evil women misogyny MRA pics

New meme: Men’s Rights Activist Marmoset

He’s an MRA, and a marmoset! And he’s the brainstorm of someone called Izy Day.

Check out the Tumblr blog, with many more examples.


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Molly Ren
13 years ago

Pecunium wrote, “I’ve re-read the Dudes Republic of China thread, all 697 comments four times.”

I had to read that twice. I know you’re dedicated to debate, but that must have taken a heck of a long time. How’d you do it and still keep house? XD

Brandon wrote, “Frankly, prior to Ashley. I just wanted to have sex. I only had so much time in the day, so should I spend it with prudish, unfunny women or funny, non-repressed women. My friends using the word slut was basically code for ‘She is fun, flirty and likes to have sex a lot’. The opposite of that would be ‘You will have to fight with her to keep a conversation going, she will yammer on and on about useless shit and she says she is saving herself for marriage’.”

This is one of those times that I feel like Brandon’s never gotten out much, or talked with more than a dozen people his whole life. You know there are funny, chaste women out there and sluts who suck at conversation? It’s not really an either-or.

13 years ago

I also love love loooove how everything she’s into is “yammering on and on about useless shit.” God forbig you get interested in your interlocutrix’s hobbies.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Molly: Truth matters.

13 years ago

Molly: I’ve also read lots of things which were a lot longer, and I read quickly.

To be honest, I didn’t read each and every post. I skimmed to Brandon, then went back, if he didn’t quote.

So it wasn’t as hard to fit into making dinner, looking after my injured fiancée, do some unpacking, laundry, dishes, smack Pigley upside the snout, etc.

13 years ago

Right. If you exist in a subculture in which “slut” is generally used in a non-shaming fashion, why can’t you use it at women?

And also, btw, not all women who are non-slutty or even virginal are boring and stupid. Some of them are totally awesome people. It’s almost as if how much sex you have is entirely unrelated to your worth as a person.

13 years ago

Point being, there’s no reason “she likes having sex” should sound boring. It should like fun because, you know, sex.

13 years ago

Sorry I misread that. Kind of embarrassed now. *shame*

13 years ago

No, that’s more or less what I meant.

13 years ago

Yeah, I just feel like I took what you said at face value, without initially picking up on the point you were trying to make.

13 years ago

Jesus Tapdancing Christ on a Segway, how did Manboobz become the All Brandon, All The Time site?

13 years ago

@captainbathrobe: When MRAL got put on moderation.

13 years ago

We still have Piggy around here squeeling…

13 years ago

It’s because he is the one making the moronic arguments. NWO isn’t about, MRAL is being absent, or moderated to silence. Meller isn’t steady enough.

And… Brandon (on the surface) looks reasonable. More to the point, unlike the others (Piglet, NWO, Meller) his views are worse, because they are much closer to the mainstream.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“And… Brandon (on the surface) looks reasonable. More to the point, unlike the others (Piglet, NWO, Meller) his views are worse, because they are much closer to the mainstream.”

That sums up what freaks me out the most about him, Pecunium.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

For someone who doesn’t care what people think, Brandon has been investing a lot of time in trying to change what we think.

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