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“Feminism was born out of a PR campaign to get women to smoke cigarettes” and other fun “facts” from Reddit

Typical feminists, according to Reddit

A redditor called fxexular has put together an amazing compilation of fun “facts” about feminism from assorted Redditors. It’s a bit like reading the descriptions of an elephant offered by six blind men who are also drunk misogynist assholes. Among my favorites:

feminism, at best, focuses on relatively trivial female issues instead of grotesque male issues and at worst is pure man hate.

feminism. Where the most privileged people in society can whine about their “oppression of opulence.”

Feminism is about strong males using law to further marginalize weak males.

The ruling class uses feminism as a tool to keep men, young men and boy’s down

It’s like pissing in a bucket of water – piss enough, and you’ll dilute the water to mostly piss. “Feminism” is a bucket of piss these days, from all the crazy and ignorant that attached to it over the years, especially the past decade when it became a fad.

feminism destroys men’s confidence and sense of satisfaction in being male.

every feminist is a abuser or a abuser apologist or a shield for other abusers.

Feminists don’t even think of men as human.

Most women and feminists view gay men as accessories.

these feminist nut cases have only one goal: total female supremacy at the expense of men. Fuck every last one of these haggard harpies. Fuck ’em all.

I used to hold doors, I dont anymore. I just let it slam in the face of whoever is behind me b/c I have been publicly embarrassed by many a feminist for being polite.

Feminists are like witches, but this isn’t the The Land of Oz, Dorothy. There are no “good” feminists.

Brainwashed weak feminist men are a favorite of feminists. They don’t treat them very well, but they use them to great effect.

i’m mad as hell at the way men are treated by the feminist gynecocracy

The people who dismiss /mr are like abusers; they’re looking for any excuse to piss all over something they know is logical and true because they can’t handle it emotionally.

Many feminists do hate men and want to emasculate them. While I’m thankful for the few who don’t I feel that their silence allows the groups like NOW to exploit men and women alike for their own aims.

I know it sounds good to believe that feminism was always about equality but go and read up on the first wave suffragettes. They were basically domestic terrorists in many cases.

The feminism of the 60’s also lead to the vitriol hatred of men.

I suspect that the butt-ugly women who started feminism in the 60’s were confronted for the first time with an efficient mating market (after the sexual revolution), and they couldn’t stand “losing” to the pretty girls

[Feminists’] entire shtick is to repeat misinformation and when that fails bust out the unsubstantiated personal attacks

Yeah, no irony there!

I think this one is my favorite, though:

I will never socialize with feminists after I learned the darkness of their philosophy.

Most of these quotes are from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Every quote in fxexular’s list that I went to look at in context had gotten more upvotes than downvotes. So they must be true!

EDITED TO ADD: Oops! Forgot the link. I added it above. And here is is again, just in case.

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13 years ago

My new gender identity is ?. JSYK.

13 years ago

Women suppressing and repressing their very personhood, out of deference to men, are REAL, whilst women who do not are FAKE. FAKE women are just rebelling against their “true” nature…that being, if men don’t decree it and enact it into law in order to ensure it, it isn’t natural.
Logical and reasonable.

13 years ago

To be fair Pam, Meller did suggest that in the future, cyborg-women programmed to interface in the ways he deems acceptable will also be considered “real” women.

So… there’s that.

13 years ago

Ah, so to be considered “real” does not only consist of acting unnaturally it may also consist of being artificially built. Interesting.

Also, since being “fair” might imply an “equality” of sorts…and since equality is a bad thing…I think I’m going to endeavour to not be fair.

13 years ago

DKM does know that women in disguise served in lots of armies, yes? He’s also erasing the women in support roles from both world wars (Land Girls, VADs, etc in ww1 and WACs, WAVEs, and women in places like administrative support and intelligence, not to mention women leaders of several resistance cells across Europe in ww2).

13 years ago

DKM, you have freedom of speech, not freedom from criticism. Also, the Gorgons were badasses, so I’m really not feeling the insult on your comparison.

13 years ago

DKM, it is interesting that you list Rommel amongst the generals that did not need more women on the front lines, considering that in the Spring of 1944 Rommel used women in the so called “West Wall” air defense line of Germany.

More telling however are the 20th century military commanders that you did not include in that list; Zhukov, Popov, Chuikov, Malinovsky, Rokossovsky, Trần Văn Trà, Trần Nam Trung, Ben-Gurion, and Rabin, all commanded forces that included a significant minority of women serving as front line combat troops, they were all on the victorious side of their respective conflicts.

13 years ago

Yeah, DKM, you don’t get to define what women means. While I may or may not be many or all of the things you list as being essential to women (hint, many if not all) it doesn’t mean I don’t still have a mouth and a brain, and working fingers. You object to women having mouths, brains, and fingers and publicly disagreeing with you. Because of your awesome dong I assume, because evidence of you having a brain is not really there.

But hey, keep insulting us directly to our faces while insisting that because you’re using “polite language” to tell us we’re not people, and we’ll keep telling you to fuck off and die in a fire. Or, you can fuck off using a dead porcupine covered in tobasco rectally. There is no way I’d want to be one of the pet/slaves you envision, regardless of the softness of my skin, my love of pigtails, my joy in play, or my love of quiet.

13 years ago

You object to women having mouths, brains, and fingers…

No, I don’t think he objects to women having those things, what he objects to is women using them for purposes other than their naturally intended, God-given purpose… giving men blowjobs, thinking about giving men blowjobs, and unfettering the almighty cock for to be given a blowjob.

13 years ago

But if I’m a fake woman, what am I?


Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

What an odd little man is DKM.

13 years ago

Too true, Captain. I have to say though, he’s really doing an excellent job helping to reaffirm my belief that feminism is still desirable, relevant and necessary.

13 years ago

man-hating, androgynous, unisex, bitter, and angry FEMINISTS

Hmmmm… no, no, no, kinda, fuck yeah, and FUCK YEAH! Does that answer your question?

I would really like to know, DKM, how you get from my frequent mentions of my amazing and awesome husband who I love very much to me hating men. Really, it makes no sense. Who appointed you arbiter of reality, anyway?

13 years ago

He’s clearly self- appointed.

13 years ago

would really like to know, DKM, how you get from my frequent mentions of my amazing and awesome husband who I love very much to me hating men.

Obviously you hate him most of all. So you spend every moment of your day making him miserable until you drive him to an early grave and feed upon his liver.

Or something like that.

13 years ago

Obviously you hate him most of all. So you spend every moment of your day making him miserable until you drive him to an early grave and feed upon his liver.

MY PLAN! My beautiful plan, how could you know?! Now I’ll need to come up with a new dastardly deed!

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


To be fair Pam, Meller did suggest that in the future, cyborg-women programmed to interface in the ways he deems acceptable will also be considered “real” women.

So… there’s that.

Was there a DKM/AntZ crossover I missed?

13 years ago

Hershele: Not really. AntZ wants VR women, Meller wants robot women. Totally separate projects.

13 years ago

Alexander of Macedon, Julius Caesar, Hadrian, Nebuchadnezzar, Alaric, Attila, Tamerlane, Genghiz Khan, Magellan, Pizarro, Cortez, Napoleon Bonaparte…all the way down to the XX century, like Rommel, Patton, Pershing, MacArthur…ALL led 100% MALE armies into battle,

This is entirely incorrect. In the first place, until army physicals started in the 20th century, it was relatively easy for women to pretend to be dudes and fight.

But your use of Central Asian steppe nomads in particular (Attila, Tamerlane, Genghiz Khan, ) is weapons’ grade dumb, seeing as these cultures had women warriors. It’s in Herodotus for fuck’s sake. How could you not know this?

Scythian and Sarmatian women fought:
According to Herodotus, Scythian girls weren’t allowed to have sex until they had killed someone.

Mongolian women fought:
and Ghengiz Khan’s female descendants ruled his empire for a while

13 years ago

I’ve got a comment in moderation, but I just want to reiterate that three out of DKM’s examples were from steppe nomad cultures, in which men and women were both combatants. Attila, Tamburlaine, and Ghengiz Khan all led mixed-gender armies into battle. Given what we now know about Northern European women fighters, (, Alaric probably did as well.

Also, before the invention of modern logistical support, women were involved with every step of an army’s movement.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Given the extent to which feminism has polluted the other social sciences, including history, anthropology, and archaeology, youall will forgive me if I don’t accept your citations of amazon-type female “warriors” at face value. Women WERE involved with every step of an army’s movements, but in a largely domestic capacity, caring for food clothing and shelter supplies, probably meal preparation, sewing, and so on.

There are also other ways, especially in between battles, in which women would have been of interest to soldiers (and their commanders) in the ancient world, but we already went into those, didn’t we? Unfortunately, feminism sheds little light on these vastly more likely and plausible services which women may have rendered the armies cited above!

David K. Meller

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Herodotus: Totally a feminist subversive spy. OH ho ho ho ho ho ho

You are stone cold stupid, DKM. Bias isn’t that easy; you have to actually examine the research methodology and find a potential confound, then demonstrate that it WAS a confound with research. You’re kind of fucked in doing this with history, because historical methodology is examination of primary sources. The primary sources say women fought, and in some cases women lead. Boudica beating the shit out of the romans is kind of historical record dude. Claiming that women polluted the social sciences doesn’t actually prove them wrong. You do this a lot.

13 years ago

Shorter DKM:

Only men get to define what is objective reality for everyone for all time. Since I am a man, any evidence to the contrary of what I want to believe is necessarily pollution.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“There are also other ways, especially in between battles, in which women would have been of interest to soldiers (and their commanders) in the ancient world, but we already went into those, didn’t we? Unfortunately, feminism sheds little light on these vastly more likely and plausible services which women may have rendered the armies cited above!”

Aww, DKM thinks we’re ashamed of prostitution. I thought all feminists *were* whores according to you, DKM! 😉

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