evil women misogyny MRA pics

New meme: Men’s Rights Activist Marmoset

He’s an MRA, and a marmoset! And he’s the brainstorm of someone called Izy Day.

Check out the Tumblr blog, with many more examples.


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Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

“When society makes it so men and women approach each other equally, then I will change my tactics of meeting women. When society tells women that “men approach”, men will come up with “shortcuts” to prioritize and use their time effectively.”

Would you say that’s also why men are afraid of open relationships?

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

Brandon, go here

And I will add to whatever I wrote there that men value commitment so much that they are unable to propose “open relationships” and “open marriages” to women.

13 years ago

Wait, isn’t Brandon the guy on the other thread who can’t figure out why women don’t want to have casual sex with him? Could it have something to do with the fact that, if they do that, he calls them names?

Nah, can’t be, because he only uses the word “slut” in the polite, respectful way! It’s not to hurt, it’s just to inform! Inform people of who the sluts are!

Oh, MRAs. Never change.

13 years ago

@Brandon I hope you’re not just a troll because I’ve taken the time to write a measured response to what seemed to be a reasonable (if, in my opinion, misguided) point. We’ll only make progress if we have a dialogue so in that spirit I reply with the following:

If you and your friends really aren’t meaning to be unkind to women then please don’t use those words. You may not mean them unkindly but the accumulated ill intent of such words sort of negates any neutral intention you have when you use them. So, if you want to talk about women who have somehow magically decided to subvert societal prohibitions on casual sex (but shaming with word like “slut”) then don’t use those same words on them. If you and your friends like more sexually free women then use lovely names to talk about what you seem to think is a pretty lovely attitude these women have to sex. Those words are bound up with several lifetimes of hate, inequality, and demonisation of women, just like lots of other slurs (I’m sure you can think of several) that just aren’t okay to use, however innocent your intentions, unless you are a members of the historically oppressed groups those words characterise because of the centuries of negative baggage they carry.

This leads me to the second part of your original post, about women slut-shaming. First of all, women are in the same society as you and your friends, so they absorb the same hateful messages and language for judging women who have sex outside of a monogamous relationship (or however a particular society defines it). Just because they’re women doesn’t mean they can’t spout the same patriarchal nonsense to try and control women’s sex lives! Also, refer to the point in my previous paragraph about subjugated groups using hateful language to disarm it of hate. In other words some women use those words casually and with friends to subvert the negative power of slut-shaming. If you hear women using those words hatefully, though, you could always point out that they’re just perpetuating anti-woman attitudes and that you think a woman should conduct her sex life however she chooses without people passing judgement on who many partners she has. Just because they’re women doesn’t give them special rights to police other women’s sex lives, but remember that they may be using those words for the edification of an oppressed group of which they are members, in which case don’t tell them off!

In summary, if you and your friends like women being happy to sleep (and just because she has been “easier to sleep with” for some guys doesn’t mean she will be for all, another flaw using world like “slut” to describe women as sexual agents) with you then don’t cal them horrible names for doing so, no matter how those names are indented by your friends.

I hope you take the time to read this although it’s long and consider it in the spirit it is meant.

13 years ago

Donsie: your concern is well-meant and your post is great, but I’m not sure how much Brandon cares about the vast category known as “people who aren’t Brandon.” Even when he cares about shit, he hasn’t developed a real firm grasp of the English language and all its tasty little nooks and crannies.

See old posts on this thread:
for details.

13 years ago

When my male friends and I use the word “slut” it really isn’t to be vengeful or hurtful. We use it to inform other men what girls are easier to sleep with than others.

And you still have no idea why we think you’re one of the most self-centered people we’ve run into here? You…really aren’t super-deep, are you?

13 years ago

VoiP: I think the rapidly evaporating condensation puddles on my front walk have more depth than Brandon. Probably less self-centered, too.

13 years ago

@Arielle: When society makes it so men and women approach each other equally, then I will change my tactics of meeting women. When society tells women that “men approach”, men will come up with “shortcuts” to prioritize and use their time effectively.

Well maybe when men stop calling women who seek sex in a forthright manner, without wanting commitment, “sluts, more women will approach.

You really don’t see the lack of consistency in your arguments?

13 years ago

@VoiP Thanks for you kind words about the post. I know it may well go unread — or read but unheeded — but sometimes I think it’s worth reaching out in the hope of bringing people round to your way of thinking. From some of Brandon’s previous posts it sounds like he’s got the wrong end of the stick about things but that he does try to think them through in his own way, unlike NWOslave and that crowd.

In any case, whatever comes of it, it was my good deed for the week.

PS – Marmosets FTW.

13 years ago

Donsie, that was a valiant effort, but our boy Brandon is a very selective reader and will most likely just pick a word or two to get het up over.

13 years ago

MRA whiner: Please have sex with me.
Woman: No, because if I do, you’ll call me a slut. I want to have sex with someone who won’t call me names.
MRA whiner: That’s not fair! I want to have sex with you AND call you a slut! This is misandry!

13 years ago

Brandon: When my male friends and I use the word “slut” it really isn’t to be vengeful or hurtful. We use it to inform other men what girls are easier to sleep with than others.

Because slut is so neutral, and “she likes to have sex” is too many words?

Maybe I should just call guys who like to sleep around, “jerks”. I don’t mean anything vengeful or hurtful by it, it just lets other people know they like sex.

13 years ago

When I use a word,” Brandon said in rather a scornful tone, “it means ‘What about Brandon?’- neither more nor less.

13 years ago

Sharculese, pure Humpty-Dumpty, Brandon is.

13 years ago

Pecunium: there’s already a word for guys who like to sleep around – studs, or players…

(ok, there’s also man-whore, but even that less-flattering term doesn’t have the connotations or the history behind it that “slut” or “whore” does).

I can’t put it any more eloquently than what others here have already said, but if we want women to be more assertive and open about their sexuality, maybe we should stop calling them names and shaming them for it.

13 years ago

@Donsie: There are hundreds of words I could use…and do. Let’s see: promiscuous, easy, slutty, whorish, fast, wild, loose, indiscriminate and a few others.

You also seem to be conflating calling a woman a slut and shaming. While certain men use slut as a way to insult women, my friends and I don’t look at women that like sex in a negative light. Slut is just 1) easy to say 2) most men know what you really mean when you say it. 3) the word elicits emotion

Also, I don’t call women sluts…I refer to them as sluts within my male social group. It is counter-productive to walk up to a woman and call her a slut.

Is there really a “lovingly word” that describes women who have sex frequently and with little regard to who they are with?

Strangely enough Roissy actually wrote an article that can better explain it:

@Pecunium: “She likes to have sex”. I can’t picture myself saying that. It’s so nonsexual and neutral. It lacks flair. Also using words like “slut” and “whore” around women (without calling them slut or whore) invokes a lot of passion in women. If I want to bore her to death, I will use your phasing. If I want to see her eyes light up with passion…I will use the words I want to use.


Lastly, I thought feminists were working hard to “reclaim” slut. Wasn’t that what the SlutWalks were all about? So if feminists are walking around with “slut” written on their shirts, banners and using face paint to paint “slut” on them…why is it somehow wrong for men to use the word?

13 years ago

Oh, the stupid, it burns.

13 years ago

It lacks flair.

Oh no sir, you are not a misogynist. Nope, nosireebob.

Except of course you just said that you use a shaming word with your friends because it has flair. Because you get a special thrill out of insulting a woman for having sex that you secretly disapprove of.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

From the article Brandon cited:

“These words are powerful because they strike right at the thermal core of a woman’s self-conception — they are reputation-killing words, and in the shark-eat-shark waters of the sexual market a woman’s reputation can mean the difference between getting pumped and dumped by the man of her dreams and getting him to commit. The best way to get a man to propose marriage is to be a virgin.”

Yeah, Brandon, that perfectly describes why you use the word “slut”: because you read Roissy and take his shit seriously. Maybe also why you think marriage leads to alimony and early bed death?

Brandon wrote, “Also, I don’t call women sluts…I refer to them as sluts within my male social group. It is counter-productive to walk up to a woman and call her a slut.”

and then

“Lastly, I thought feminists were working hard to “reclaim” slut. Wasn’t that what the SlutWalks were all about? So if feminists are walking around with “slut” written on their shirts, banners and using face paint to paint “slut” on them…why is it somehow wrong for men to use the word?”

Obviously you know you can’t go around calling everyone a slut like it was a value-neutral term, or you wouldn’t use it only among your “male social group”. The reason why the whole term has to be reclaimed was because it was and still is an *insult*, dumbass.

13 years ago

I thought you said you didn’t call women sluts and whores, so why are you using the words sluts and whores to “see her eyes light up with passion” (oh god, I’m gonna barf), if you’re NOT using the words sluts and whores except in your male social group?

Fuck, you are dumb. If you can’t see why people here call you a back-pedaling hot mess, you’re hopeless.

13 years ago

Brandon: What do you someone who uses one word to an “in group” about another group?


If the word is merely descriptive, not hurtful, why not use it around women?

If it’s equivalent to, “stud, and player”, I assume that (for the same reasons you don’t use slut to talk to women you want to have pleasant conversation with) you don’t refer to any of your friends as players, or studs; to their face.

And it’s interesting that you modified “easy” to “with little regard for whom she is with”.

Sounds a bit perjorative to me.

Humpty Dumpty indeed.

13 years ago

Our boy Brandon totally strikes me as dumb enough to use a certain highly bigoted word around people of color and wonder why they show such… passion.

13 years ago

Brandon seems to be following the “If black people call eachother n*gga, why can’t white people call them that?” style of logic.

13 years ago

Looks like I’ve been ninja’d.
First time for everything.

13 years ago

HA! Sorry ’bout that. 🙂