evil women misogyny MRA pics

New meme: Men’s Rights Activist Marmoset

He’s an MRA, and a marmoset! And he’s the brainstorm of someone called Izy Day.

Check out the Tumblr blog, with many more examples.


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13 years ago


I called in Ashley to read what you just wrote. She playfully tugged at my shirt and said “Am I in danger…was I a bad girl”. Needless to say, you couldn’t even convince her. She also agreed with me and made the comment “Women use it to insult each other, men use it to get laid”. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Damn I love that girl!

Frankly, prior to Ashley. I just wanted to have sex. I only had so much time in the day, so should I spend it with prudish, unfunny women or funny, non-repressed women. My friends using the word slut was basically code for “She is fun, flirty and likes to have sex a lot”. The opposite of that would be “You will have to fight with her to keep a conversation going, she will yammer on and on about useless shit and she says she is saving herself for marriage”

Umm…tough pick…I will take the flirty one.

I don’t care if women want a committed relationship before they have sex. Because they aren’t going to get a committed relationship from me without having sex. I am not going to only see her, not have sex right away and exclude other women from dating because she wants to wait it out. I will let some other guy do the waiting. I am not playing her little power games.

Funny, because most of the IT guys I know are white, pasty and wimpy. I might be the first two (damn Irishness) but I am far from the third.

Also, when it comes to computers…we do know more than you. That is why you called us to fix the problem. And most of the IT problems can be expressed with one acronym PEBKAC.

13 years ago

She sounds imaginary. Sorry but she does.

13 years ago

Yeah, I’m not buying that Ashley ISN’T inflatable.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

And most of the IT problems can be expressed with one acronym PEBKAC.

Just as you can be expressed with this equation:


And seriously, a lot of your issues with these discussions are PEBKAC issues. In the same thread you contradict yourself continuously, asserting things which you subsequently contradict with new assertions. Dude, have you tried turning it off and on again? Are you sure it’s plugged in?

13 years ago

Brandon, you began this conversation about the using the word “slut” as a form of sex play with your girlfriend. It has jack-shit to do with the discussion prior to now, nothing to do with your appalling lack of intellectual consistency and disingenuousness fuck all to do with your continued inability to address salient points.

It’s a half-assed dodge, a juvenile deflection, and further evidence that, as other posters have warned me, you are both incredibly shallow and solipsistic. You can’t defend your arguments, or your contradictions of those arguments, and -as described by you- your girlfriend sounds like she’s about as bright as you are. So, good for the two of you. It has always been my fondest wish that couples find their best match.

And Brandon, I don’t care if you’re interested in commitment and I never said that I did. That was you reframing your original argument because you change your shit like traffic signals.

As for nonprofit IT guys, I don’t call you in to fix problems because it’s almost always faster to fix it myself. But I inevitably have to deal with you when I’m assigned a computer on the network to have access to existing drives, remote desktop log in, and a temporary email address. And it always takes you all four days to get it right. User error, indeed.

13 years ago

There is some atrocious misinformation about rape on that blog, lot of rape victims just erased.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

I’m in IT. MRAL is a kernel panic error, going along fine until suddenly the sh*t hits the fan. NWO is a frayed cable that should just be replaced but the user has decided to simply keep jiggling the cable in the hopes that it will last a little longer. (I’m not saying NWOSlave should be replaced as in eliminated; I’m saying his ideology needs replacing.)

But Brandon, you’re like an auto-update, continuously postponed by a lazy or confused user, who always selects “remind me later” and thinks that the annoyance of continuous pop ups is just normal and inescapable. When really, there are simple things to do to resolve this CRISIS quickly and easily.

13 years ago

Comrade Svilova, please do not take offense. I have a lot of different kinds of clients and have met a bunch of awesome IT folks. My mother earned an engineering degree but spent the last 20 years of her career doing System Administration. Much respect.

But when Brandon mentioned that he worked IT for nonprofit organizations, suddenly it all came rushing back to me. All the tech trouble I have when I’m working, specifically for a nonprofit and how many of the IT guys I’ve met in that environment seem to have such an ego. So this is me projecting, sure; but it seems so apt. It all makes sense now.

That said, your tech descriptions made me laugh!

13 years ago

Brandon: Some light reading.

Merriam Webster:

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

World English Dictionary

bigot (ˈbɪɡət)

— n
a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race

[C16: from Old French: name applied contemptuously to the Normans by the French, of obscure origin]

Example Sentences

* The bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract.

* Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.

* The sincerity of either man can only be doubted by the bigot and the fool.

Urban Dictionary

1. bigot

One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes).

2. Bigot

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning.

3. bigot

1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.
2) adj. bigoted: A bigoted person is one who is a bigot. Can also be used to describe an opinion.

1) I hate bigots.
2) Joe: Stupid niggers, always stealing my stuff.
Me: That’s a bigoted opinion, you bigot.

4. Bigot

A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion.

Bigot: Atheists and Agnostics and the religions that talks to fake gods are evil; i don’t care what you say!
Example of bigot: Dr. Ian Paisley

5. bigot

Oxford Concise: One who holds irrespective of reason, and attaches disproportionate weight to some creed or view. – Originated in the 16th Century

In other words, a bigot is someone who’s intolerant and prejudice, whether it be to another person’s quality (gay, jewish, foreign, etc.) or to their way of thinking.

He/she is a bigot
He/she is performing an act of bigotry
He/she bigoted

Wow… that’s what, seven definitions, including the OED, which don’t say a damned thing about it being limited to innate characteristics.

Which means I still think you are being bigoted.

13 years ago

Test: My last comment was moderated.

13 years ago

I like to be called a dirty slut in bed, but that doesn’t change the fact that referring to women as sluts in a derogatory way is a shitty fucking thing to do.

13 years ago

And I don’t have any idea why.

It was a list of definitions of bigot.

But… to the meat of things. Brandon, you are clueless. I can’t say stupid, so I’ll have to go with willfully obtuse, or self-centered to the point of being immune to facts, reason and the experience of others, leading to empathy fail of the first order.

That or you are so poorly educated that you actually can’t understand the things being said to you, because you twist and dodge like an old-fashioned kite in a gusty wind. You refuse to answer the questions posed about your actual words; even when they are quoted back to you. Rather you pretend the new things you introduce (as with your bedroom banter with Ashley being equal to what you call women you are gossiping about with your buddies at the bowling alley) are what was always being talked about.

Words have meaning. If you say something, be prepared to defend it; own your words. Be honest in your defense. Don’t pretend that some new thing = defending the old things. Don’t be surprised when people bring up past shit which relates to present crap.

Your reputation (like everyone else’s) is the sum total of all you have said.

The reason you get so little slack, is you’ve been a mealy-mouthed weasel. You’ve talked a lot of shit, and whined when people disagreed. You said what you said, and those with eyes can see. Those with mouths can (and will) speak.

You’ve made the bed you are lying in.

13 years ago

Ah… the definitions used the word.. n***g*r

Here is the comment again; with masking.

Brandon: Some light reading.

Merriam Webster:

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

World English Dictionary

bigot (ˈbɪɡət)

— n
a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race

[C16: from Old French: name applied contemptuously to the Normans by the French, of obscure origin]

Example Sentences

* The bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract.

* Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.

* The sincerity of either man can only be doubted by the bigot and the fool.

Urban Dictionary

1. bigot

One who is narrrowly or intolerantly devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices. This word is a general term that applies to everyone (racists, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes and xenophobes).

2. Bigot

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

Person extremely intolerant of others and irrespective of reasoning.

3. bigot

1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people. Examples include anti-semites, homophobics, racists, religious extremists of any religion.
2) adj. bigoted: A bigoted person is one who is a bigot. Can also be used to describe an opinion.

1) I hate bigots.
2) Joe: Stupid n***g*rs, always stealing my stuff.
Me: That’s a bigoted opinion, you bigot.

4. Bigot

A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion.

Bigot: Atheists and Agnostics and the religions that talks to fake gods are evil; i don’t care what you say!
Example of bigot: Dr. Ian Paisley

5. bigot

Oxford Concise: One who holds irrespective of reason, and attaches disproportionate weight to some creed or view. – Originated in the 16th Centuary

In other words, a bigot is someone who’s intolerant and prejudice, whether it be to another person’s quality (gay, jewish, foreign, etc.) or to their way of thinking.
He/she is a bigot
He/she is performing an act of bigotry
He/she bigoted

Wow… that’s what, seven defintions, including the OED, which don’t say a damned thing about it being limited to innate characteristics.

Which means I still think you are being bigoted.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: The key phase in that definition is “with hatred and intolerance”. I might have strong opinions towards this subject, but I don’t hate, despise or intolerant of “sluts”. In fact it is very much the complete opposite.

I just don’t feel the need to adopt your wording to describe basically the same thing. It doesn’t really matter if I use “likes sex” or “slut” or “whore” it is all describing roughly the same behavior.

Not answering questions? Oh, I didn’t realize “you arrogant asshole” was a legitimate question or is that Holly’s way of asking questions? In fact just to prove you wrong, I will pull every single question directed at me on this page and answer it for you…ok.

Rutee: What, is your day too busy to say “Yeah she’s open about relationships”?

That is about relationships…not sex. The better phase would be “Yeah, she’s open about having tons of sex”

Rutee: Fuck, Brandon, what won’t you rationalize?

Everyone rationalizes to a certain extent. I also don’t have any emotional conflict about this…I view the word “slut” one way and you another. Some people see it negatively, I see it in a much more neutral way. In fact I haven’t even been wishy washy on the topic. I am pretty much saying I use that word and commenters here are saying I shouldn’t. Like they are the word police or a speech cop.

Societal: Would you say that’s also why men are afraid of open relationships?

The quote you had above this was that men and women treat meeting each other differently. Women take a much more passive role and wait for men to approach them. So I don’t see what men’s opinions on open relationships has to do with what I said.

Shaenon: Wait, isn’t Brandon the guy on the other thread who can’t figure out why women don’t want to have casual sex with him?

They do.

Voip: You…really aren’t super-deep, are you?

About certain things yes…other things no. It depends on the subject being discussed.

Nobinayamu: You really don’t see the lack of consistency in your arguments?

No not really. I see it as all words are appropriate depending on who the audience is. With my male friends I am more forceful, blunt and vulgar. When I am around my family, I tend to stop swearing because of my little cousins and I don’t want them to be swearing at each other.

Pecunium: Because slut is so neutral, and “she likes to have sex” is too many words?

When used around my friends it is neutral and “likes to have sex” is boring and plain. Now the phrase “fucks like a jack rabbit” has a little more flair to it…or is it offensive to jack rabbits?

Societal: So Brandon, the conclusion then is that men and women both should just assume that ALL exchanges, from first dates through short-term-relationships to long-term relationships are POLYAMOROUS by default, until one of the pair suggests otherwise?

I don’t think you should make any assumptions when just meeting someone. Just spend some time together and talk and flirt. You know…get to know each other.

Donsie: Do you and your friends use “promiscuous, easy, slutty, whorish, fast, wild, loose, indiscriminate and a few others” to talk about your own behaviour?

I have called a few of my male friends man whores because they sleep around with practically anyone.

Holly: Well, actually I do. But if I say I don’t, free insult privileges, right?

Whatever floats your boat.

Nobinayamu: Is this how you act in real life?

I don’t know..I am known to be the cocky smartass around my friends though.

Nobinayamu: You get called on your points so you change the argument retroactively, attempting to gaslight the other person and deflect from the fact that you’re kind of a shallow, hypocrite?

Really? My position is 1) I use the word “slut” and 2) I don’t think negatively of “slutty” women and 3) I don’t feel the need to change my behavior because YOU get uncomfortable when someone uses “slut”. Trying to tell me what to say or not to say is you projecting your hangups on me.

That seems pretty well laid out statement.

Nobinayamu: You really do just cherry pick what people say don’t you?

If you think so…sure why not. Arguing that point with you is useless since you have already came to that conclusion.

Nobinayamu: And now this bullshit about how you talk to your girl… For what? To what end?

You brought up Ashley and that she was in danger. I mentioned a scenario where I called her a slut and she liked it…hence she is in no danger at all. She is very well taken care of.


That’s what I could find by searching for question marks. I also only answered the ones directed at me.

13 years ago

Brandon, you are truly as thick as an wall comprised of bricks made of willful ignorance.

13 years ago

“She is very well taken care of.”

For a figment of your imagination, that is.

Who wants to bet we get a post from “Ashley” talking about how wonnerful he is?

13 years ago

Everyone rationalizes to a certain extent. I also don’t have any emotional conflict about this…I view the word “slut” one way and you another. Some people see it negatively, I see it in a much more neutral way. In fact I haven’t even been wishy washy on the topic. I am pretty much saying I use that word and commenters here are saying I shouldn’t. Like they are the word police or a speech cop.

But the accepted usage of the word is demeaning. It’s like if you were the only person on the planet who wanted to call “blue” “fizzbin.” It can’t work that way.

Are you aware that (a) words receive meaning through social context and (b) beyond their function as signs which refer to objects (“denotation”), they frequently also have implications (“connotations”) which are picked up on in speech whether or not their users intended them? I’m not being sarcastic: these are honest questions.

13 years ago



Brandon, don’t you have anything else to do? And anywhere else to do it in? And anywhere else to describe it in excruciating detail in once you’re finished?

I’m feeling almost as tired as Nobinayamu is and not nearly as eloquent.

13 years ago

I just don’t feel the need to adopt your wording to describe basically the same thing. It doesn’t really matter if I use “likes sex” or “slut” or “whore” it is all describing roughly the same behavior.

So Slut = whore = non-perorative descriptor.

Not answering questions is more than just Holly.

I’ve re-read the Dudes Republic of China thread, all 697 comments four times.

You dodged a lot of of questions, on marriage, on contracts, on gold, on finance.

You haven’t answered my question about your asking for one single benefit to being married which you can’t duplicate.

You pretend you can use the word “slut” to mean, “likes sex”.

Then you qualify it to mean, “women who doesn’t care who she sleeps with.”

And you also pretend that it’s not at all a slur.

Just like the people who called me “murderer” and “torturer” didn’t mean anything by it.

Everyone rationalizes to a certain extent. I also don’t have any emotional conflict about this…I view the word “slut” one way and you another. Some people see it negatively, I see it in a much more neutral way.

Which is why you use it with your, male friends, but not with women.

When used around my friends it is neutral and “likes to have sex” is boring and plain. Now the phrase “fucks like a jack rabbit” has a little more flair to it…or is it offensive to jack rabbits?

It’s ignorant about jack rabbits. They have sex only when the doe is fertile.

13 years ago

Personally, I would love to see the the day when “slut” no longer has negative connotations, when its meaning in the larger framework of society implies nothing more then a passionate enthusiasm for sex, irrelevant of any moral considerations. And that’s not because I don’t think the way the word is most commonly used means anything bad, it’s because I see no reason why it should.

That said, today is not that day. And Brandon, as much as you might like to believe otherwise, using the word “slut” behind women’s backs as a way to indicate to your male friends where the “easy pickin’s”* are is not helping to usher that day in.

*I’m paraphrasing here, in case that wasn’t clear.

13 years ago

Are you aware that (a) words receive meaning through social context and (b) beyond their function as signs which refer to objects (“denotation”), they frequently also have implications (“connotations”) which are picked up on in speech whether or not their users intended them? I’m not being sarcastic: these are honest questions.

I wasn’t saying you didn’t intend to demean women, btw; I think the fact that you don’t say this to womens’ faces speaks for itself.

13 years ago

What’s ironic is that I’ve been in places (re-creational) where the use of the archaic, “coverslut” was perfectly correct; as a term for apron.

But the connotative aspect of 1: lowerclass, and 2: filth moved to the person, not the garment.

Which is why it’s not a neutral term.

13 years ago

Maybe I’m just the most boring, vanilla person on the planet, but I’ve had any number of conversations like this:

Me: We should have sex!

Husband: Yeah!


Husband: That was good sex!

Me: Yeah!

13 years ago

Katz, that doesn’t sound boring at all. I read it more as enthusiastic and fun.

13 years ago

I called in Ashley to read what you just wrote. She playfully tugged at my shirt and said “Am I in danger…was I a bad girl”. Needless to say, you couldn’t even convince her. She also agreed with me and made the comment “Women use it to insult each other, men use it to get laid”. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Damn I love that girl!