crackpottery idiocy man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Muvizu videos

Man Boobz Video 7: Split the country in half, men on one side, women on the other?

In this episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, new hosts Little Girl and Manbot Woman Hater 5000 discuss the views of an MRA who thinks all men should live on one side of the Mississippi and all women on the other.

Yes, those of you who regularly read the comments here know which MRA I’m talking about here: regular Man Boobz commenter and antagonist “Anthony Zarat,” who spelled out his simple solution to the whole man-woman thing in the comments here. Full text, and a link to the original comment, below.

Here’s what Manbot quoted from Anthony’s comment, which you can read in its entirety here.

[T]he separation of our species will liberate men and women from FEAR.

Women will be free from fear of INDIVIDUAL VIOLENCE.

Men will be free from fear of COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE.

Said another way:

Women will no longer fear the faceless man in the darkness.

Men will no longer fear the police officer of civil judge in the daylight.

See, better for everyone.

In my dreams, we divide this continent along the Mississippi. Men on one side, women on the other. Never to meet again. Free at last, free at last, free at last.

Made with Muvizu animation software.

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Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

An all male society would be like a cross between Lord of the Flies, Wall Street and an Adam Sandler film.

13 years ago

AntZ, I don’t usually pop out of lurking a lot these days, but as someone who views artificial wombs (and, to a lesser extent, VR porn) as a positive technological development, I have to say: You are not doing our cause much good. From what I recall earlier, you mentioned you were a scientist working on sound-based systems for cell deposition; that is a very worthy cause. Indeed, it’s so worthy that in my view, you would be much better served continuing to study that subject instead of wasting your time posting comments here. Not enough people view this particular blog to make your advocacy particularly useful in furthering our goals. You haven’t convinced anyone, even folks like Brandon, and especially not our host, to “abandon mangina-ism” and join the MRM, regardless of how pure your (purported) intentions may be. This simply isn’t productive.

As you yourself said elsewhere, At every opportunity, I will attack feminism, feminists, and the chivalry that underpins their hate movement. I will do this in whatever way I think inflicts the most damage — intellectually honest or not. While I won’t moralize to you about the “intellectually honest” part, I will assure you that you’re not doing much damage here at all. And you are definitely wasting a good deal of time here–you’ve posted more comments in the past week than I have in the past month. The time you spend posting comments about the virtues of artificial wombs or VR technology would be much better used to actually make that technology a reality. The however-minutes-a-day you waste lurking and posting here could be productively spent doing a little more research on your cell deposition technology, talking to other scientists to get them as enthusiastic about manufactured wombs and VR porn, or a wide variety of other activities which would actually further the cause of your MRM. If you want to “inflict the most damage” on feminism, you’re not gonna do it on a place like this.

This is, of course, assuming you’re telling the truth. As the quote above from you demonstrates, there’s no reason for anyone to take anything you say in good faith. You’re working on “cell deposition” technology? For all we know, this is just a lie you’re telling us because you think it’ll be “effective.” Your wife and kids? Made-up stories invented to serve your cause. And even in this case, I won’t argue with you or condemn you for not telling the truth. I will simply say that, again, if you want to “inflict the most damage,” this isn’t the place to do it. There simply aren’t enough people here and not enough traffic (this place is ranked somewhere around the 455,000th place on Alexa; for comparison Jezebel is somewhere around the 3,000th place) to make lying here an efficient use of your time and energy.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

Wanderer, big fish in a little pond and all that. He has said that he had 1 article approved for publication on a voice for men, the rest of his submissions rejected. He gets a handful of upvotes from the degenerates on the spearhead, here he gets a feature article.

Like you said, Most MRAs fabricate stories to get sympathy – someone I know got divorced and……. I got divorced and…. Or they will invent a girlfriend wife so they don’t come across as one of those virginal creepy MRAs (ie TAB)

13 years ago

The days of feminist hatred are numbered. How many years do you have left? Ten? Fifteen? Soon, women and men will be free of feminist hate.

Lead by example, Zarat. Go. You have almost everything you need and, in the internet, an incredibly powerful tool in gathering like-minded men to join you.


Pool your resources, purchase some land, create your society and show the rest of us how perfect it can all be.

You consider yourself part of a “…minority who are being oppressed near to the breaking point…”? Why are you staying? You have passports, you’re a working man with access to money, you are -according to you- horribly oppressed and chafing under feminist rule and the imminent threat of state perpetrated violence.

You can be free right now. Have the courage of your convictions.


Anthony Zarat
13 years ago


Thanks for your advice. I agree, nobody here is listening. Time to go.

As to your other suggestions, the going is slow.

VR is not my thing. I have to hope that someone else comes up with that. I don’t know anything about computers.

The other half will be tricky. I only work with tissues that have therapeutic potential. NIH is extremely interested in synthetic biology (more even than structural biology, I think), but they have no appetite for anything that is controversial.

Of course, after 5pm I do what I want with my equipment.

13 years ago

“Thanks for your advice. I agree, nobody here is listening. Time to go.”

Thank god in heaven.

13 years ago

Of course, after 5pm I do what I want with my equipment.


13 years ago

Flounce commenced! Will we see flounce achieved?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Eh, MRAs only listening to those like them isn’t a surprise.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, but yes, I do wonder whether he’ll stick this flounce. My money’s on no.

13 years ago

Rutee: Good luck trying to get that bet faded.

I’ll offer odds against him sticking.

13 years ago

Get the to a monastary, Zarat!

13 years ago


13 years ago

darksidecat: What have monks ever done to you?

13 years ago

WTF does a code of conduct for knights have to do with feminism?

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

“I always thought a bicoastal marriage would be swell. There’s almost nothing (maybe nothing) I find positive about marriage. Especially having to live with another person. Sharing a bedroom would be right out the window–I don’t sleep at all when I have to sleep in the same bed as someone else. Same room is similarly difficult. I have enough trouble falling asleep by myself.”

My ex-husband and I used to sleep in separate rooms most of the time because both of us are like that. That’s not why we got divorced however. I didn’t divorce him, I divorced his parents. He is still my best friend and we are considering getting back together after his parents kick the bucket.

13 years ago

“Of course, after 5pm I do what I want with my equipment.”


Lol, I can’t decide if I’m more disturbed by the sex implication or the secretly-creating-uteri-in-my-basement implication. Thank god I know that realistically AntZ is capable of neither. 😀

Francois Tremblay
13 years ago

I actually love this idea. There is a novel called The Gate to Women’s Country which is about a woman’s world where only women and gay men are allowed to live in cities. I look forward to reading it. Female separatism on the whole seems very appealing to me. So is forced abortion of future male children.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

Remember the Dear Woman video that the manosphere ripped on and said, “we’ll never see a Dear Man apology from women”?

Ask and ye shall receive:

13 years ago

The “realistic sex robots” angle has been thoroughly covered in Charles Stross’ Saturn’s Children. The upshot being that they take over and ban the creation of further “pink goo”.

13 years ago

Lol, I can’t decide if I’m more disturbed by the sex implication or the secretly-creating-uteri-in-my-basement implication.

Yeah, I kinda placed that in the “everything I never want to know about what AntZ does with his equipment after 5pm, and so won’t be asking” category.

13 years ago

Jesus, Societal Contract! It took me five minutes to realize that they weren’t being sarcastic. I’m actually still not 100% sure. Apologizing for sometimes expecting men to open the door and sometimes yelling at them for opening the door … well, I find it difficult to believe any woman who actually lived in the world could do that seriously. What — was the script written by an MRA?

13 years ago

Assuming (falsely) that this gender-separated fool’s paradise were actually possible, and considering how much body image is distorted and exaggerated in the media already, I wonder what these VR companions would end up looking like after a couple decades of neither gender having laid eyes on the other.

13 years ago

Assuming (falsely) that this gender-separated fool’s paradise were actually possible, and considering how much body image is distorted and exaggerated in the media already, I wonder what these VR companions would end up looking like after a couple decades of neither gender having laid eyes on the other.

As a faithful reader of superhero comics over the past 20 years, I don’t have to wonder.