crackpottery idiocy man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Muvizu videos

Man Boobz Video 7: Split the country in half, men on one side, women on the other?

In this episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, new hosts Little Girl and Manbot Woman Hater 5000 discuss the views of an MRA who thinks all men should live on one side of the Mississippi and all women on the other.

Yes, those of you who regularly read the comments here know which MRA I’m talking about here: regular Man Boobz commenter and antagonist “Anthony Zarat,” who spelled out his simple solution to the whole man-woman thing in the comments here. Full text, and a link to the original comment, below.

Here’s what Manbot quoted from Anthony’s comment, which you can read in its entirety here.

[T]he separation of our species will liberate men and women from FEAR.

Women will be free from fear of INDIVIDUAL VIOLENCE.

Men will be free from fear of COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE.

Said another way:

Women will no longer fear the faceless man in the darkness.

Men will no longer fear the police officer of civil judge in the daylight.

See, better for everyone.

In my dreams, we divide this continent along the Mississippi. Men on one side, women on the other. Never to meet again. Free at last, free at last, free at last.

Made with Muvizu animation software.

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13 years ago

AntZ: Is someone holding a weapon on you or someone you love, forcing you to read and post on feminist sites? If not, perhaps you should look into the concept of STFU?

13 years ago

AntZ, if you think we’re boring, maybe you should make some VR versions of us that spend all our time talking about separating men and women with rivers.

13 years ago

Would this make Minneapolis/St.Paul trans town? ‘Cause that’d be great. I never could figure which side of the Mississippi I was on.

13 years ago

Antz: It is remarkable how much you people can talk without saying anything remotely interesting, to me


And, if we were here for the purpose of entertaining you, that would be a valid complaint.

ATM, however, you are here to entertain us, so, if you don’t mind, some dancing please.

13 years ago

“It is remarkable how much you people can talk without saying anything remotely interesting.”

I know right! This whole post is about you, and people are talking about YOU! BOO-RING.

13 years ago

It is remarkable how much you people can talk without saying anything remotely interesting.

Yeah, we’re talking about you abusing, neglecting, and manipulating your wife. What a snooze!

13 years ago

Y’know, you laugh at AntZ (well, I did), but his idea would make a great George Saunders novella. And god knows we need more of those (well, I do).

13 years ago

Zarat, have you presented your ideas to any radical feminist separatists? I mean many MRAs, by your own admission, don’t consider your ideas feasible or desirable. You won’t discuss them with your wife so it’s safe to presume that you recognize that most men and women are not interested. The resident, evil feminists of this site think you’re ridiculous.

Perhaps you should present your dream to an audience that may be more receptive. There are, of course, no guarantees. But perhaps the denizens of “A Room of Our Own” might be interested, sans mockery. Perhaps MGTOW?

13 years ago

I think it’s remarkable how much Antsy has said while still being so far from reasoning based on evidence or, uh, reason.

13 years ago

He even went so far as to decide that in the continental United States, men would be east of the Mississippi River while women would be west of the Mississippi River.

Oh, glad that’s settled. I do get access to the Stanford archives after all!

It is remarkable how much you people can talk without saying anything remotely interesting.

Anyways, if I and all my dude friends don’t like the sound of your utopia, how long before the people who do agree with you, or are just morally fucked enough to be part of your hard core of assistants, decide to force us into compliance?

Your “plan” doesn’t involve how you’d move everyone, how they would eat, where they would live while they’re waiting to be rehoused, how livestock would be fed during the change-over, how factories would be kept going. That’s just handwaved away into the blast furnaces of your monomania. But without paying attention to such things, people die. Even if it were well-managed, a logistic problem of this scale—larger, I think, than any military operation in history—isn’t going to be pleasant. How many people do you estimate would starve to death, just during the migrations alone? Will those dead later be described as Martyrs to the Cause (good) or Our Enemies All Along (the bereaved won’t even be allowed to mourn)?

See, here’s the thing. You think you’re some unique visionary, but really dumb plans that are supposed to improve shit but only end up killing whole swathes of people are common. The past century was full of them. Your craptacular plan is not only wildly beyond the dreams of fantasy, but even if it were feasible it would produce a lot of human misery.

My only question is whether your VR-Topia will look more like a Romanian orphanage, or more like what Snyder described in “Bloodlands”.. Fortunately for us all, if you’re too cowardly not to bail on my question every goddamned time, you’re probably too cowardly to pull the trigger on this plan.

13 years ago

Ah VoiP, your rationality does rock my socks =)

13 years ago

But that’s the whole point of fucknut impossible plans. You can pretend they would have worked because you know they’ll never ever be subjected to real testing.

Can anyone explain to me why AntZ et al *don’t* do the MRA equivalent of “womyn’s land”? Nobody’s stopping them from buying up a ton of property in North Dakota or Wyoming or somewhere and running a guys’-only community.

13 years ago

Also, what about mating? Surely that is imperative the human race’s survival. I’d certainly question the quality of the results coming from an artificial womb…

13 years ago

“Can anyone explain to me why AntZ et al *don’t* do the MRA equivalent of “womyn’s land”?”

Cos they know they’d be laughed at.

13 years ago

Ah VoiP, your rationality does rock my socks =)

I’m no smarter than anyone else, I’ve just seen all this shit before. Seriously, you cannot swing a cat through the 20th century without hitting some douchebag who thinks he’s going to bring about the Golden Age but only succeeds in killing a whole lot of people.

13 years ago

I’m actually going to go with “Romanian orphanage” for the outcome of AntZ’s “plan,” just because i’m compelled by the image of:

a boy huddled on a rotting mattress in the dark—if he’s old enough to qualify for VR, he must have passed puberty, but his spindly frame looks no older than ten. The display helmet over his head hasn’t been maintained in decades, but it still manages to feed pale, jerky images before his eyes: bright water, a glimmer of sunlight, a reaching hand, nails red-tipped. He rubs his own arms to make it feel like someone is touching him and whispers what he’s been taught: “It’s better this way.”

13 years ago

@Joanna: but they’ll be in Manland far away from the laughing whores, so why would they care? I mean, if they were serious.

@David: it’s never really seriously, though. Which is dumb, because it’s not THAT hard to set up a corporation to buy the land and then sell shares, or whatever. Communes have been doing this stuff forever so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

It’s almost as if deep down they realize it’s complete horseshit, and the only way to keep the dream alive is never to try to make it real.

13 years ago

“It’s almost as if deep down they realize it’s complete horseshit, and the only way to keep the dream alive is never to try to make it real.”

So they whine on the internet instead =)

13 years ago

Zarat is a classic Internet warrior, i.e. lazy and cowardly. There are already people of both genders who work to minimize all but the most essential of contact with the opposite sex. Nothing visionary there. And, yes, like any other form of tantrum throwing titty-baby who can’t figure out how civilization actually works, he wants to take his ball and go “home”. Once again, wholly unoriginal.

If he had the courage of his convictions -if this entire idea weren’t little more than cowardice, wrapped in sci-fi, smothered in dumb ass- then he’d gather together like minded men and create his woman-free utopia. Little could be easier as multiple posters have pointed out. But just as that lazy ass NWO poo-poos the notion (and coincidentally the work) of organized boycotts by claiming that such efforts would be futile Zarathustra is wholly unwilling to sacrifice his own happy life and family to prove that his idea really is the answer. Sure the artificial womb and digital love slaves are a ways off technologically. But he has so many of the components necessary to create his vision.

What’s the hold up, Zarat? Get off my grid, gather some MGTOWs and show all of us naysayers!

13 years ago

“What’s the hold up, Zarat? Get off my grid, gather some MGTOWs and show all of us naysayers!”

I doubt he will actually face this challenge. Easier to be an armchair warrior than to actually do shit, and given the “effort” already espoused by folks like Zarat, they’ll just keep doing the easy stuff.

Now if you excuse me, I will blog on and on about making movies instead of working on making them. 😉

13 years ago

MRAs are all talk and no activist! Hahahahaha! Yeah… that was pathetic… >.>

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

I finally had a chance to see the video. Nice work, polished and professional.

13 years ago

@Nobimayamu: It reminds me of a conversation that will probably be familiar to anyone with kids:

“Moooom, can you buy me [thing]? It’s so cool and I really REALLY want it!”

“Hm, that’s kind of expensive. How about I pay you to do some extra chores so you can afford it?”

“Never mind. I don’t want it *that* bad.”