially at the end when the traffic lights were somehow still working even though most of humanity had turned into dust.
Don’t forget the deliberate aping of MRAL’s style, which more or less requires direct personal interaction as well. I took him at his word because it’s possible for someone to play that kind of joke on him randomly, but from the same IP Address as well? Extraordinarily unlikely.
I could believe he told a dorm mate about it…and the dorm mate posted as that.
That is possible, yes. But his IP Address is known, and we don’t have to speculate on this.
Someone hacked MRAL’s IP address, just to fuel his paranoia and mock him? Somehow I don’t think anyone is willing to put in quite so much effort around that little troll.