idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rapey statutory rape apologists

MRA blog suggests a cooling-off period would make statutory rape ok

From Human Stupidity, an MRA blog rather obsessed with underage girls and the alleged evil of age of consent laws:

[I]f a 15 year old … can decide to have sex with a 16 year old … [h]ow come she cannot have sex with a 35 year old? Age discrimination by law?

Are you worried about manipulation of the tender 15 year old? I have a solution:

what about legalizing sex with underage adolescents, if they first undergo an hour of mandatory counselling and a 2 day cool off period? That should take care of this issue. This would guarantee safety for the 15 year old against being conned or manipulated. More safety that is offered to 21 year old tipsy Friday night party girls who may feel sorry for what they did yesterday

I think he might actually be serious here. Though  it’s pretty clear he’d be happy with any excuse to make it legal for 35 year-old men to have sex with 15 year-old girls.

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13 years ago

Brandon: The sentiment is NOT mutual, I assure you.

13 years ago

@KathleenB: How will I live?

13 years ago

As I have said before. I treat Roissy like a off color comedian. Most of his stuff is blah, but he has a few interesting posts.

That Hitler fellow had a few interesting ideas!

13 years ago

Brandon: I’m sure you will find some way to carry on.

13 years ago

@Cynickal: Comparing Hitler and Roissy is insulting.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Brandon, I have trouble seeing Roissy as “an off-color comedian”, but alright. What I *really* am curious is *how* you are an asshole to people, because for someone who doesn’t like Roissy, you still manage to sound an awful lot like many of his blog posts and followers.

You do know it’s possible to get laid like blazes without being a jerk, right? I am shy and geeky and awkward, and Holly is too, and we still get laid CONSTANTLY. Personally I put it down to finding groups of like-minded people who are also really horny, but ya know, that might be a bit too pervy for you to contemplate.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Oh, gawd, Cynickal, did you have to Goodwin the thread ALREADY? XD Let’s leave Hitler out of this.

13 years ago

Brandon: Comparing Hitler and Roissy is insulting.

That’s true. Hitler got things done, and is remembered, Roissy hasn’t, and won’t be.

13 years ago

Being a good man means you don’t go around purposely being mean to people.

That sets a pretty low bar. I’d say that’s the requirement for being not an asshole. It’s from approbatory.

I’d say being a good person means actively taking other welfare, feelings, needs and desire into consideration when making decisions. I’d probably say to be a really good person someone would actually have to try and accommodate others when making decisions.

So, it’s possible you aren’t an asshole, but I can’t say I’ve seen anything here which rises to the level of being a good person, and certainly not anyone to hold up as any example worthy of emulation.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

@Elizabeth: Having a child is not something that should be taken lightly. And if you are going to bring a child into this world, I think it behooves you to make sure you can look after the child properly. Expecting you or that child to have a decent life when you don’t have a pot to piss in, means you aren’t thinking about the welfare of the child…hence abuse.

You classist asshole. It’s not enough for you to irritate people by inventing your own definitions for words, you have to actually perpetuate hatred against the poor too. I’ve been ignoring the Brandon Pity Party but what the fuck is wrong with you? Poor people have even worse access to contraception, even less recourse when bad shit happens, and even if they did, it’s not abuse, by any sense of the term, to bring a child into less than ideal conditions; if it were having a child at all before we’ve eliminated -isms would be abuse.

Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

“If your partner doesn’t know about and doesn’t get any say about the other people you sleep with, that’s cheating, and the fact that they had a warning you’d do this (which I kinda doubt anyway; was this something you actually negotiated, or just a matter of “she should know what kind of man I am”?) doesn’t negate that.”

Well Holly, I told a guy (a few actually) that I had dated a few times and who really liked me that I’m not looking for exclusivity right now but would love to keep seeing him if he didn’t mind that I would also be seeing other guys, and he didn’t take that seriously. About a month later when I started dating someone else on the nights he worked, he got pissed.

He whined about how he had spent money and time on me and “this is the ‘thanks’ I get?”…..

Now who’s fault is that?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

If you *KNEW* he didn’t take you seriously the first time you said it, that would actually still be on you. Yes, you technically said it, but you didn’t make sure he knew it. I mean, he was still an asshole with the “time and money” thing, but… yeah if you knew he didn’t think you’d do it just… that does kinda seem like a problem on your end =/

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

I like the fact that Brandon thinks Black’s Law Dictionary is a biased resource to which he doesn’t want to have to refer when discussing legal terms.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


You have an obligation to pay taxes, which is enforceable in court, but citizenship is not a contract.

Except according to tax protestors.


@Holly: I should look into that…my own dictionary. I like it!

Or you could use the same one as the rest of us.

13 years ago

@Elizabeth: Having a child is not something that should be taken lightly. And if you are going to bring a child into this world, I think it behooves you to make sure you can look after the child properly. Expecting you or that child to have a decent life when you don’t have a pot to piss in, means you aren’t thinking about the welfare of the child…hence abuse.

Every state has some mechanism for taking away a child who is being abused-by your logic any woman (or couple) who are at or under the poverty level (Federal poverty level is $$10,890 for 2011) are abusing their child and the child should be forcibly removed from the parent.

Nor does your logic allow for those who were able to take care of their child because they had good jobs and then lost them. Because the second the family is poor, the parents are abusing the kid and should have them taken away regardless of the parents wants.

After all, if they wanted the children to stay with them, they would not have lost their job, amirite?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I’m still wondering if Brandon knows anybody who managed to get laid *without* being a jerk. The trolls always disappear when it’s getting good. XD

13 years ago

Comparing Hitler and Roissy is insulting.

To Hitler? Who cares about insulting Hitler?


Societal Contract
Societal Contract
13 years ago

Ruttee, I completely disagree with this, “If you *KNEW* he didn’t take you seriously the first time you said it, that would actually still be on you. Yes, you technically said it, but you didn’t make sure he knew it. I mean, he was still an asshole with the “time and money” thing, but… yeah if you knew he didn’t think you’d do it just… that does kinda seem like a problem on your end”

I made it clear to him in the beginning that this was not going to be exclusive. How I know he didn’t take it seriously was when 2 months later when I started to simultaneously date someone else, he got upset.

I did my part, I told him the terms of dating me. I never hid anything or pretended that I wanted a monogamous relationship at any point in our dating period.

When someone tells you that they like you a lot but they are not looking for commitment and they want to keep things open, BELIEVE THEM.

13 years ago

I actually meant insulting to the people that died under his regime. Roissy is just some random blogger…Hitler killed 6 million people. Saying they are even remotely connected in any way if ludicrous and insulting to the deceased.

@Rutee: Ya, I am a classist asshole that is in the SAME class. My income teeters between lower middle class and working class.

Lastly, I think it is pretty damn ignorant of you to expect people to approve of you bringing a child into this world when you can’t provide for it. Or do you expect others to care for your child? Maybe you feel it is your right to have a child and feel entitled to have one even if you can’t provide for it…hence shifting that burden onto family, friends and possibly the taxpayer.

@Societal: It’s his fault since you told him.

@Elizabeth: Who cares about the state? I am talking about principles (which the state has none since it is nothing more than a bureaucratic system with no consciousness ). I think you should not bring a child into this world if you can not feed, cloth, shelter, take to school and make sure they are taken care of medically (shots, vaccines, etc…). Having a child when you know that child will suffer or be malnourished is selfish, greedy and shows the parents as only caring about their own wants and needs instead of the child.

People fall on tough times, there is no disputing that. There is a difference between a family that decides to have a child when their finances could afford one. It is a different story when two unemployed people make a decision to have a child.

@Molly: For one, I am not attracted to shy, geeky and awkward women. So what works for your social circle might not work for mine.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I made it clear to him in the beginning that this was not going to be exclusive. How I know he didn’t take it seriously was when 2 months later when I started to simultaneously date someone else, he got upset.

Then you didn’t know at the time and I don’t think it’s on you at all. That was an If for a reason.

@Rutee: Ya, I am a classist asshole that is in the SAME class. My income teeters between lower middle class and working class.

What’s your point? You think the poor can’t be classist? Think again. That’s like thinking women can’t be misogynist, or gay people can’t be homophobic, etc. And after all your bragging about how awesome life is for you, I don’t believe you anyway, but that just isn’t an actual defense. You’re perpetuating bullshit that hurts the poor, so you’re classist.

Lastly, I think it is pretty damn ignorant of you to expect people to approve of you bringing a child into this world when you can’t provide for it. Or do you expect others to care for your child? Maybe you feel it is your right to have a child and feel entitled to have one even if you can’t provide for it…hence shifting that burden onto family, friends and possibly the taxpayer.

Does this lesbian thing just not click to trolls? I don’t even want children; I hate the little creatures. But if I didn’t think people had a right to have kids, I would be campaigning for birth restrictions mandated by government, for totally unrelated reasons. As it is, it’s considered a right.

I didn’t say you necessarily had to approve; but you SPECIFICALLY STATED IT WAS ABUSE. No. Unideal conditions are not abuse.

13 years ago

@Rutee: Oh was being a lesbian an important trait I should remember about you?

It’s abuse when you have malnourished children. You don’t have to buy the kid top of the line stuff, just provide a bed, food and clothes…and you know an interest in their education and medical needs. If you can’t provide the basics and the child is suffering needlessly…than that is abuse.

13 years ago

Brandon, The Spindizzy:

Expecting you or that child to have a decent life when you don’t have a pot to piss in, means you aren’t thinking about the welfare of the child…hence abuse.

I have little sympathy for people that have children when they know they can not afford them or reasonably take care of them…it’s borderline abuse.”

I am talking about principles … I think you should not bring a child into this world if you can not feed, cloth, shelter, take to school and make sure they are taken care of medically (shots, vaccines, etc…). Having a child when you know that child will suffer or be malnourished is selfish, greedy and shows the parents as only caring about their own wants and needs instead of the child.

… There is a difference between a family that decides to have a child when their finances could afford one. It is a different story when two unemployed people make a decision to have a child.

Yep… poor folks who have kids are, ipso facto abusive in Brandon-Land.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

Rutee, I agree that the trolls seem kerflummoxed by us gay ladies, but the wanting-a-child-thing isn’t just for straight women. My girlfriend definitely wants kids.

And it may be that one of us will take time off from work or cut back at work to care for them … or we might decide to take jobs with flexibility or complementary hours/responsibilities … or we’ll find another way. Because we’ll actually talk about it and decide together.

I’m always amazed by how many MRAs and related folks don’t seem to believe that couples can reach mutual agreements on issues.

Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

And, also, amazed by how many MRAs don’t realize that lesbians actually date women, and thus we really, really know that women are not some crazy, high-maintenance, hive-mind who are horrible to spend time with, romance, court, date, cohabit, and live with. I dated a high-maintenance women very briefly. It wasn’t going to work. I found a woman with whom I’m compatible. Don’t gasp too loudly now, it was really as easy as that!!

These things, they are actually things that happen in the real world!

13 years ago

Comrade Slivova: That doesn’t happen in the real world… there are no MEN.