Angry manosphere dudes sure do love them some apocalyptic fantasies! Which totally makes sense, since they all seem to imagine the apocalypse as little more than an opportunity to deliver a big “told you so!” to women and “manginas” and probably their pet goldfish.
Over on MGTOWforums.com, our robogirl-obsessed friend avoidwomen has been reposting assorted comments he’s apparently found on The Spearhead, and which he just loves, loves, loves! Unfortunately, he hasn’t provided links or any other information about them, and Google didn’t much help, so I don’t know who exactly should get the credit for the following bit of postapocalyptic fiction.
It’s sort of long, but I think you’ll pick up the gist of it right away. (It also sounds really, really familiar – have I written about it before, or is it just that MRAs and MGTOWers are so predictably unoriginal?) Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Let’s begin:
An economic collapse will put women in their place. Virtually no women have the skills necessary to survive in the real world. They can survive in this artificial politically correct, multi-cultural, anything goes, “death to the West, death to the white male patriarch” system that we are presently in….
As the economy declines even further the government will be forced to make massive cuts. … The first things on the chopping block will be entitlements, the sort of entitlements that have enabled women to use big government as a substitution for a stable nuclear family, a family they would only be able to have by behaving themselves and conforming to acceptable standards of behavior as determined by their fathers and later their husbands.
And now we come to the payoff:
In the near future women will be given the choice of starving in the street, finding some way to hunt/fish/garden on their own, or conforming to the standards men set for them and being kept alive by men who actually place value upon their continued existence.
Let’s throw some Ayn Rand into the mix:
This dysgenic society favors the weak and indeed it subsidizes the weak at the expense of the strong and the fit. … We are ruled by thieves who steal from the productive and give to the idiotic masses to keep themselves in office at the expense of the intelligent, the creative, the productive, the true movers and shakers of society.
Can I have some “we hunted the mammoth” to go with that “Atlas Shrugged?”
We build civilizations yet we are penalized at every step of the way in every aspect of our lives. Instead of being allowed to innovate, invent, and create, we are made to subsidize the recklessness of unworthy women, tens of millions of illegal aliens, and any other group that some clique of weak and effeminate politicians decides to cave to.
Hmm. That’s pretty good. But still not quite melodramatic enough. Can we add some big blustery clichés to the mix? Some “we stand on the edge of a precipice” sort of shit?
We stand on the cusp of the precipice, gazing down into the abyss.
Oh, ok. I didn’t expect you to take me quite so literally. But never mind:
After our civilization is pushed over the edge a new one will emerge from the void left by the collapse of the old one. All we have to do is make sure it is to our benefit rather than to our detriment.
And now, back to all those mean bitches who were so mean to us:
The prospect of starvation, death by exposure to the elements, or being turned into a prostitute by a street gang that openly dominates some X number of city blocks in the absence of big government police, should be amply adequate to put most women in their place.
You can almost hear the writer jazzing in his pants as he writes this.
The question is not one of “will they come crawling back to us” but rather, “how do we respond when they do finally come crawling back.”
Yeah, ladies, maybe we don’t want you after all!
Most of them are bitter, selfish, self-absorbed, idiotic, brain-dead, used up whores, and I have no need for such creatures in my life. They don’t know how to cook, how to clean, how to butcher livestock, how to till a field, how to cultivate crops, how to hunt game, how to fish, how to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat, how to zero a rifle, in short they have no practical useful skills for existence outside of an artificial globalist “post industrial” financial/retail services economic structure.
Ooh! In your face, ladies who can’t cultivate crops and take down bears in hand-to-hand combat!
Did your feminism prepare you for BEARS? I think not!
In addition they don’t even know how to treat people, especially men, in a right and proper fashion.
Um. What happened to hand-to-hand-combat and all that survival-of-the-fittest stuff? This seems a tad, er, petulant.
I personally have no use for a bunch of used up whores who “had their fun” and now expect men who know what is what and have their act together, to put their lives on the line to keep them safe.
Ah, now we’re rolling again.
Screw you, whores! It’s all fun and games until the economy collapses and the BEARS show up!
Hopefully in the new society, the one on the way, women will be treated as perpetual minors with no contractual capacity and no right to ownership of property. … what we cannot achieve politically will be achieved socially and physically by the nature of the coming collapse/implosion.
Yep, ladies. It’s our way … or the BEARway! (By which I mean, “the highway, except that the highway is covered with BEARS!”)
Never forget, that at some point back in time, EVERYTHING women have they obtained from MEN, either via big government initiated wealth/resource transfers, or because men were foolish enough to dote on them in some hope of obtaining sex/sexual access (or even just the affections/approval) from some creature that was doubtlessly a used up whore.
So there you have it. Our glorious future!
I’m not sure how the robogirls fit in all this exactly. If the economy collapses and we’re fighting the BEARS in the streets, won’t that put a little dent in production of robogirls?
Never mind. That’s a mere detail. The important things to remember are: Apocalypse soon, women screwed, men happy, BEARS.
I will say the same thing I said to all of the idiots who claimed they were “going Galt” after Obama’s election. You are not John Galt. Society will not fall if you remove yourself from it.
*and by “remove yourself” I am NOT talking about violence or death. I’m talking about “going Galt.”
They do realize that in the coming apocalypse that the internet won’t exist, right? It’s cute that they think they have survival skills anywhere else.
This describes most modern men as well. Guess we’re all fucked come the “end.”
*and by “remove yourself” I am NOT talking about violence or death. I’m talking about “going Galt.”
To be honest, I’m not sure a lot of these guys would be missed if they offed themselves, either. Walking around in a permanent state of RAGE doesn’t do much socially.
Some of these fuckers should read them some Laura Ingalls Wilder if they think that women can’t do shit. Most homesteaders depended on their wives to not only cook and clean, but farm, and live in tar-paper shacks to maintain residence on the homestead. But I’m sure that was easy, sounds like it to me! /sarcasm
I’m not following along with the concept that if the economy collapses we’ll be in the Insta-Dark-Ages. Our technological infrastructure may decay, but it won’t evaporate. Bears aren’t going to start just materializing in the streets. (And neither are available arable fields or hunting grounds.)
If the economy crashes and burns, I suspect it’ll look a lot more like the Great Depression than like the Paleolithic era. Unless you already live in Montana, your bear-skinning knowledge isn’t going to do you a fat lot of good.
(…also, are these people aware that women can conduct trade and politics with other women? It’s not like men can just unilaterally kick us out of human society. Human society kinda follows large groups of humans around.)
I think it’s funny that folks like this complain about how MEN philosophized and invented and toiled so WOMEN could enjoy the fruits of their labors.
Then they go on Randoid* rants on their computers**, with the luckier ones having their households chores already taken care of***.
* A woman
** Several women
*** Their mom or put-upon and/or mail-order wives, also probably women.
I vote we start Manboobz City in the event of the apocalypse. I mean, we have a nurse and a couple of gun people and iirc some gardeners, we’re already several steps ahead than the keyboard jockey writing this.
why do these idiots keep thinking you’ll have mad max raiders that they can usefully oppose? No part of that makes sense, either the mad max raiders or managing to put up a successful defense alone. And why do these people keep thinking ammunition in vast quantities will survive while reference materials on agriculture will not? Oh, that one I know: because they actually bought ammunition, but said “Fuck you, jack, I got mine” to anything that might help anyone else, including things that’d help the entire human race like solar cells and reference materials on solar energy, as well as the infrastructure and requirements to produce more.
Why would ANYONE gleefully await this? We won’t have the oil for millions of years to have another shot at the next technological era. If we don’t have robots now we’re sure as hell not going to have them for a very long time if an actual apocalypse comes. And like I said they’re not saving stuff to help the next generation, so they’re not going to see society improve from where we were.
And does he think bears are found in huge numbers whenever people aren’t around or something?
And these guys expect to survive because…? Of the awesome power of their cocks?
W.F. Price has heard of Laura Ingalls Wilder!
And he thinks more (all) women today should be like her.
The rest of the Spearhead commentariat agree: “One thing for sure: when Alonzo wasn’t around the farm, there was no danger that Laura Ingalls Wilder was having sex with any other man. That is what a truly strong woman looks like.”
Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m thinking that for Bear Galt guy there and the rest of the MRM who share his apocalyptic fantasy (all of them?), the thing about women not being able to farm and shoot guns and whatever — that’s not the important thing. The really critical thing is that women finally recognize that the fact that they don’t have a penis makes them lesser beings who, left to their own devices, are just barely more sensible than a stalk of celery, and therefore must submit to the penis-haver. As long as all that happens, whatever gets you there is fine.
Damn it, you beat me to it on that quote. How many of the men who write that can do all of that themselves? Has this particular nincompoop ever tilled a field himself?
If they could ever bring themselves to read books written by women, I’m sure they’d say she was making it all up.
But yeah, they completely lack any understanding of history or how even the modern world works. I’d be willing to bet the men who rant about this in particular aren’t married farmers (though I’m sure male farmers, being rural and therefore largely likely quite conservative, have their on ill-informed rants about feminists).
It’s funny how all these MRAs are mutant libertarians/conservatives. I have met a few far left skinheads and punks who were really far into warrior culture and had therefore some fucked up ideas about women, but I’ve yet never met any who went down the rabbit hole so far as to form some sort of socialist subspecies of the MRA.
Why do we need women hunting game if we’re hunting mammoths?
“from some creature that was doubtlessly a used up whore.”
Oh yes, because if she’s not a virgin, she’s just not worth it.
“They don’t know how to cook,”
Anyone I’ve ever cooked a homemade meal for would say differently.
” how to clean, “
I’m sorry who are you referring to again?
“how to butcher livestock,”
Um…knife goes in, guts come out? O.o
” how to till a field, how to cultivate crops,”
I grow my own herbs I’ll have you know.
” how to hunt game,”
That’s why we have farms.
“how to fish,”
Can’t be that hard
” how to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat,”
I know Kung Fu =P
” how to zero a rifle,”
I play enough shooter games. If I worked on my upper body strength I’d prolly be a pretty decent markswoman =D
” in short they have no practical useful skills for existence outside of an artificial globalist “post industrial” financial/retail services economic structure.”
Speak for yourself!
Yuh-huh. Come hunting season, I seem to be the one in the kitchen, doing all the prep, processing, and cleanup, while the Mighty Hunter is on the couch with a beer, resting up from his long day in the bush.
Mind you, I have no interest in freezing my butt off up the river, maintaining weapons, killing something, humping it back home, and cutting it up. That’s all real work, and I’m not dismissing it. But it’s not JUST work, it’s fun for him, in a way that food preservation is not fun for me. And it’s not all there is to it, either, if you want the meat to last.
And I’m damn sure the one who does all the weeding, picking, and preserving. While I get some pleasure out it, it ain’t no day of boating up the river to fish (and drink beer, while lying on padded boat cushions waiting for something to bite).
Also, in case anyone from the original source happens by, Laura Ingalls Wilder’s husband was named Almanzo, not Alonzo.
Now I’m thinking of A Country Boy Can Survive. Let the record state that wet dreams about how after the downfall of civilization all your skills will suddenly be relevant goes back at least 30 years.
What if we turn all the bears into our Thug Lovers, and then cheat on all the men with them while the men support us, and then we have our Thug Lover Bears beat up all the dudes and take their wallets and their easily-accessible comestibles? IT COULD HAPPEN.
“I’m not sure how the robogirls fit in all this exactly. If the economy collapses and we’re fighting the BEARS in the streets, won’t that put a little dent in production of robogirls?”
You don’t get it. The robogirls, being ROBOGIRLS, will be more than up to the task of taking on the BEARS. This is going to be the WWWF of the future. The ROBOGIRLS will fight the BEARS in the streets, and the men, presumably, will lug their La-Z-Boys out into the open, then sit back and watch the show while passing around the popcorn, or the Budweisers, as the case demands (no pun intended).
What a nonpareil of a civilization that is going to be.
Ugh, I can’t believe I went over to the spearhead, but I did really appreciate how they skipped over the part where Laura had to talk her dad into letting her help with the crops, the crippling winters where they spent all of their waking time grinding grain in the coffee-grinder, and my favorite part is how they don’t call Almanzo by the nickname he was known by his whole life: “Manly.”
The part where they skipped over how she and Manly didn’t actually want to have kids but since they’d had the fun and thus had to pay the price didn’t escape my attention either. They also skipped over the part where another couple tried to steal their daughter, I believe. Not reading it again.
Come the apocalypse, I’m pretty SOL. ‘Cause , well, can’t farm.
Not a lot of need for an office monkey when BEARS rule the highways.
The only people with survivial skills are tribal people. These MRA internet jockies will be the first to die.
Speaking of survival…
“They don’t know how to cook, how to clean, how to butcher livestock, how to till a field, how to cultivate crops, how to hunt game, how to fish, how to defend themselves in hand-to-hand combat, how to zero a rifle, ”
My mother can do all of these things, fyi. So can her aunt Sue (who has, in fact, shot and killed bears in her day). Rural poor and third world women can and do do these things perfectly well already. (fun fact, in many traditional US farming communities, “gardening” is almost exclusively the work of women and children, men tend to handle the big cash crop-corn, cattle, wheat,etc.-and women grow everything else and keep the small livestock, my mother’s “garden” when we were kids covered a good four acres, two dozen chickens, and several goats, with only herself and small children as labor) How does he think that women who don’t live in developed countries are living right this second? Also worth noting, those “illegal immigrants” are far more likely to have survival skills for a non-developed country living situation. These apocolypse fantasizing MRAs are those who have never actually lived in these communities or situations. There are older people in my home area who have lived without electricity and running water, their reminiscing sounds far less like whiney MRAs and far more like this:
When this fellow also learns how to pack a mule, mountaineer at 17,000 feet, do first aid, use manual carpentry tools (there won’t be any power after all), purify water (without a Brita filter), dig a latrine properly, make a fishing net, build a root cellar, weave cloth, sew clothes, irrigate fields, set up a grain mill, make a snare, ride a horse, stook grain…I might let him into my compound in that hypothetical apocalyptic future.
Some of us have done all of that (and more). In real life and not just in some RPG or SimWorld.
If the guy wants to talk about preparedness then he might better spend his time getting prepared rather than sniveling away on his computer.
Someone in comments above also wrote:
Farmers work in partnership with all members of their families and their neighbors when necessary or they don’t survive. They don’t have time to waste generally on frivolous rants about feminism, misandry, misogyny or the like.