crackpottery idiocy man boobz fun time videos men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA Muvizu videos

Man Boobz Video 7: Split the country in half, men on one side, women on the other?

In this episode of Man Boobz Super Fun Time Video Party, new hosts Little Girl and Manbot Woman Hater 5000 discuss the views of an MRA who thinks all men should live on one side of the Mississippi and all women on the other.

Yes, those of you who regularly read the comments here know which MRA I’m talking about here: regular Man Boobz commenter and antagonist “Anthony Zarat,” who spelled out his simple solution to the whole man-woman thing in the comments here. Full text, and a link to the original comment, below.

Here’s what Manbot quoted from Anthony’s comment, which you can read in its entirety here.

[T]he separation of our species will liberate men and women from FEAR.

Women will be free from fear of INDIVIDUAL VIOLENCE.

Men will be free from fear of COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE.

Said another way:

Women will no longer fear the faceless man in the darkness.

Men will no longer fear the police officer of civil judge in the daylight.

See, better for everyone.

In my dreams, we divide this continent along the Mississippi. Men on one side, women on the other. Never to meet again. Free at last, free at last, free at last.

Made with Muvizu animation software.

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13 years ago

What a sad, pathetic man he is.

13 years ago

Which “species”, I wonder gets the Western, “half”, because that’s more on the order of 4/5ths.

13 years ago

I invite Anthony to go live on an island. Perhaps this one.

13 years ago

OTOH, perhaps Anthony’s solution will finally save us from the scourge of Cooties.

13 years ago

So this is after the VR/Robotpartner revolution, right? What I don’t understand…

– Why would any woman fear still fear men when they are all busy with their super hot, perfect VR wife?
– Why would men fear the police officer or civil judge? “I didn’t rape her, I was on a VR vacation with my robowife at the time, here’s the official logfiles with timestamps” and the discussion is over.

So, why still bother doing the actual physical separation? Who would care enough to actually organize it?

13 years ago

vacuumslayer: No, not the Seasteaders. I know them, and that’s a bad idea. Even worse if they adopt AntZ’ views in addition to the other crackpot ideas/cluelessness they have.

13 years ago

Hey David, where is Super Funtime Video One? I’ve looked for it on your YouTube and here and cannot seem to find it, though I can find all of the others.

13 years ago

vacuumslayer: No, not the Seasteaders. I know them, and that’s a bad idea. Even worse if they adopt AntZ’ views in addition to the other crackpot ideas/cluelessness they have.

I can’t help but wonder if there’s some overlap between MRA types and Glibertarians.

13 years ago

in that the basic premise is ‘laws that help other people while marginally inconveniencing me, a privileged white man are moral abominations’ the mrm is essentially a species of glibertarianism

13 years ago

I can’t help but wonder if there’s some overlap between MRA types and Glibertarians.

A large overlap. Going Your Own Way is strong in Libertarian land. They keep promising to Go Galt, yet never do. Kind of like how MGTOW keep promising to GTOW yet continue to whine about all those nasty wymynz that won’t sex them.

13 years ago

How about fucked up MRAs on one side, and normal people on the other. I think that’d work out best for everyone.

13 years ago

I think what makes his fantasies seem the most bizarre is how he’s actually planning out specific details. Not only did he come up with the idea of separating men from women, but he even went so far as to decide that in the continental United States, men would be east of the Mississippi River while women would be west of the Mississippi River. I’m not sure how he intends to divide everyone else in the world. I’m also not sure how anyone who isn’t cisgendered fits into his ideas.

I find it hilarious that he offers women our own separate but equal lady matrix in his VR dystopia,too. I can’t even get offended because I’m too stunned by how ridiculous it is. I might as well dream up a future where everyone is enslaved to a robot from Mars, and I reassure everyone that the Martian robot will be benevolent. How can you even give a rebuttal to something that absurd?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

How about fucked up MRAs on one side, and normal people on the other. I think that’d work out best for everyone.

No, not really. Americans complain enough about urban planning measures with the population distributed as it is. When you cram 99.999% repeating of the population into 50% of the space, it’s just going to get worse.


Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You know, I’ve heard a lot of men who’ve spent time in all-male or heavily-male environments–out at sea, in military settings, at logging camps–express great relief upon coming back to normal society and seeing women again. And it wasn’t all dumb lust; it was also, I think, some sense of living in a whole world and of women and femininity being part of that. Some of it was just plain liking having women in their lives.

Those poor deluded fools, huh?

13 years ago

Yeah. I was thinking that the vast majority of men would find this idea unfeasible at best and nucking futz at worst. Because, while many men may not be feminists, I do think the majority of them have a wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter in their lives whom they like/love/respect…even profoundly. So, yeah, I think for normal men this wouldn’t seem like a great idea.

13 years ago

A large overlap. Going Your Own Way is strong in Libertarian land. They keep promising to Go Galt, yet never do. Kind of like how MGTOW keep promising to GTOW yet continue to whine about all those nasty wymynz that won’t sex them.

I knew it! Oh, I wish they’d go Galt on us. *sigh*

13 years ago

@vacuumslayer: I’d rather they go to THIS island:

13 years ago

“No, not really. Americans complain enough about urban planning measures with the population distributed as it is. When you cram 99.999% repeating of the population into 50% of the space, it’s just going to get worse.”

Lol. You have a point. Maybe send them to a monastery or something then.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I knew it! Oh, I wish they’d go Galt on us. *sigh*

No, no you don’t. A few super rich are planning to create little rich-villes in the ocean where they can pollute to their little heart’s content and live free of all those laws that keep from financially enslaving peons. Pity the poor fools who go out in the second wave of employees (I’m betting the first will actually have decent contracts, as part of a sucker’s bet to trick the next wave into what is more or less indentured servitude).

In the meantime they’ll cause massive damage to ecosystems in the area, and we’re already killing off too many fish with the shitty laws we have in place now.

Notice how none of this is “ZOMG THE RICH WILL LEAVE WE’RE FUCKED WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT THE PRODUCERS” and is strictly focused on the *ACTUAL* effects of the departure of some super wealthy to a Galt’s Gulch. Hope they enjoy paying for even more industrial espionage security!

13 years ago

OK, fine. I call dibs on Hawaii. Y’all are invited.

13 years ago

Rutee: they’ve not even planned it out that well. It’s much closer to

Step 1: Move to Sea.

Step 2: Profit.

They are spending a lot of time/money (for various value of time/money) on Step Zero, the mechanisms of Profit, but it’s all founded on the myth of the “Rational Man”.

The thing is… they don’t really see any people doing maintenance in the equation. I can’t help but think (knowing them, at least a bit, and playing fly on the wall to some of the discussions they have/knowing whom they think will be of use [there is a strong overlap between them and “Less Wrong”]) that being less than rich is going to equal being less well off than you would be as a poor person on the mainland.

When Patri says, “if you don’t like it you can leave… who controls access to/from? What are the terms of the contract? What is the cost to leave? Who sets the wages? What are the costs for essential goods/services?

And… the big one the one they don’t talk about… how do they defend it? What is the source of defensive armament? What/whom are they paying to man it? How do they get End User Certificates?

There are any number of theoretically clean/green, ways to make money; all of which either depend on shore-based gov’ts being willing to look the other way (a la the gambling boats which used to be offshore of Calif.), or need some way to get hard to transport goods to shore (e.g. kite based wind generators in the lower jet-stream).

They aren’t really (so far as I can see) looking at the logistics of supply. Dirt is heavy, expensive to move and not likely to be easily obtained in the quantities needed to feed people. Absent self-sufficiency, blockade is trivial, which would negate pretty much any weapons they managed to purchase.

In short… pipe dreams. But, for the salesmen pitching it, profitable. It’s even better than a con-game, because it’s “honest”. They are providing what they promise for the money…. a think tank.

Which makes me wonder what Patri did to piss off Thiel.

13 years ago

Nothing says “free at last” like mandatory enforced segregation and “seperate but equal” doctrine.

Also, Sealand is for sale, those of you who are super rich and want your own country, go live there and leave the rest of us be.

13 years ago

“In my dreams, we divide this continent along the Mississippi. Men on one side, women on the other. Never to meet again. Free at last, free at last, free at last.”

Well, I’m 49, and my sell-by date has been passed. I never was the marrying kind, and I’ve always been at peace with that. As long as I get to stay on the West Coast, I am A-OK. So, divide away. Enjoy your robot hookers, guys. I get to keep the microbrews and the better grades of grass.

13 years ago

Operation Hell on Earth!

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

I am grateful for the free advertising. However, I feel compelled to point out:

This is NOT an MRM issue!

My proposed solution to the gender crisis have virtually zero acceptance in the mainstream MRM. In fact, my plans have more exposure here than on any legitimate MRM site.

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